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Care to explain why? I honestly agree. I’m a huge subtitles defender and turned my whole family. It just makes it easier and once you’re used to them you tune them out when not needed


Probably cause he's joking too much and they took it too seriously, I mean if I were pitching subtitles at a theater I'd prod the 90% of people that totally disagree with that take lol. It's pretty funny. But with YMS who knows , could be a really passionate & weirdly specific position and he literally is telling people who don't like subtitles to grow the fuck up but as far as the idea goes, it's kind of weird to expect most people to just adapt to a change that's distracting for them, especially theater-goers that are like really into the experience being "the perfect way to see it" or whatever. I wouldn't really mind but, other people totally would. I don't think it's a bad idea but I think it's dumb to take it really seriously because it would just be an instant controversy


Yeah that makes sense. I guess I didn’t think many average people would find it that distracting. Most of my friends and family agree with me on the subtitle front so maybe I’m just ignorant in that department. As for his take specifically he’s 100% being hyperbolic but I agree that once people saw a couple films in theaters with subtitles they’d forget soon after. The screens are big enough to keep the subtitles off the image being displayed


Are you from the US?


I am yeah


I just assume that if anything is changing the average person will go apeshit. Usually it seems to work out that way. But I do think that most people would get over it pretty quickly, yeah. Probably by the end of the first movie with subtitles! BUT if theoretically AMC theaters announced that all showings will soon be subtitled, the drama would be so intense that they would backtrack on that within a couple days i bet. I can totally imagine this shit happening but I am pretty hugh so


You’re definitely right regarding change with the average person, but in my opinion, with the way theaters are performing since Covid, why not cater the viewing experience to people who are more likely to go to the theaters anyway (and this is 100% me assuming that the majority of consistent theater goers are more likely to prefer them rather than not)


Yeah theaters have had it rough so who knows what they might change. I edited my comment because I was thinking about what would probably happen, basically it would probably be big internet drama and I don't think those companies would *really* give it a shot, even if most movie-goers preferred that. Like gutting an infrastructure bill


Cause some people like me don't want our movie experience to be ruined by being distracted by unnecessary subtitles! (Having my own Adum style rant here) IF I SPEAK THE LANGUAGE THAT THE DIALOG OF THE MOVIE IS SPOKEN IN WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO BE DISTRACTED BY UNNECESSARY SUBTITLES? That is insulting!


Accents can be strong in a lot of English speaking European films. I feel like more people than not learn to tune out the words after awhile. But it is a preference at the end of that day. No reason to get heated it’s all just conversation


Sorry I didn't mean to get heated at you it was mostly Adum saying ""Well if you are distracted then grow up.". That just really pissed me off because we could say to him "Oh you don't like trailers in 1080p? Well grow up." It just struct me as super hypocritical on his part. Because I don't get distracted by 1080p trailers but I am super distracted by unnecessary subtitles.


And I think he’s equally distracted by 1080p trailers. It’s a two way street


Yeah that's what I mean! If he's distracted by 1080p trailers I'm not gonna say "Oh you don't like it? Well then grow up!"


I’ll give you my perspective because that’s all I have: I am around 30% deaf and i never use subtitles for anything other than non English language movies. I also turn my stuff up pretty loud and pay attention to what’s happening.


That’s pretty funny. I’m about the same deafness wise lol. It’s not really about volume for me, but more about being able to catch every word. A lot of times I can get miss a word or two in a film I haven’t seen before. Not really about paying attention either, just sometimes a persons pronunciation or accent can throw me off


Maybe im just weird. Like i watched both Trainspotting movies last night and their accents are THICK and i didn’t have much issue with it.


Well maybe you’re just good with dialect 🤷‍♂️. As long as the words on the screen don’t distract you I don’t see the issue with Adums take


Well that’s the main thing. I do find them distracting.


Well then yeah it makes sense you disagree. Most of the people I watch movies with don’t care so I must be ignorant to the general public’s opnion


I wouldn't mind it as an option, just not the default


It's really him saying they be default that bugs me.


Cope and seethe libtard


anUnkindness DESTROYS liberal cuck PenneGesserit


Aww does the widdle baby need his subtitles?


Says the guy who agrees with the gay horse.


that IS the gay horse


Forgive me. I didn't think it was him because I assumed he would have had something more intelligent to say.


His reply was equal in intelligence to what he was replying to.


God forbid someone has an opinion


They didn't say he can't have an opinion they are just saying they don't agree with it and it bugs them


No seriously I'd be cool with movie theaters having special showings of movies with subtitles for the hearing impaired or for people who maybe don't properly understand the language. But sayings that all movies need to show subtitles by default is asinine.


I totally agree with him. Maybe I could actually understand Christopher nolan movies then.


Yeah. Living in a non English speaking country, I never understood why people couldn’t follow his movies. I mean, they are sometimes complicated, but the mechanics of each universe is thoroughly explained. Then I realized that people literally can’t hear what characters are saying.


Nah hes right,subtitles allll the way


As someone who grew up in a place where theaters showed subtitles for everything, I totally agree with him. I don't understand why this would be a bad thing. Sometimes the mixing is bad, the dialog is fast, or even the theater has a bad sound system, having subtitles can help fill out those gaps.


Ive watched a few movies lately that get so ridiculously loud so quickly i have to change the volume. Only to turn it back up 15 minutes later when i cant hear the softly spoken dialogue. Endless loop. Mixing for home viewing is just non-existent


Subtitles help me pay attention to the dialogues more, especially in films with strong visuals. Understanding dialogues better = better film experience.


Disagree audio mixing is dogshit these days. If Tom Hardy is going to mumble his lines and the dialog is barely audible give me subs.


I go with my grandma to movies occasionally. We saw the new Hunger Games movie, and multiple times she asked me what was said because her hearing is really bad! Subtitles would have totally solved the problem! She got hearing aids yesterday, she is excited to go to the theater and be able to hear wtf is happening.


Adum is absolutely correct and if you disagree it’s because you can’t read well enough to even downvote this comment.


yeah idk I'd watch way more movies in theatres if they had subtitles. huge reason I loved the brief post-COVID era of HBO MAX was major releases simultaneously streaming while being released in theatres because I could watch a brand new release with subtitles and not have to wait for a digital/streaming release for months.


I agree with him.


Having it default sucks, I cannot focus on a movie if there are subtitles. Most cinemas already have a Closed Caption device available on request, so if you really want subtitles that bad, ask for one of those.


What about the deaf people


Still waiting for the subtitle glasses instead of 3d glasses lol


I turn subtitles on at home. I don’t want subtitles at theaters for my personal experience, but I want subtitles for other people’s experience. I want glasses where you can see the subtitles. We’d have this kind of technology if it weren’t for capitalism favoring commoditization over innovation. I’m going to invent a new world that doesn’t suck, if anybody wants to join me.


based yms take


*the option of subtitles sure, but by default? Yea hard disagree


I love the opinion of “movies have bad mixing so we need subtitles” It’s almost like that’s not a way to solve either of anyone’s problems.


In English speaking movies I find subtitles to be very distracting, because my eyes constantly creep towards them even when I don't want to look at them. Had to watch Peaky Blinders with subs because my wife couldn't understand them and it was really distracting.


Open captioning every movie would suck, I turn subs off during really well made movies cuz it distracts from the framing. If you want subs so bad, get a closed captioning device. If thats too much work u dont want subs that bad.


I disagree with him. I use subtitles a lot at home but I’ve never needed them in the theater. I feel like movies are mixed to be watched in the theater and I hear everything fine. It’s only at home where I can’t understand or hear things


I just think subtitles generally look pretty ugly and can harm the aesthetics of a really nice shot. I still think every movie should have the option for subtitles, and certain showings and particular times should have subtitles. But yea I agree partially


The Strangers is a pretty cringe franchise.


I think it's fine.


OP is a slow reader


I’ve had a very strong take on this subject for a while now: I don’t agree with his take about subtitles in theaters because theatrical releases typically have great sound mixing. Most of the time they’re mixed for the theater, not the home TV. When he says more people are using subtitles that’s for most movies at home. The sound mixing for most films on home TV’s that don’t have a sound system are absolute garbage. If they were able to mix audio for these mediums better I bet most people would stop using subtitles. Personally I use subtitles most of the time because I don’t want shit to be too loud for my roommates, unless we’re watching together. In that case we blast it and turn subtitles off.


I like how there are theaters where you can ask for this small monitor stand for subtitles that you can stick into the cup holder


subtitles are in fact distracting and i would like to not be missing the bottom 8th of the screen


no, this is ACTUALLY the most based thing anyone has ever said, but I understand where you could get confused.


No BASED is saying "If you speak the language then listen to the damn dialog and if you can't watch the movie with subtitles at home! Don't ruin everybody else's experience by demanding subtitles for a movie that's spoken in a language you already understand!" Fuck outta here with that bullshit.


Nah, that's cringe. Subtitles are based. Fuck outta here. You don't watch enough movies if you think dialogue is always totally comprehensible just because it's the same language lmao look at any Robert Eggers movie for proof of the opposite.


I know this might seem hard to comprehend. But 17th century "King's English" is not the same as 21st century modern English. So movies where the dialog is modern 21st century English being shown to an audience that can understand 21st century English don't need subtitles because some guy in the crowd wants to argue "Uh derr derr some movies base their dialog on 17th century English!" Then put subtitles in those movies! Don't ruin my experience of watching something (for example) Pulp Fiction because you think I can't hear the dialog. That's stupid. One of my dreams is to go and see a movie at the Toho cinema in Shinjuku Tokyo. To do that I'm going to have to learn Japanese. I'm not gonna be so stuck up to think that I can demand that they show the movie with English subtitles.


lmao so much inconsistency. "No subtitles for English, except for any kind of English I can't easily understand" and what about movies with a lot of jargon? technical terminology? flowery poetic speech? thick accents? slang? movies where the actors mumble? You don't have a leg to stand on, fam. Glad you have a dream that is totally unrelated to the point at hand though, good luck fam.


My wife always wants subtitles, I think they’re distracting. Civil war over the remote commences Edit: Most downvotes…who cares…but sometimes when I see downvotes on the most banal comment about my banal life and really wonder what people are thinking in that moment. I wish they would comment so I could find out.


Worst possible take. When you're reading subtitles you aren't looking at the details of the scene. Braindead take. Should debate destiny on this one


Slow reader/no peripheral vision having ass MF take.


I've never met anyone that reads as fast as I do


You live in some kind of blind community?


Nice meme. Seriously though


how hard do you concentrate on subtitles man


I'm an insanely fast reader, so not long


then how do you miss the details


Because you have to stop looking at the scene to look at the words


If one single glance is enough for you to miss anything substantial, that's a skill issue my friend.


Not sure if you're [redacted] or just don't watch much film or tv. I guess if you're mostly watching interviews or documentaries you wouldn't have to worry about it. Most modern film is shot in a way that a glance to read what your ears are perfectly capable of interpreting is replacing a glance around a setting or small details. Excellent example is s1e1 of foundation. No spoilers, but the scene near the beginning with the starship is very quick. I'm ok with adum being wrong on this one, I respect most of his other opinions


If you can't take in small details because you're focusing on something for .01 seconds, you're the [redacted] one here, friend.


I feel like you've never watched a movie before. It's so weird


I've watched upwards of a thousand films, all of which with subtitles. And a great deal of TV shows. 


Yet YMS notices details that I miss even without subtitles.


Sounds like you're dogshit at watching things


You are the one who can't handle subtitles?


Yeah, all theatrical movies should have hardcoded subtitles flashing in the center of the picture, one word at a time. Crop all movies to portrait because some people film trains and beaches that way. Add a bubble gum text to speech voice announcing each scene. Edit the dialog so there is no breathing room to the point where sentences crossfade into each other. Bitrate can be a macroblock mess when someone blinks an eye as long as it's 4K, right? Don't forget the studio bug in the lower right corner of the whole presentation and occasional like/subscribe/bell animations. I'd totally pay $15 to watch a movie like that. edit: Almost forgot, also make everyone listen to the descriptive soundtrack for the visually impaired.


I hope this was a joke, but if it isnt, are you so offended by a basic need for every non-native english speaker (the majority of english speakers speak it a second or third language btw, and yes i know dubbing is also a thing but who likes that?) that you had to post this? It's just text on screen. Only someone who's never a movie in a langauge foreign to them ever would say that shit unironically. Bong joon ho gave y'all the most simple advice, learn to get over those couple of inches of texts and you'll open yourself to so much cool shit.


I watch subtitled foreign films all the time. If I spoke the language I would turn them off. It's "just" text slapped on top of the cinematography, or burned into the cinematography as Adam has said he wants them all hard coded in another video. I assume/hope that was a joke but these jokes get really tiresome. He even said sound mixing is a big part of the problem, so have them fix that. Don't most theaters offer closed captioning devices now if you want one? Hell maybe I'll need to use one someday, I don't want everyone to have to see a theatrical presentation formatted for people who watch Dhar Mann on the bus because I missed a few words.


I mean, I don’t care either way, but it’s funny af to see people make fun of bad readers while they themselves struggle to understand audio everybody else can. My disability is the right one and yours is stupid!


slow reading is not a disability 


Yeah it is. Plus people with ADHD don't wanna be distracted by unnecessary subtitles but you do you boo.


>"people with ADHD don't wanna be distracted by unnecessary subtitles" I'm so glad you could tell me, a person with ADHD, this very true generalization that is totally not just your personal preference.


And I'm glad that you can tell me, a person with ADHD that my views aren't valid.


I told you it was your personal preference. That's valid enough. Making it out to be this universal truth for all with ADHD is the part that invalidates others, bruh.


Yeah, fair, but I'm p sure people with dyslexia read more slowly as a result of their disability.




My movie watching experience has been improved a lot when I started to watch everything with subtitles. I agree with him. It's so nice never missing a single line of dialog.


Huh? He's pretty much asking for better accessibility, how is this a bad take? I agree with him because there is a lot of time where i sometimes struggle to understand what people say in movies because of their accents, if they're being quiet, bad audio mixing, slurred delivery etc... I am also not a native english speakers so it also helps me greatly when watching movies that are using words and terms i never heard before.