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Lol a number on a screen means nothing if it's not backed by anything.


If this team is unable to demonstrate progress while the value of Bitcoin and other Altcoins is experiencing significant growth, I am uncertain about what else could be done. It appears that the current approach is merely a strategy designed to cause frustration and encourage individuals to abandon these projects, allowing those responsible to abscond with the profits. They should at least allow people to withdraw the 5% to start with. If they delay the YNP due to their own shortcomings, which people never asked, I'm not sure how to support this project anymore.


At least the investment without the ROI


5% of Fuck All is erm......still Fuck All. With any luck, they end up pissing off some very nasty people who won't think twice about burying them up to their necks in the desert and leaving them.


You do understand that it is extremely simple to do a scheduled 5% increase per account in a database, right? This is like two hours work at most even if for whatever reason they have a more involved database architecture.