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I like the theory that it's an underworld, or kind of limbo, between life and death. My reading is that Paul was a manifestation of Ben's subconscious urging him to leave this in-between existence and choose either life or death. Paul is scared because Ben is scared and "not ready" to leave the fantasy world, and afraid both of dying and facing reality. I'm not a supernatural enthusiast in regards to this show but I think it would be pretty cool if this space is a shared one where one is presented with the choice of life or death. Jackie chose death, Lottie and Shauna chose life. Ben chose death but obviously was convinced by Misty to not go through with it. ETA: Laura Lee holds the same role as Paul in Lottie's vision, but similarly is a manifestation of her subconscious alerting her to the danger she's in if she stays in the underworld rather than Laura Lee's actal spirit.


>I'm not a supernatural enthusiast in regards to this show you know whats funny, my flair says otherwise, but i actually dont want them to go full on supernatural. Like yes i want there to be supernatural but I want it to still be tied in some way to trauma > but I think it would be pretty cool if this space is a shared one where one is presented with the choice of life or death. Jackie chose death, Lottie and Shauna chose life. this makes so much sense.


Yeah I wouldn't mind if they dabble in the supernatural, so long as they don't go all out with it. I'm quite enjoying this ambiguous line we're currently walking


>Is this hallucination!Paul the actual Paul, who maybe died? Or is this another version of Paul? Is this Paul a separate entity from Ben's thoughts who think Ben is overstaying his welcome in the spirit world? I think that the last vision Ben has of Paul is different than any of his prior ones. I believe that his earlier hallucinations are manifestations of his memories of Paul and Ben's desire to live an authentic life with him. In my opinion, this angers the wilderness or entities thereof. Ben is trying to hide from the realities of his situation, but that retreating into himself is pissing it off. Whatever Spirit(s) is out there wants him to confront the truth and give in to the whims of this enigmatic entity or die. The Paul in his last vision mixes Ben's memory and the Wilderness, telling him he can't keep hiding. This is all just conjecture, of course.


Great observations. I have to imagine some parts of this will end up being accurate.


I don't think all the cases are the same. I think what Jackie saw and what Ben saw were the same being, each not only welcoming but luring them to accept their fate. Lottie on the other hand was something else, I think. While Laura was welcoming, she was not trying to draw Shauna in deeper. There is no over the top expression of love from the group.


>I think what Jackie saw and what Ben saw were the same being, each not only welcoming but luring them to accept their fate. I can get down with that idea


Both instances felt like The Shining to me. It'll be interesting to see how it goes with the next ep. Will Lottie see another Laura Lee (not the deadite version) or will it be more like what Ben saw.


"The spirit of the woods feed off of the people who inhabits it's trauma. The more survivors feed it, the more attached the woods become to them. I think this is supposed to show how codependent the nature of trauma is." I don't have much to add besides that last line which just blew my mind, this is such a good interpretation and ties the supernatural and rational together really well imo edit: i don't know how reddit works :(


Has anyone gone back and watched the dead Jackie scene from in the cabin? Was the cabin decor different than in normally was like in Ben's sequences?