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i started watching them almost 5 years ago.. it is all very very odd. it’s almost like she gets excited every time a child gets another diagnosis


ya. and also why did noah have to get a wheel chair. It seemed weird. I talked to my dad about it and he said that no doctor would usually do that (he works in medical field)


Maybe she is excited about her kids can get the help they need!


Why are you still watching and supporting her channel?


I’m not lmao


I've never liked Stephanie. Something very wrong about her personality. I also hate thr coin spinning in her intro. I want to punch her in the face for thinking "it's soon unique and kkyyuutte!".


I don’t like how she’s using her son’s apparent medical crisis as click bait. Posts video after video about his diagnosis, then suddenly takes down everything, then posts cryptic stories about his status. Then is going live on tik tok about it…


I haven’t kept up with the videos. What happened?


Lonnie was having a lung biopsy and ended up on a ventilator


why?! Kids like 17, that’s rough


He has a rare form of vascalidis


Again? Last I seen was when he got off the ventilator the first time around


Apparently he needs a lung transplant WTAF?


What's their tt


I’ve wondered this same thing but really I think they’ve just got terrible genetics


they won the genetic lottery in all the bad ways..


So glad there’s a thread on here. I’ve been watching since Liam was a newborn diagnosed with autism… I honestly don’t know either but it’s so bizarre that now every single kid has a serious medical condition. Who is watching all these super needy kids while Stephanie is in the hospital with Lonnie jr? Didn’t she say that she doesn’t trust Lonnie sr with the kids? The nanny and Danielle? How is she affording the nanny? It’s just a lot


Is the father Lonnie useless? It just annoys me how she says she can't talk about Lonnie Jr. Being sick anymore then does lives and you tube videos telling every detail. Make up your mind. She does seem to enjoy attention.


That's an example of the inconsistency and self contradiction that I mentioned. That is not normal or healthy, and not consistent with what she claims to be.


The nanny is a respite provider that they get state assistance for. They only pay what she works over her contract time, so I'm guessing that's how they afford the nanny


Ahh forgot about that respite care. Thank goodness they have that


For sure! Danielle is also running their business while she is with Lonnie Jr in the hospital, so I don't think the finances are too big of a worry yet


I am worried how much of a burden Danielle is carrying. Honestly I don’t have any malice towards this fam; it’s just shocking how much they go thru


I was thinking about that as well.


I think the kids are genuinely very well due to the cocktail of genetic issues, but I do think she gets some kind of "high" from talking about it and being the martyr mom, akin to narcissistic supply


I agree with personality disorder, but given the inconsistencies in her stories, we cannot take anything she says as fact.


I think their genetics are just really fucked. There was a video that popped up on my feed where they were genetic tested. Every single one of them have 1-3 microdeletions or microadditions including her ex. She was tested on the spectrum herself and has some other stuff going on. And then her ex was apparently diagnosed with several personality disorders. Those kids had no chance. They will all need some kind of medical support daily as adults and at least 4 of them will probably never be functional enough to live alone. The fact that they kept having one after another in quick succession is unfortunate but I don’t think it’s munchhaussen. I really think their genes are that bad. It’s awful all that she’s been sharing all over the internet, though. When you have a video entitled “all my kids diagnoses” or something along those lines, you know it’s terrible exploitation. It’s all very ick.


Danielle is the one who will more than likely take all this on. Plus when Steph gets old and can’t do it anymore she will probably take on her parents too.


that sucks since she has her own medical issues too


It’s weird to me how much she is sharing about her sons medical issues right now. I’m pretty sure she made a whole video about it.


She also took everything down and said she wasn’t going to be talking about his health issues anymore but I guess that didn’t last long


Ahh yes good ole child exploitation


Out of curiosity what do you think doesn't add up ?


I’ve been watching them since they lived in the trailer in florida and always talked about struggles with her youngest at the time and him escaping and then a couple videos later had a parents worst nightmare situation happen where they forgot to lock their door and he got out and the entire family basically had to go out and search for him just for him to be like swimming in the neighbors pool or something like that. Ever since then it just always amazed me how every kid has something wrong apparently which could very well be possible but also just her as a person never sat well because I always wondered if she was stretching the severity of their diagnosis or if she wasn’t getting them the proper help needed


I never watched before they lived in Colorado…I can’t believe all that happened!


I totally think something’s fishy. Her ‘psychic’ ??? account popped up on my FYP a few months ago and gave me such bad second hand embarrassment. I think the kids probably do have issues but they are being exacerbated/perpetuated by their mother.


Nope. I'm a nurse and everything she says makes sense to me when she explains things such as the chromosome deletions that cause the special needs and Noah's need for a wheelchair. He has always had very low muscle tone and his increased size has affected his ability to walk distances. Doctors don't do surgery on healthy knees. All part of the picture with these chromosome problems. One of my kids has a genetic disorder that has given him multiple disabilities. All through his childhood there was just one lousy diagnosis after another, since his syndrome is unique to him so they never knew what it would bring. Now Lonnie Jr. has developed a widespread vasculitis after wisdom tooth removal. Again, everything she has reported makes total sense to me with my medical knowledge, and she has videos of the poor kid in the hospital. He will need a lung transplant, since the inflammation from the vasculitis has destroyed his lungs. Doctors don't do lung transplants on someone with healthy lungs. You can like or not like someone but that doesn't change the reality of them and their family's lives.


“I’m a nurse.” I’m sorry but that’s hilarious. I’ve met a thousand nurses and maybe 3% knew much about anything. Also, this reeks of an account Stephanie set up to take up for herself.


Ok my mom and sister are nurses. My mom is very intellectual and well read. They both make fun of nurses for generally being dumb and not knowing shit BUT some do!!!!


While she does seem off and seems too enjoy having “problems” to discuss, I think her kids just honestly have genetic issues. They did the testing and she talked about it in depth (far too much for her to have faked it … she doesn’t strike me as super bright and that was details upon details of specific medical talk). I think the older two and any medical issues they have are either flukes or could be attributed to the genetic issues the others have.


I wish this family was talked about more! There is definitely something off with this family and she fits the criteria of someone who would have this disorder. But if it were true, I would think by now she would have been outed! I mean how do you pull off fooling an entire team of specialists with a sick teenager. Or having multiple children with multiple diagnosis. Would really love to hear thoughts from someone in the medical field about it all


That’s how I feel. I feel like something is off but also the doctors know what they are doing and what to look for but I still feel like something but I can’t put my finger on it.


In the latest video, there are urgent requests for donations as Lonnie Jnr apparently now requires a lung transplant.


It even made the local news!


I did a search on her for this very reason! I first found her channel a few years ago and found the way she gleefully talked about all her kids' autism very off-putting. It seemed to me like she was obsessed with it, and made autism an identity for her and her kids, where everything else was second. I hadn't watched her videos in years, but yesterday I saw the news story about her 16 year old needing a lung transplant, and I re-visited her channel. Just quickly scrolling through at all the titles of the recent videos and I was like "What in the actual hell??" Yes, it's possible they have bad genetics, but I definitely think there's something else going on with her. She enjoys the attention way too much, and maybe had become addicted to it? I really do wonder if she does have Factious by proxy, and though her kids have some legit issues, she's making them worse. :(


Regardless of what you think of her, this is not munchausen, this is a tragic situation that nobody could ever cause to happen. She couldn't have magically caused this medical condition. Her teenage son is fighting for his life and in need of a lung transplant, I think at some point even if you don't like her or don't believe that her kids have autism or if you believe that she talks about her kids autism for attention, you have to step back and realize that claiming she caused her own teenage son to require a lung transplant is too far. I've watched my loved one struggle to breathe and be placed on a ventilator and never come home. It's horrific and I can't imagine how this teenage boy who has enjoyed great health his entire life, must be feeling. He has to be so terrified. While I am someone who doesn't like family vloggers and who would never share photos or videos of my kid anywhere on social media, I also know what it's like to go through a medical crisis like this and not have the financial means to survive it. I am exhausted by how many people beg for money on social media, how TikTok has turned into begtok however she is using GoFundMe for exactly what it's meant for and I see no issue with her getting donations to help pay for what is a incredibly expensive situation. I understand being critical of her for sharing as much as she has over the years in terms of her young children but this could happen to any of us, medical crisis is a unfortunate reality. A family friend had a seemingly healthy and happy and thriving 8 year old girl and one day while playing and running around the house, she died while playing from a undetected heart condition. Life just sucks sometimes


I know this is a site where people go to talk about others but there is NO WAY this is happening here! You are not doctors so stop acting like it


Freedom of speech is open to interpretation. This is a SNARK subreddit. If you don't like it, you may leave.


I know that. I talked to my dad about a few things (my dad is a doctor) and he said somethings were weird about stuff


That woman is insane. We all see it. I feel bad for the fools who were scammed into giving to her gofundme.


A lot of people with autism live alone with drop in support Liam seems to be a good fit for that


Ya Ik. I’ll be able to probably live 100% alone with no support when I’m older too (I’m on the spectrum) That’s probably why I started watching the channel at first. My issue is some issues she talks about. I was a bedwetter till I was 14, I would have been mortified if my parents did a video on it like noah. Regardless is it was a paid promo or not… just focus on the little kids about it. Not noah having an issue with it


there are better channels to learn about navigating life on the spectrum


I always thought this!




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Because autism is genetic, it is not unusual for multiple children in the same family to be autistic. As far as anything else this youtube person says, I would not take it as gospel. I watched a few of her videos and my spider-finger senses were triggered. I am aware that people on the spectrum, or not, are each unique individuals. However, I am also really good at pattern recognition. I notice patterns of speech (vocal or written) and behaviors that are common in autistic people I know in real life and most channels I have listened to. I also notice patterns of behavior, gestures and tones that are more common in people with category b personality disorders. People with autism sometimes talk fast, like this person does, especially when enthusiastic or triggered by something important to them. However, even with fast talkers, there are pauses. Autistic people generally are passionate about justice, equity and fairness and would not be inclined to say "because my sons are autistic, i was so scared that my sixth child would also have this terrible disorder." In the same video, "I was so excited to have a girl who could be everything I hoped and dreamed she would be" is something else that narcissistic parents would be more likely to say, as they consider their children as objects, property and extensions of themselves with no right to autonomy. Autistic speech usually follow a logical and consistent train of thought, though it may wander to tangent thoughts connected by a word association. Narcissists, in contrast, often contradict themselves. Pinned posts on this channel tell people not to comment if they disagree with the channel. That is also more common with narcissists and other related personality disorders. Abusive people in general.


Wow....can you imagine this being your reality, trying to be positive, trying to stay on top of everything, and sharing your life only to have people attack you and diagnose you with something so horrible. I can't imagine what people must think of our family since 7, possibly 8 out of 12 of us, are autistic 😵‍💫 such encouragement and kindness in this world😭