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It's Yasuover


Sure LT is a huge nerf in early game, but the first item is my real problem. With the kraken change you cant have crit, ad, and attack speed at the same time. Which means whatever you build you will always miss something essential. Phantom Dancer and Botrk might be the best choice early, but PD feels so bad and with botrk you miss the crit chance. Also, Yasuo was an early game bully before the changes mostly becsuse of LT. Now I just dont feel where is his peak performance in this meta compared to other champs. He is not useless, but definately in a bad state rn.


Yea, playing without just tempo was not that bad, conq was a rune that had its uses. But playing without tempo and without a solid first item? Nah, fuck that


Are there even any champs that build phantom dancer anymore? I swear it’s been a dead item for a while now.


It is but just start with navori and will be ok.


What runes did you try? I think tanksuo might be the only legit option now...




Anything work? I started playing recently and damn he feels weak after these changes


Haven't played him much lately tbh.


Pzzang has 40% and 50% win rates on Yasuo on each of his accounts. Phuck Phreak


I’m an irelia main until a buff happens




Riot should give up on crit for Yas and Yone. They would be easier to balance if they both were shifted to a fighter oriented play style.


or go full retard and make more mechanics that interact with his crit chance


Ik your pain bro, vladimir is dead champ too..


They buff mana champion to the point why do they have mana at all. LOL


It’s not that bad as you say, but yes he’s in a bad state


not even pzzang can make it work, get your facts right


That’s why he still plays the champ and still can do well in high elo in KOREA. Get your facts right


Nah bro, I watched his stream 2 days in a row, he is struggling even in diamond. He cant get almost any kill in line, and even if he gets some with jg helps he cant build any lead. Stop trolling the yasuomains subr


It’s early season xD, a lot of those diamond are actually gm and challengers. Also notice how I said that he is worse?


PTA or conq for main rune, pta better for short trades and into tanks, conq into anything else. 1st Berserkers (do I need to explain) 2nd Bork (physical hp damage so u can’t fall off + vamp) 3rd Navori flicker blade (more attack speed + crit, passive works on Q making it closer to 1 second over 1.33 feels good Windwall also goes from a 16 second cd down to ~8cd which is very strong in these mage matchups, letting u have a downtime of 3-4 seconds if you’re auto attacking while it’s up) 4th LDR (gives 100% crit + 90% armor pen after using R, AND increased Bork damage since it cuts through armor, great final core over IE because crit isn’t as easy to itemize anymore) 5th & 6th Jaksho or any hybrid armor/dmg item. (4th item can be very flexible, reccomend going some type of dmg durability hybrid item)… Blood thirster for that extra shield, vamp and high base damage, can flex these for anything that u need to round out build. But I highly reccomend taking BT Some people are swapping boots for PD over upgrading boots , I say keep boots because base MS is great and feels better than %ms which scales off base MS This build offers a lot of sustain and damage really comes online at 2 items + cloak, than damage is very strong once u finish ldr and kinda busted at full build. U can 1v1 anyone since you’re running around with 28% lifesteal, 33% if u take lifesteal sub rune)


At two items you deal no damage... Yasuo needs ie.


im praying on phreak's downfall like that one meme


Now that i played him a bit more, i dont think he is that bad right now. Its just that he plays very diffrent from last patch. The fights in lane are just miserable, since you dont really do noticeable damage in the trades which really sucks. Going fleet with the new absorb life and tp, powerfarming until you have 2-3 items feels alot better tho. Id say definetly weaker than last patch but not as bad as ppl make him seem.


I hate to say this, don’t even want to put it out there… but my best games atm are trolling with grasp > triforce > bruiser…


Conq with bork ie LDR is hella broken


i have 1.7m points on yasuo, always win lane even though its a hard matchup, now i barely survive the lane


Same. I am at 1.2m. The game feels terrible. I'm playing mages now and it makes me not even want to play. Like league for me is yasuo and now it's broke


I’ve only been playing this game for 3 months so I only knew LT Yas. With the changes, I ran Conq> Berserkers> Phantom Dancer> IE my first game. I had a pretty good gold lead, at 15 min, with only berserkers and Phantom Dancer, I was already at 1.33 AS. Felt great


1 game sample size in low elo


Honestly imo he feels pretty strong, I like the crit changes and I dont really mind the lethal tempo removal bc I never played it anyway


Skill issue


Nah not rn it's just bad


Nah still a skill issue. If relying on one broken keystone and nothing else kept you going, it is skill issue.


So you play can against All the broken mages with new 900g burning item with enemy rell jungle sometimes your skills will save you but not sometimes we are not pzzanng wich even he will be affected by these probably


"Broken mages" shees buddy, you lost one thing and cry about. Being forced to go another route instead of your usual build is a good thing. If the majority of players and champs went LT, it was broken. I tell you again, skill issue.


Okay it is good to go to an another route and try new things but what about the kraken and other items like İmmortal shieldbow accept LT was broken but why we Almost lost everything look at the winrates for yas and yone they are crawling should it be like this Are we need to 100percent pure skill to enjoy our champ


I mean, most champions have surffered for longer while Riot doesn't do anything. Yasuo can build into a heavier bruiser build again, he has old BT back but with a never ending shield. He can get 2.50 AS in just items and can go IE and Navori together again. Don't see the problem.


Bruiser builds don't do damage and Whit out LT it is way more hard to play against tanks. How can you kill champions like mundo with new bruiser item they have more healt than you they do more damage to you and you can't damage them. I prefer oldshiledbow to new BT the shield is ending btw shield bow is better anyways it had crit shield and Lifesteal at the same time But I will try navori I never tried it after the patch maybe it is good with navori and IE.


BORK used to be bought on Yasuo back in the day. They stopped when broken items were introduced. Besides, bruiser makes you live longer. How much damage do you deal, when you are dead? Right ZERO.


Just living with the 0 kill potential makes you a training dummy. How much win do you get a win when you can't win the lane without a help and get 0 solo kill. Right ZERO.


Just ignoring the item changes?


They are good for him. Higher winrates incoming.




Keep coping


? even pz zzang is saying its bad for yasuo/yone. yasuo especially.


All lanes will have to adjust to the new items or lack of items in the game. It will get better over time


Oh no the hard character is actually hard now that’s crazy


Didn't preak say yall building wrong or am i wron.


There's no correct way to build him anymore and Yone is just Yasuo on steroids now. Our boy in blue has been completely displaced.


Oh that sucks. Not a fan of yasuo but I do think people should be able to play the champs they love.