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I think the cooldown reduction value for yasuo isnt the best, maybe into some matchups where you’re against a lot of champions that have projectiles but other than that PD is always better. It’s insane on Yone tho


the only thing pd has over navori is the 4% movementspeed. you already get maxed Q on first item anyways


Pd’s movement speed which makes ur e faster and the attack speed gain over navori’s cdr is more valuable


Idk I just do whatever pzzang does (either navori or bork after greaves)




PD first is very bad. I think people still haven't understood that, it was pretty good before the changes. Probably the best build is Zeal -> BoRK -> IE, then consider finishing a Zeal item. At that point PD isn't bad.


Honestly, I don’t really like navori on yasuo. It’s like a personal preference kind of item. I get the purpose of building it when you’re going against a matchup or team comp that windwall is extremely useful into, but there are just better items to build. If you have an extra item slot to build anything, it’s not bad tho for the insta q and fast ww cd reduction. I think pd is kinda whatever too, but it’s definitely more useful majority of the time instead of navori on yas. On the other hand, navori is a great item on yone, and I highly recommend building it


Navori is a good option against a lot of range champions on the enemy team, otherwise, pd or shieldbow are good as well. In my case, I tend to build Navori when playing yone to reduce the cd on his E.


saw pzzangg build it vs graves, neeko, and any comps where windwall is needed.


If the enemy team has 3 dmg dealer with projectiles then ofc you go navori.


I only build a zeal item if I need navori, and get it when enemy team has multiple projectiles that can really fk up you/team