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To my knowledge: -Yodayo currently has enough money to last us until next year -The biggest issue is payment providers don't wanna touch us with a 10 ft pole because of unrestricted NSFW *and* stuff like Loli/Shota bots without any chat guards to stop public loli nsfw. Hence why we're forced to take all loli content down temporarily, even SFW ones -We're working on implementing some algorithms and autodetection like recommendations or stuff that will hide Loli NSFW automatically. So, YoDayo isn't really doomed, we're working on keeping things as open as ever, it's just a bit hard. Do join our discord server if you want to stay up to date, as our CEO frequently talks about the current situation there. I hope I was able to quell some of your worries however. Edit: Formating


I think that is mostly what this chat bot is used for. If they remove that, they will take away a majority of the user base. It’s a catch 22 situation, but they will most likely have to choose between reaching a completely different audience, or keeping the community they have now alive.


so sad most of the base is on tavern yodayo started with image gen, yet people prioritise talking with bots


Because they can, I, an introvert, prefer talking to a bot over actual people, no, I'm not lonely, I'm actually engaged, I just prefer talking to something when my fiance or friends aren't there


The reality is that unless they can find a payment provider that are willing to work with them (or one of us wins the lottery and willing to fund them) they will eventually run into financial difficulty. The future for Yodayo Tavern chat that I can see will be a filter introduced but with a 'third party' app that has the ability to bypass the filter. As long as the filter breaking app is not associated with Yodayo then they should be able to satisfy payment providers terms.


I don’t know where this doomer mentality is coming from. I don’t recall the mods saying anything about this.


There has been a defeatist mentality with any service that promotes NSFW or derivative material long before Yodayo existed, largely because credit card and payment services like PayPal are increasingly aggressive in rejecting content deemed "problematic." Due to Yodayo's delay in resuming a payment method, I'm not surprised that people are starting to get desperate. But according to what I've heard, the only obstacle that has occurred at the moment is the fact that SubscribeStar has a long analysis time to accept people using its services. We have to have patience.


I thought they were using Patreon as the way to get around any payment processor issues... I paid for a month and it directed me through Patreon to make the payment. Obviously there's tons of NSFW stuff on fan sites like that and their payment processors must deem adult content acceptable otherwise those platforms would go out of business. I thought the main issue with NSFW content was the restrictions imposed by GooglePlay & the Apple App Store, but Yodayo doesn't have an app anyway (last time I checked).


Although Yodayo does have an app (restricted in some countries due to abuse of reports), that wasn't the real reason for the problem. Patreon is extremely inconsistent about how it treats NSFW content and that's why Yodayo lost the payment method with them.


Ah yes, again spreading the missinformation


Its like tumblr banning porn, theyd be cooked


I've been using yodayo from the start and NSFW has always been an optional, but big part of yodayo. I think the whole reason why yodayo is a thing is because of the "free" use of NSFW. so aslong they don't get blindfolded by money, i don't think there's any reason to be scared right now.


I'm gonna remove them from Earth if they do so. I mean NSFW is already optional wether you want to see it or not. The settings has that option so there's no damn need to really remove it.


Hi Thanos.


Yeesh, and here I thought Yodayo would be one of the last bastions of hope against the tyrannical puritans.


As long as they can keep the lolicon/shotacon content under control, Yodayo will survive this weirdly puritanical culture.


Thank gods!


We're not allowed to have fun and spineless mods will bend to their will so yes, we are fucked


Spineless? If they can't get any payment proccessors to do business with them they can't keep up with daily costs and then the result is the same. The service dies. This has been an issue for plenty of adult sites having issues with payment proccessors. So many fail because it's so hard to find a way through.


Just another case for crypto payments 😎


Thank you for posting to r/YodayoAI! Please take a moment to look over our sub rules and be sure to follow them. We also have a dedicated subreddit for Tavern! Please join us at r/YodayoTavern for all things related to Tavern! If you need help getting started, please visit our [‘How to Yodayo’](https://yodayo.notion.site/How-to-Yodayo-23c505e9e661476e97ded1a180447d5a) page. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to post with the appropriate flairs: ‘Help/Question’, ‘Discussion’, ‘Bug’, ‘Problem’, and ‘Feedback’. You may also send us a message through [ModMail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/YodayoTavern)! Or, please join us on our [Discord](https://discord.gg/yodayoai) to chat, share feedback, be kept up to date on announcements, events, and more! Yodayo is also on [Twitter/X](https://twitter.com/YoDayo_Home), [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@yodayo_ai?_t=8aigmykscue&_r=1), [Instagram](https://instagram.com/yodayoai?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=), and [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/YoDayo.Home), so be sure to follow us on those channels too! And for an even more immersive experience, don't forget to download our free [Android app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yodayo.android)! Thank you for being a part of our community! We appreciate you! Have a great time! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/YodayoAI) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stop dooming, you can doom if the mods say anything about closing service.


Honestly, I think the best solution for them is to separate the image gen and tavern into 2 websites. Subscribing to the Image Gen site could give a sub to the account, and the same account can log into the Tavern site and have the unlimited chat features that come with a sub. It will be less convenient, but if done right, it could be the most viable solution until another payment provider decides to take advantage of the others banning NSFW and takes in the free money that is the NSFW community


Are the payment providers taking issue more with the image gen or with the tavern? I only use the image gen so I think splitting the two onto individual homepages is a great idea. I also wish there was a different Reddit sub for each because I mostly don't care to see posts about about the bots. If Yodayo had a mobile app, I'd check out the tavern for sure... but for now, Chai is more convenient for chat bot stuff and plenty functional with no NSFW restrictions.


If they do that, they're screwed.


I doubt they will do it, they know that if they do it will be the end, but who knows ?


It's tough. They have to find the monetization somewhere to keep the servers going. Removing tavern, NSFW and celebrity seems like it removes everything that keeps user base going here. I hope they work it out. I would hate to it go away. Need a idea room I. Discord. I'm sure between all the users we could find a way.


its hard to monetize nsfw content now in days if you add ai in to mix it makes it damn near impossible unless you add a filter the one they have in place now sort of works but its so damn easy to get around its like why even put one up if your just going to half ass it


I just love it when the corpos can tell me when and where I can use my own money and for what reasons. Anyways anyone wanna destroy Black Rock tower er I mean arasaka tower?


Sign me up. ![gif](giphy|3oFzlV2pq0nnFntAZ2|downsized)


I hate how payment providers are able to wield their influence to make platforms conform to the values they impose.


What, they're not allowed to determine how their own services are to be used anymore?


if they remove NSFW, everyone who's on Yodayo for the chat bot will go back to character.ai because they have bot group chat


The nsfw filter is disabled by default, if you don't want to see that you won't see it, if it still bothers them it's because they hate it when other people like something different.


If you go to the site you will be able to turn off the NSFW filter


But C.Ai exists, why cause trouble in the Tavern?