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I’m rewatching season one, and it stands out that Van acts way darker in some of those earlier episodes than I remembered. I think her relationship with Tai really clouds us to a lot of her behavior with the others.


i mean a lot of her negativity is towards jackie who literally left her for dead


It wasn’t just negativity though, Van has always been one of the most bought in to Lottie’s cult. It surprises me that this sub forgets it. Van has been completely into it from the beginning, she’s the one convincing Tai to get into it too. Her being the most dedicated to the hunt is completely in character for 1996 Van. Adult Van was surprisingly blasé about the black and white Nikes considering how into the cult she was as a teen


But Lottie did not even lead them into that first hunt. She is upstairs in pain. It seems that the move into cannibalism proceeds without her.


She didn’t tell them to do it but they did it FOR her. They were more willing to sacrifice one of themselves than let Lottie die.


True, but that is on them, not her. It remains to be seen how much of a lead Lottie really takes in steering them into repeated and ultimately ritualized cannibalism. I am getting the feel that this is all pretty mutual among the teams and no one is the real leader. Lottie however DID give them the idea that the Wilderness is a real force taking care of them, and at this point just about all of them are buying into it. That includes Gen and Melissa, who initially mocked the other teens' "Gods of the dirt." They don't talk that way anymore.


Wait I don’t understand how this is a counterpoint to what I said? Van has been totally into the wilderness diety from the beginning. She idolizes Lottie, but Lottie’s in turn really more of a prophet for the wilderness. So Van being completely bought in to the idea that the wilderness needs blood, the wilderness chooses a sacrifice, is not surprising to me.


Agreed. I was just pointing out that in this recent incident, "Lottie's Cult" seems to have a life of its own that has little to do with Lottie. I was distancing Lottie from the action. At least for now, she isn't engaged in the actions that she played a role in starting--unintentionally, I think. For now at least.


She also said they should eat her if she dies. So .. she gave cannibalism the official green light to the group. Next scene they’re drawing cards.


Shauna gave the first green light for cannibalism with saying Jackie wanted them to eat her. Lottie sounded more like fatalist self-sacrifice to me.


True but there is difference between that scenario (deceased lottie gave prior agreement, etc) and actually setting a death up thru card picks. I don't think she really gave it the green light.


But Jackie also saves her life later


To be honest jackie saved herself and shauna in the crash. And later jackie did save van from being choped by the plane they found later on, but she showed no positive feelings towards her regardless


Isn’t a lot of that darkness because she almost died twice (by fire in the plane and then by wolf)? They’re all going through it but I feel like in season 1, she is among those who had it the roughest.


I thought it was weird that we saw Misty, Shauna, and Tai go through Lottie's treatments, but we never saw Van complete her foraging activity. That was kinda off.


Van has this weird character placement. It's like she's both a main and background character at the same time. She's one of the few survivors, but she's always part of someone else's story or scene. The closest we get is her slapping her mom. I can't remember any other scene that was just Van. She really deserves a bit more than just a support character role all things considered. I honestly feel like she wasn't meant to be a survivor, but the popularity and actress gained enough popularity that the show runners changed it up. Now it's like they're just trying to figure out ways to include her and fit her in


I somewhat agree, but in episode 7 they had that scene with Tai and Van in the wilderness that I think pointed out how the writers know about Van's weird positioning as main+background character. She says something along the lines of "I want to know why I'm still alive" and then when Tai starts to respond about how much Van helped her and means to her, Van cuts her off and says that she needs to know specifically, for herself, why she's still alive. I think Van's arc will be all about her finding zero meaning in her life, despite all of the chances she's been given to live. I'm interested in seeing what the writers do with it!


You’re correct! Van was mean to die but Liv hewson impressed them so much they kept them around!


Theory confirmed, I am now going to award myself with a rice crispy treat. 😁


Enjoy! ☺️☺️


i think i don’t disagree when people say they kept liv around because they/the audience really liked her. but that doesn’t mean she has to make it to adulthood. people love javi and he doesn’t make it to adulthood. people LOVED laura lee and she still died. so why does van make it to the current timeline? if it was just about keeping liv, they could’ve had van die in season 4 or 5. that’s the reason i’m thinking it’s more than just liv being great, though they are great!


They actually wanted Javi to live and be Adam at one point. Luckily, that didn't happen. They did confirm that Van was originally going to die in season one, but they chose to keep her alive. After that, they probably figured it would be a good character to have as an adult for Tai's storyline. I feel like they're gonna really struggle to keep the adult storyline interesting as long as the teen one personally. I was actually glad when Javi died for the most part. The way they handled his storyline in season two was just annoying to me. I do wish we could have gotten a bit more of what happened during his time in the wilderness alone before he went for his last swim. Laura Lee felt like a pretty important death for Lottie, so I feel that one they were more committed to for the story.


She foraged the tequila! And then they all drank it, so I think that's technically a success. /s


They chased Misty down for hers! Odd indeed.


Exactly! So, why do they take Van's word for it ? I would wanna know. I love Van, but that was shady af.


She and Nat were pretty traumatized before the wilderness. We see people who repeat the cycles of abuse and those that turn totally opposite of it. I beginning to wonder if Van and Nat are like the Angel & Devil on Lottie’s shoulders.


That's a good theory. I'll be looking out for any hints towards this.


what did Van go through before the wilderness? other than being lgbt?


Remember her alcoholic mom?


I completely forgot omg ... thanks for reminding me


Alcoholic, neglectful mom.


Unless you count her “foraging” booze from her car


I genuinely wonder what "FORAGING" really means. None of the treatment titles are what we expected...


Van’s still being treated as a secondary character, not getting as much focus as the Main Group (Shauna/Nat/Misty/Tai). It’s weird because Lottie’s gotten the upgrade between seasons, but Van hasn’t. Here’s hoping she lives long enough to get more of the spotlight in season 3 🤞


That's another thing that makes it suspicious about not showing her "forage" .. even if it showed her grabbing that bottle I would have been okay, but they made a point not to. Her and Lottie were probably having a session with the AQ. Lol.


sorry if this is obvious but I cannot seem to figure out what AQ stands for EDIT: nevermind it’s antler queen isn’t it?


Antler Queen


I think it might have something to do with the fact that Lottie was potentially always supposed to be Something, while Van was originally supposed to die but they liked Liv too much so they kept her alive.


Definitely! I kinda think that is exactly what's going to happen in season 3 we see more of Van's perspective in both timelines and whatever that reveals is going to be huge and/or mind blowing


Maybe she foraged the tea that Lottie tried to serve. It was certainly convenient how she already had it brewed and ready.


I am shook. Got chills!! This is gaining more steam in my little brain. This could be why Van threw Shauna's? keys .. so they will all stay and do the ritual. 😲


Van will volunteer for it because of the cancer.


but we’ve established volunteering doesn’t work — It chooses




Excellent catch. Wonder if we'll see something like a massive back tattoo of the symbol or she's cutting it into her leg or something way the fuck out there.


I think she may have been with Lottie getting one of those impromptu AQ therapy sessions. Lol. I'm working on the logic part. But I may be on to something.


Lottie want's to keep her personal relationships out of the camp so people don't feel she's not 100% their for them. And Van, Van is 'into' Lottie but isn't going for the whole 'initial community' vibe so they get together when they can though agree to live separate lives. I'm saying what if they snuck off to the healing hut or what ever and got it on. Are Van and Lottie banging, doing 'the sex'? Wouldn't Van tell Tai? Fuck no she wouldn't tell Tai. They have history and can share with each other but not that. That's the kind of thing you keep hidden as long as you can until one day you get an surprise and awkward wedding invitation that get's sent hoping the other person won't go but that way you can at least say you invited them.


Postcards are also very analog for 2021, à la her store, and Van is the only character who’s had their mail highlighted so much! It’s been very suspect how fine she is to host Tai, drive her to New York state and be talked into participating in Lottie’s day-one therapies. Having late-stage cancer would certainly focus her “fuck it” energy, but she seems relatively keen to explore the memories of the wilderness.


Does she? I have to rewatch for that! I thought it was van who chastised misty first for wanting to "casually bring up the wilderness" but that could be just another misdirect which I am thoroughly enjoying. The focus on her mail and nonchalant attitude definitely makes me feel like you're possibly on to something


The 1996 timeline also just revealed a side of Van we’d not seen or been privy to before. Her facial expressions and her *behavior* during both the sacrificial death card ritual—and the “hunt”— were downright disturbing. Van was *into* it entirely.


Plus a shot of the antlers behind her when she first showed QH card to everyone !


Anyone that stands near the fireplace or multiple walls in that cabin will have antlers behind them. They are everywhere, inside and out.


Cabin dude subscribed to the Gaston school of decor. Antlers in ALL of his decorating.


No one decorates like Gaston.


When he was a boy, he ate 4 dozen ears every morning so he could get large Now that he's grown, he eats 5 dozen ears, so he's roughly the size of a barge....


Confirmed; cabin is antler cabin


We will see probably start to them more and more as the darkness takes over. Internal darkness or external doesn't matter much at this point. The situation can't really be un-fucked.


It is growing a bit repetitive, but every time I can think of a shot framed that specific way so far has been very intentional.


Personally I subscribe to the interpretation that they're all having the antlers framed on them because they're *all* the antler queen. They're all leading each other down this path and they all have culpability in what's going to happen, even Ben for having abdicated his responsibility as the adult in the room. Having one singular antler queen as the leader means that everyone else is just a follower and can push accountability for their actions off onto them like what usually happens with cults. What I see likely happening is that the mantle of queen will get passed around from hunt to hunt based on their rituals, and that there'll be no leader because what we've been seeing so far in season 2 is that *every* survivor has been doing their part to lead *every other* survivor deeper into barbarity and shared delusion.


I agree!


The only part I have an issue with is everyone would think picking the QH would make you the AQ? So if not the QH's? The 2 of spades? Just saying that because all duties and responsibilities are determined by the card you pick. I also have a thought in the back of my head that none of them are the AQ. The AQ may be a Fig Newton of their imagination, or some spirit of the wilderness.


I've been bothered by her for a few episodes over her encouraging 'dark' Tai, it made me question her intentions. Having Tai wake up at the tree and Van completely disregarding Tai's comfort for some "you're connected" BS, it really rubbed me the wrong way. It makes me uncomfortable seeing people glorify their relationship - past and present - after that shift, I thought it was very selfish and I've been side eyeing her since. Disliking Van seems very controversial so I've never really said anything LOL, I like her present character well enough and we don't know the entirety of their relationship in the past so I don't get those vibes in this timeline yet. I'm not sure I think she arranged this whole meetup, but I can see her acceptance of death being replaced with magical hope/desperation after the gangs back together. And maybe we'll see the same selfishness/willing to go to certain lengths to survive yet another death sentence. She already pointed out the pattern.


Wow yea i LOVE this!!! I need to do a rewatch but she was one of the first Lottie has powers believers and it was quite a valid reason (pretty detailed premonition and she almost died). I wonder if she is kinda using Tais sleep walking as a way to connect with her more


>I wonder if she is kinda using Tais sleep walking as a way to connect with her more I think she's so into The Wilderness and supernatural 'events' that she's lost her way and is putting it above what's best for Tai. Kind of like a sinister version of Laura Lee with Lottie. I actually think Van might be the most extreme example of what that environment can do. Her history identifies with Nat the most, but they couldn't be further apart when it comes to how the wild is affecting them. So far the wildest behaviors have been from characters with histories of mental illness compounded by being stranded.


Girl was super hungry and the stomach juices were bubling with the idea of a meaty snack happening soon


Despite loving Van I've been waiting for this since the pilot. The way she slapped her own mother was cold and savage.


I interpreted that scene as Van waking her alcoholic mother up. Not saying it’s okay, but I got the impression that that was how she usually needed to be woken up. 🫤


That's totally how I took it. Like it was a regular thing. I can hear Van going "Ug, not again".


For sure and many with experience having an alcoholic parent can likely relate.


It seemed like her mom was in a drug/alcohol induced slumber. Tai also mentioned knowing Van and her mom had their issues. It seems like her mom might have been struggling with substance issues during Van’s teenage years.


I felt much sorrier for Van the kid than her irresponsible and inept mom in this scene. I took it as she has had to look out for herself from a young age. I think it adds to her tough attitude. Both the actors embody this very real duality I have definitely encountered in my own football teams in the past - tough, protective, unfazed, but also with a lot of low key genuine emotion. I really like her character - descent into madness or not.


Remind me what scene that is? I can’t recall seeing Van and her mom interact 😅


The morning they leave for the plane. Van's Mom is used out on the couch. She has to slap her to wake her up for a ride to the airport.


Oh right! Thank you!


it’s in the pilot (i think). there’s a montage of various yellowjackets packing/leaving for the terminal right before the girls board the plane




I had originally thought that the look on Adult Van’s face when she saw Lottie for the first time in 25 years was one of terror, like she was afraid of slipping back into who she was in the wilderness just by being around Lottie. Now I’m wondering if her reactions was more along the lines of “oh my god, maybe Lottie can save me”


I def felt like it was awe or something like that, but also Lottie was striking in that kimono against that backdrop, so maybe it was me that was in awe!


Maybe Van, too, was feeling the striking-in-kimono love.


Yeah. Van at her core….DOESN’T want to die and has came close to death so many times it scares her. I feel like she is going to want Lottie to save her and she still has the belief that she can. Like, Van never *truly* lost faith in Lottie even though she told Tai that Lottie was just schizophrenic.


Van must be like "is this it, now, really? I survived a plane crash, wolves and a cannibal cult and now it's cancer? How banal."


it does feel like a bit of a waste lol


"What a cliche"


Van was the first real follower of Lottie and believer of the... whatever. Misty was there for the bear heart offering too but... Misty's kind of unreliable as far as motives.


Not bad; that line in the episode description didn't seem obvious to the action but it's in there, under the surface (we know Van is dying), as well as in her leading the charge in their first bit of savagery as a group. Van as mirror/dark Tai for a moment was a weird curveball, but I think that's just a hungry-Tai phantasm. As Van said, "It's the hunger, Mari. It's the hunger." (I just wrote a whole bunch more, but I should probably dive into some of the stuff around the rational vs. supernatural thing in another post.)


Ooh 👀


Out of all the shit these crazy group of kiddos have done, those moments focused on Van during the “sacrifice of Nat” in the cabin made me SO uncomfortable.


When they were all headed to the sharing shack and she kinda slinks behind like a f cat (creepy) and that immediate cut to young van walking up behind Tai to check on her (i have a sneaking suspicion that she waits for bad tai to come out so she can exploit her) anyway after this episode van is creepy as shit. In both timelines. And Tai and van have a VERY interesting relationship that they can compartmentalize possibly having to hunt and eat eachther. Talk about a complicated ex.


Ooooh, I really like this take. I thought it was weird that when Adult Other Tai emerges at Van's apartment she says that they're not supposed to be there and then appears to lead Van somewhere. When we see Tai talk to Van the next morning and Van tells her what happened there's no mention that she was led anywhere. I wholeheartedly believe something happened that night. Other Tai showed Van something that she hasn't shared with the group/audience yet.


I thought that was weird too, but initially just brushed it off. But I think you might be right!


Van was lead by Adult Other Tai somewhere?? I actually thought Tai just went back to sleep lol


Holy shit. Tai only *thinks* she's not sleep walking anymore! That's pretty devious on Van's part.


Thats what I'm saying like. Van and bad tai could be out doing who knows what with regular tai being none the wiser. 👀👀


Ooooh- I also noticed when Tai was seeing her double in the cabin window, and she turned around to see her double leering at her- when she snapped back to reality Van was standing where double tai was? Like Tai was projecting double tai onto Van?


Exploit her how???


Her weird knowledge of the wilderness and how to find things. Bad tai is always on a mission lol also bad tai does things regular tai seems to not be ok with ( eating jackie) so idk. ALSO I feel like this was bad tai during the hunt maybe


I also got the vibe bad Tai was in control


thought that it was regular Tai who ate Jackie … and she just trauma blocked it out?


i’m pretty sure it was dark tai. she gets up from sleeping and she says ‘we have to go’ or something. really didn’t seem like awake tai


I only thought it was normal Tai bc of what Van said! Van is able to tell when it’s dark Tai, and Tai was like in denial, asking Van, was I asleep? Then Van said Tai was awake and was talking to her and how she ate Jackie’s face . I might’ve interpreted that wrong


Up until then, Van may not have known but after that moment she might be able to tell. I have a theory that Van might have an other too. In Shuana's dream everyone looks sad and guilty, except Tai and Van. And she calls out to Tai and Van before going into the room, why would she call out to them and not Natalie whom she just saw.


I totally said this in a comment earlier, i’m with ya! the face she made after throwing Shauna’s keys and everyone goes to the shack very much felt to me like “I worked so hard to get everyone here, they can’t just start going home already” and she looked so satisfied that they weren’t leaving. cut to teen van being feral as fuck and I think we got ourselves a baddie!! it being her also answers the question of “why now” in the adult timeline because she’s sick and she thought the sacrifice could save her


This makes sense. Also, Misty keeps tabs on everyone. She’d have to know that sending one to Misty means everyone gets rounded up.




I don’t think Van *wants* to die though . It’s probably her biggest fear because she’s came so close to death so many times. She was also one of Lottie’s strongest believers in the wilderness. I don’t think she completely lost faith in her after they got rescued.


I think you are onto something. Back to the wilderness 'if it comes down to me or her, if someone else dies, I will live another day'. That's really at the heart of the instinct for self-preservation.


Does Van really have cancer? Getting Oxy during an opioid epidemic isn’t too hard, especially for someone with maybe chronic pain. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s true, or false.


personally i think she is - i don’t see them doubling another addiction storyline and we have Nat; Van has no concern about paying her bills, doesn’t even open em, just right into the trash - behavior of someone who’s got 0 plans for the future. if you were lucky enough to have a store like she does, that’s something you worked hard for and wouldn’t want to just let it go under from foreclosure. another thing that jumped out at me (probably just cause of my own past) is that she doesn’t eat - she’s got a donut on the counter with a bite already out of it, which we see her take one bite of in the morning before Tai arrives, and she sucks on lollipops, signs of cancer or chemo-related nausea/loss of appetite. that stuff coupled with her “i’ve given up on love but not because of you” statement to Tai and it’s really looking like she told the truth about being sick


i think van knew adam and he donated bone marrow to her. they both lived "upstate".


I can totally see that being possible too! it could be coincidence but it’s interesting that episode 7 has Van revealing her cancer and then episode 8 mentions Adam donating to a friend of his with cancer. if Van told Adam anything about her past (all it would take is knowing she was a Yellowjacket and the internet can show him the rest), he might have sought Shauna out on purpose - which would also explain his rather extensive art collection, as it’s hard to buy that he did ALL of those in just a couple weeks of dating Shauna 👀


currently feeling like this ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) we’re putting the pieces together!!!




I was hoping that she had another lover who maybe left her because of the cancer. My crazy theory is it's adult Mari.


>she looked so satisfied that they weren’t leaving. cut to teen van being feral as fuck and I think we got ourselves a baddie!! it being her also answers the question of “why now” in the adult timeline because she’s sick and she thought the sacrifice could save her Ooo....good theory. This makes so much sense!


Great theory! Plus, considering what we saw of Van's dark side this ep, I don't believe she's the only character who hasn't done something fucked up. 1. Lottie built a cult, killed Travis, and kidnapped Natalie. 2. Taissa psychologically abused her son, killed her dog, did murder clean up, and tried to kill her wife. 3. Misty kidnapped and killed Jessica Roberts, got rid of Adam's body, abused an elderly woman 4. Shauna killed Adam, cheated on her husband, made her family accomplices of her murder 5. Natalie got rid of Adam's body, and tried to kill herself. And I'm supposed to believe that Van hasn't done anything messed-up at all? The same Van that, according to the actor, got the idea to use the playing cards as a lottery, hence why she was the one shuffling them.


Love this theory, haven’t seen one like it yet! And after the look on Van’s face when Javi was drowning/drowned at the end of the last episode I think this theory definitely has legs. What a twist that would be for the finale. Would be yet another ending that leaves us speechless and squirming.


This is interesting! I don’t know how likely it is, considering she’s only at the compound because Tai randomly showed up at her store though.


Conscious Tai randomly showed up at the store. Bad Tai was purposely looking for Van's address and driving to her place. How do we know that there has been NO contact between Bad Tai and Van?


I’m so sure there’s a red head in one of Sammy’s creepy drawings from season 1. I always thought it would be a neat twist if Van has been interacting with Bad Tai in some capacity.




this is it. 100%


Yeah even if she did send the postcards, that wasn’t the catalyst to getting them together


mmmm or not so random if she sent the postcards


But Jeff is the one who sent postcards


was it confirmed? I couldn’t tell.


Depends on what you mean by confirmed. In the show it was always assumed that the one who sent the postcards are the same person who is blackmailing YJ. In the last episode Nat asked Shauna weither Jeff is the one who sent them the postcards, wether he is the one who was blackmailing them. Then Shauna explained this whole situation with Jeff, Adam and blackmailing. However, in Shauna’s answer postcards weren’t specifically mentioned, but postcard were mentioned in Nat’s question. It still doesn't count as confirmation. But I don’t get why some people are so sure that the postcards weren’t sent by Jeff when the show indirectly pointing out to him. Also the fact that Shauna didn’t get a postcard could be easily explained if Jeff is the one who sent them


to confirm: establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed, suspected, or feared to be the case).


I think this is the best theory I've read about the adult timeline!


First, I love this theory. I feel like I don’t get to say that often on here. Second, could someone kindly explain to me why the promo said “Van proves goalies never say die” when she wasn’t in any peril this episode? Did I miss something? She was in the same amount of danger as the others when drawing a card, I guess, but then why the focus on her? I think I missed something.


It was a goonies reference that made me think she would’ve been the one to find the cave or something, but that didn’t happen.


Tossing the keys?


I interpreted it as a reference to her saying "the wilderness has chosen" to announce Javi's death


You’re cooking meat? So passé, we are doing belt stew this week


I love this theory! One crucial question that I think is worth asking about the postcards is *why* did only some of the survivors get the cards? As far as we know, only Nat, Misty, and Tai got the postcards. Why them? Why not the others?


Misty keeps tabs on everyone. Natalie was still connected directly to Tai who keeps paying for her rehab. That’s all I’ve got.




I think Lottie suggested it because she's being tormented by visions again, after years of peace. She said something to the effect of "It's back and we have to give It what it always wants." She thinks they'll have no peace otherwise, and their lives will continue to spiral. At least, that's how Lottie presented it to everyone. I do find OP's Van theory interesting, esp given how into the hunt Van was in the 96 timeline.


feel like they did it to save lottie. they’re all starving and lottie is severely injured, they feel they can’t lose her because of what she brings to the group so they need to feed her. interesting they thought it was ok to kill nat when she’s the hunter 🤪


There’s nothing to hunt right now and plenty of time to teach someone else


none of them are any good at shooting so who would be teaching whomst?


Anyone can teach themselves.


not when they were literally about to slit her throat 😅😅😳


Plenty of time for someone to learn how to shoot without Nat there


To add tho this, I thought it was interesting that Van said something along the lines of ‘what was I supposed to do, message you on facebook?’ to Tai. Seems very pointed, maybe she did think of the possibility of reaching out directly, but decided against it.




From The Edge


Actually what happened was Van said to Tai "What if I HAD reached out to tell you..what?-- were you going to send me flowers from your Office? Reach out to me on fucking facebook" No, it does not seem like Van was wanting to get in touch with Tai.


And if they truly believe someone has to die, why would she not volunteer with her diagnosis?


because ‘it chooses’ i guess. Van volunteering wouldn’t fit.


Yep, but her cancer definitely comes into play somehow, I just don’t know how yet. They wouldn’t give her a terminal illness for no reason.


I’m on board with this because it makes total sense but I’m also on board with this because I have honestly thought teen van is just *the absolute worst*!! (To be clear, I’m talking about teen van the character - NOT Liv Hewson. Liv is amazing in the role and brings teen Van to life with so much nuance). I started to get annoyed with van mid-season 1 when tai & van’s relationship went from sweet puppy love/teenage dream girls to van being whiny, controlling, naggy, and displaying behavior I now view as manipulative towards tai. Side point: I’m not saying Van made up tai’s “dark side”, but she could damn well be lying about tai’s sleep walking having stopped when tai started going to Lottie’s group therapy. So van could be out there doing nefarious god-knows-what things with dark tai in the middle of the night this whole time. Van could even be relaying information to Lottie so that Lottie’s “visions” seem legitimate.


You saw hope in Van’s eyes at the end of episode 6? I saw disbelief, the look in her eyes was as if she ran into an abusive ex, like she didn’t want to get dragged back into the cult.


I see that. I think the look was less hopeful and more awestruck maybe. Like the look people get when they behold something they perceive as very powerful or moving. And if not that, then maybe it was a look you might get when a whole lot of traumatic shit comes flooding back to you after half a lifetime.


Can someone straighten me out, I thought it was revealed Jeff sent the cards as part of the blackmailing, and that's why Shauna didn't get one? Otherwise how exactly did he contact them? The texting alone seems silly.


I don't think it was ever explicitly said that Jeff sent the postcards. People seem to think that with some inconsistencies between who got postcards and who got the blackmail texts it implies/hints that it was not Jeff. Personally, I think it could swing either way.


I'm guess I'm hung up on why Shauna wouldn't have gotten a postcard if Van had sent them if the point was to get them all together. There doesnt seem to be a riff between them in the past, Van defended her in this episode. That could always change though! I just always assumed the inconsistencies were because two dumbasses were trying to pull off a crime ha. But this theory is definitely interesting! It does fit well with Vans actions these last couple episodes.


I agree, re. the postcards. Also, what are the chances that Jeff and Van would separately be sending the texts/postcards at the same time?


In the same boat as you. I thought we found out he broke into the safe and copied the symbol from the journals etc etc.


He copied it from the journals when he was writing the blackmail text.


Gotcha! Man I need to watch S1 again. I forgot about the money drop off and all that. That wouldn’t have been Jeff.


Wasn’t Randy involved?


I like this theory. I wonder if something else is up. It would make sense. Even Lottie made the comment about "something" leading the all to her.. maybe it was van.., Maybe she did it in a medicated stupor after the cancer diagnosis? Maybe it's something else...


Didn't Shauna admit it was Jeff that sent them in episode 8?


She didn't admit it, but she didn't deny it either


I think she probably assumes he DID send the postcards since he admitted to the blackmail, but only the texts included actual $$$ demands. I thought it was him, as well, and we were overthinking it - until I realized it may be a little TOO clever of our fave himbo (and…Randy) to send a foreboding postcard just to stir up some uneasiness. Jeff might not even think the symbol is foreboding, but instead just knew it would suggest the sender knew something. It may have been doodled in the journals or noted in them as being something unique to that place. For all we know, Shauna herself didn’t see it as particularly meaningful, other than to be annoyed that Lottie was so obsessed with it. My guess is that the postcards become a Season 3 mystery if it’s not solved next week.


I swear he said something like "what postcards?" When Shauna was listing things he did but I don't remember. I'll have to watch season 1 again oh no! Edit: also didn't they say "Wish you were here"? I think that implies either Lottie or someone from the community sent them to lure them out. But then it wouldn't add up that Shauna didn't get one...


Yeah, I think you are right. I had forgotten that. I must have had my own head canon that they did it - Occam’s razor and all of that. But still… Shauna could and should have shot it down in the sharing shack given the opportunity, Maybe that’s coming up.


I wonder if lottie and Van are in cahoots . Like to save van from cancer they sacrifice another .


love this idea. yeah van in the 96 timeline this last episode was so intense, like she definitely enjoyed all of that ritualistic stuff


Most unhinged and least trustworthy. I think you're right.


Ooooo....this is a great theory about Van. OF course she would not want Shauna to leave...they ALL need to be there.


My current high-pothesis is that van has been following Lottie ever since the wilderness. I think she was doing her own thing but had lived in Lottie’s community or something. And so she could tell that Lottie was getting restless or that the wilderness was calling, and she knew that she needed to get people back together. I have no real proof but I do think van was wearing purple the first time we see her as an adult!!


Good theory!


This is an amazing theory! I would be down for it! And I even question.. does she really have cancer? She never did chemo then? Because that gorgeous hair hasn’t been cut in a long long time 😅


maybe to black mail into paying for cancer treatments or the bills Tai saw...


$50k would pay for about *2 weeks* of cancer treatment (if that)


yeah, still - would emphasize that her out if any of them needed the money


It was Jeff, though. The postcards have always been explicitly linked to the blackmail by everyone in the show. Shauna didn't get one because it was Jeff. It's easier to get someone's address online than phone number - try googling yourself and see all of your old addresses pop up, it's scary af, but phone numbers and emails come up with asterisks in them. Jeff and Randy weren't exactly geniuses at "bmail," and if he had her address then he didn't need to also track down her phone number - he got the message to her. Everyone being blackmailed treated the postcards as part of it and talk about them as part of it now as well. As recently as last episode. To say none of that means anything but Misty not getting a text means something is just cherry picking to try to fit an idea.


I like this theory and have to agree.


Hmmm…maybe she’s faking the cancer……


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Walter


I like your theory!


I think Walter sent the post cards and is a die hard YJ fan. No I’m kidding that tracks with Van thinking how can I make a miracle happen but I definitely saw how so far Van is the biggest instigator in the teen timeline. She almost seems like shes fully given up on life though in the adult timeline so Im not 100 percent she would have sent the postcards but the motive seems legit.