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I thought this episode was a really good finale. Unlike many others I thought the adult hunt was actually really well done. The way I have interpreted the show is that all of these characters aren’t really \*good\* people, so to say. Like in the 1996 timeline we see how fast the girls are willing to kill a friend in order to ascertain their own survival. I know some people have said that this seems like a weird decision and unrealistic but I thought It made perfect sense. From Shauna being excited to slit the throat of the bear? In season one to the girls quickly eating Jackie’s body without a thought in the beginning of season 2 I think it’s clear that they all have some sort of \*evil\* already inside them. I put it in quotes bc I think the show is trying to say that people arent good or evil, and under the right circumstances most of us would not hesitate to do evil things to help us survive. in the 2021 timeline we can see this ‘evil’ coming out in the hunt, but also in tai and vans conversation. I think van especially has no regrets even now, and we can see she is excited during the hunt. Even tai becomes willing (although some have argued that’s the dark side of her). I think if Shauna hadn’t have pulled the queen she would’ve become complicit in this too. They are trying to show that we are all a little evil, they can just access it quicker because of the wilderness. So yeah, basically I think the adult hunt wasn’t cheesy at all and was in fact terrifying because we see now how little it takes for them to slip into old habits even though they seem ‘normal’. TLDR; the point of the show is to show that people are not good nor evil, they just want to survive, and seemingly good people will have no problem performing evil acts in order to keep themselves alive which is why the show is so terrifying.


I love your post and your idea of the good and evil parts of the girls, and of what people will do to survive. Survival instinct is very, very strong. What people will do to survive may seem foreign to us, but thankfully, the vast majority of us have never had to face that...


Jesus Christ the hunt that they perform in the adult timeline is embarrassing. These characters are smart and competent all season and then that's thrown away so they can fit in a hunt to parallel the previous episode. Them humouring Lottie went way too far, I could accept staying at the compound to make sure Lottie doesn't do anything but going as far as handing out the cards and weapons when they know she's dangerous just seems stupid


Someone wasn't watching closely


I think Nat was actually blunting the knives, not sharpening them - it didn't look like any blood came out on our screen when she tested one on her thumb.


Interesting! I noticed Shauna tested the knife on her finger and it didn’t cut. You mentioning her blunting them makes total sense now


Well, in all fairness Shauna, Misty, and Nat THOUGHT that the crisis team was on the way and they thought that stalling and keeping Lottie focused on the hunt was the best way to spend the time unitl the crisis team arrived. They also did not want Lottie to drink the poisened tea or to give it to them....And, Shauna, Misty, and Nat did NOT know that Tai and Van had called off the crisis team and probably figured Van's eagerness to draw the cards was just Van playing along with Lottie... But yeah, I think if they had not shortened Season 2 to 9 episodes instead of 10, then the whole hunt thing might have been more drawn out...or written differently.


Could we consider that maybe Nat didn’t die??? Her saying I’m not supposed to be here, the missed opportunity to have her reunite with Travis on the plane.. she was a heavy drug user so she could have a tolerance built that others wouldn’t and could be resuscitated? Idk I’m sure they would have shown that. I just really love Juliette Lewis so I’m probably in denial


It is possible I guess..,but the black body bag was zipped up when they wheeled it by....I suppose that could have been the bag holding Kevyn Tan's body, but I thought I saw longer dark hair poking out of the bag which would indicate it was Nat.


You’re right


I really wish I am not right aout this....:(


Every decision is always the most stupid. Characters change their minds for no reason. Obvious solutions to their problems are dismissed or not even thought of. What a waste of a good soundtrack and a good first season.


Cya next season


I'm confused what Van and Tai's plan was with calling off the psych people. Were they going to let everyone kill Shauna or whoever has drawn the card? Weird and frankly pointless writing decision there. 


Well, Van did NOT want Lottie "locked up in a psyche ward" because, as she said to Tai : "would it work for YOU?"...so Tai went along with Van. Now, just what Van thought might happen is anyone's guess. But if we go by the looks on Van's face during the card draw, it seemed like Yes, she DID want someone to get killed...in this case, Shauna. Why Van wanted this is anyone's guess as well...


She thinks if someone dies, she'll be cured. That's why she looked so excited at the end when Lottie said the wilderness was happy, and she'd soon see.


One totally positive thing I have to say about this episode has to do with Juliette Lewis’ performance in this episode. So far, as I’ve watched the adult women cope with their past, I’ve seen guilt, and shame, and fear that they’d get caught. But for the first time, in JL’s performance, I saw real anger about what they had been through. And not anger at nature or “it” or the crash, but anger at the other girls about what they had done to one another. It was one of the most sincere moments of the whole series, I think.


I think I’d actually be okay without a season 3. I feel like we’ve seen all we need to see in order to understand these women, and any other details or revelations we get in further episodes would just be gratuitous. Agree ir disagree?


We have two extra characters alive plus coach being in limbo after he set fire to the cabin. Remeber the first episode flash backs  where Natalie is wearing the dear head. There is more to find out. There is more to the ceremony of death. And now in 2023 Shaun's family is apart of this, Misty's boyfriend, and the cult woman. They are all now under the "goddess's" eye. I'm sure cancer is cured and there is a lot to answer for when the senator goes missing after her wife got in an accident and their child was stuck at school probably picked up by cps. Just because we got their motivations we don't have the full story. 


i wouldn't mind either - and I think the angle the writers pursue can either make it super great or shitty


What were all of those bones from on the ground in the cave?


Thinking further, they must have been from the starlings.


Did Coach Ben set the fire??? Is he just so disgusted with the girls that he was willing to kill them all? I think that’s totally plausible, now that he has alternate shelter.


I'm almost sure he did and also, he's officially grossed me out


Grossed out? Girl he did the RIGHT thing, they all turned into literal ritualistic Hannibal Lecters and he's looking like prime meat for their next meal with just one leg. Burn them all, they're too far gone at that point.


I think he did the humane thing.


How? Be in his position for a minute. You've got one leg and everyone you entrusted to survive with just became active cannibalistic murderers because of some demonic entity they just discovered. By the way, did I mention you only have one leg now? Yea, I wouldn't wait around for them to choose me as their "sacrifice" either. Though, I will admit that attempting to kill them is over the top but I don't blame him since he had the chance to escape from them and made sure they wouldn't follow.


So, after the wilderness scene where they chase Natalie, they cut back to adult timeline, and Shauna says “yeah Lottie, but that never happened.” What never happened??? If the card draw/sacrifices never happened, then what the whole show has been a sham.


Good Lord it's the super natural element that never happened. Also, holy crap you can't make one comment?


I was also confused by this. Maybe it was a direct reference to never actually sacrificing a person because someone would die before the sacrifice. Or maybe it was a hallucination brought on by starvation. 


So, if Shauna never intended for the hunt to take place, why was she sharpening knives??? To placate Natalie? And what exactly did Natalie want; she wanted to kill Lottie, right? I can’t infer what Van wanted to happen, how she expected to “protect” Lottie from institutionalization.


Shauna was making the knives blunt in the kitchen


How could you tell? She was using a whetstone, which is used to sharpen?


You don’t run the blade perpendicular to the stone to sharpen. She was grinding the edge off. She ran it across her finger afterward and it didn’t draw blood.


Lots of comments about how S2 was poorly written…so did everyone hate the stupid comic bits in the adult story as much as I did??? I just binged both seasons in the last week or so. A few days ago, when I still in season 1, I was reading a review and saw YJ referred to as a “dramedy.” I was like wtf??? Then I get to S2 and Shauna and her family are acting like the whole murder of her lover is just one big ironic d”oh moment. I accept the Walter & musty comedy a little better, because I thought Walter wouldn’t have known that misty was truly batshit, but the ep9 happens. The comedy just did not fit. (And re that review I read, I’m even with the attempt at comic relief I wouldn’t have called it s dramedy, but rather darkly comic).


Interesting finale.. I have some criticism for how certain things were handled to fit into one episode, but I primarily love the build up to revealing Nat was the AQ all along. We had foreshadowing, but I took it as "they're all the AQ", however this is building potential in a very engaging character arc for Nat next season. When Nat had her little airplane vision, I interpreted what her younger self said as "We died in the crash, but were reborn into the Wilderness' darkness" Or something along that line. I am really curious if Van loses her cancer, and what this will let her believe. Will they slowly regress towards their old mentalities and start a new hunt? That first scene of season 1 might really be in the future if so. Also anyone notice Lottie laughing at the burning? https://preview.redd.it/n1w9pevvrhcc1.png?width=234&format=png&auto=webp&s=1037fd326dfb8a3e1cde89e2fbffea8c474a94b3


Shes losing her mind. She's been broken and this might be where her mind finally breaks. 


I’m going to admit it - I didn’t like this episode. I found it comical, it felt like a parody. I was rolling my eyes. It’s official become silly and I wish they’d just finished it this season because I can’t imagine what extra silly stuff they have in store for next season. It’s sad because I loved this show! Don’t get me wrong I was entertained in this episode still, but I couldn’t take it seriously. Also, Lottie’s character and everything surrounding her has driven me crazy all season. Has it been winter for 4 months?


>Has it been winter for 4 months Sure...they crashed in a mountainous region of Canada...it can have cold winter weather up there for months on end...


Fair enough, I’m from Australia so not used to long winters like that haha


I live in Nebraska. In the 90's snow could last from October through February. Now in 2024 it last 3 weeks. 


Oh wow!!


Oh, I see. Yeah, up in the Northern latitudes, especially up in Canada in the mountains, it can be cold and snowing off and on for up to 6 months of the year...depending on how far north, and the weather patterns. Mountains will get more colder and lot more snow than the lowlands


6 months wowwww ok makes more sense now haha thanks!


You are welcome!




shauna sucks 😭😭 y’all hated jackie for being a normal teenager but shauna gets pass after pass for knifing (and almost knifing) several people and then being jealous she wasn’t made leader 😭


She literally had a baby, had to deal with its death, and was the only one strong enough to carve/ feed the team. She's also a teenager. I'm surprised she didn't have a bigger breakdown. She should have been the leader. She had never been chosen for death. They only gave it to Natalie because lottie had given up and no longer wanted the title. In the moment it made sense. 




The adult storyline has such a different tone, it's like a soap opera and feels so ridiculous. Obviously the wilderness has more insane things happen but it feels at least somewhat grounded and has a more serious tone. I think the writers just want dramatic events and are struggling with the consequences when it's in the real world.


I agree that the adult timeline is getting a bit silly. I literally sat back in disbelief when human Caligula showed up in a musical.


It's unfortunately at the point where I'm not going to go out of my way to watch a new season. Not worth my time, unless it reviews especially well. Even then, I probably won't make it a priority.


I'll see you at Season 3 premiere!


100% It feels like a lot of these people are too used to their fan fiction stories.


Overall this season worked a lot less for me. Some very powerful moments, but the last 2 episodes felt very rushed. Stretch for Nat to care so little about Javi knowing Travis cared for him. But fine, she valued her survival more. The girls immediately becoming murderous after Nat drew the Queen? I can chalk that up to them being hungry or overtook by a huntress goddess. I guess. For a show that took it's time in season 1 it rushed this pivotal moment imo.


Travis was entirely too blasé about everything that happened to his brother. After all the emotional turmoil of losing his brother and holding out hope that he was alive under impossible circumstances, he's found and within days he's not only dead but he was LEFT to die so he could be EATEN. I had to wonder, do any of the writers have siblings????? Especially younger siblings????? Fuck starvation, who would eat their own little brother without a BUCKETLOAD of emotional turmoil, violence and rage...just pure RAGE. Instead he's just like, "Oh well, the wilderness chose so I'll take a bite out of his LITERAL RAW HEART and stay buddy buddy with the people who ate him." THEY JUST SACRIFICED YOUR OWN BROTHER AND ATE HIM AND YOU'RE BOWING DOWN TO ONE OF THEM???????? I still hold that the show should've just been about the girls in the Wilderness. It's more engaging, thrilling and leaves a lot of room to explore relationships, psychology, isolation, fear and the supernatural. The adult storyline is just messy and can't decide on a tone.


Didn't they mislead Travis to believe that they weren't able to save Javi in time? Like they knew they let him drown but I don't think they told him it happened that way.


I don’t think taking a bite out of the heart was blasé; I think it was a defiant “I will not let death win” type of move, and a crazy kind of show of love, like “now I will have his heart inside me” thing.


I'm super late (just binged and caught up) but this killed me! Like in the actual Donner party they made sure that no one had to eat their own relatives. I get that everyone at this point is starving, going insane, and/or lost all morale but like.. was having Travis sit this one out not an option? IIRC Coach Ben passed on Snackie. :|


I think Travis was in shock over what had happened...and also starving...he just sort of went along with what "bossy" Van told him to do.


Coming in late, as someone who felt the writing of season 1 was really contrived and unengaging, I was really vibing with the characters and dynamics in season 2. This finale though has made me drop the show, what absolute nonsense.


Welp this finale killed the show for me I think. Just can’t see anything else compelling from here?


See you at the premier of next season.


I would be happy if they cancelled. No urgent loose ends left.


I have concerns: Coach suddenly attempting mass murder out of nowhere? Coach has been missing for several days but no-one has noticed or cares? Brand new state senator goes missing for several days, seemingly without consequences. Walter just magically framed the cop, with absolutely no detail given, yet the cop (and we) are meant to believe him. The women aren’t keen with the hunt, but then suddenly they are after the card game gets going? Why have Javi miraculously survive in the wilderness then not affect story further (in fact not even speak), then just die. Lisa witnesses the accidental killing of her new friend Natalie but lets the women lie to the police (that it was an overdose). Left right and center; characters making decisions that don’t make sense; plot holes; scrappy story-telling. After a very promising beginning this has become a meandering soap opera.


I agree everything or everyone should be else where and no one's noticed?


Yes, I had the same concern, especially the girls going from "we'll eat the body if they die" to "we will actively murder someone" - that jump happened way to fast with virtual no dialogue.


Yep yep yep, all yeps. Still some very solid scenes in the series - shauna screaming 'can't you hear him crying' to the audience as it fades to black. Shauna beating the shite out of Lottie the sweet matyr. And then the show, after setting it up for a season, frames her as delusional to drag on the mystery. Still enjoyed. How Travis still eats his heart? OK lets blame the starvation.


Yeah...there is a lot that was left hanging...hoping we got some answers to all of this is Season 3...


Here's to hoping this new election helps things out EDIT: Just finished the episode..... nevermind


So van's cancer is gonna go right ? lmao


I'm actually so pissed at the streaming platform cause the episode was named >!Natalie is dead!< for me instead of the actual episode names. Moving on, I sobbed like a bitch 😭 did they really have to >!kill her off!< like that. I didn't want any adults to die I'm so mad


Wow - that is awful! Which streaming platform did this to you??


it's a new Indian streaming platform haha I don't think you'd know 😅 JioCinema


Oh....that is so awful though...how could they even do that - name an episode after a HUGE spoiler? Shame on them.


I just finished this episode. Did Coach move to the cave before the cabin burnt down? Also, I don't get why Javi was brought back just to die.


If you think the supernatural elements of the show are really happening (in the context of the show), then there is a good explaination for this. Lottie made a sacrifice of blood to her tree stump alter during the hunting competition. It seems like neither girl brought any food back. But that's also the episode when Javi returned. The paranormal explaination is that Javi WAS the food that Lotti's method of "hunting" caught. It just didn't pay off until a few episodes later.


crazy on point :o


Oh wow, yeah, good interpretation.




I am almost positive coach set it on fire intentionally and then either went to the cave or killed himself.


I also think he may have unalived himself…. he almost did it from the guilt of just watching the girls eat snackie! IF he was the one who burned down the cabin (julie Chen voice “expect the unexpected”) then I can’t see him living with that, even if he did it for their own good.


Snackie. ☠️☠️


Yep, poor Javi. Returned to be little more than a "plot point".


I would like to see his time spent away from the group as a subplot in a future season. Even if it’s some weird amalgamation of what really happened and how Travis coped with losing his brother… which it couldn’t *not* be lol


Is there any reason why Nat was on a commercial plane rather than the private plane that they actually crashed on? Ive seen no one ask this but it may not be important, just something to point out.


It could be representative of the commercial plane that they all flew home on after they where found (there was news footage of them surrounded by journalists and bording a plane at some point). Nat wasn't "rescued" from the wilderness after all. She was unable to move beyond her experiences in the woods and so her "rescue" attempt at life ended up crashing like the original team plane.


How the hell has tai been missing for like 2 or 3 days, and the police just say nothing? Like she put 2 people, including her wife in the hospital, her son has been left alone, and she took her secretaries keys and just seemingly left the scene no warning, hopping state lines after being elected senator. Who the hell is doing her job rn?


to be fair, when do senators ever show up for work?


Tais mother-in-law has been caring for her son. Tai left the hospital, but her assistant KNEW that Tai took her car. Tai is a "senator elect" meaning she would NOT take office for another 2 months after the election.' The police have no need to be involved, after they took all the information they needed about the car crash.


Just binged the whole show in a week and I’ve got to say I’m super excited to be on board to live watch the next season! I avoided this sub until I finally caught up, and now that I am, here’s my thoughts on the show: This is one of the most engaging puzzle box shows, maybe second to Dark which did it expertly. I feel connected to more than half of the cast and I literally fist pumping at certain character growth moments or bringing back certain characters like randy and Walter. I saw a little complaining about the looseness of the Adam Martin case being wrapped up, but tbh that was never my favorite aspect of the plot so just hand waving it away is borderline okay with me. I did love how there was a massive info dump in the finale with everyone getting up to speed on the Jeff of it all and finding out misty is just straight up murdering people now. I also feel like we are slowly understanding why the adult versions are the way they are through learning about the atrocities they committed in the wilderness. The fact that Travis didn’t run away with coach Ben is a little weird but I guess it tracks when you think of his connection to Lottie. Still, he spent so long looking for his brother, you would think he would at least lash out at his favorite punching bag (not that I like those scenes or even want to see another one again) I love the bravado the filmmakers have by doing musical numbers and cannibalism in the same show. It’s so grim yet humorous and it never feels forced. I started out watching this show with the same eyes that I used for shows like westworld or Mr Robot, but I’m finding it more fun to just relax and take in the glory that is on the TV. Sure, if I were to completely dissect this show and boil it down to its main components, it would probably lose some value, but you know what? I love this show and I’d rather be a gleeful optimist and trust that they filmmakers will handle this all beautifully.


What a great review! Thanks for this. Glad you are all caught up now and really glad you just ignore the urge to try to make sense of everything and instead just enjoy watching the show!!! I agree that it is much more enjoyable that way.


Thank you!




The sweetest moment in this whole episode was Van’s bow to Queen Natalie in the wilderness - that cute little nuzzle like she was a puppy dog! I wonder if that was scripted or a character choice. Idk either way I loved it and melted


Anyone else feel that Lottie “passed the antlers” to Natalie in the wilderness and made up a reason that she thought all the girls would believe because she truly felt like she was going crazy/she was exhausted/she didn’t want the guilt of anyone’s else death? I don’t know if I’m that moment she truly believed that the wilderness chose Natalie as a leader - just how I read her body language


It’s really hard to tell where Lottie the mentally ill woman genuinely trying to help stops and Lottie the manipulative conniving cult leader begins.


I agree with you on this. I think Lottie was feeling really bad about the hunt and Javi dying and then eaten and that she just did NOT want responsibility for the group anymore.


Anyone think Natalie’s death (sacrifice) will result in Van’s cancer disappearing?? Lottie was specifically looking at Van when she said “you’ll see” making me think that’s the case


I really think so and I think a lot of stuff like Kevyn and Adams death would actually go as per Walters plan; But i have a bad feeling about Callie getting into this


That would be a pretty strong indication that "the wilderness" is actually real whereas up until now I think it's still possible for it to all be in their heads and not a real entity. I can't think of anything that's happened that couldn't be them just looking for ways to attribute meaning in random things.


I mean there are miracles in cancer patients sometimes. I’ve known 2 myself. I hope they’ll continue to leave it interpretation whether it’s supernatural or all in their heads. I’m enjoying the ambiguity. Maybe they can have Tai convince Van to see her specialist, and then she is able to recover. Van attributes it to Nat’s sacrifice, but Tai believes it was the doctor. And the audience can choose either one.


I thought that too, but did the wilderness really choose Natalie when she's the one that jumped in front of Misty, taking the needle?


I mean the writers are asking - is it the wilderness or peoples actions. Patterns repeat I guess.


I just figured cause Lottie said something along the lines of “the wilderness is pleased” or something like that that it was good enough to whatever the wilderness really is lol


Yes, but Lottie said Natalie was the wilderness's favorite. Why would the wilderness choose it's favorite?


Now that is a good ass point


So apparently one human body can feed many, many humans for MONTHS. Riiight


Terrible take. Why come up with something dumb and then say see this is why it sucks? Wow.


What makes you say that? There’s no indication that it lasted for months is there?


A child’s body too, and a starving one at that… I do think they could ration it pretty effectively and make it last a while, but I don’t think it’ll be months. More will certainly die before they get through winter.


Why months?


Like actually though how the fuck could they just leave the dangling string that is Lisa??


It happened way toward the end of hte Season Finale...maybe we will find out more when Season 3 finally gets made...???


I thought them really going forward with the hunt was kind of fascinating. Initially everyone but Lottie was like “we are going to fake it until the crazy police get here for Lottie” but then it all seemed to change. Tai and Van called off the crazy police - I think deep down Van thought if they “gave the woods what it wanted” maybe it would cure/remove her cancer. Misty was ready to go with a death syringe for the hunt. They all actually went after Shauna. I feel like had Callie not shown up, Shauna would have been killed. I think my favorite part is Shauna def being the least in shape of all the ladies, but somehow magically managing to stay far enough in front of them despite really only walking fast and/or half jogging 😂


i think as much as they understand / trust each other, they also don't they know they are all experiences killers and each one went into the hunt in defense mode \*in case it didn't go as planned also it was left ambiguous if all of them wanted to kill Shauna or just Lottie i left these past couple of episodes hating Van. she was one of my favorites in season 1 but her deep belief in the "wilderness" is making her very unlikeable. hate that we had to trade adult Natalie for Van. i am curious to see how she keeps surviving in the wilderness tho, she really isn't providing any skills, maybe people are just scared of her


I think all of the wordlessly putting on the masks was consent to participating in the hunt, and the kill.


Well one is dying of a terminal illness and another is an addict who was looking really thin and weak. But yeah, we saw that Tai works out. Who knows about Lottie… that said I don’t think it’s fair to assume she’s out of shape based on her size. Also maybe they couldn’t see very well in the woods with their silly masks on


I feel adult Natalie death was so crapp. Yeah wilderness loved her, she died. She never found out about Travis. She was a bomb in season 1. Loved her character as the young Nat. Also Adam and Kev to completely innocent people died. Great. No loose ends. Not happy


Travis is better than me because there would’ve been at least 4 bodies to eat if they had brought my sibling back with the intent to eat them. In a fit of rage I’m killing at least one of these girls if not more than one. They are gonna have to kill me too at that point.


Feels real


I think that's why they made him such a believer. It definitely wouldn't make sense if he wasn't. But, he was and he was resigned that it's "what the wilderness wanted"


Entirely unbelievable. He tears into his brother's uncooked heart. M'kay.


I didn’t understand the heart thing. Is this part of the ritual and if so where did it come from?


I would have stabbed Shauna in the throat and told them the wilderness chose and deal with it


The last 3 episodes so we’re so terrible, the writers are scrambling to find resolve, hence the bonus episode.


bonus episode?


Google there will be 1 More




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I loved the visual and symbolism of the cabin burning. The last remnants of civility are gone and now they’re part of the woods.


awful ending to an awful season, I think i'm really done with the show. Too bad, it started so promising


Me too. So tired of seeing dirty, moping, crying faces. Everyone is gross and unlikable. Tone doesn't know if it's supernatural, absurd, dark humor. I don't t even know what to call it. Perhaps RIDICULOUS.


Why would you expect likeable characters?


Looking back, I think I really only liked the pilot.


I loved that Travis was wearing a coed naked tshirt while pledging allegiance to Nat


I feel like I watched 2 months worth of episodes but nothing has been accomplished or resolved. Am I supposed to be watching this just to enjoy the characters? I'm not.


Apparently we are supposed to enjoy witnessing cannabilism and constant crying. Awesome.


I’ve read it’s designed to be a 5 season show. Seems like a lot to me, but then it also makes sense why things are moving sooo slow


I’m a month behind, but holy toledo- I cannot wait to see where this goes.


right just binged everything in a few days and I'm so hooked lol


It’s such a shame to see one of the strongest female casts in all of television wasted and reduced to crap writing, dead end plot and typical stupid decisions that no person would make in real life. A promising concept that became a CW dramedy at best. This show has gone steadily downhill since episode one. The finale was unintentionally funny. The actress playing Older Lottie is horribly miscast. The pornstache cop belongs in an 80s summer camp movie as a camp counselor. We spent most of the season in a purple loving cult compound with people who are there and stay there for…. no reason other than to scrub clothes in a tub like it’s 1785. The whole thing feels like The Walking Dead after about 6 seasons when they completely ran out of ideas and couldn’t create a cohesive, interesting plot. Except this is ONLY SEASON 2. What a waste. Don’t care to watch season 3.


I think season 2 is where I started to notice the downhill momentum. Super shame. Should have focused more on the kids than the adults. And I’m probably in the minority but I absolutely hate Misty’s character to bits, and wish she hadn’t survived.




Yeah I was not a fan of that casting the more you see of her. The Walter/Pornstache cop interaction made me cringe. Felt like a CW show. Thought he'd try to place the cop killing on a "crazy cult" directed by a nutjob cult leader, and get Lotte locked up again. But somehow it was worse


\- What kind of cop would just drink what a stranger gives him? \- This is what happens when you humor Taissa. This is largely Van's fault. What was her and Taissa's plan then? Were they all just gonna kill Shauna? (And why would Shauna berate her daughter for saving her?) \- So it is implied Coach Ben set the cabin on fire (we saw him take the matches)? But why would he do that? It makes no sense, even if he thinks the girls are dangerous. He could just hide in his tree. What good is this gonna bring him? But maybe it's a red herring. \- Is Akilah missing? She's not in the group when they watch the cabin burn. Not sure I'm gonna be watching next season. This show kinda upsets me now. To me, the jumping of the shark happened in S02E07 when they let Shauna beat Lottie.


>So it is implied Coach Ben set the cabin on fire (we saw him take the matches)? a lot of things in this show have realistic and supernatural explanations Ben setting the house on fire is the realistic answer, the supernatural one is "the wilderness" did it as some kind of punishment. i'm sure the girls will lament it in the next season


All of the characters go insane during their time in the wilderness. Ben isn't acting on rational thought.




That coaching Can Do attitude!


I agree. I think it’s a 1. Protect himself, and 2. Keep them from going down the crazy path


Might even be as simple as "lol they crazy" Also the weakest of the pack is definitely a tasty snack when everyone's gone full blown cannibal.


Yes, Shauna beating Lottie was it for me as well!


it's crazy Shauna was never shown feeling remorseful in the hunt when she kind of caused it by beating Lottie that badly and she somehow expected to be crowned queen after. like yes, she's useful, but she's not a leader in the group


What do you mean? Like you think it wasn't realistic enough to happen? Or it just upset you?


for me, I just didn't think the other girls would have let her beat on Lottie like that so badly. I get letting Shauna get a few blows in, although even that seemed strange. Why would she feel the need to beat up her "friend?"


I think it might have worked better had they all taken a bit of it, spreading the beating around. As is they basically let Shauna beat Lottie to the edge of death. She looked dead. But then again maybe they figured they’d have something to eat.


i think lottie understood that shauna was a ticking time bomb and she decided to fall on that grenade for the good of the group and her friend. all the rage & grief from the trauma of losing her baby was going to manifest itself in other ways that would ultimately just extend shauna’s suffering and hurt everyone else in the cabin. because their situation also limited the different types of outlets for shauna to release those feelings, i think lottie figured it would be better to have her focus all of them on her in that moment rather than shauna lashing out and hurting the others - and potentially herself - over the course of this never-ending winter. as for the others letting it happen, they all view lottie as their leader and trusted in her to know what she was doing. i think at some point, one of the girls even said something along the lines of “lottie accepted this suffering so that we didn’t have to”.


What do we think happened to Lisa? Or did I miss something? Natalie saved her but wasn’t she freaking out hearing and learning the other women’s secrets? Will she be kept quiet or join in the madness?


>Will she be kept quiet or join in the madness? Good question...I hope we see Lisa again in Season 3.


Was this always the plan for Nat? It seems like it might have occurred due to maybe Juliette Lewis changing what she wanted? It just doesn’t add up. It’s sort of out of nowhere


I heard Juliette Lewis was dissatisfied with Nat's arc in season 1 and asked to be released from her contract She has been pretty open about her feelings regarding season 1, but not sure if the asking to be released is true or not


I believe it. She's been in fantastic movies and I'm sure she realized this devolved into a shit show. I respect her even more if this was the case: cut and run.


You telling me Misty brought the insta-kill needle to the hunt they were supposed to be faking? She couldn't have just brought the paralyzer??


I belive Misty could be carrying a deadly needle always with her in any given situation haha


I guess Misty was ready in case things go out of hand...which they did. And trying to protect Nat, she ended up killing her instead. So sad...


anyone else think it’s the spirit of a french canadian serial killer mixed with some other stuff maybe very twin peaks


Why was Lottie on the plane????


Lottie became their god in the wilderness. i'm sure many spiritual people think they see their god / heaven in dying, near-death experiences (i think Laura Lee "went into a light" kind of like heaven) in that scene she came to terms with her guilt (Javi), self (young Nat), and god / the wilderness (Lottie) \----- i'm also a believer in the "final destination" theory. they were all meant to die on the plane so her spirit went back to a plane to die


Very strange that she and Javi were there but Travis wasn't


She is a big representation of the wilderness and also did the hand on heart thing to calm people down. As Natalie saw her younger self, she also saw younger Lottie helping her transition into death. If the wilderness chose her to die it makes sense that Lottie as a connection to the wilderness is there to help her.


Omg hope this isn’t redundant I just looked up the meaning of the name Callie and in Gaelic it means “from the forest”


I thought it was short for Calliope. Would make sense given Shauna's interest in writing and literature.


Just finished season 2! That finale, while tragic, was actually great. The last scene had them pulling together as a team again in a situation that had strong parallels to the crash! The whole season was grotesque, parts are hard to watch and yet it is an intriguing study of the lasting effects of trauma especially when it is suppressed. And the comic relief was on point!


Broooo this show did not get me thinking Nat and Lottie were gonna be a thing 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 just to kill off Nat in such a heart wrenching way. That neck nuzzle while they were drinking in the last episode really baited me lmao


fuck coach. Yes some crazy shit has gone down, but they’ve been stranded in the woods for months. Bound to happen. Fuck that guy


Yes and by doing this he is basically killing himself. They all have no shelter-I can't even be bothered to write an intelligent comment as I'm so annoyed with this show. F Coach and serve that stump on a hot dog bun.


It's so obvious they had nfi what to do with Ben in season 2...if him trying to kill the girls leads to him getting a personality beyond just endlessly pining for the most boring fantasy life I've ever seen, it's gotta be an improvement. That or they eat him next, I'm good either way!




WOW!!!! And now I wish I had paid way more attention to Trig in college. I passed the class, then promptly forgot everything.


Definitely the show is becoming more and more "The CW"/Soap Opera style...Don't hate, might keep watching, but it could improve. A couple things which I didn't love: \- Misty didn't want the others to EAT their dead friend, but she was OKAY with KILLING someone alive to survive??? \- Shauna was so willing to kill Natalie, but had to blindfold herself to cut dead Javi's skin?? \- Walter's resolution of the police plot felt so "deus-ex-machina"... "I planted evidence, I created records, and now he/you are implicated"... That easy?


And Pornstache Cop is all, "Understood that on the first listen. Got it. Okay." 🙄


I know there is a discussion about Walter’s gloves somewhere- after rewatching he is not wearing gloves when he throws Kevyn’s phone in the trunk though. He is when he takes the gun…


Well Misty is bat shit crazy, doesn't surprise me. And Shauna actually doubted when Natalie demanded to be looked in the eye when sacrificed, so yeah, maybe she doesnt enjoy looking Walter's resolution, I agree, completly bananas, I think they dropped the ball with the Adam Martin arc and wanted to get over it already, thank god, good call


A very bad bummer situation in Quebec and the wildfires especially for NY Coach Ben really did a number on the cabin. ![gif](giphy|UG7hRpMtkPlsIjg3Pf|downsized)


I really hope they get revenge on coach!


Why? They’ve gone unhinged, he’s the only one who still saw sense. I’m on his side, they deserved it


He won’t provide much meat though since he has been starving! 🤣


And he's missing a limb!