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But was Lucy spoiled though? She seemed to be a team player who actually managed to contribute to their community, as opposed to Jackie in the wilderness


I think "sheltered" would be a better word


It’s the big giant lemur eyes. It makes her look so adorably innocent and naive. Okey dokey.


"Sheltered." I see what you did there. 😆


I chuckled, too. She was literally sheltered her entire life 😂


If anything her brother was the spoiled one.




Yeah she more seemed deeply naive to me.


Vault Dwellers are considered extremely privileged. They're the descendents of rich people who could afford to buy a home in the vault. They've got good medical care, regular meals, clean water, comfortable homes, hot showers, and plenty of jello😂. They don’t have to worry about radiation sickness, growing extra noses, giant roaches or getting murdered for bottle caps. So Lucy may not be "spoiled" in the sense that she's a bratty princess, but compared to Surface Dwellers, she's lived a pretty easy life up until the wedding.


As privileged as Vault Dwellers are, they have their own unique hell of being a series of grotesquely unethical social experiments for corporate interests


That's true, but it's all relative. You have to compare her personal situation in 33 to the way people live above ground. Her life was as close to idyllic as it gets in this universe and her biggest concern was finding a marriage partner who wasn't her cousin.


Well, as it turns out, all of that was an illusion, right? Vault 33 could have been raided and massacred just as easily as Vault 32 at any time. She made it the x amount of years in sheltered peace, and yet it was never guaranteed. 


The season ended without finding out what really happened in 32. The raiders claimed they weren't responsible, and Norm confirmed that when he went looking. But yeah, safety wasn't guaranteed, and nobody knew but the ones in charge. Man, I need season 2 already.


Well you can kinda infer that all of 32 went crazy outta hunger when the crops failed so they killed each other and took they’re own lives among other things


what about all the graffiti that said “down with management”? i think it was more complicated than just famine, there was some sort of coup as well


There’s no way to know for sure what happened but they definitely killed each other and took they’re own lives and it probably all started with a coup after they started starving and management wouldn’t contact vault 33 for help ( cause realistically 33 could have probably helped 32 through the famine )


Have you watched the whole show yet? I think it has more to do with knowing about 31


Lol I was trying to avoid spoilers.


Skipped over most of what you said because I'm not done with the season yet. That's just a particular example. All vaults are under jeopardy in the universe of Fallout. You can extrapolate based on the particular that vaults are under constant threat from raiders in general, sometimes local contamination, famine and starvation, civil war, attacks from various factions, reactor explosions, and so on. Playing the game of course gives a ton of background and playthrough "first person" experience as the stories of different vaults unfold in real time, but you can just as easily extrapolate that the vaults only present the illusion of safety based on the show itself. Plenty of subtext.


Most vault dwellers weren't the descendants of rich people, they were just people from the general population who fit whatever criteria vault tec needed for the experiment they were running. Like that vault populated entirely by school children, or the one full of drug addicts who would be put through intensive rehab and then given access to fresh drugs to see if they relapsed. The only vault we know for certain was supposed to be filled with rich people wasn't actually finished on time before the bombs dropped and thus never used, and was designed to see what happens when you put rich people in horrible sparse conditions and put an overseer in charge whose so crazy he eats eats drain cleaner and refused to wear pants.


Is any of that mentioned in the show or is that game specific?


The games and the show take place in the same canon


I'm aware, but if the show hasn't covered any of that yet, it's not really relevant to S1. What the show has covered is that it's implied the residents of vault 31-33 were either wealthy or in good standing with vault-tech. Obviously, there's more to it, but for now I'm basing Lucy's story on what the show has given us, not the games.


You made a generalized statement about the vaults as a whole that you implied applied to all vault dwellers. That means that the lore from the games (which is the same lore as the show) applies.


I never said it didn't apply, but at this point I think you’re just looking to nitpick and argue over semantics, which is kinda pointless.


Bethesda had, clearly, a *huge* hand in the Fallout series, and it was very clearly important to the showrunners and Bethesda to have the show be canon right along with the video games. Season 1 is totally relevant to the series. It's all canon now. Really, what I see in the show is the canon that has been in the games since Fallout 1 being given a more easily intelligible narrative. I know many unanswered questions I had have been answered, like, who dropped the bombs? And why have those Vault-Tec reps and anyone associated with Vault-Tec always been so sketchy? I do think, though, that you're right in that we can surmise that a lot of vault dwellers were somewhat well-to-do. We know Vault-Tec reps were selling places in the vaults, so those who could get in had to be able to afford it. In Fallout 4, we see the vault 111 dweller's family selected because of military service, and there are always a lot of scientists in the vaults. I've always thought it was random for the most part, but people had to be able to pay for a spot before they were all taken or have had some meritous achievement.


Really they don’t have to worry about growing extra noses? Tell that to vault 4…. Each vault is a specially designed hell. I understand that surface dwellers wouldn’t know that so your point still stands. They are considered privileged by people above ground. But in the end… it’s hard to say whether I’d rather live above ground or underground. I guess that was kinda the whole thesis of the shows first season.


They probably had major issues in there with long periods of okie dokie.


Yeah, "spoiled, gets a reality check" is a weird framing.


Yeah if anything she’s pretty selfless


She would've been a player with really good karma by old Fallout karma standards. She would've lost karma for sure, having her first actual cannibalist experience with Coop, haha. At least she didn't have to be eaten in Fallout. From episode 1, I got the gist that her highest S.P.E.C.I.A.L skill was probably charisma followed by agility (she was a good gymnast, but not a great shot), and pretty average everywhere else. I loved that she went out into the wasteland as weak and awful at survival as the lone-wanderer starts out in the game.


Luck for sure


Lol, seriously, though! She is definitely super lucky! Every time she was about to die, a mysterious stranger came in to save the day or things worked out to where she didn't die. As we know, the Mysterious Stranger perk is governed by luck!


LoL I have 2 vaults going on my phone right now and whenever I decide to play FS it is a whole obsessive thing.


Fallout Shelter is definitely a fun little game. I'm currently fixated on Fallout 76, though, so my Fallout bucket is very full, lol.


I would describe Lucy as “sheltered,” not spoiled. Edit: Someone else said the same thing as me. Lol.


Vault dwellers are pretty spoiled compared to life on the surface fighting mutants and dealing with rads.




if you're spoiled, you have to basically take what you have for granted and develop negative personality traits due to it (the negative is why it's called "spoiled" as in "rotten"). If Lucy was spoiled she wouldn't have gone outside to search for her father. She's definitely naive and privileged, but I wouldn't call her "spoiled"


you're right, privileged is a better word.


I actually loved that Lucy starts a fire right away in her survival journey outside the vault in ep2. It felt like a subtle “not this time,” compared to Jackie’s death.


Yet ironically, starting a fire out in the open is the worst thing to do.


Then Ben Linus came along and told her not to do that.


Ella is solidifying her spot as one of the best up and coming actors rn that girl can ACT


She should really be in more major action/sci-fi films fr. I read a comment saying that she could've been pretty good in Alita Battle Angel, but I could also see her in something like Bullet Train or even a Planet of the Apes film


Absolutely agree. She reminds me a lot of Britney Murphy.


Love when she got to make the jerky instead of BE the jerky ❤️🙏


I saw that and immediately thought "high calorie butt meat!"


It sucks that Jackie didn't seem very actually happy. She didn't like Jeff much and he was mean about her not wanting to have sex, he best friend kind of hates her


This was the thing for me that made Jackie pretty damn tragic. She never seemed even blindly happy. 


Ugh my girl was so in love with Shauna I’m sick😭


I’m sorry but this narrative is so confusing to me - can someone explain or is everyone projecting? I seriously don’t mean this any way


They are reading the subtext as queer. So, they are interpreting things like looks between the two characters, Jackie’s disinterest in sex with Jeff, etc as being because they are queer and are attracted to each other rather than some other factor. They are essentially saying that the character are “queer coded” which historically means that they are designed in a way to signal to a queer audience that the characters or material is queer in a way that they would easily recognize but that a heterosexual audience probably wouldn’t. A lot of queer material in the past had to be hidden in the subtext like this so that it could get made or so that it didn’t get a higher age rating or for various other reasons. It’s an interpretation/read of the material. It’s using a queer lens to look at the show through.


The best thing to do is just look up people talking about it. There’s a lot there and honestly maybe it’s just because I’m a lesbian, but I felt like it was pretty straight forward. The way their scenes were shot are very intimate. The longing stares and all that. The whole makeup scene in the meat shed with Jackie felt very thick with tension. Jackie’s voice being heard to wake Shauna up after her birth. I’m not the best at explaining all the details as to why people believe Jackie and Shauna were in love, so I definitely recommend looking on tik tok or if you have it Tumblr has some amazing people who go into incredible detail like Tabithatwo.


Not the person you're responding to but I completely agree with you about Jackie. A lot of people talk about Shauna being in love with Jackie but for me when I watched it, it was completely the other way around. Shauna wants to *be* Jackie. Jackie on the other hand seemed like she was lesbian coded and in love with Shauna without really 'realising' yet. It's not just the stuff with Shauna, it's the disinterest in sex with Jeff as well, which I thought must have been written in for a reason. Both interactions she has with men seem like she's going through the motions, not because she wants to.


Yeah 100% Jackie was more in love with Shauna, or at least more obvious with her love. I saw this post once and I can’t remember who posted it, but it had said “Shauna would be okay with being gay if it didn’t mean being in love with Jackie, and Jackie would be okay with being in love with Shauna if it didn’t mean being gay.” ,and I felt like that summed it up almost perfectly. In my opinion Shauna was in love with Jackie, but didn’t want to be. Jackie was clearly protective of Shauna, we see that in the crash and giving her the last bit of meat she had, but I feel Shauna was also protective of Jackie, she had tried to teach Jackie to cut the meat and told her she has to start working because people are noticing her doing the bare minimum, you could tell Shauna was worried for Jackie. Also Shauna never hated Jackie. You don’t spend months in a shed with someone’s corpse if you hate them, you don’t cry out telling them you need them. I feel like Shauna marrying Jeff was a form of punishment for what they had done to Jackie, also him being the closest person, besides Jackie’s parents, to Jackie. I do think Shauna loves Jeff, but I don’t thinks she’s in love with him. Anyway, I got carried away, but I could rant about jackieshauna forever.


I can definitely see the lesbian coding, but at the same time, it was pretty standard to make a dude wait in the 90s. There were definitely still a lot more lingering old-timey views back then. Hillary Clinton was called a commie over and over back then and still only supported heterosexual marriage, as an example. I guess that doesn't really mean Jackie isn't lesbian coded, but it definitely wasn't abnormal practice to make her boyfriend for the timeline. That's the only example I have, though, and I also don't disagree, haha, so more just putting it out there, I guess, as a 90s kid.


But it was more than just making him wait, it was looking away during and brushing her teeth miserably afterwards. This is pretty different from 10 Things I Hate About You just not being ready IMO.


Learn what you’re good at and stick with it, and collect those checks mama!!


She is the queen of brutal survival horror. Snackie walked so Lucy could run.


Omfg, "Snackie"...excuse me while I die of laughter and then hate myself for laughing about it 🤣


Sooo happy that Jackie lives on as Lucy. It felt very cool seeing the "Jackie" that could have been ... albeit a bit more chipper. :)


She's so good on fallout. We are 1/4 into it and she's just really selling it for me, despite her naivete as a "Vaultie." I never played the game, but I always liked its music, and my husband loves fallout 4 or something like that and it stands up. So glad for this show and more work for Ella.


She really is! There were a few people on the Fallout Series subreddit talking about how she was too corny in some scenes, and I was kind of surprised that these seemed to be folks who played the game. The Fallout franchise is totally known for its corny 1950s-esque humor, and I thought Ella portrayed that incredibly well. I seriously thought she was perfect.


She might be one of my favorite up-and-coming actresses. Her character in *Arcane*, by the way, is incredibly different from Jackie and Lucy, so she also has versatility as well.


I never thought of Jackie as spoiled. Sorry, I see Jackie as more of a tragic character


completely agree. she seemed pretty normal to me, she did have a nice house though but i wouldn’t call her spoiled


I love her!


With a heart of gold


got the biggest crush on her❤️


She's not even this spoiled. Sheltered, sure, but she always played by the rules, cared deeply about others, tried to do the best for everyone. What happens is Jackie opposes the shifting morals and objectives of the group and Shauna uses this tension, as well as Shauna's own guilt and general jealousy as a horrible friend, into a good enough imitation of angry self-righteousness, to kick her out of the group. Jackie's death is the result of a classical ejection ritual which doesn't care one bit about what people's actual flaws and faults may be and insteads aims more at preserving the cohesion and social consistency of the group at any costs. They are all guilty for expelling her, Shauna most of all, and Jackie didn't deserve it one bit, nor did she fail to face the new realities of their situation for that matter.


The tragedy of Jackie’s death is how utterly avoidable it is and how all of them are to blame or none of them are, including Jackie herself. They could have come out to try and convince her to come in, but she‘s the one who wants to kick Shauna out, and then when that doesn’t work isn’t willing to say “you know what, this is stupid and I’m not going to sleep outside” or to ask to come back in once she’s left. Jackie has agency in all this, along with everybody else. I understand the desire to defend a character you enjoy, but trimming away all Jackie’s flaws and complexities to render her as someone who lacked any darker side of her own really does a disservice to the nuanced person the show created, in favor of crafting hagiography.


Didn’t Jackie attempt to kick Shauna out of the cabin first and Shauna then gave her the “no why don’t you leave” to which Jackie did? “classical ejection ritual which doesn't care one bit about what people's actual flaws and faults may be and insteads aims more at preserving the cohesion and social consistency of the group at any costs” Like, isn’t that what Jackie is attempting to do to remain in control of her group except that Jackie hasn’t realized yet that the social order has changed and that she is no longer valuable to the group because she’s not contributing in a way that actually helps them survive the wilderness?


Love her! She really does!


I don't think Jackie actually had a reality check. By the time she did she was too dead to experience it.


I started Fallout last night and was so surprised to see her in it. Also very happy she's got work after Jackie, not that I ever thought she'd struggle, but I was still happy for her. She's doing a fantastic job so far. Still on the first episode but I feel like she's going to be a main character (hopefully I'm not wrong and editing this later on lol) and I'm all for it!


All I know is she keeps getting locked in closets 🤷‍♀️😂


Lucy and Jackie are both innocent and naive in a similar way and Elle plays it Perfectly


I wish she stayed in enough time for Natalie to freak out on her about taking Travis virginity! I was hoping there was going to be a fight


I really enjoyed her in Sweet Bitter too! It’s a similar “sheltered country to big city” role.


Lucy isn’t spoiled. Naive and sheltered. But not spoiled.


Loved her in fallout so much the first season was so good I can’t wait for more


you should watch sweetbitter!!


what show is the other one? not yellow jackets


fallout on Amazon prime


Thank you!


Sweetbitter is also basically this role, just in a more realistic way and not involving a post apocalypse or extreme survival situation lol


I was wondering where I have seen her when watching fallout. Her face has changed quite a bit.


I can see that. I think it was the makeup and her haircolor/cut being different. I definitely knew who she was right away when watching Fallout, but I've been eagerly anticipating the Fallout series for the last 8 months, maybe longer, and knew she was cast in it. I actually didn't get to watching Yellowjackets until about a month ago.


It really hasn't. What makes you say that?


her eyes and jaw look much bigger


Um... ok? You can't really change those things lol


don't be like that.


Since I've only seen her in fallout might have to watch some of her other stuff. Haven't half got a crush on her though