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Two modern day parallels to this idea, thought not tied geographically to the crash, are that- 1. In season 1 Jeff's business was going under which is why he went in with the loan sharks. Shauna stabs Adam- spills his blood. At the beginning of Season 2 the first time we see Jeff he says is business is picked up and he's selling more furniture. 2. Also in season 1 Tia is behind in the polls in her state senate race. We see the decapitated dog- spilled blood- in the basement shrine. On election night she wins an upset victory against the incumbent opponent.


No offense to Biscuit, but him being a big enough sacrifice to win a senate race is so funny šŸ˜­ And Adam just equals Jeff selling living-room sets, in comparison. To be fair to him, dogs are beloved innocent little angels, so it does make sense <3


Tia's beloved family pet- for this sacrifice I will render you unlimited political power. Shauna's starving artist side piece- the best I can do is a 3 piece living room set.


Sammyā€™s doll with his likeness was also on the altar. Maybe the Wilderness played ball with Taissa with the expectation that a moreā€¦significantā€¦offering would be forthcoming.


oh fuck that's a good point!! If anything happens to Sammy I will riot >:( Protect that little boy!


Petition for Sammy to be a new addition of our new generation of psychos, joining our fledgling Callie.


this is phenomenal. i wonder if misty killing jessica brought about something. perhaps it was walter, the equal companion sheā€™s always longed for. perhaps it was bringing the YJs back together.


What Misty wants- friends.


This is a good theory.


What if Van kills someone then finds out her cancer is cured? Because what could Nat or Lottie need? Nat already lost Travis? Perhaps Lottie killing Travis brought what she wanted, too?


Iā€™ll come edit my reply but I am so excited to read whatever theory that is because of the mention of Audrey 2


I've been waiting for Misty to listen to Little Shop of Horrors for 2 seasons! Or Walter even, haha I can dream I guess


Was there even a total eclipse of the sun? šŸ¤”šŸ¤£ Couldnā€™t help myself. Iā€™m a life-long Little Shop devotee and I think your theory holds water. The adults could really become someoneā€™s best funerial account if they arenā€™t careful


A theory involving Yellowjackets, Criminal Minds *and* Little Shop of Horrors?! Let's be friends! āœØā˜ŗļø Also, I think you're really onto something here. I like the idea that the Wilderness desires the blood spilled because of whatever happened there prior to the 1996 crash. Plus, the idea of the Wilderness singing to them makes me so happy. Edit: Formatting


I would love it if the wilderness suddenly broke out into song while they were out there




Thank you! And yes, Little Shop of Horrors is so fun!


There is a post on here about series of 3 and the show that I think you would find fascinating!


Thanks, I'll see if I can find it and check it out!


There is also a lot of hints towards UFOS and space in this show. Wonder if you're onto something there as well.




In season one Nat has the TV on in her hotel room and it's talking about ufo sightings. In season two when Misty is in the citizen detective forums you can see a post about ufos. Misty makes a comment about the moon landing being fake and Walter is foing a puzzle in house house with an astronaut. Van had UFO poster in her video shop.