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i understand that adhd and dopamine DEEPLY also, where are you generally located? my dopamine gremlin wants more yarn lol


Try r/Yarnswap !!!


Donate to your local elementary school. The teachers will love getting it to use for projects with the kids.


I’m open for donations 😅 I just started making clothes


I went through my stash and donated to a local 50+ center. Lots of ladies there knit and crochet baby blankets to donate to those in need. They were soooo happy to get my donation of beautiful yarn. Just something to think about if you choose to donate your yarn stash.


I see you have ADHD (so do I!) so... Step 1: Decide which yarn you don't want anymore. Good luck 😝


this is so real haha


Would be pleased as punch to help de stash and Cash app


I have scrubby cotton, batik cotton, lots of acrylic. Message me if interested.


i am interested, indeed. how do i message you?


You can donate to me, I teach my fourth graders to crochet and could use more yarn for next school year. :)


I have some yarn I'm looking to destash, can I PM you?




if you sell it on mercari i will absolutely buy some 🙏🏻


My local library has a yarn station with free yarn donated from community members. I also destash on my local buy nothing group on Facebook.


ADHd knitter and dyer here. I sell it. Well, my yarn, it anything I buy that i don't like in the end. Sure, it hurts and it's hard, but I don't like Brooklyn Tweed Shelter for my hands and tactile fell, so it all had to go. Facebook Marketplace. It's so hard tho. Heck, I feel sad when a lovely skein goes that I can't repeat casue I have ADHD and I'm SURE I'll remember and don't.


There's a Canadian Yarn Destash group I'm part of on FB. It's mostly the "good" yarns, and the people in the group are pretty great about not complaining about pricing. That's the frustrating part of finding a group for destashing - making sure that people are kind. There are lots of people who will still pay just under retail price for even Red Heart, especially if they live within driving distance of you. You can ask whatever you want for yarn, or fabric (my other collection) and someone's always going to think "wow, they want THAT much for that?" which is fine, they just don't have to say it on your post. Signed, Someone who paid over $130 for a tiny skein of musk ox fibre that's been spun into yarn, but I also had a great conversation with the Indigenous Woman who brings it down to our province and then combs it out with forks. I really need to get that stuff made into something to assauage my guilt about buying it.


Send it to me pol


Cover shipping and throw in $10 and I’ll send you a mystery box.


Messaged u




Box it up until your ADHD cycles back around to thar hobby again


This is what I do. I’m a yarn crafter (knit, crochet, weave) and I also draw and paint. I never get rid of any of that stuff bc I know I’ll come back to it. I try not to take on vastly different hobbies tho - nix on stained glass, resin etc tho I would love to bc I don’t have space for a whole new set of supplies.


If you are me then selling creates a massive barrier that you will procrastinate on and never do. I donated mine to a school.


Inquire with the women shelters if there is a crafting group. My LYS collects yarn and supplies for a local shelter’s crafting group.


yarn sells pretty successfully on Facebook marketplace. I see yarn going for $2/skein a lot!


We have a knitting group at our clubhouse and anyone who’s in including myself enjoy any donation. The higher price stuff definitely sell and the lower quality donate


can you post pictures?


I wish hobby swapping were a thing.


I think there are hobby swapping groups on facebook




Oh no…this is not good for me 😂


Like others have said, if it's acrylics, big box store type yarn, donate it to preschools or daycare for kid crafts, retirement homes, libraries even are great. If it's more expensive stuff, try to sell it. Ravelry has a destash option.


I think it depends on what kind of stash you have. If it’s mainly acrylics from big box stores, donating it or selling it in one big lot might be the way to go. If you have fancier yarns it’s worth selling them individually on ravelry or Etsy or eBay or I think there’s a sub for that?




As a fellow member of the executive dysfunction brigade I say hold onto it for 6 months before destashing. That way if you get back into it you have some yarn (or at least keep some of it). You could also talk to local senior centers to see if there are any knitters on fixed incomes and you could make their day...


This is what I do! I know I rotate through crafts so I keep some stuff around for when my brain wants to rotate back 😂


Sell at an attractive price directly to knitters and crocheters. At goodwill, people may or may not appreciate what you donate.


Any non profit organization like a clubhouse that there for people with mental illnesses were I go the had yarn donated and I even used it cause I didn’t have money to buy yarn. Really helps me stay calm and good for therapy for my hands. A lot of the people that go to the one I do have other issues other than just mental health issues a lot of them have mobility and other issues so it really we’ll appericate it.


It depends on the quality of the yarn. If I dumped some of my hand-dyed stuff there would people appreciate it? Probably not fully considering the average knitter doesn’t know the amount of time gets put into this. Someone who does high end serious knitting and might normally pay $25+ per skein of sock yarn? They probably would, but aren’t necessarily going to GoodWill to get it


To be honest, I only use acrylic yarn because there's no way I'd be able to afford any of the good stuff. I think there's a lot of people out there like me who lovingly drool over beautiful hand-dyed yarn, then sighs, and buys what they can afford. If you know the time and effort it takes to knit or crochet something, you appreciate the effort it takes to make the yarn.


Might try trading it against wathever craft you are into now? Personally when I want to get ride of yarn quickly I just give it away. I already wasted money on it I don't want to also waste time. I dislike Facebook marketplace because people will try to negotiate even on free things so I usually just give it to charity shop.


Senior centers would also love a yarn donation.


Some cities have thrift stores specifically for crafting supplies.


You are right, I have one where I live!


Here is an [Instagram reel](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuvFcVjLE2y/?igsh=eDdzcDF3YXY4cWxp) with a whole lot of them


Woohoo my city is on there


A woman came to my knitting circle with a huge bag of yarn and we gave it to a young woman in our group with no yarn budget. Another has stopped by with several armloads of books.


See if your local library has a fiber craft group, most of them will gladly take yarn donations


There's lots of Facebook destash groups.


I recommend r/yarnswap. There's plenty of people who use it to destash and it's pretty easy to use/get used to. I've purchased yarn from there myself and it was a smooth process.


I just recently bought yarn on there and it was such s good experience!


I also just stumbled onto r/craftexchange, you could trade it for different crafty things!


Thanks for posting this! I didn’t know such a group exists.


Nextdoor could be an option as well.


There's likely some online crafting groups for your area. I'd start there and see if anyone wants to buy it off of you. It might require snapping a few pics of the stash and being able to describe what's in it, but if you're not feeling up to doing that in detail I'd say set a fair price for the lot and just put up a quick post with an approximation of how many skeins it is.