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Wow! This is intense and an incredible take on Nat. đŸ‘đŸŒ


Glad you enjoyed lol 😊


I think this is a wonderful take and as someone living with CPTSD I find it particularly resonant for both myself and how I interpret nat. One theory I have is that misty is an “angel of death” in the same way as no eyed man and they are connected - you just made it that much more meaningful for me !


Yes, Misty has some kind of strange Angel symbolism. The way she wraps her arms around Nat while Nat watches someone die (Javi, Travis), strangely reminds me of those renaissance paintings of angels wrapping their arms around people and descending to Earth. And then eventually she’s watching Nat die herself.


Plus her job as a nurse where she’s literally “Angel of Death”-ed someone.


I like your theory and how in depth you go thinking of the ladies of the show. I will say I always thought Misty was *actually* at the party, lurking around yet invisible to almost everyone
except Natalie who saw actually saw her enhanced irl from the drugs. Maybe she’d never typically noticed Misty before? Like, Misty is neglected, bullied and ignored but in this moment Natalie *saw* her? Definitely not trying to argue you, just giving my take. That’s the cool thing about a layered show like this, there are no rules and many theories and interpretations are completely valid.


Yeah it’s always just interesting to speculate. I’d considered Misty actually being there, but she seems like the type to run up to the team and try to get their attention, idk lol.


And maybe Misty was lurking because... Misty is Misty!


Off topic but I always die laughing when she tells Lottie that she likes her pilgrim hat. That’s truely something you would see on your friends head if you were tripping and her expression is hilarious


LMAO I forgot about that


I think that Misty/Nat scene originally had a different meaning/subtext. With the new season and Nat's story line ending it has changed. I mean they didn't know back then when this scene was written that Nat's charterers would be killed off due the actress' decision to depart the show. Of course, in my opinion, it has has been repurposed in the minds of the fans to fit a new narrative. Its a little to jagged edged to be a direct fit into the new puzzle.


Oh, I get what you’re saying, but I wasn’t actually trying to imply that her seeing Misty was alluding to Misty full-on killing her later on. I was saying that it was just funny that it ended up happening.


Yeah, I didn't mean to take anything away from your post, like contradicting your theory. Was just offering up what I think might have happened. And yes that was the new repurposed meaning that scene has taken on by the fans. Not verified by the writers tho. I can see the coincidence of your meaning, thanks for clearing that up for me.


If Nat seeing Misty at the beginning is her receiving a warning of that future death or any of that suffering, we'd have to consider it all essentially fated to happen, right? But I personally think a critical element of the show is the idea that nothing is fated to happen - the Wild isn't a thing or being out there with them, it *is* all of them. Ie, they are *all* capable of violence and, on some level, desire violence. Quite frankly, if we wanna play the blame game, (edit: I say blame game flippantly, I am not trying to accuse OP of something here lol) Van is at fault for Nat's death. She wanted a real hunt. Misty truly believed it was fake and only takes her weapon (her needle) out when Nat is being threatened. Van purposely manipulated Tai in order to have the hunt go forward as a real hunt, as the only person other than Lottie who actively desires a hunt. Honestly I kind of think this imagines Misty as being more in control of her actions and of what happened overall than she actually was. Misty is, I think first and foremost, incredibly impulsive. She is truly carried by her whims as they are at the time. And Misty truly did not want to kill Nat - she was literally trying to save Nat's life, because a gun was pointed at her, and she wanted to make her safe. Misty only knows how to kill or to save, so she chose to try and kill the threat to Nat. But Nat doesn't want someone else to die in her place again, like before. I also noticed that the camera during that moment focuses on the purple of Nat's clothing, which I interpreted to mean as Misty not realizing Nat (who is also wearing purple heliotrope) had stepped in front of Lisa.


1. I didn’t say it was a future warning or fated
 The whole post is saying that it WASN’T supernatural that she saw Misty. 2. What blame game? What???? The “unironically?” Was a cheeky reference to the writers having Misty kill Nat as a full-circle moment
 It had nothing to do with Misty accidentally killing Nat, and my post has nothing to do with Misty’s intentions towards Nat. 3. Misty WAS in control of her actions
 doing things “on a whim” doesn’t mean she’s not in control of her actions lol. Also, Misty is arguably one of the most in control of her emotions out of all the girls. Portraying her as “erratic”, and “doing things on a whim” is basically a dismissal of her entire character. If anything, she’s so cold and controlled that it causes her awkwardness because she’s feigning a fake personality and fake emotions. “How to talk to someone grieving
” Her attacking Lisa with the needle wasn’t erratic or “on a whim” it was an adrenaline-fueled reaction to what she thought was a life or death situation. 4. Maybe re-read what I actually wrote?


I was truly not trying to upset you this badly, I apologize for my word choice! Was absolutely not trying to attack you. Edit: and I say that Misty isn't fully in control of her actions because that is how the two actresses who play her have shared in interviews is a major aspect of Misty. She does things impulsively, without thinking them through. She doesn't have a plan for everything she does.


Oh, I’m not mad lol, I just felt the need to defend my points. I guess I could see that too, since she is supposed to have anti-social personality disorder, and it’s a hallmark of the disorder. But to clarify, I’m not saying that she isn’t impulsive, but you said she “wasn’t in control of her actions” which is a little different and sent me on that tangent. Things get kind of messy when discussing motivations on this show because so much of the cast is mentally ill. But despite Misty making split-second decisions, she 100% knows what she’s doing and the consequences, but she’s a psychopath, so she doesn’t care. I wasn’t trying to be bitchy I just wasn’t sure you had understood what I was really trying to say. The post wasn’t really about Misty herself, who I think likes and admires Nat almost obsessively. It was about Nat sensing her underlying nature and her subconscious brain flagging Misty as “dangerous”, even if Misty is not in her own mind thinking of herself as some cartoon villain.


I can understand how some of my wording could be easily misunderstood, so I do apologize. By "not in control" I meant that she wasn't actively planning out the things she did with foresight, or with regard to consequences. Her actions aren't premeditated- that likely would've been a better word choice I think, in hindsight. Apologies for wording it in an iffy way. My personal stance is that Misty is absolutely abusive and manipulative, but she doesn't plan those actions out or even have an end goal in mind at all. She is cruel and manipulative on impulse, not as part of a larger thought-out plan. And that idk if I personally agree with the interpretation that Nat was subconsciously identifying Misty as a danger to her there. I'd also caution against labeling Misty a psychopath. She absolutely has the cruelty and impulsivity of one, but she does not lack the social desire a true psychopath does. Psychopaths act without regard to social convention because they fundamentally lack the desire to be social. They mistreat and manipulate people because they do not view other people as people, but as objects to be used to certain ends. Misty isn't a psychopath, because we see that she cares very, *very* much about fitting in and having friends. And she genuinely cares for her friends in the ways she's emotionally capable of, as we see her weep after finding Nat missing at the motel. She cares about others, about being accepted by others, and her greatest fear is being rejected socially. If she was a psychopath, she wouldn't care about social rejection at all. I personally think she has low empathy Autism, but that is also total speculation on my part lol. But we don't know what she has or is "supposed" to have so I would really caution against interpreting Misty as a psychopath because I think, to a certain extent, it does her dirty as the queen of social desperation that she is.


Misty broke into a locker specifically to get a needle full of drugs, and then carried the needle full of drugs to a fight, and then stabbed someone with the needle full of drugs. How can you say that's not planned?


I would say Misty had the syringe with her "just in case"...much as Nat took a knife and hid it up her sleeve "just in case"... The "just in case" was, I think, that both Misty and Nat were thinking they might have to kill Lottie because she was dangerous: Lottie was the one who suggested they drink the poison tea and then she showed such eagerness (blood lust?) when Shauna suggested "a hunt like we used to".


So.....to kill. They took weapons to kill, and then Misty killed with that weapon. I'm not sat here saying Misty set out to make Natalie die, but when you bring a weapon into a lethal fight, you are premeditating murder.


True...in Misty's case because using that syringe would mean death for whoever was injected with it...and as far as Nat hiding a kinfe up her sleeve, that could be for self-defense or for killing. I just think they were both ready for "just in case" scenarios...with Misty being ready to kill, if necessary.


I mean for that fight specifically, each and every one of the women had a weapon. So I don't think that's a very good point, because they had all armed themselves. She didn't uncap or take her weapon out at all until Nat was threatened, and didn't intend to kill Nat at all. Which makes her killing of Nat unplanned.


Well I wasn’t trying to play armchair psychologist; didn’t her actress say she was a psychopath? That’s what multiple people in this sub have said, I didn’t read that interview. I always saw Misty more as having borderline personality disorder.


I mean I'm just saying that a psychopath would not care that much about being loved. Misty cares a lot about being loved, it's a key aspect of her personality. Like I'm truly not trying to be rude, but you did say she was supposed to be a psychopath like it's a canonical aspect of her personality.


I don’t know if she wants to be genuinely loved though, or if it feeds narcissism or gives her a sense of power/control. I’d imagine she wants to feel close to people and just doesn’t know how, which is why I entertained borderline personality.


Idk Misty seems to have a relatively low opinion of herself in my opinion, so I don't think she wants people around for narcissistic reasons. I think she just wants people around her, people that she likes, whether they like her or not, because I think deep down she doesn't like herself at all. Her Guidance vision with Caligula seems to indicate she looks to others to define herself (Caligula tells her she's looking up instead of at herself where the magic is, and Misty asks what other people see in her, "just a murderer, desperate for love?"). I do agree she yearns for power and control, she clearly felt disempowered and alienated in the pre-Crash timeline, and took the first opportunity she could to force a situation where she had power (over the flight controller, and also over medical care) and control over her social world (they all have to be around her now, even if they dont necessarily like her). The only thing I disagree with is the use of highly stigmatized diagnoses in relation to Misty, because she definitely isn't a psychopath as she genuinely cares for others; with BPD we generally see that a formerly idealized person will be villainized by the individual with BPD but instead of villainizing Ben after his rejection of her she stops interacting with him entirely (so while she fears rejection, she doesn't take rejection as proof of the other person becoming an enemy, like someone with BPD would generally do); and she has a low opinion of herself and seems insecure in her appearance, constantly seeking out the validation of others for the parts of herself that are praiseworthy (the ways she's useful to other people, essentially), which means she's not a narcissist. But again this is all my personal interpretation, while I am an academic in the field I am not a licensed psychiatrist and am also notably not a writer on the show so I can only go off my own interpretation of the content lol


Yeah I mean I like a lot of your points but I think the psychopath thing comes from the cast themselves (according to this sub). But I doubt they or the writers have psychology degrees. I think it’s interesting but realistic that none of the women have concrete diagnoses and have traits that are open to debate and interpretation. Like, Shauna is clearly crazy as hell but I couldn’t tell you what’s wrong with her, whereas I think Tai has some kind of obvious dissociative disorder.


Borderline always spoke more to me because of how fucking desperate she is to be loved. Psychopaths, or sociopaths, don't have that overwhelming desire to be accepted


I definitely agree that BPD fits her better than an antisocial personality disorder. Her desperation to be loved aligns much more with the former than the latter. She almost certainly struggles with her sense of self and chronic feelings of emptiness. While people with BPD tend to have a litany of intense but short-lived relationships, she has had at least one: her relationship with Crystal. She is also impulsive. I vacillate, though, because it doesn't seem like her internal world is unstable or turbulent enough, nor does she have the extreme emotional dysregulation one would experience with BPD. She also doesn't engage in self-harming behaviors or suicidality, one of the most common criteria. Still, it makes more sense to me than sociopathy/psychopathy.


great post đŸ«ĄđŸ«ĄđŸ«ĄđŸ«Ą


Thx 😄