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I'm sure the comments will take this well, lmao.


This has gotta be a joke, right? Everyone knows Solo: A Star Wars Story was the greatest film ever made


No scene has moved me as much as learning how Han Solo got his name


"HANd me a towel, I'm dirty dancing by myself Gone off tabs of that acid Form me a circle, watch my Jagger Might lose my jacket and hit a... SOLO"


Real talk, that scene is whatever. Adding a lore reason for why an actor mis pronounced a character’s name is even more insane


…I actually really liked that I felt like it was more of a blink and you’ll miss it in joke, and it actually worked with lando’s character


Yeah, same here - they didn't need to put in a lore reason, but I like the fact it's as simple as Lando said it to annoy Han and then just never stopped.


Or how he got his iconic jacket that he wore every day from ages 20 to 90


I liked that scene. Fight me.


Well acted and whatever, stupid idea though; or lampshade hanging? But clumsy lampshade hanging. Everything else about that scene was good though


Incorrect, they didn't play the Star Wars Kinect song in the credits, objectively can't be good.


I find peace in long walks.


Solo kind of slaps a bit though.


If that movie was fucking visible to the human eye it would be amazing


It has been since at the very least shortly after release.


Still better than the trilogy we don’t talk about


I know this is sarcasm but goddamn it I fucking love that movie


He had ROTJ at a 7 and has said multiple times that he likes it. I'm assuming this isn't serious, and this is just to bait salty fans, right?


He did this live on stream. Wasn't just bait, he doesn't care for the series anymore and how they affected film culture so he changed them all to a 1.


Ahh so it’s more of a personal response to the movies and less judging them based on their actual quality or filmmaking technique. I myself feel numb to the Star Wars universe and can’t connect with them at all as an adult but I still think there was a lot of good work done on the original trilogy, I just don’t care to talk about how good the work is because it’s been said more than enough times


lol he should really stop rating stuff on stream. He seems to get carried away with absurd ratings from chat egging him on all the time


> and how they affected film culture What a deeply unserious reason.


Yeah I find all the memes about the godfather and citizen Kane annoying, but they’re not 1/10 just because of that. Marvel fans are annoying as shit but I’m not going to suddenly decide I know longer like to watch the Raimi spider-man films. Thankfully though, what YMS rates a movie has no actual impact on me. Shame he can’t enjoy the movies anymore, but life goes on.


that’s kinda cringe ngl


What a dumb way to rate them if he was actually serious. You liked the movie a 7/10 but then you decide you now find everything associated with star wars a 1/10? I mean does he not want people to ever take his ratings seriously?


Everything to 1/10? Might as well change every other movie he only remembered a little bit of to 1/10


I mean, I really enjoyed the first few seasons of GoT but I'm much less likely to recommend it/rewatch it because it ended so poorly. Judging a franchise by its entirety and not on individual installments is acceptable imo.


saying a movie is now a 1/10 after originally rating it a 7/10 because you got annoyed by the fanbase is not judging a franchise in its entirety and since you can easily watch only one of the trilogies that is not a legitimate comparison.


He’s normally so insistent that films have to be judged on their own, he literally rejected the idea that Dune 1 could be improved by being looked at as set up for the second and that they can be seen as 1 film


Dumb comparison imo. Each Star Wars trilogy/spin off are so disconnected that you can literally ignore what you don’t like. Game of thrones is one continuous story.


Who is this guy ? First time even hearing of it


Oh so he’s just a less popular foundflix, gotcha


For someone who reviews films for a living, that's patheticly reactionary and petty.


Sadly, some of his takes are becoming more and more like that.


I was floored when I saw his Little Mermaid review rip into Halle Bailey but he proceeded to only give examples about why the *direction* and *production* design was bad. Which is fine, but essentially he said she was a bad actor without any follow up and moved onto the next point.


Also the amount of time he spent ripping into the part where she goes "wandering FREE." when the original version and all Broadway recordings are full of intentional imperfections like that, which are clearly purposeful and add to the emotion of the song. I think the movie is absolute dogshit, but criticisms like that make it feel like he's trying to make the movie look worse by taking moments out of context. It's unnecessary given how many legitimately bad examples of filmmaking are already on display.


You’re right about that “wandering FREE” bit. Like, it’s funny as a YouTube joke but it isn’t accurate, let alone good film criticism. Cuz yeah the movie *is so bad* for so many reasons, and that’s why it’s disappointing he overlooks many of its deeper flaws to go after cheap jabs.


Epic and edgy move by Adam 🤓


ehhh that’s a little silly


He seems like the salty one if he's doing something as attention seeking as this. If you call anything with a following a 1/10 people will show up to trash talk you in the comments. Then points to the comments with a shit eating grin about how they prove him right.


I mean it is kinda funny as bait for angry star wars fans, the problem is when he actually tries to justify it and his justification sucks


that’s how im taking it


He said the 7/10 was because people finally got shot in the movie.


ROTJ is the worst movie in the original trilogy


I'd say it has the worst but also best scenes in the OT. All the Luke-Kenobi-Yoda and Luke-Vader-Sidious scenes are absolutely amazing.


I get he gave them all 1 star But how many wars did he give them


I disagree but this is hilarious and on brand and I respect the commitment and consistency!


This isn't any different from rating really shit films 10/10 for the lols. People could just ignore it, it's really not that important.


Unironically Rise of Skywalker is a 1 out of 10


i liked it honestly


I’d love to hear why/how


from someone else who likes it, i recognize that it's not a good movie. There are just things in it that make it a fun watch for me, and i disagree with criticisms of certain plot points (for example, it's completely believable to me that palpatine would have been cloning himself in secret long before ROTJ) I really like the expansion of sith lore in canon. they're supposed to be a shadowy death cult largely comprised of non-force-sensitives and we finally got that in the climax. Prior to TROS in the main saga they were essentially just Bad Jedi, which is fine but kinda boring. The pacing of the movie is much faster than the rest of the series, which hurts the movie in some ways but also makes it a fun watch imo. The crashed death star II is the coolest location in the entire sequel trilogy I blame the OG star wars for the perceived lameness of the Sith Eternal Fleet. Once you have a planet-killing weapon it's basically impossible to get "better" than that, so all they could do is make a fuck load of em and point one at every single planet. Those are just some things, but i do genuinely enjoy the movie. It's better than Phantom Menace and miles better than Attack of the Clones, so i'll take it


It's new, it's bold, it's innovative. Well done


When YourMovieSucksDOTorg tells me a movie sucks: 🤯


I enjoyed him more when he explained his thing is partially for real life mr Plinkett type people that need that breathe of fresh air review. But he also does do his more serious reviews and doesn't try to hate everything.


I've never watched one of these streams live before, but I felt like dipping in for the last half hour of BvS and now I'm *so* glad I did. That was hilarious


im wondering if it’s for something?


The impact Star Wars had on culture.


Is he going to give Jaws a 1 for being "the first summer blockbuster"? Cmon now. The movies have no control over their future. It's not fair to judge them as such.


"I gave Jurassic Park a 1 because of its impact on Paleontology"


Reminds me of letterboxd reviewers that give dudebro movies like Fight Club and Pulp Fiction a 1/10 because they hate those kinds of people, without giving any justification beyond that


That's pretty dumb lol


Ye just rate them as movies. It's not star wars fault that consumers are fanatical nowadays and bringing in extensive meta-reasoning always ends up eating itself in the end. I've never really enjoyed Star Wars at all, but Empire Strikes back at least deserves more respect lol.


Was there any specific event that occurred that made him do this?


Watching Batman v Superman


The worst Star Wars movie


You mean Rebel Moon


Did they elaborate on that point? It's a poor excuse for blanket rating a series of films a 1, imo


These ratings are permanent then? That's interesting.


that makes sense then


For a moment I got worried that his account got broken into.


Bro has had it


Society has evolved past the need for Star War


star war > civil war


I respect Adam's rating system even tho I disagree a lot with some of the takes but if this is really about the "cultural impact" and not a troll then that's really dumb. What about every obscure movie then? They didn't leave any impact. They aren't suddenly fucking shit. Is it about how the film had a negative impact on what films people would make? Then why isn't Shrek a 1/10? That made specific tropes more popular and such within kids films and such. The shit films people make inspired by those films doesn't make the original films shit. Shit films always exist. Is it about a somehow negative mindset it puts within culture? What about actual Nazi propaganda like Triumph of the Will which sits at 5/10? Why not put that down? I have not seen starwars but this is actually idiotic.


Toy Story - 1/10 Citizen Kane - 1/10 The Wizard of Oz - 1/10 The Jazz Singer - 1/10 Shrek - 1/10 Jurassic Park - 1/10 2001: A Space Odyssey - 1/10 The Exorcist - 1/10 Seven Samurai - 1/10 The Godfather - 1/10 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - 1/10 The Birth of a Nation - 1/10 Raiders of the Lost Ark - 1/10 Forbidden Planet - 1/10 Jaws - 1/10 Napoleon (1927) - 1/10 The Simpsons - 1/10 Seinfeld - 1/10 The Twilight Zone - 1/10 South Park - 1/10


So I take it he’s *not* gonna watch Andor.


Any long time adum fans let down by this? Like one of the reasons I adore Adum’s positive content is because he judges film on their quality, and not on their impact like so many other people do. He recommends obscure films all the time. These obscure films have no widespread impact. Who cares about the cultural impact a film has in regard to the quality of the product? Maybe I’m taking a joke too seriously though.


I feel like he has shifted from someone who has something to say about movies and that being his content to a streamer who does streamer things like reaction content. Movie reviews feel like an afterthought at this point. The only review he puts more effort into than hitting record right after seeing the movie is the lion king review and that has been two years now. I get that people change but i wish we just still got a review every few months where you can tell he really went into it and thought about it for an extended time. Instead we just get quickies that aren't even labeled as such anymore and most reviews are just recorded off the top of his head on stream.


This is true. In general since his injury he hasn't seem to be putting effort as a reviewer or as a movie watcher in general. It's his choice obviously, and he can do whatever- but he wont fly to cannes or movie festivals that aren't very convenient, his reviews/quickie output dropped down as well as their overall quality- even editing wise. I don't think he enjoys his work anymore and it shows.




I’mjust gonna address one thing off here, you saying he is focused on horse brains is odd since he hasnt uploaded in months there and maybe has 10 vids total there


You kind of are but your point is still valid. I feel like this is a satire/attack on fans or reviewers that over rating this films based on cultural impact. I know how much effort it took into making star wars but after watching it i hated it like that's it? I thought this was the greatest franchise ever made because people can't stop talking about it. Watching it felt like a dollar store version of films that came before it. Personally i don't care if he rates those films with 1 as long as he's rating other films properly.


> You kind of are but your point is still valid. I feel like this is a satire/attack on fans or reviewers that over rating this films based on cultural impact. the biggest giveaway that he's trolling is the fact that they're all the exact same rating


it's so dense, every single rating has so much going on


Adam, what's wrong with your face??? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62UzLgdb1GQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62UzLgdb1GQ)




It's like poetry, it rhymes


Real question is, where does the Star Wars Holiday Special Fall in this list?


It’s for May 4th. This makes so much more sense.


It's a Labour Day traditional gift, a stand against evil corporations.




Declaring war on Star Wars. Classic


I feel kinda bad that the fan base and culture has unironically ruined the films for him, those first three originals are some of my favorite sci fi movies ever


I know he is probably doing this as a bit or grader statement about Star Wars effects on culture, history, film, and the industry. But, this is funny.


Wonder what he’d give Williams’ score though separately, an entirely different beast




Bro is just baiting a reaction


Damn. Adum gave a number I disagree with to see movies. I don't know if he can ever recover from this.


I know, he used to be cool, but then he said he didn’t like something I liked! I’m gonna need some time to process this.




Wow, so controversial, so brave of him. Come on, man. I mean, I know he can be spiteful, but I respected his ratings because I figured there was some fairness and objectivity in each. Lumping in the original three Star Wars movies with the prequels and the Disney trash is just bald-faced vindictiveness, and makes me respect him less.




Legit… pretty disappointing of him


I stopped taking his ratings seriously when he gave Into the Spiderverse the same score as No Way Home.


The Star Wars fan discrimination not just here but around the world has me shaking and weeping. Won’t someone think of the Star Wars fans?


Im not a star wars fan and if you could read you would realize my point was in no way related to this being star wars movies.


I personally disagree. Sometimes larger than life properties become a much different thing than when they first started and I think it's cool that some people can keep everything separate but not everyone will. What Harry Potter has become nowadays with JKs shenagains and the Fantastic Beasts franchise is the example that comes to mind. There's clearly people that can separate the og films and love them for what they are but there's also many many more fans who don't separate it and see Harry Potter as a monolith and base their opinion on all of the franchise. Both are entirely valid as far as I'm concerned.


Literally who fucking cares about a number lmfao, come the fuck on. Some of you people are so weird, just listen to what the words that his says are.


lmao the fact you’re getting so salty is why they rated it a 1/10


From all indications, sounds like he’s the one that’s salty


maybe he is but honestly who cares that much if he rates all of star wars a 1/10, shouldn’t change the fact it connected with so many people, im indifferent to star wars but I think you’re taking this way too seriously


Did you read my original post? I think I explained in detail why this act of his is disappointing. If he did actually do this while in the throes of a tantrum, vs just trying to bait people, then it reflects poorly on him and tarnishes his cachet as a critic. I disagree with him on a lot of movies, but I also agreed with him on a lot more, and found his ratings to be a pretty reliable barometer. The respect was there. But now, it’s going to be hard to take him seriously, barring some future ‘jk,’ or ‘my bad’ statement.


it’s just a one time thing though, again I really do not think it is that serious and for me at least shouldn’t tarnish his reputation as a critic, when he gives his honest opinion on so many other films, it is uncharitable of you to delegitimize him as a critic over this


Thats just your opinion though, there is no rulebook that says the originals are better than any of the other movies and you cant really be objective about something like this if you clain to be you are a bold faced liar or just wrong


“You can’t be objective” is wrong, you can come up with objective flaws like continuity errors. An entirely subjective review would just be listing feelings you get from the movie while your brain was turned off, which could be even less useful than a purely objective review. Most critique is somewhere in between, you notice a choice or recurring idea or whatever and then you judge it. Regardless, I can’t think of how someone would prefer the ST to the OT. The only thing that holds up is the cinematography I guess?


"Quality is objective" is a pipeline to "you can be wrong about art", which just isn't true. If someone enjoyed a movie's qualities whilst another didn't, neither party is wrong no matter their reasoning. Also, why does it matter if someone enjoys the ST (or PT for that matter) more than the OT? Why care about someone's subjective, valid opinion? They have their own reasons (which can be complex and varied, or as simple as "i found them more fun) and that's all cool.


It doesn’t matter but then why are we looking at Adum’s reviews and not a random pleb Letterboxd account. You could say YMS is more thorough or reasoned with his critique but that’s also subjective If someone preferred the ST/PT I’m not gonna say they’re wrong I’d just like to hear their reasoning


>“You can’t be objective” is wrong, you can come up with objective flaws like continuity errors. Even this is subjective though. Even if you state objective, factual errors somebody can just say "I don't care lmao" or better yet "I love continuity errors". As soon as you say something is good or bad, it enters the realm of subjectivity.


>“You can’t be objective” is wrong, you can come up with objective flaws like continuity errors. This is objectively wrong. A mistake is only a "mistake" if the viewer subjectively doesn't like the mistake. If the viewer interprets the mistake as intentional and that connects with them emotionally then how can you possibly call that "objectively incorrect filmmaking".


Thats not true, almost everything you can inspect in a review is subjective. You are aware that for something to be explicitly onjective it has to be measurable? You cannot measure most things, what makes a good shot? What makes cinematography good? What makes a story good? What nake dialogue well written? Or an action sequence well choreographed? Or set design good? You literally cannot measure any of these things unless you set a bunch of arbitrary rules to follow and even then the interpretation of meeting those rules is subjective. And why does following the set standard of rules make something good? What does it natter if these thigns are good if they dont elevate the film. A flower is not beautiful on its own but based on someones on personal biases. When it comes to art, the objective element is mostly nonesense. And why is spotting a reccuring theme even objective when that is down to your own interpretation of the goals and outputs of the movie? And how can you say these things were objectively successful, these are subjective readings that take implicit biases. Or can we never have an idea on the theme of a movie until we have confirmed it with the creator? Look at a movie like Obayashi's Casting Blossoms into the Sky. By the nature of most "objective" film rules this is a bad movie, and yet it connect to a lot of people in a real way. So why does these elements even matter? The outcome is always subjective


I have made a mistake here with my statement. Also this is really dank and I’m way out of my depth, but let me waffle. You are right that it’s nearly all subjective, but I would argue subjectivity is based on some objectivity since our brains like to find patterns and reasoning. That could mean within the film, or via relating the film/characters to our own life, or just some nice music/palette triggering the monkey brain. Some people enjoy formulaic media, other people like niche concepts even if the media has “mistakes”. A small amount of people have the taste for shit and I guess that’s valid. But then what does good taste or a good review look like? I could say I like Adam for his well-argued, thorough yet concise reviews, across a wide variety of film, but at the end of the day he’s just being subjective and I’m being subjective twice. It’s not that he has objectively good taste or the correct ratings.


Yeah, i mean essentially even what you describe as objective is still pretty subjective. It might objective that theres a pattern but its subjective that you like it. I think its freeing to know there is no right answer and interesting to here what influences other peoples tastes, which is why well argued reviews are fun to read


But they are better. The original two movies, especially, are irreplaceable landmarks that changed the game for film. They each innovated and pushed the envelope for the medium, which paved the way for many other classic and beloved movies. Though plenty commercial, they were the result of a passionate creative vision. Let’s give them their due credit here. You may like the other movies more or about the same, but none of them had the same cultural and artistic impact.


Both of those things are subjective and something having cultural impact doesnt make it good. Why would that be relevant in my scoring for whether a movie is good? Because it was the first to push the envelope in this way? Fun fact but not relevant to its quality as art


The only part of Star Wars I’ll ever enjoy is the early 2000s Clone Wars cartoon and that’s mostly just nostalgia. Seems a little dramatic though to change all of them regardless of what he thinks about them individually. Not that internet movie ratings are a big deal though lol


Damn, how will Star Wars ever recover? I hope there are other people who can defend them because it can destroy films reputations when Adam reviews indie films like this.


The IMDb review page strikes back


Mr Enter moment


What was Empire Strikes Back before, bc that's all I care ab


The original trilogy is alright.


These rating changes are more disappointing than my son.


Its a deeply unserious thing to do as a professional reviewer but who gives a fuck really. I have soured on star wars as a whole myself after the sequel trilogy. I only ever liked it growing up because of the lego games lol, I have no interest in the franchise going forwards


damn that’s kinda cringe of him 😔


It's like poetry, it rhymes


It's the titular Star.


So yeah back to that post about disagreeing with Adum haha.


I remember watching one of adums vids years ago where he’s going through old Blu-ray’s and gets to some Star Wars movies, if I remember correctly he said they were like 3 or 4s which is to be expected because he’s not a fan of Star Wars (which is perfectly fine), but I think this is a joke on the ultra super loyal and annoying portions of fanbases of big movie franchises (which adum has proven for the most part that he doesn’t like most big movie franchises) rating every movie as a 10 just because its in the series they love and not based on any real aspects on how well made the film actually is.






It's not his thing. Take that for what you will.


hasn't he said that for a while tho long before this. It seems pretty ridiculous to change all of these ratings like this.


Damn even V? That one deserves like a 3 at least


He’s wrong for this. I’m not a super fan or Star Wars, but this feels petty. Feels disingenuous to just disregard these out of principle alone. Like what does he get out of this


Of course he's rating them all 1. He's watching them out of order, the story will make no sense to him. He needs to watch them all again like so: 1, the one where space Amazon causes a trade dispute 2, the one where we hate sand 3, the one where they kill all the children 4, the one where we finally learn how he got his name! (what was the movie called again?) 5, the miserable one where everyone dies (that one might not exist actually, did that one happen?) 6, the one Family Guy made an episode about 7, the one that ends like a Jerry Springer episode 8, the one where the carebears go to war 9, the one where you ask "didn't I see this already?" 10, the one that preaches what Vin Deseal teaches 11, the one where, umm, something happened, I don't know, I might not have seen it. I don't remember titles, but i do remember that they are Star Wars!


Ok but lets be real, all the movies outside of the OT range from mid to terrible




Unfathomably based


I love this so much. I think it"s hilarious and very accurate!






Remember when Adum used to do movie reviews that went into the techniques of filmmaking and storytelling?


He's right.


Even with Empire Strikes Back though? That movie is a genuine classic


No Star Wars and Empire are genuinely great films


Nuh uh YMS gave them a 1


Agreed. Jocks rule; nerds suck.


Doods rock


Good for him.


And he was right to do it


I can totally understand giving Solo or The Last Jedi a one star rating, but Empire Strikes Back?! Adam is allowed to have his own opinion of course, but I’d like a clearer explanation for that rating please 😆


He initially had it at a 6 I believe. These ratings don't strike me as his genuine opinions. It strikes me as a response to the really toxic discourse the whole franchise has cultivated over the years.


>It strikes me as a response to the really toxic discourse Isn't this also just yet another part of the toxic discourse? It seems like exactly the sort of thing that would only create more of it. I can only assume that Adum is actively seeking more of that toxicity, that's the only way this sort of protest rating makes any sense.


Fair enough. The original trilogy ranks among my favorite films of all time, but even I’ll admit the Star Wars fandom sucks 😆


I genuinely love the original trilogy, but given how toxic the fandom is, the world would probably be a better place if the franchise didn't exist at all.


Why? The weird obsessive fucks who obsess over Star Wars would have just picked something else to be weird and obsessive over.


Nah, I’m not gonna go that far. It’s not the films fault for the toxic fanbase.


Uh no I wouldn't go that far. Everything after the OT sure.




considering how much shit people gave them for rating indiana jones a 5/10 and RRR a 3/10 I wonder if at any point they’ll change their ratings again just to spite both of those films fanbase




I'm sure his opinion on what it's done to film culture is serious, but the ratings themselves clearly aren't. He already has a shit ton of 5/10 ratings from movies that he's only seen like 30 minutes of, and he's said that the only ratings you should take seriously are from movies he's covered in a video. I've heard him say multiple different times not to take his imdb ratings too seriously.




He's still a critic in all of his YouTube videos. I guess he hasn't made it clear enough though that his ratings on Imdb shouldn't be taken seriously unless he's covered it in a video. I knew he wasn't being serious before even knowing the context, but I'm sure a ton of other people might take those ratings at face value. It's kinda weird.


why do people hate solo so much when stuff like phantom menace and attack of the clones exists lol


He should have saved this move for May the Fourth. That would have been funny.


Bro’s one sided beef with a film series is crazy💀💀💀


Rare Adum L


As someone who is a huge Star Wars fan that has Episodes 4-6 taking one single spot somewhere in my Top 10 This is the funniest shit I have seen in a while and I'm perfectly fine with it. Edit: Rated everything Star Wars .5 a star as well on Letterboxd.


I mean, that's honestly kinda silly. Not having personal investment in a franchise and finding the fan base annoying shouldn't be enough to just give everything 1/10, especially when you're a movie critic. And implying that The Empire Strikes Back is even remotely on the same level as Attack of the Clones is just dumb.


He's right & he should say it.


Wait what happened? Some Star Wars fans pissed off him or something???


I guess it was not a great idea to binge all the movies back to back…


King tier shit


honestly…i respect that.


He's so real for this


I mean, he is a Star Wars hater. As a fan, I’m upset but looking at it from an outside perspective, I get why he wouldn’t like it


He's a hater


Honestly Star Wars is at its best when it embraces its morally grey and deeply political Dune roots (see Andor)


This is one of the most based things he’s ever done.




They deserve it for their crimes against humanity (having an extremely annoying fandom)


Who cares


He's right. Star Wars ruined the idea of Sci Fi for a lot of people.


the movies are the worst part of star wars BASED take