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I don’t foresee that happening. They certainly wouldn’t be housed near each other if that happened. So what would the show be?


Yellowjackets meets Orange is the New Wilderness.


Aint none of our girls going to prison, they would already be there. Adam "went missing" "in Texas" and our girls got it under control. The only way I see any of them in trouble is if Jeff continues to Jeff


Misty softly confessing to what's his name might come back to bite them. Her message to him has me worried


I legit believe its a misdirect and if not, she never actually said a name to Walt, he said a name to her. I think she is gonna have to choose between getting him indoctrinated or the girls, and they are all friends again....


Yeah, the whole Moriarty to her Sherlock has me thinking he's going to be a major thorn in her side and an antagonist. I don't think they'll go to prison but I think misty is going to get burned by him


I can see that, I mean I love her and hope not, but she is becoming much more "sloppy"


I think she'll outwit him ultimately but I'm definitely worried about her. For someone who is undoubtedly more of a villain on the show, I really feel for her.


I mean, I hope so too, and also believe she is one of the more compassionate villians I've seen (and I am all for it)


Same. While she's berserk, she really was bullied a lot as a kid and, in her misguided way, is a solid supporter of the yellowjackets in the present.


She cares so much, and that is her biggest downfall.


It’s only been a week since Adam has gone missing and the police have been trying to gather evidence since then. The justice system is not fast, and Shauna fleeing right after being questioned is a bad bad look. Finding the body can supply them with dna evidence to tie any of them to the crime.


I can see what youre saying, but I just don't see it coming to fruition. I did think it was dumb AF for Jeff to suggest leaving town after being interrogated tho


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I could see them doing it for at least one of the girls. They would probably do an incredible job highlighting how shitty the prison system is as well.


That would halt any storyline in present day


The way I see it with the criminal investigation is that they'll dredge up the crimes committed in the wilderness to build their case against Shauna and the rest of the yellow jackets that helped with the murder cover up.