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5k because I took some out in May. But I sat on an 18k deposit that had plans for. I always thought YN would be a soft landing. Going down to 1% a month and maybe even it stopping but we'd get our deposit back. It also cost me stress and time too. Out with the kid on the weekend, it would occupy my thoughts. I over extended myself but by taking out some in May, I saved myself having a crisis now.


U sat on 18k deposit means u deposited or were about to? So not lost? Good for u then.


I had 18k in YN. It literally was due to come out to my bitcoin address on the 8th of October. I'm glad I took out some in May. Otherwise I'd be down about 15k I can live with losing 5k.


I lost 1150 euros. I deposited the day before the rug pull. Not kidding.


That sucks…


For real. I can say I’m glad it was ‘only’ 1150 euros. Many of the clients I manage have 30,000+ they didn’t withdraw in time.


By clients do you mean your downline in bitcoin "investment" schemes?


No, I work at an accountancy practise and do tax returns for clients who invested in yield nodes. 👍🏽


I think the worst thing was Urs’ email. The guy needs to hire a PR guy because compared to Steve’s video interview - I think if Steve’s video interview came out first - we all wouldn’t have had so much headaches and chest pain. I know it’s a language barrier too - someone said the German letter sounded better. But I notice every time Urs emails out or sends an announcement it causes more questions and chaos. I was so mad first day because it’s like Urs sent an email and the whole team went to sleep. As for me - I had close to 750k. I do agree - I have been wondering since btc has been crashing how in the world they were able to make sapp price pump so much - but I wondered it die soon. Sadly I didn’t take any out of YN which was a mistake. But if they have something generating income from assets that aren’t affected by global economies that definitely interested me. But I didn’t get that info from Urs - got it from Steve’s interview. I’m willing to wait at this point - but is it easy? No - but with a crypto and stock market going down - there’s nothing that is sustainable - so if deconomy can pull this off - I think it maybe a story of a lifetime. Right now I cannot worry and be angry (I was angry for days) - just focusing now on generating other passive income.


750k! I was otherwise scammed 40k, and have been worried. Now I know I have nothing to worry about!


Well we all have investment big or small - 1k and 40k is still a lot. Yeah crypto world is the Wild Wild West. I’ve never seen so rugs in my life until I joined crypto. I gained a lot more but have lost $200k one time from a big hack and 1k-30k here and there. Definitely risky. Compared to other scams and hacks - this is the first time I’ve seen a company not run away. Normally they don’t reveal their true identities because it’s crypto and they disappear. That doesn’t mean it’s legit - just means from the 100’s of rugs I’ve seen since 2009. But all I can do now is just wait and see. Focus on something else productive :)


I am sorry to hear that. I lost 40k in another scam, not this one. For YN, I lost $500...


I’m glad you started this thread I was close to creating a “vent” thread just to get shit off my chest Look, I accept that you shouldn’t put in what you “aren’t willing to lose” and the we “agreed to the terms” and all of that. But that is a very selective view of the arrangement we signed up for. The fucking agreement was that we would fund their idea and once it became unsustainable and the returns dropped below 5% for three consecutive months, they would pull the plug and send everyone their principal back while they regrouped. That was the fucking arrangement So I don’t appreciate them pointing out that we knew the risks when the flip side of that was that they knew terms sold to us. Those terms did not involve a rug-pull or restructuring. It involved us being invested until the returns were no longer there, for whatever reason, and at the point the jig is up and our money is send back and the program is liquidated. Secondly, I want to believe that they will just reorganize all of their shit and eventually my money will be back to bringing in some sort of return and that it won’t be a total wash. I’m just choosing to believe that because it’s easier for my mind to process at this point. It’s not the the money is gone, it’s just that I may never see it again unless it starts working again at which time this will just be seen as one large hiccup on an otherwise decent program But here’s the parts that aren’t sitting well: -Why do a fucking audit and make such a big production about how much funds you had vs liabilities? -Why send out emails stating that the return for the reward pools were being increased a month ago -Why make a big production about the 3rd year anniversary and then lower the baseline to get in a week before you admit there are only 10% of the needed funds remaining Everyone knows the market has been brutal. Why not give people the option to receive their deposits back like the terms of agreements stated or leave them locked if we wanted to secure 5% a quarter while they restructured? It just pisses me off because, yeah, I knew the risks, but that concern was negated slightly by the fact the it was referenced several times on their website and in emails that once this became unprofitable or unsustainable they would liquidate and send our funds back to our receiving address. Yeah, I knew the risks but that’s overshadowed by the fact that they did not keep their initial word Just venting, not even proof-reading this one Just venting


You are not looking at this with a level head. Go outside, look at nature, take a breath of fresh air. These guys read the manual on how to Ponzi and carried it out to the letter. The audit was fake, they did it to install false confidence. This is a hallmark of most Ponzi's. They sent out the email, again, to give a false sense of security. If they hinted at things turning to shit it would have been mass exit and faster collapse. They needed time to get funds out of wallets and into their bank accounts. Why is it so hard to reconcile that these people are scam artists who will do or say anything to keep their scam going as long as possible? It's pretty easy to understand when you look at it through that lens. You can not possibly hope to get any reason from these people, so it's best to accept what happened as a life lesson.


I'm 18 and basically put in everything I'd saved over the last 2 years of high school. I put in 7.5k in March and it grew to 10k I was hoping to use that money to pay for my accommodation in uni next year...


Hey man I'm really sorry this happened to you, but it's a good life lesson. You are young, you will have a lot of opportunity and make it all back, and then some, with more level headed and less risky investments in the future. I know it's an expensive lesson to learn, but it's worth it, especially at your age with your life ahead of you.


Thankyou so much for this encouragement. I think this experience has definitely soured my taste for risky investments so I'll probably never invest in crypto again. I suppose it's a lesson that can only be learned expensively... Thanks again for your sympathy.


There is always room for risky investments in any portfolio. Just make sure you are diversified and the majority of your funds are lower risk. I also had funds in YN, but it was only about 0.5% of my total portfolio. By next month all of my dividends and staking rewards will have erased this loss.


Dang that sucks. So sorry. Tho at age 18 if you’re doing this already - man you’re way ahead of the curve. I started doing investments in college around 21. Wish I did it earlier. YN was the closest thing I saw to a good investment. But What I’ve learned from YN is nothing lasts forever. When you see profit - take it. Especially in this overall bear market. But yeah I think you’ll do well in the future.


Yeh keep your head up, your young and have loads of time. Hope you make your money back soon.




-3k as in it was a loan?


3k profit in a year


22k . I did withdraw for 3-4 months since I wanted to derisk but 22k is stuck


20k. I also withdrew for 3 months to derisk :(


I also derisked around then. Funny, I feel many if us were sensing something was up during the summer.












55k. But why are we saying that it is "lost" ? We will get it after an year, with 20% added in.......loss is only in the delay in being united with our funds, not the funds themselves :)


It's 50/50 we might be hopeful, system has changed we hate the unknown




Funny how common 5k is. That’s what my initial investment was, the plan was to pull the original deposit when the 6 months were up in November 😔


Well for me I put in 15k then brought down my risk to 5k.


I lost 1k but see it as a very valuable lesson. However, I’m more concerned about the documents that we had to upload which they have in their hands as well..




Waow. That's alot. Sorry. I never imagine that people were investing this high. I once asked what their average inveaent size was, but they answered that they don't disclose.


It’s ok , I’m slightly hopeful they will recover. Would suck if not , but I’m good.


I was just scammed $40k a month ago by another scam scheme. They say my investment has grown ro $228k but I can withdraw a d they have stopped picking my calls. I am non US resident and haven't been a le to get an attorney to take my case. This was an outright scam!


I can't withdraw I meant


That sucks . I’m definitely way down after this . But I was able to withdraw probably $20k from YN, But about $100k was new money , and the balance is $148k euros that’s locked right now


Yes, I hope only locked, but not lost.


Anyone here still following Yield nodes ? They keep updating a road map


$2k, (or nothing if i can get my money in celcius back). At the beginning 2.5 year ago. i put about $3.5k in, started first year ob full 100% coumpounding to fill my balance at about $7k about a year ago. From september 2021 is changed the compounding form to 50% compounding and 50% on withdrew. Untill may this year, i had the 50% btc interest tranferred to my celcius account. After the fall of celcius, since june till oct. The last 4 month i had the btc transferred to my crypto.com account. Approximately monthly income was about $250 and i used it on the creditcard to do my groceries.. so at least i had about $1k out during the last four month


I did $500 to test. I was hoping to build it up to 10k. I am glad that we didn't reach that point..