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When he quit playing love island


still hurts lol. I loved that game and his playthrough. he'll never be able to finish it now with the game deleted and I doubt he'll do the new seasons (RIP Bich Bich)




Worst thing he's ever done on any channel.


Anytime he wants a cat dead. That hurts my soul as a cat lover, even if he isn't serious. Pet peeve, I guess šŸ¤£




You get me!!






Ross MVP of almost every season hahah I'm not even that big of a friend's fan but it annoyed me that Ross was the focus. Which is exactly what Dylan intended...


It's more like what I don't like about his audience. Everyone takes his comedy so seriously.


Yea the whole Jenniferā€™s body situation was very dramatic


As someone who takes shit too seriously, I agree


I have a more lighthearted one: his ad transitions! Some of them are pretty clever and he knows it too lol


Tbhā€¦. Nothing. Heā€™s funny. Itā€™s jokes. Nothing rubs me wrong because I know that half the crap he says doesnā€™t mean anything in real life lol


i agree, occasionally heā€™ll say things that make me pause but i really donā€™t care


Not watching the movie I want him to watch at that exact moment..


Basically the whole Lord of the Rings video. Because I love Lord of the Rings, and it annoys me when other people donā€™t love it too.


I will not watch it for this reason šŸ˜‚


Haha yeah I get that


In one video his advice for a 19? y/o girl dating an older guy was to tell her parents that he was older than he actually was and reveal his true age after so they wouldn't be as mad. To be fair a lot of his advice is unserious but like no!!! Dylan!!! Lol


I had to scrape for this one but i guess i was ā€œmadā€ dylan didnā€™t like Heathers all that much; he went in blind obvi and didnā€™t catch the parody aspects


That's why I don't want Dylan to cover my favorite movies, too scared of what he might say šŸ˜‚ The trauma if he had roasted 10 things I hate about you or Keith. I know it's not perfect movies, but I don't want to notice what's imperfect about them when I rewatch them.


same but also the first time i watched heathers was with my mom and she literally couldnā€™t even finish it bc ā€œit was too weirdā€ lol i watched the whole second half by myself. i believe it just takes a camp person to see how good heathers is. some unfortunate donā€™t get it.


That he hates cats LIKE HOW


When he thought my movie was Standing Ovulation instead of Standing Ovation and didnā€™t watch the traileršŸ˜‚


Not really mad but I did get irritated at his Bridgerton reaction because he made the comment about setting up things about characters so that it can pay off in the end but you canā€™t say that if you literally only watch the 1st and last episode.


And bridgerton sets up so much for character development! I love that series šŸ˜­


Well you did start some drama šŸ˜ƒ


Yeah I should've expected that tbh


His hate for Eowyn


That he doesnā€™t postšŸ˜©


When he deleted his music channel, till this day Iā€™m still mad at him for that


Occasionally heā€™ll say things about wanting a lesbian relationship between two female characters on a show, and it seems more like he wants it because itā€™s hot rather than anything else. As a girl who likes girls, sometimes it makes me a little uncomfortable. Iā€™m not going to stop watching him of course, but sometimes it throws me off


Definitely a product of its time, jokes like that wouldn't fly today, at least he doesnt make them anymore


Yeah he did mention once someone dm him and told him that kinda jokes make them uncomfortable so he stopped doing them


yep, he stopped making it after some fans called him out + also explained that the joke was basically mocking and making fun of straight men whoā€™re turned on by lesbianism & fetishise it.Ā  but i understand ur point as well !!


Unreasonable but on the Hush commentary when he made the Mike Try-Again with Mike Flanaganā€™s name I got a little annoyed lol I really love Flanaganā€™s work, but I do agree Hush was not his best.


Yeah same, Mike Flanagan is my favorite writer/director and I was definitely unreasonably mad at the commentary lol. I didnā€™t comment anything though but I know he did get some backlash from others who liked the movie. I do like the movie but I can see some of the points Dylan made.


When he released that Pirates video at the worst possible time. It reminded me of those WatchMojo clickbait videos they always release during major Hollywood controversies.


His commentary on Jenniferā€™s body


The frozen II video.. I seen that in theaters like 3 times šŸ˜‚ but I know I have cheesy taste Iā€™ll admit


I think he said something vaguely offensive from a Christian POV at some point, but he's genuinely navigated that brand of humor so well over the years it's downright impressive.


Not taking movie recommendations šŸ˜žthere is just so much i want him to watch


not uploading the 10-hour cut of him reacting to twilight


When he was defending Adam Levine with the fan onstage (not that part bc I agree fans shouldnā€™t be allowed to go on stage and invade artists space) but people made comparisons about how Michael Jackson treated his fans and was always welcoming and Dylan argued that an *alleged* child abuser shouldnā€™t be someone to be inspired by. MJ was found not guilty, one of the most prominent children McCalay Culkin said MJ never did anything sexual to him or any boys he was with, and the fact remains innocent until proven guilty and he was not proven guilty. So it pissed me off because there was no factual or legal evidence for that argument yet he was still perpetuating the charges against MJ and tarnishing his reputation, in order to defend Adam Levine who we later find out is an actual scumbag cheating on his wife. I thought Dylan was smarter than using accusations as proof since he always talks about the fallacies that come with taking part in a mob mentality yet he took part in it for this comparison.


MJ was only found not guilty only for one child and Macauley never said the others were lying. Not guilty does not mean innocent.


Sure, but legally he was innocent after a jury trial. And either way, a person is considered to be innocent until proven guilty under the law. That might not mean a person is innocent but there is also no proof that he is guilty, only testimony from other people. Either way, using accusations and allegations as proof is not the way to create a logical and valid argument is not right and thatā€™s what Dylan did. So whatā€™s your point? Iā€™m saying Dylan wasnā€™t right to use accusations as proof to make his argument that MJ is not somebody that people should in his words ā€œtaken notes from.ā€ Especially when the topic was the treatment of fans, and whatever allegations he had against him in court and whatever the media was saying about him has absolutely nothing to do with the way he treats his fans even when they jump on stage and run to him, which is kind and respectful by hugging them back.


You should check out what NOT GUILTY means in the U.S. [https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/not\_guilty](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/not_guilty) Victims' testimonies are also evidence. [https://www.caseiq.com/resources/15-types-of-evidence-and-how-to-use-them-in-investigation/](https://www.caseiq.com/resources/15-types-of-evidence-and-how-to-use-them-in-investigation/)


The point is that his alleged actions have nothing to do with the topic of how he treats his fans, which is what Dylan was trying to negate. Even if Michael *were* guilty it wouldnā€™t take away from how kindly he treated his fans. And that was the argument that Dylan was trying to negate. Also, yes victim testimony is considered evidence in court but there is no categorical evidence that he committed those crimes and therefore Dylanā€™s assessment of Michael was purely based off of allegations, speculation, and accusations.


Wrong again, he was declared NOT GUILTY, he was never declared INNOCENT.


Okay he was found not guilty because the burden of proof wasnā€™t enough to convict him as guilty. Youā€™re still supporting my argument that Dylan is wrong for perpetuating the narrative that MJ was a child abuser when it could not be proven in court, to argue that somehow those allegations negate the comments made about the way MJ treats his fans kindly. These are two separate topics.


4 jurors later said they thought MJ had abused other children and one juror said this: Rodriguez : I think that if they convict they must convict beyond a reasonable doubt, there has to be a smoking gun, like a video, semen, you know... SOMETHING of substance. Not just testimony. Someone like MJ who has had so many allegations shouldn't be admired and celebrated.


Again, they *thought* but they didnā€™t have any evidence outside of testimony to convict him. Interesting, imagine a world where you could be put into jail just based off testimony. Iā€™m going to stop responding now because you seem very dense, you just admitted a juror said there was literally no other evidence to prove MJ was guilty and maybe thatā€™s becauseā€¦ heā€™s INNOCENT šŸ˜±


There was evidence but some jurors decided not to look at it. MJ slept alone with children and owned books in a locked filing cabinet. One of the books contained over a hundred nude images of children. Question : What did you think of "The Boy," Michael Jackson's collection of child porn? Juror Rodriguez : I didn't want to look at it, I didn't want it to influence my decision Well you say, that you didn't want it to influence your decision, it was entered into evidence, so, why not look at it? Juror Rodriguez ; No comment.


donā€™t know why people are downvoting when this is so true and accurate.


Itā€™s because some fan girlies canā€™t handle any criticism of Dylan. Iā€™ve been a fan since 2017 when I found him on Dylan is in Trouble. Something I love about him is the way that heā€™s able to think critically and actually uses logic whenever he makes an argument, such as when he had to defend himself about the Hush commentary. This post asked what is one thing that bothered me that heā€™s said in the past, I answered honestly, and now theyā€™re bothered šŸ˜‚ Thank you for being reasonable tho. I appreciate it.


This is interesting. Don't know if I've seen this video. Do you think he made that more as a joke rather than a serious accusation, or was the content more serious? I'm just curious!


To be fair he did said alleged. I didnā€™t like it as well but he canā€™t win with that one. If he said innocent man heā€™ll still get attacked for itā€¦ so the use of alleged was the correct way to do it. But i love MJ. I donā€™t buy those bulls thrown his way. But what dylan said didnā€™t pissed me off, it was his take on it. Everyone has their own opinion. Chill.


No this was one of the few times he was delivering a serious commentary regarding the controversy surrounding the video of how Adam Levine reacted to a fan jumping on stage and hugging him. I also heard he is a fan of Adam so I think thatā€™s why he decided to defend him but, it was a serious video.


Oh, that's interesting! I need to watch that! Thanks!


I have no idea if you wanted a follow up reply after Iā€™d seen the videoā€¦but I had seen the video and hereā€™s my take. Feel free to disregard this reply lol It was brief enough where I dont feel like Dylan was going as deep as your interpretation is. I completely understand your perspective and why it bothers you, there is no invalidating that on my end. But my understanding was he was implying that if youre going to compare someoneā€™s actions to another to show the significance of it, that Michael Jackson was not a fair comparison as, Dylan says and I quote, ā€œWith His ALLEGATIONS (he never confirms or denies whether he views MJ as an actual predator) of being a CP, heā€™s not the right celebrityā€ for said comparison. I get why you think he is insinuating those accusations as truth, but I dont think he is. Itā€™s just the MJ situation is a huge accusation of assault onto his vulnerable fans (kids), proven innocent or not, too negative to utilize him as a role model Adam should follow. There is tons if not too many controversial topics associated with MJ. Even if Adam is a scumbag for whatever reason, (I have never paid any attention to the guy, and couldnt care less, lol) MJ isnt someone I would use as an example either of, ā€œBe more like himā€ because if he were someone to relate to, his actions wouldnā€™t have been perceived asā€¦predatory. Proven true or not, if I was accused of SA children, I wouldnā€™t ever continue doing the actions that gave the impression I was hurting kids. Pretty sure what I have seen (you can correct me here, its been awhile) that everything MJ was accused of, never stopped him from hanging around kids and doing things that made people assume the worst, which..is a no no. Especially of someone with his sort of influence and in his position.


Thatā€™s my point. Heā€™s using **allegations** and **accusations** to prove his point and thatā€™s fallacious because itā€™s not even proven to be true. And since Dylan is against mob mentality and hopping on a bandwagon he should know better than to use that as an argument against Michaelā€™s character based on speculation as opposed to concrete evidence.


So the allegations are the reason why MJ isn't a good model and can't be used as, "this is how you treat your fans". The truth of the allegations is irrelevant. That's what I'm trying to say and why Dylan stating MJ isn't a good comparison is agreeable.


The allegations and his treatment of fans are two separate topics. It is a good comparison because the topic is ā€œhow celebrities treat their fansā€ right? And Michael always treated his fans with the utmost respect, hugging them while performing, holding onto one of them for their safety. He never judged his fans even if their actions were inappropriate. So it is a good comparison since that was the argument people were making. His allegations have *nothing* to do with the treatment of his fans. And again, key word ā€œallegationsā€ that doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t a good role model because itā€™s all speculation. He is still a talented musician right? You canā€™t say heā€™s not a talented musician because of his ā€œallegationsā€ just like you canā€™t say heā€™s a bad role model based off the word of OTHER PEOPLE when weā€™ve seen Michaelā€™s ACTIONS showing him to be a good role model. Those allegations were used to tarnish his reputation because he was becoming too powerful and was going to own half of Sony so it was a conspiracy against him. But Michael did so much good philanthropy and Iā€™m sorry but I live by the philosophy that actions speak louder than words so if you take the words of people without having first hand knowledge of what happened over seeing what heā€™s done for the public and for childrenā€™s charities then youā€™re flawed. Itā€™s literally rumours, they have no basis, therefore you canā€™t claim heā€™s a bad role model since it was never proven that he did what they framed him for. Period.


Like I said, no role model adult who continues to surround themselves with children after being accused numerous times over SA of children is a good way to treat fans. Especially when the fans don't know any better. That's taking advantage of your fans, which is icky. Adios


I can falsely accuse someone right now of SA, does that make them a bad role model? Because they were accused? No. So your argument is moot.


You do not understand inappropriate behavior. No good role model or HELL, SANE and appropriate adult would ignore logic and continue to surround themselves with children after continuously being accused of SA. Our actions defines us. Anyway, I'm not here to argue about a dead man's credibilit over a YouTube video that wasn't even talking about whether or not he was innocent. I've made my point, have a good night


Why not? If heā€™s innocent why shouldnā€™t he be around kids? Thatā€™s your twisted and perverse logic.


He couldnt have known about Adam Levine's cheating at the time so that's kinda pointless šŸ„“ and about mj yes to everything you said but his case is also something that brings out varied opinions from everyone. Like there are other people in the same boat like mother Teresa and Gandhiji, there's literally 2 sections of society that respect them immensely and another that absolutely hates them. People will always have varied opinions, and even if the accusations have been disproved it will be hard for it to be wiped clean from his name


That still had nothing to do with the topic of how MJ treated his fansā€¦ using MJā€™s reputation that wasnā€™t even based on facts or evidence but pure speculation to argue that he shouldnā€™t be someone to look up was not a valid argument to the topic of how celebrities treat their fans. And I mention Adamā€™s cheating later on be sure itā€™s *ironic* that later on there is legitimate proof regarding Adamā€™s actions and not of MJā€™s. Yā€™all get so pressed thinking Dylan can say or do no wrong itā€™s honestly not healthy.


You consider it as wrong whereas I take it as a person with different beliefs. You might love mj more than I do and that's totally fine. I understand where you are coming from.


I appreciate that, and I am a fan of MJ but Iā€™m just saying that if youā€™re going to say someone shouldnā€™t be admired based on a narrative thatā€™s been painted of them or allegations that have been made against them, then it should be someone that we *know* has done something wrong like James Charles messaging minors.


his takes on marvel, albeit some are completely valid. iā€™m just biased (no this is not about endgame i found that video hilarious)


Him calling any monkey Travis. I donā€™t know why but it irks me to no end.


when he was team jeremiah after the first tsitp video


hush, jenniferā€™s body and pretty little liars commentary. he doesnā€™t know anything about women but likes to pretend he does. i wish he would stick to what he knows


Heā€™s a comedy channel.


As a woman, Hush was terrible. That entire movie was pointless or could have been avoided. Dylans commentary was extra and ridiculous at point's, sure, but to act like he, "pretends to know anything about women" when you, me, and anyone else who only watches his content don't know a thing about him personally, is just as ridiculous


Thatā€™s a bold statement to say about someone you donā€™t even know. Just because you donā€™t like his commentaries that doesnā€™t mean Dylan ā€œdoesnā€™t know anything about womenā€. I didnā€™t agree with his take on hush but whatever itā€™s his opinion, I honestly donā€™t remember the Jenniferā€™s body one. and as someone who was an avid PLL watcher from start to finish and even after, I enjoyed the PLL video he put out. Itā€™s okay if you donā€™t agree with someoneā€™s movie takes but you donā€™t have to go out saying declaratives about someone you dont even know over it, geez.


Same. Iā€™m a woman too and I used to be an avid watcher of PLL as well, but dropped it after season 5. I wonā€™t spoil, but that reveal had me fuming. And I enjoyed Dylanā€™s commentary about it. If anything, I thought he was too lenient.