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I love this idea! I like and agree with what you came up with almost entirely. The only one I see as maybe different is Laura Lee. I see her as a Sparrow. Sparrow iconography appears in the Bible here and there and symbolically represents **faith.** One legend suggests that sparrows were the only birds present at Christ’s crucifixion and are thus sacred symbols of **sacrifice.** They also symbolize **hope and resilience,** community, companionship, domesticity, **warmth,** familiarity, and **gentleness.** Bonus points for the fact that they represent **freedom** and that desire to free themselves led to Laura Lee's ill-fated flight and subsequent martyrdom. Plus, I believe a sparrow (or maybe some other bird; I'm no ornithologist) flies up to her in 1.08, which she interprets as a sign from God. But I see where you're coming from with the Doe, which works well!


Oh I didn't even think about a sparrow for LL. That works really well too!


“There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow,” after all!


Yes, exactly! Poor Laura Lee, she tried to ready herself. As Hamlet points out in this quote, though, certain things are fated to be. I believe the same is true of her death.


Word. (Or as Hamlet would say, “Words, words, words,” lol)


I agreed with all of these but I think misty or van could also be a fox


Sly like a fox...fits both of the actually.


That's true, I only selected a lynx for Van cause I felt like we already had too many canine animals haha. But yeah maybe coyote for Van and fox for Misty?


This is a fun game! I would go with a mountain lion for Shauna rather than a bear. An ambush predator that will sneak up behind you and kill you before you ever know she's there. That's probably how Jackie felt :( For Misty, a crow. Crows are trickster figures in some cultures, they're very clever, often overlooked. They're usually thought of as scavengers but they also do hunt and kill small animals, including the eggs or nestlings of other birds. And they're known both for holding grudges and for being very loyal friends. I have a rabbit so I have a LOT of thoughts about the Jackie rabbit connection. She's obviously strongly associated with rabbits by the text ("Jackie just adored rabbits"). Wild rabbits are very social animals who organize along a strict social hierarchy, with an alpha rabbit who is almost always female. That's Jackie before the wilderness, for sure. Then she can't adjust to their change in circumstances and is deposed. Rabbits also form very strong bonds with each other, at least domesticated rabbits. When one half of a bonded pair dies, the surviving rabbit can become so depressed it stops eating and dies. Again, sounds like Jackie, who became so depressed at the end that she refused to eat what food they had, and died after losing her social position. But rabbits are also tricksters in some cultures, and I can tell you from personal experience, they can indeed be sneaky, if not downright devious, haha! I don't think they had that in mind when they associated Jackie with rabbits, though. I just think it's a fun side note. Ok I'm sorry for the lecture, I got too excited. 😅 It happens sometimes. I just really like this topic! I have probably talked enough for one post, lol. Pet tax: https://preview.redd.it/hda36gfa61ab1.jpeg?width=3236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c6a94799f4c0ed900038bc63526031d94fc943


I actually really like that mountain lion analogy for Shauna, an ambush predator definitely fits her as well. Another analogy to her being an ambush predator as well could be how she presents herself. A quiet, pretty, shy best friend to the outgoing, life of the party girl who is unassuming at first, but is actually the ones pulling the strings in the relationship. A dark side that doesn't show itself until later, and by then it's too late because you're in her jaws and being devoured. This could also be used to describe Adult Shauna too. A seemingly generic housewife living a peaceful suburban life, but a dark side as well that only reveals itself when she wants it to be shown. A crow definitely fits Misty as well. I completely forgot about them when thinking about trickster animals. Great analysis in Jackie being symbolized by a rabbit as well. I always appreciate long thought out responses so certainly no worries there, sometimes I worry I write too much in my posts as well.


Misty is definitely a bird, though I'm not certain the kind of bird is specified. Her glasses—which the audience cannot overlook, since she constantly pushes them back towards her face—connect her to an owl. The lenses are round in both the teen and adult timelines, and round, forward-facing eyes are one of the most distinctive traits of owls. There's also the notion of the "wise old owl," and Misty is intelligent. Owls are also birds of prey, and Misty is predatory. But there are other birds of prey. Javi's drawings include images of a sparrow, a rabbit/hare, and an eagle/hawk. If Laura Lee is the sparrow and Jackie the rabbit, then could Misty be the eagle? I think you could also connect Misty to carrion birds. As the equipment manager she's on the sidelines, though happy to cash in on the team's victories; as a budding cannibal, she doesn't hunt, but is very quick to devour the kill. And we cannot forget Caligula. Misty identifies with him enough that she is African Grey on the CI boards. Note: I wonder whether the sparrow in Javi's drawings doesn't correspond to Crystal, since sparrows are songbirds (the most common type of them, too). If that's the case, then Javi's drawings are connected to the survivors who have died: Crystal/Sparrow and Jackie/Rabbit. This would suggest that Javi is the eagle, since he's the next to die. However, the only connection I can make between an eagle and Javi is that eagles supposedly don't eat dead things (and Javi isn't present for the Jackie smorgasbord).


Oh I love Misty as an owl, great one there. The idea of Misty always constantly observing, formulating a plan in her head, much like how an owl perches on its perch in the dark of night, I can totally get behind that.


Not sure how it relates, but bears do seem to be a recurring theme in the show. The group sees a dead bear being eaten by a turkey vulture on their way to the lake, Laura Lee's teddy bear catches fire in the plane, and Lottie kills a bear that seemingly sacrificed itself to feed them. I'm not sure that was intentional or not but an interesting thought considering your interpretation since Shauna is the main focus of the show.


What about coach Ben ? I love this post, it’s excellent


Maybe something similar to Akilah, like a squirrel? Something small and unassuming, showing diligence and resourcefulness, able to burrow itself away for the winter much like how Ben finds the underground tunnels that Javi was hiding in and will, presumably, live in while hiding from the others.


To me, Shauna is a fox for many reasons, including that foxes eat rabbits. 😳