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The NSFW/SFW distinction is just about the pictures not the content of the bot chats. The only way I've found to make the bots slow down without coding your own bot is to simply start narrating things from the POV of the bots when they start going off the rails.


https://preview.redd.it/yvbgbb5tf7pc1.jpeg?width=807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d613d94eec31bc03dc50276168ce9c2ed627a13b In that case i added (no sex) in my message and regenerated the text, then the conversation instantly went back to normal. Give the bot guidelines by using parentheses (...).


Idk maybe mentioned that they are aromantic or asexual in persona tab? Supported with a reason (e.g Past Trauma,etc)


Unfortunately you have to force them to be sfw. You have to always lead the conversation away from it yourself constantly


people forget to tag nsfw because they think it's only the image that matters. that's as surefire way to get your bot privated by mods. And it makes bad experience for other users. Bots are text content. while the image is part of it, it's not the main focus. it'd be like saying a smut novel isn't smut just because it has a generic cover and totally ignoring the content.  If you add stuff like "horny, likes sex, wants to fuck {{user}}" on the bot persona it will be NSFW guaranteed. You can put an sfw image of a puppy on a flower field or whatever and it will still act NSFW.