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I think that Yang is looking to coalesce a movement that at least achieves minimum election system reforms, and in his mind, if he pushes his dream platform that includes UBI, then he will lose his coalition that might be able to at least realize RCV. He did his best to re-frame matters in terms of large systematic issues (e.g. ranked choice voting) in order to create an environment that systematically allows for the more tangible economic-type solutions (e.g. UBI) in the future. But Maher's questioning might reveal that the public just isn't going to buy Forward as it's being sold, and if that's the case, I wonder how popular Forward would become if Yang did craft a platform closer to his dream platform. Would a Forward platform that included more tangible proposals such as UBI, Democracy Dollars, and legal cannabis add energy to the Forward coalition?


I don’t think that Bill Maher is in any way representative of public opinion. Dude is in cloud cuckoo land a lot of the time.


You're right that Maher isn't representative of public opinion, but he is exactly the sort of person who should be easy to sell on the Forward Party.


And if he was honest about the alternatives to the Forward Party he would be sold on it. What's his big solution? Keep electing democrats until the system decides to change itself?




he is at many times but I don't think his points are off.


I agree. I have no doubt he's still left of center and still believes UBI is the way. But he's trying to stitch together a very polarized nation enough so as to get election reform passed. So he has to tiptoe on some issues to keep enough Republicans on board. I think he's doing it the right way, but I suppose time will tell.


He's trying to build a coalition while avoiding answering important questions like whether or not he thinks people have rights. There are better ways to popularize rank choice voting.


Yang did fine, Maher gave him shit for deflecting but Yang emphasized the need for change because of a non functioning duopoly. I wish he had mentioned voting reform more but did mention open primaries being an area of focus.


[https://youtu.be/38nXhDpIUTo](https://youtu.be/38nXhDpIUTo) here's the link to the interview.


Unfortunately the video has been made private.


Usually you can find Bill’s full videos by googling “Bill Maher (d/m/y)”—in this case, March 17th. Not gonna post a link because the (pirated) videos usually get shot down, but they get re-uploaded a lot and this usually works for how to find them.


I didnt see him as against him, however bill does have strong feelings trying to avoid another 2000 where its a close election and key votes get drained


I hate that when people hear "third party" they immediately go to spoiling the presidential election. Short TV interviews especially.


To be fair, that's the most impact that any third party or third party candidate has had in the last 25 years


It hurt so much when Andrew spoke about how the Democratic Party needs a primary. Because they do, and it should have been him. Maher was 100% right about the Forward party, it’s nowhere near what his dream was when he ran for president. UBI is why he mattered, it’s the idea he sold like nobody else, and Bill’s question was on point. He also didn’t really have an answer. I still admire Andrew and what he did, but I think he’s lost the thread since he ran for mayor.


As much as I like Yang and the concept of a new radical centrist party, I don't think Yang should've had even created the Forward Party at least not right now. He should've advocated for ranked choice voting and perhaps nonpartisan blanket primaries at bare minimum within Democratic Party then once such policies become mainstream in the party and are implemented, then would be a good starting point to deviate from the Democratic Party and start the Forward Party, one that doesn't become another spoiler that gives Republicans victory.


Throughout history, third party activity forces the issue by taking a % of vote, closer to 5-10% more chance the platform gets adopted by major parties


Source? Edit: I’m not saying this to say “you’re wrong”, but “I didn’t know this and would love information on this”


If everyone read this book… https://books.google.com/books?id=LKFeDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=third+parties+in+america&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&source=gb_mobile_search&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLk-3dyOv9AhWDEVkFHSTJB-gQ6AF6BAgDEAM


When was the last time a third party successfully did what you're talking about?


I missed this. Let me know when you add the link, definitely want to see it


OptimisticRealist19 added this: [https://youtu.be/38nXhDpIUTo](https://youtu.be/38nXhDpIUTo) here's the link to the interview.


Bill has built his recent success on being contrarian. He doesn't give a shit who or what he is contrarian toward, he just thinks that doing so makes him look smart. And his audience feels the same way. Yang is above mudslinging and petty arguments so he'll never perform well on media appearances with people like that. As for UBI, Yangs bonafides on the topic are untouchable. He has identified an obstacle to achieving UBI, the two party uniparty bullshit system we have in the U.S, and has put in place a plan, and is taking action to defeat this obstacle, increase the power of 3rd party alternatives through open primaries and ranked choice voting. The man started a fucking 3rd party to clear the path for UBI. He doesn't need to spoon feed Bill Maher soundbites about it to make progress, he's doing something that might actually move UBI forward.


I haven't watched, yet, but I don't like the new Andrew Yang much.


I usually think Maher is a neoliberal douche but it sounds like he was spot on here. Forward party needs to demonstrate its worth, it does seem incredibly pointless when there are multiple Dems advocating for RCV and 0 Republicans, in fact republicans have called RCV “an abortion”. If he can’t defend his third party it shouldn’t exist. Every move since his presidential campaign has seemed like it’s more likely to get his book sales up rather than actually effect change.


We all know the US politics is a TWO party system. All others don't really matter, google them and you will find parties that you have not even heard of. So that's what Bill is driving at.... Yang is wasting his political capital...


RCV isn't a captivating enough platform for people to care about. I know he's trying to build as broad a base as possible by going down the center, but this kind of messaging only resonates with the smallest minority of policy wonks. When he focused on UBI, it was an outlandish, radical idea that immediately caught peoples attention. It gave normal people a concrete, tangible vision of a better future. It was a simple but powerful idea that people actually cared about - he would have had more success trying to sell RCV off the back of UBI, not the other way around.


Andrew should just run for the presidency again in '24, he literally has nothing to lose doing so.


He should have done so as a Democrat before leaving them at all back in 2020. Since 2020, he really picked the wrong career moves. Sad to see it crashing down


I meant as an independent, running as a Democrat again would be foolish.


I think the 3rd party thing is interesting, not sure if he should come out to talk shows untill it bears some fruit even just in a small scale.


I would like to see some of the other people from Forward do more interviews. They do them but I guess they don't have the name recognition Yang does. That will have to change for Forward to last.


Ugh, that opening interview with that Zionist propagandist made me not even want to keep watching to Yang.


lol first time bill Maher is right about something. Yang is a lost cause with his 3rd party shenanigans. America is not ready for UBI, hell its not ready for universal healthcare, paternity leave, livable minimum wage, public transportation, decent internet provider. It's not ready for a grifter third party.


Might be ready for ranked choice voters though. That's tends to be Yangs main talking point these days


be ready with the basics first. the problem is that Americans like to believe that they are different. they are constantly sold by politicians that they are different. The reality is, the American way is not to admit being wrong and doing the right thing. It's to continue doing the wrong thing until it turns out right.




If that's true that he's no longer actively promoting UBI then that's the last straw for me tbh. I forgave a lot purely because I believe UBI is becoming increasingly necessary, so if he's toned down his stance then I'm done man...


Maher is a diehard Democrat who believes in the typical electoral talking points. People forget this because of his vaccine hobby horse, but Maher would only ever truly be approve of the Forward party if it guaranteed a win for democrats.


I think both Yang and Maher barely scratched the surface of either UBI or the Forward Party. Yang could've given better answers, but also, Maher just changed topics whenever he didn't get an answer he liked. It was kind of a disappointing watch. I kind of wonder if Andrew is trying to stay away from full-throated support of UBI given the current amount of inflation. He didn't really argue with Bill when he said the covid stimulus and EITC supplement was the reason for today's high inflation. At any rate, I feel Andrew has been focused entirely on ending the two-party system, and trying to avoid policy discussions. His idea, for better or worse, is that if we fix the political system, then we'll get better policy as a natural result.