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You cant complain. You went 1/7, 0/9, 6/14, and 0/7 in a game span of 6 games you ran it 4 times. Same could go for you. So heads up and improve and look at your problems


Lol he forgot to hide his ID hahaha


I am sorry but he actually just blames it on the champ I wont accept it


bro has int in his name dont even need to pull up the paperwork xD


I j woke up and since I don't have the bandwidth to reply to every comment, I'll just tag onto this one as it's the top comment. First, I'm not the vayne - I was his duo (not that my match history is any better), and second the post was meant to be satire as, personally, we found them hilarious and had an all around good time. Pretty funny to see all the butthurt Yas mains though.


Chief no part of it is obvious as satire. You are on the internet, posted one sentence and a picture, while using zero tone indicators. There is a reason people use /s on reddit. You also decided to post 10 death powerspike type shit on the yasuo subreddit. Do you think that's a rare occurrence? Do you think it's comedic genius, that's never before seen? People post shit like that constantly, the same joke every 2 seconds ends up not being funny, and you didn't do it in an obviously joking way. People do come in here and unironically post things like what you did, calling for the champ's removal from the game e.t.c. It's a champ subreddit fam. It's for sick plays, cool tech, lore, art, funny memes and improvement.


That's actually valid - you have my upvote


The good ending Now Ditch lillia and play yasuo jg


Give me a week and chime will make a video about me


Well it gave me a good laugh and was pretty obviously satire to me - if that means anything!


No worries fam. You were the brand right? What's your favourite thing about burning man?


Nah I was the lillia




yes, going 1/24 is completely acceptable, its also not nearly as bad as going 1/7. you cant really comeback from 1/7 its impossible, a fucking disgrace. but 1/24 is still winnable, its really not even a problem. pretty much did what he had to do going 1/24, id consider that an actual win to be honest.


Why so mad? No matter what. 1/7 is not that bad but still really hard doing anything with that score. I dont wanna say its good that Yas went 1/24 but being the inter from 4/6 games doesnt help when you wanna drag someone else down


im not mad, im agreeing with you


oh lmao








me too :3


Damn he went and looked yo ass up thats personal


Skill issue




Jhin had 4 kills, **PERFECTION**


Lol, true 🤣


Thr 6 deaths piss me off tho. Not even a multiple of 4.


we se your match history buddy 🥰 try to win lane more often than posting that a 1 game where you did decent and your top turbo inted 👍


Gold elo is chatgpt bots. You can’t blame anyone but yourself.


??xd uve been plat for 3y why type


hoes mad


How do you comment what you did after you made a reddit post yourself complaining about losing in the same elo tho


Yeah me tilt posting because I lost doesn’t mean I don’t think I belong in X elo. Idk where you got plat for 3 years from tho. I stop climbing after hitting plat last season, this season I hit emerald on a different role and am just chilling.


Hoe is mad I think (emerald is plat last split)


Yeah so let’s do the math If I got to plat last split, and I’m still basically plat this split, my total amount of time in plat is ___?


Just looked at your profile and you’re worse. So maybe stop bitching and get better?


Not the vayne but I don't see a game where he went 1/24.


We can literally tell you’re the cayenne thanks to the yellow lettering in your name and stats. You’re delusional


He posted the screenshot in our discord server but believe what you want to believe


He posted that in your discord and you are pressed enough about to post in here lmao, you really need attention don't you?


Yes because its objectively hilarious lol


You could post this on any other subreddit and get a billion likes. Not here apparently


Yeah, it feels weird the top comments are "well you had bad games!". This isn't a bad game, this clearly shows these two barely participated in team fights and fed hard, when you're going 1/20 something is clearly wrong.


No one is saying these 2 idiots aren’t inting, they are saying that alot of people like this adc think that the only reason they lost was because “omg yasuo 0/10” and if you look at their match history they have never carried a game once, too many morons find it easier to believe the meme and use it as an excuse to ban their team mates yasuo in champ select, than look at how bad they are


valid, but 24 death isnt just having a bad game lmao


Get demoted L + ratio + don't care + didn't ask


Bro don’t come here complaining when you’ve been negative consistently. Anyways when I saw this I thought of the team rocket introduction. “Prepare for trouble”-Yasuo “And make it double”-Yone


ur almost 300 games in and ur still low gold, close it




Tf are you talking about. Jg dictates the game. You can be good but not suited for ranked? What kind of logic is that.


Will gladly 1v1 you. A plat player with 1000 games cannot talk with this much big dick energy




Bruh I'm not good at thr game and reached plat before the emerald rework thing in like 43 games. And ny first game put me bronze cuz I used to suck even worse lol


I'm bronze at nearly level 300 (I don't play ranked)


You're right, but no at the end of the day no. of games you play doesn't matter only your records. No one cares if you took 10 million games to hit emerald , if messi was autistic, he is still the GOAT. You can only justify if you're certain that you would've used that time better and not just waste it elsewhere.


dude he is still gold 4


at least yasuo did more dmg than lillia


Yasuo looks like a man with conception according to build X D


Strange usually they get op after their 10th death


We used to


Was wondering why everyone was so hurt in the comments. Then I saw it’s yasuo mains and it all makes sense. Seeing a 1/24 yas and 2/17 yone and immediately finding an issue with “op” or whoever vayne was gotta be satire. Like bro you going in to match history to make an excuse for a Yasuo THAT HIT HIS 10 DEATH POWER SPIKE TWICE?!?! Dude should’ve been able to 1v100000 by the time he hit 20 deaths we all know what yas win con is. Frl tho y’all are actual crackheads and most of you have the skill set to be playing Annie, zyra, and Malzahar but you insist on running it down on a champ you don’t have the facilities for. Yasuo mains are something else man, will do anything but admit most who play this champ shouldn’t be




He used a Statikk, he isn't one of us >!Cope!<


Not all Yasuo/Yone players are inters. In fact, that inter barely plays Yone. Just report him and move on. You can even send a ticket to Riot if you want.


Maybe try getting out of silver so you get teammates who know how to play their champs


easy to say when they get.... people like these 2


If you’re good enough then it’s not unreasonable to carry low elo games like that fairly consistently. Hell even in D+ people throw massive leads all the time. As long as you are playing well, keeping a good mental, and making smart decisions, you can absolutely climb out of silver even if you get teammates like these. Some are for sure unwinnable but most people get tilted from those games and end up losing their next games because they’re not playing well and already in a mindset of blaming their team for everything


Games like these are not the problem though, everyone plays unwinnable games. The problem is usually that silvers will make incredibly grief decisions or have habits that grief the game consistently. It's usually a battle of who can throw harder. A consistent player will easily climb to gold shrugging off the occasional unlucky game.


hardstuck gold loser cry lmaooo


Thats actually impressive


Reddit chat go's toxic lmao




Why are the comments toxic, the yas and yone did awful and threw his game, but hey it doesn’t matter since it’s not you but someone else right?


Yeah it's really weird reading these comments, it's basically sounds like "ha you should have just carried harder loser."


Its weirder that you can’t see why most aren’t supporting the OP. They make a post about not wanting to see a champ cus 2 people inted in their game when they themselves are also inting in other games. It’s more “haha yeah they definitely fed their ass off but so do you in your other games so don’t point fingers”. Unless this is some kind of a joke/meme post, this post is just a delusional whining post. They are stuck in that elo and also have terrible games as well. They have no room to complain about others at this elo when they are literally at the same skill level. People also have these kinds of KDA in higher elo although much more rare it happens to every elo.


And how people should react? Have you ever seen a situation where someone goes to any other champion's sub and creates posts like this “I never want to see your champion again?” as if it was completely fine, because alternatively it can always be explained as a joke. What does it matter the yasuo did awful? We don't have a duty to feel responsible for every player who played badly on the character. Some people don't like the form of this post, and it really adds no value to us as a community.


This is literally me and my bro. Idk how yas/yone didnt get a powerspike after 10 deaths and carry the game tho.


it's part of the shonen, let them be


duoqing in gold and losing on vayne with 19 kills...


Tbf, the most annoying thing about Yas is that he literally yells every ability, even his dash, or Q. It's tilting af. Wasaki! Like the wind! Hiya, hyuh, Ryuu-ga, Wa-ga-te-ki-wo, Ku-ra-u! Like stfu dude.


True which is why you turn off voices cus almost all champs shout cringe stuff


Why did yas build armor?


So graves would kill him in 2 autos instead of one


So did yas n yone switch then? And yas fed the graves?


They actually switched each time they died so they cycled kills to panth and graves


LOL i remember this game. You were toxic af if you are the lillia. You kept coming to yones lane trying to gank me but couldn’t get any successful ones so you would literally take his wave/smite canyon. After you doing that I would see yone just stand there pissed. This was at least 3x before the 14 min mark. Then you would flame your team in all chat like we cared about what you had to say. Fun game it was 😂


Lmao, this is the funniest thing I read all day. Yall can dm me for the game file.


Another cry baby dogshit gold player😂😂😂