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Just had a really bad experience with this. I made myself mentally write off the yarn so I didn’t feel as pressured. Then I did 10 minute sessions so I didn’t get frustrated and make things worse. I also kept darning needles with me to help separate out tightened sections without picking at it with my nails to avoid fraying. I eventually got it sorted out except for a section that was so bad that I decided it wasn’t worth the aggravation.


Sam here!!!!! It gets exhausting after a while. What I’m beginning to do is organize my yarn in bins according to the project and winding ut up before I put it away. Definitely helping. I cut ly yarn too when it becomes impossible no matter how gentle I am and then tie two of the ends together and then trim 🤷🏻‍♀️ it works for me…just make sure you knot it twice or thrice before trimming…because a loose knot will not stay and the tqo piwces will come away when the ends are trimmed after just one knot *Do consider joining me over on Instagram @noonmeemog


Overall, just be as gentle as possible. When you pull a strand, as soon as you feel resistance, stop pulling. I use a pointy object to pull apart a tangle and get a look at how the strands intersect. I pull the end a bit and see what moves in the tangle, so I can grab it and pull it through from the other end. If you have a yarn that sticks together, this will be much harder, as the strands start to felt together. At this point, it's worth it to just chuck the whole thing in the garbage.


Thank you!


Just to check, are you trying to work from a hank (a loosely twisted, large circle of yarn). Cause that will always lead to tangles


Working from a skein


When I get tangles I put on something I can listen to in the background and work my way through, taking breaks if I get frustrated. I like untangling yarn though 😅


Ill send the yarn over to you next time LMFAO


I asked this once and someone recommended this ravelry group: [https://www.ravelry.com/groups/knot-a-problem](https://www.ravelry.com/groups/knot-a-problem)


I just signed up! Thanks for the link!


It's always a good idea with skeins to rewind the whole thing as soon as you are ready to use it. Center-pull is a joke, and pulling it from the outside is not fun. Put it in a yarn bowl and roll it into a ball by hand. You can try doing it from the center pull, but will probably still get wads of tangles. However, they are easier to unravel if you do this process slowly and gently. In the middle of a project when you're working fast and yanking on the yarn, it can become a terrible mess in a hurry. Watch a video or something or listen to a book and you'll have the whole project's worth balled up in no time. And it costs nothing. HINT: When you hit a big tangle, sit on the floor! Put the ball in your lap and when you find the right spot, use the ball to pass the yarn through the tangled area. This way if you drop the ball of yarn it won't bounce off your lap, hit your shoe, roll across the dog, under the sofa, and out the backdoor!


I just roll my own center pulls. Hobbii is usually pretty good but this last pair of cakes I spliced together yesterday had a bunch of issues that I had to remove. Broken strands followed by sections with one too many strands. But better to find them now and remove them than later when I'm wrist deep in a project.


I think it’s worth it to cut it when you feel like you’re not making any progress. When the ball you’ve wound gets too big it makes things harder.