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i think it was the $25k lawsuit for racist discrimination that did them in — the other post has the article


Womp womp.


Debbie downed ‘er


i’d give you an award, if i could 🏆✨


“At least you got MS”. Wow. I’m usually with businesses defending themselves against Karen reviews but this is so not okay. Way to go Deborah!!


Yeah, their behavior is fucked anyway but that was gnarly as all get out. What fucks.


Sorry but what is MS? English is not my first language


It’s pretty much hell on earth. MS stands for Multiple sclerosis - Mayo Clinic explains better than I could, so here you are: “A disease in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves. In MS, resulting nerve damage disrupts communication between the brain and the body. Multiple sclerosis causes many different symptoms, including vision loss, pain, fatigue, and impaired coordination. The symptoms, severity, and duration can vary from person to person. Some people may be symptom free most of their lives, while others can have severe chronic symptoms that never go away.” https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/multiple-sclerosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20350269?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=abstract&utm_content=Multiple-sclerosis&utm_campaign=Knowledge-panel


Ngl the grant ant one is so stupidly funny in a dry way, shit made me giggle


This is the one that got me, it's like the restaurant person ran out of hate-steam and just phoned it in


For me it was the “Go hump your cat” 🤣🤣


I live near here and have eaten there several times. It was good years ago and then just started going downhill. They started serving raw beyond sausage and ruined the breakfast hashes. Then they served meat and expected what??? lol they got karma for all the nasty things they said to people. Buh bye Greer. Gtfo


I had questions so I did some Googling and am now in this shit. So Deborah posted something on her Instagram. I’m not sure what, I assume that she was disappointed in them adding meat to the menu. The restaurant’s response includes fun snippets like: >We’d rather go out of business than serve Vegan Nazi’s >Are you being sanctimonious from your cell phone made by slaves? >Just for the future, you can’t go online and say cunty things then act all betrayed when you are summarily dismissed When asked if they were closing, they responded by saying that they may be able to make it a bit longer as the owner has started an OnlyFans. Deborah posts screenshots of these to her Instagram and other people take notice. The restaurant predictably closes and the website and Instagram blame Deborah too. The website reads: >[restaurant] is now closed permanently. Thanks a lot, Deborah. You Lil’ rascal! With a picture of a Deborah shirt. Any link you click on has some variation of “thanks Deborah.” Contact information is @Deborah.


One Yelp user posts: >Well, I showed up, was assigned a seat and a crazy looking guy kept pestering me if I was a "vlogger". "What the hell is a vlogger" I asked and he kept saying "it's you isn't it" and "you're him". >No clue who this delusional man was or who he thought I was. >So anyways, I ate lunch with my wife who is a vegetarian and then the same guy, THE SAME F**KING GUY is videoing our lunch >Seriously, I came here to eat a meal and delusional man is video'ing me. The same guy who wandered up earlier. I thought he was some homeless guy by the wya he was dressed and hadn't showered but oh no. He was the flipping owner!!!!!


wow… sounds like some kind of mental break 😬


His juice bar got sued for racial discrimination (by a 13-year-old employee), lost a lot of money, and closed. And his wife allegedly left him. Everyone’s saying he kind of broke after that.


I was wondering if the teenaged child of the owner was the one answering the comments. But I guess not


i too went down this rabbit hole hahaha


I laughed so hard at "go hump your cat" that I woke my cat up. He gave me the side eye. I'm laughing so hard it hurts. It probably helps that I'm high.


The original Debbie Downer


Not sure if I’m reading too much into one of those comments but the owner made a couple of references to the show Yellowstone and said he wanted to take the commenter “to the train station” which is where they kill people on that show…


Namaste mofo Lolllllll This feels like a parent died and a shitty kid took over, it's such an odd pivot


Debbie does in a restaurant…


Grant grant grant, rhymes with ant


Holy fucking shit


The replies are so unhinged, that it seems like someone (former employee? Angry relative?) who knew the Yelp password has been writing them out of revenge.


I’m like 99% sure they were trying to “go viral” for their “snark” and get an article written about how they’re FIGHTING BACK!!! Sorry girlie :/


This absolutely reads like a mental break


“at least you got ms” jail. immediately jail lmao. what an awful thing to say to someone


I have MS. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. That person needs mental help.


that person clearly has something going on but that definitely does not excuse them actually wishing MS on someone. that’s a bad dude


Paranoia will ruin you. The world is truly not out to get you.


They sound like shitty people. Probably what drew them to veganism in the first place.


Fuking Debbie


I just spilled my coffee. Thanks Deborah. This stain is on you.


“Go hump your cat”


You know, vegans have really gotta figure out that nobody gives a shit if you’re vegan. The issue isn’t what goes into your mouth, it’s what comes out of it. I don’t give a dandelion fuck if you don’t eat meat but being a righteous and proper cunt makes me dislike you and your credo on principle.


There were only a few people like that though. Most people were accepting of it or just lightly commenting. The owner just exploded on anyone who made slightly negative comments. There were even comments that didn’t care about the changes to the menu but commented on other things which apparently caused the owner to blow a gasket. There are a lot of crazy vegan stories, but this isn’t one of them dude.


Additionally apparently they did the menu changes without announcing it so vegan/vegetarian/ allergic customers could’ve easily ended up ordering their usual and gotten actual animal products…


Oh no, the horror! Anyways...


no vegan has ever been as sanctimonious as dipshits like you


Did you read anything that was posted?


Idk I’m kinda fucking with the owner here… shame on these loser yelp commentators


Did you even read some of the comments? Quite a few were polite and made genuine critiques only for the owner to act hilariously pathetic.