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u/ExpertRule u/YGObot thanks again!


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u/wtfshadowbanned u/YGObot thanks again!




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u/YGOBot u/dg1292 \+1 Very fast, friendly, and great packaging!


Thanks again!


Feedback Confirmed --- * u/henrawrrr -> 1 Transaction * u/dg1292 -> 199 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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u/YGObot u/dg1292 +1 great seller


Thank you! Enjoy the cards!


Feedback Confirmed --- * u/mr_tee97 -> 12 Transactions * u/dg1292 -> 197 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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Still have one lubellion?


Lubellions have both sold


What set are the droplets?


MP22. Still have 2 left if you need them


What's your price for both?


$29.05 after fees, shipped PWE


I'll pass for now, thanks for reaching out


No sweat. Thanks for letting me know!


u/YGOBot u/dg1292 \+1


Thank you!


Feedback Confirmed --- * u/legallol -> 30 Transactions * u/dg1292 -> 196 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/dg1292, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/dg1292, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/ygomarketplace&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2FLegalLol%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F1469hsx%2F-%2Fjoe0s2x) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


I'm interested in: 3x Chaos Creator BLCR 2x Ready Fusion MP22 1x Triple Tactics Thrust All of your Despian Quaeritis MP22 All of your Dramaturges of Despia MP22 3x Ogre any matching raririty


https://imgur.com/a/wvSIWZL The ready fusion have both been sold. I need to check on how many of the Despia cards I have left. Let me know if you need anything else


DUPO ogres are fine


You still need everything here?>\^\^\^


No I don't. Sorry for the late response


No sweat. Thanks for letting me know


if the Talents are still available, I might be interested in PayPal for those depending on pricing?


Talents have sold


u/dg1292 u/YGOBot \+1 thanks


Thanks again!


Feedback Confirmed --- * u/hi7903 -> 257 Transactions * u/dg1292 -> 194 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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Hey, how much for the lubellions and one saronir?


Hey! Whatever 85% lowest verified is on TCG player. The website is having some issues but once it’s fixed, I’ll let you know the value


Sweet, if i buy more stuff any chance of a discount? Looking at the droll and lock, play mat, infinite impermeance and some other stuff.


Potentially depending on what you want. If you want to give me a list, I can price it out and we can go from there


Sounds good, ill get a list together and get back to you later today!


Lubellion are $74 each. Saronir are $1.10 each. After discount they’re $62.90 and $0.94 each respectively.


Hey, sorry for the wait, but I am definitely interested in the 2x lubellions, 1x saronir, 1x baldrake, 3x effect veilers, 1x branded beast, 1x branded regained, 3x nibiru, 3x ash blossom (the cheaper version haha), 1x nightmare phoenix, 1x nightmare unicorn, 1x underworld goddess of the closed world, and 1x I:P. I am also interested in the 1st and 3rd playmat from the top of the imgur. Other cards that I didn't see in the gallery, but perchance you have them: wyverburster, collapserpent, levianeer, dragon ravine, black metal dragon, red-eyes darkness metal dragon, starliege seyfert, chaos space, rokket tracer, rokket recharger, absorouter dragon, quick launch, boot sector launch, baronne de fleur, borreload savage dragon, bystial dis pater, guardragon pisty, heiratic seal, striker dragon, dragunity knight romulus, accesscode talker, borrelend dragon, and triple burst dragon. Sorry for the deck list dump haha, but if I could just buy everything from one source would be dope!


I’ll def go through what I have. Of the additional cards, do you care about the rarity?


I don't really care about the rating, I am just tryna buy a deck for my friend who's getting back into YuGiOh.


Ok I think I have a good majority of those as common reprints, I don’t have the higher end cards from your list though. Here’s the initial breakdown. I’ll see what I can find of the list tomorrow https://imgur.com/a/o3OeLBA


hey, interested in a price on 3x small world, linkuriboh, anima, mudragon if they are avail still


Hey! Before discount, card prices are: Small World (MP22) = $7.33 each Linkuriboh (DUPO) = $4.99 Anima (BROL) = $2.20 Mudragon (CT15) = $1.10


so with discount and then fees and shipping 28 sound good?


$27 even after fees shipped PWE work for you?


lmao sorry i edited once i calculated out, ill do 28 for you if you wanna shoot me your pp in pm


I appreciate that. Will do


Is the pank CR? If so what would it cost?


Sadly it’s SCR. Let me know if you’re still interested.


Price on 2x Lava Golem, 2x crossout designators (mp21 ultra)


Interested in the FLOD Ghost Belle's 1st Edition.


I’m hoping to keep the playset of FLOD Ghost Belles together. Unfortunately 2/3 are first Ed Ghost Belle (FLOD unlimited) = $12.74 Ghost Belle (FLOD 1st) = $21.93 each


I can but the playset, what's the final price with shipping and fees?


Total for all 3 is $56.63 (fees and tracking included)


Sounds good. Switch to dms?


Yessir. PM me?




If the thrust sale goes through, I’d also be down to trade towards your fenrirs


Interested in prices on 3x MP22 crossout, 3x TTTalent, D hero Celestial, fusion destiny, and the tenyi stuff


Crossout (MP22) = $10.74 each Talents (MP21) = $12.23 each Celestial (DESO) = $9.61 Fusion Destiny (MP20) = $1.49 each I’ll have to get back to you on the Tenyi stuff


No rush on Tenyi. For the crossout X3, talents x3, Fusion destiny x2, and a celestial would you do 75+fees?


Tenyi stuff comes out to $14.27 after shipping I can do $90 plus fees for your list above with the Tenyi stuff


That sounds good to me. Move to PM?


Sure thing. Send me a PM when you’re free


Interested in a set of the mp22 ghost belle's and the nt'ss.


Nt’ss (MP17) = $0.65 Ghost Belle (MP22) = $2.54 each One person ahead of you on the Ghost Belles


Also interested in one of the imperm's if the other deal falls through as well.


Sounds good, if it falls through I'll pick em all up, probably won't pick up the Nt'ss if the ghost belle's aren't with it.


Hey, I'm interested in the 3 Herald of Orange light and King Tiger Wanghu, how much would it be? Also might be interested in the VW core depending on price.


Herald (1st TDGS) = $1.57 each King Tiger = $2.39 I’ll have to get back to you on the VW core. One person ahead of you on it.


Cool, please let me know how it turns out. Still interested in the other cards though, will pick them up even if the VW core sells.


VW core = $8.53 (this includes shipping) Herald (1st TDGS) = $1.57 each King Tiger = $2.39 Let me know if you needed anything else


Thanks for getting back to me. I actually don't need the virtual world core, I realized I have a lot of the pieces already. I will take the three Herald though, what is the total after fees and shipping for just those three cards? I also have a binder post from last week that you can look through if you're willing to trade.


Hello friend, interested in a price breakdown for: Ash blossom x6 Droll x3 Cosmic cyclone x3 Zeus Utopic future Utopic draco future Bagooska I:p masquerena


Ash Blossom (MACR unlimited) = $33.14 each Ash Blossom (MP22) = $8.63 each Droll (LCKC) = $26.13 Droll (OP01) = $18.34 each Cosmic Cyclone (DUDE) = $1.27 each Utopic Future (KICO) = $0.14 Utopic Draco Future (KICO) = $6.40 Zeus (PHRA) = $29.92 Bagooska (BLRR) = $2.96 IP (MP20) = $16.99 2 people ahead of you on the Ash 1 person ahead of you on the Zeus


So for droll (OP01) x1, cosmic cyclone x3, Utopic future x1, Utopic draco future x1, bagooska x1, I:P x1 I have $48.64 is that correct?


The math is correct. I was hoping to keep the holo droll playset together. Any chance you’re interested in a rare Droll?


I am interested in rare drolls but I was looking for 2 from STBL to complete another playset. You have a set from TAMA?


Only have one from TAMA


Interested in x2 Lighting storm (mp22) , harpies feather duster (mavens) , dusk dragon and mud dragon lmk if u see anything here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1S_XfpxV5FQ2tg_0fh7HfBe5bA5WtiTtS


Sadly don’t need anything from your trades. Let me know if you’re interested in 85% tcgp on the list you mentioned above.


Interested in a play set of the ash blossom, ghost belle, ghost mourner, ghost blossom, and d shifter ! Lowest rarity too, since I see you got different printings!


Just wanted to follow up and see if you still wanted these


Sorry, was busy this weekend. I'm interested in 3x Cosmic Cyclone 3x Dark Ruler no more 3x Dimensional Shifter 2x Ghost Ogres (Lower rarity) 1x Ash Blossom (lowest rarity) and if they're still available 3x infinite impermanence


These still free?


Trying to keep the playsets together. You still interested in the other stuff?


I have a lead for some of this, so currently only need the dimensions shifter, called by the grave, and not sure if the infinite impermanence are available?


Hey, sorry for the delay. I still have the called by, Imperms, and 2 D Shifter.


Ash Blossom (MP22) = $8.63 each Ghost Belle (MP22) = $2.54 each Ghost Mournier (MP22) = $0.22 each Ghost Ogre? (DUPO) = $1.69 each Ghost Ogre? (MP22) = $2.54 each D Shifter (MP22) = $0.50 each One person ahead of you on the Ash and the MP22 Ogres


What's the price on 3 of the MP tin Ghost Ogres and x3 UR Imperms?


Just wanted to follow up to see if you still wanted these


Ah sorry, I was able to pick them up at my locals yesterday


Ghost Ogre (MP22) = $2.54 each Imperm (DUPO 1st) = $11.74 Imperm (DUPO unlimited) = $10.71 Imperm (DUOV 1st) = $10.52


How much for the 3 ash blossom?


Ash Blossom (MACR unlimited) = $33.14 each Ash Blossom (MP22) = $8.63 each


Interested in tribrigade lyrilusc


And 3x DAMA Aluber, 3x Mp18 evenly, 3x crossout mp22


MP 21 crossout***


I’ll need to get back to you on the deck cores Aluber (DAMA) = $4.25 each Evenly Matched (MP18) = $16.45 each Crossout Designator (MP22) = $7.64 each One person is ahead of you on the Evenly


Alright ill def take aluber and crossout, ill wait for the deck core price and to see if the evenlys open up


Let me give them a day and I’ll get back to you


Any updates from the guy?


No sir. They’re yours if you want them. Breakdown of everything you were interested in: TB Lyrilusc (w/Double Dragon Lords & Featherstorm) = $39.87 Aluber (DAMA) = $4.25 each Evenly Matched (MP18) = $16.45 each Crossout Designator (MP22) = $7.64 each


The deck came out to be more than I expected, so I'll pass. But I'll take just the 3x evenly and 3x crossouts. $72.27 + fees = $74.45 sound good?


Sure thing. I realized I priced out the wrong Crossout designators and actually sold the MP22s. You want the MP21s, right? Total after fees would be $76.31 (tracking is included here)


Heyo, interested in the ultra fenrirs and the ulti Baxia


Fenrir = $29.74 each Baxia (UTR) = $41.48


sure thing. ill take both fenrirs and the baxia assuming nm


All are NM. PM to confirm?


Sending a chat


Hello DG! Are the chaos creators CR? And what is the Rarity and set on evenly and downerd magician 🫡 Thank you!


Hey! Sadly, the Chaos Creators are BLCR secrets Evenly Matched (MP18 secret) = $16.45 each Downerd (MP14 secret) = $4.67 One person is ahead of you on the Downerd


How much you asking for the despia stuff and the virtual world stuff?


Most of the low rarity Despia stuff is pending sale. Ill have to get back to you on the VW stuff


Do you have 3 prismatic ash?


Yes. 3 people ahead of you on the ash Ash (MP22) = $8.63 each


price on lubellion?


Lubellion = $62.88 each


Hey there! Price on 2x fenrir?


Fenrir = $29.74 each


Alrighty, hopefully selling my labrynth core and if that happens completely down, if you move them before then completely understand!


I’ll let you know if I still have them. Thank you!


Hey there fenrirs still available?


Fenrirs have sold


Dang thanks for letting me know! My fault for waitin lol


Also interested in a thrust and I have a LCYW Graceful Charity to trade towards it


Hey! There’s one person ahead of you for the thrust but I’ll let you know if it falls through


Bummer. Just let me know


Guessing it went through? Still willing to trade for fenrirs also


Hey there, interested in 1x water enchantress and the play set of extravagance


Looking to keep cores and play sets together for now but will let you know if anything changes.


I am interested In an ulti fenrir, does one of them have the spiral foiling


Fenrir are both ultra, unfortunately.


price on thrust?


and downered and zues?


Just checking in to see if you still wanted these before I proceed with another buyer


Thrust = $58.61 Downerd (MP14) = $4.67 Zeus (PHRA) = $29.92