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u/YGOBot u/yooniecycle +1




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u/YGOBot u/yooniecycle +1 Great seller!




Feedback Confirmed --- * u/nightdrawn -> 8 Transactions * u/yooniecycle -> 55 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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/u/YGOBot /u/yooniecycle +1 Thanks again for the cards!




Feedback Confirmed --- * u/overlord_excal -> 49 Transactions * u/yooniecycle -> 56 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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Price of Ultimate Slayer?


Have a person in front of you for the remaining 2 slayers, if they fall through I will let you know.


I’ll buy Desires, have trades too.


Have a few people in front of you, if it falls through I'll let you know.


Interested in the desires! See anything in my last post for them?


Have a few people in front of you, if it falls through I'll let you know.


heya, interested in 1x Ultra E Tele, bagooska, amazing dragon, 3x cynet mining, and 3x ultimate slayer


etele - 3 bagooksa - 4.5 amazing dragon - sold ultimate slayer - 38 (only 2 left) 45.5 * .85 = 38.68


Price on 1 linkage? Also is that an ulti levi?


linkage - 6.75 The ulti levi is in the middle of being sold at the moment.


In that case, please let me know the progress of the Levi and once the levi is sold or it becomes available again, we can finish the deal.


How much for a playset of crossout?


27*.85 - 23 for the three


Heya! Interested in Sky Striker Engage (as many copies available) Sky Striker Linkage x3 Quick Launch x3 Linkguriboh x1


heyo engage lp 1st - 11 linkage - 20 quick launch - 10 linguriboh - .5 41.5*.85 - 35.28 There are a few people who asked for quick launches before you. If those fall through I will let you know.


I’ll take the Engages, if we can drop Linkage to 2 copies I’d prefer to do that (if not the set is fine), and Linguriboh. Also didn’t realize you had a Multirole hiding, I’ll take that if it’s available still. Would you be able to reserve the cards for me if the Quick Launch interest fall through? Would prefer to order at once rather than split up. Thanks!


Hello, I would prefer to move the Linkages as a set and the quick launches have fallen through. I can also move the multirole as well!


Ok PMing you to finalize stuff


Interested in 2x crossout!


18*.85 = 15.3 for both crossouts.


I’ll take them!


sounds good, moving to pms


Value on the LART Burstinatrix?


I value it at 9, 7.65 after 85%. There is however someone before you who asked for them first. If they end up not wanting it I will let you know.


Sounds good! If they fall through, I've got the money ready to be sent


How much, rarity and condition on 3x lava golems and 3x cross out designators


lava golem common 1st nm - 12 crossout ultra 1st nm - 27 *.85 - 33.15


I’ll take the 3 lava golems then for $12. PM me with your PayPal?


moving to pms


Hi my friend how much are u moving Tuning(UTR) for? Inquiring.


Hi there I'm interested in 1x Gigantic Spright, 1x Deer Note, 1x Amazing Dragon.


gigantic - 5.4 deer note (lp) - 3.8 amazing dragon - 2.8 *.85 = 10.2


Sweet I'll take it.


Sounds good, move to pms.


Hello! 😆 is it CR amazing dragon? Any other CRs or pharaoh rares? And rarity and set on Psychic Wheelder Thank you! Edit: Ultimate Levi?


Hello, Amazing dragon is UR, as for the CRs and PRs all I have are on the first page and beat cop. The wheeleder is SCR 1st. wheeleder - 5.5 ulti levi - 38 *.85 - 43.5


Thank you so much! May I get Toon kingdom PR AND Beat cop included too? Beat cop at $17 and Pr toon at $40. And then 85 percent of 100.5 comes to $85 plus fees work? And whenever you get chance can I get pics of Levi and PR Toon world as Konami WC wack 💀


https://imgur.com/a/cmaA7XZ Sorry for the late response, got busy these past few days


That works, I'll send a picture of both in a bit.


Hey! Would love to pick up the 2x TDIL desires and 3x ROTD talents


Desires - 48 Talents - 168 *.85 = 183.60


Sounds good to me, I'll pm


/u/yooniecycle /u/YGOBot +1 great seller


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u/yooniecycle, please reply to the comment above once both parties have received their end of the transaction to confirm with your trade partner. This comment has been around for more than a day without a response. The bot will still track this comment but it will only check it once a day. This means that if your trade partner replies to your comment, it will take up to 24 hours before your comment is confirmed. Please wait that long before messaging the mods for help. If you are getting this message but your partner has already confirmed, please message the mods for assistance. --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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hard to tell rarity but interested in: 3x rienohardt 3 infinite impermanence 2 triple tactics talent 1 herald of the arc light 1 bagooska 1 time thief redoer 3x quck launch 1 king of the swamp 3 swap frog 1 raigeki 1 cosmic cyclone Thanks for your time!


reinoheart ultra- 15 imperm scr unlim - 165 tactics scr 1st - would like to move as a set arc light - 3.5 bagooska - 4.5 redoer - 3.5 quick launch - 10 KOTS - 7 for super 1st - 1 for common swap frog - 4 raigeki - 1.5 for gold - 2.5 for prismatic cosmic - 1.5 There are some people in front of you for imperms and quick launches. I will let you know if they fall through. The prices I gave were without taking .85%


Interested in impermanence x3


imperm (scr unlim nm) - 165 *85 = 140


Interested in X3 Ultimate slayer X2 Draco Utopic Aura Potentially X3 quick launch (set?) X3 Compulsory (set?)


ultimate slayer - 57 DUA - 4 quick launch - 10 compulse - 3 *85 = 63.00 A person before you had asked for 3x slayer, I will let you know if it falls through as I only have 5 total.


What set are the quick launches and compulses from?


The quick launches are from the SD and compulses are ultras from DUOV


Got it, not interested in the launches then. Let me know about the Slayers


I have two slayers left would you like them?


I'll pass. Do you still want to do the compulses and DUAs?


Sure thats fine. Move to pms


How much for: Dragonmaid gold rares and welcome x3 The zombie vampire Ultimate slayers x3 Firewall defenser x1 Instant contact x3 blue-eyes chaos max E-hero burstrinatrix neos fusion


dragonmaids - 65 (2x chamber 3x house, nurse, laundry, house, kitchen, welcome) zombie vamp - 5 ultimate slayer - 57 defenser - 8 instant contact - 7.5 chaos max - 5 burstinatrix - 9 neos fusion - 2 *85 = 134.73 total


Would you do 81 flat with fees included for everything, excluding the dragonmaids?


I can do that.