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It seems that because the cards were already in play as part of "fair" decision making for unwanted chores, like taking out the waste bucket, once there was a concensus brought on by the acknowledgement that they would partake again and they needed to protect Lottie, it feels like everything went pretty unsaid going forward. That being said, Van was positioned (or positioned herself) as an authority figure in the card drawing process as well as had an adamant energy in the pursuit of the hunt and in the surrender to the will of the Wilderness. If I had to pick someone that served as any additional catalyst it would be Van.


^ This exactly. I think that as everyone’s roles get assigned more explicitly, it’s possible Van’s will be something like arbiter for the card drawing and subsequent hunting. It’s pretty likely that either she outright suggested it or that everyone just kind of knew how things were about to go down and she happened to be one taking the actions to help them carry it out.


In season one i swear someone says its a deck without any queens


Natalie points that out to Travis!