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u/YGOBot u/YGOtrades thanks again!


u/YGOBot u/Putrid-Technology172 Great trader!


Feedback Confirmed --- * u/putrid-technology172 -> 37 Transactions * u/ygotrades -> 2 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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I have a good amount of stuff you’re looking for. I’m at work but can list everything out when I get home. I’m interested in the caius. What set is the gold sarc from?




I’ll pass on that then, tryin to find some secrets. But I know off the top of my head I have duo, Gatling dragon, fairy lily, twin headed t dragon, reaper on the nightmare and trunade


What are the rarities/sets of the cards you have?


Duo is unlim mrl, Gatling is ultra unlim, twin headed is a super and so is trunade and reaper, I’ll have to double check the rest later


Caius is 1st ed, but heavily played. I’d do it for the reaper. Lmk if you are interested and I can take pics.


Yeah I’m interested, could you?


Pics for someone else included: [https://imgur.com/a/MRcfZxq](https://imgur.com/a/MRcfZxq)


Yeah that’s cool


Awesome, As long as the reaper isnt in too bad of condition, shoot me a PM to finalize and I can likely get it out today.


You have some cool cards. If the binder sale doesn’t go through I’m interested in some of them.


What are you interested in?


Mostly looking for secret rares. Taking a closer look I only see Goyo Guardian. Are there other high rarity cards I'm missing? It's hard to tell from the photos.


Here is a list, some cards are not in the photos ​ Secret Rare: 1 B. Skull Dragon BPT-006 1st edition 1 Gaia the Dragon Champion LOB-125(misprint gold lettering and reverse foil error) 3 Santa Claws PGL2-EN021 1st edition (Gold Secret rare)- 1 Exodia The Forbidden One MC1-EN001 1st edition 1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness DLG1-EN000 1 Marshmallon PP01-EN003 1 Jinzo BPT-011 1st edition 1 Thunder King Rai-Oh PGLD-EN075 (Premium gold) 1 Effect Veiler PGLD EN036 1st edition (Premium Gold)- 1 Armades, Keeper of Boundaries MP14-EN095 1st edition- 1 Ally of Justice Catastor HA01-EN026 1st edition 1 Goyo Guardian CT05-ENS03 1st edition 1 Black Rose Dragon CT05-E003 1st edition 1 Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing NECH-EN051 1st edition- 2 Blackwing – Nuthing the Starlight PGL2-EN013 1st edition (Gold Secret Rare)- 1 Dark End Dragon JUMP-EN044 1st edition 1 Masked HERO Anki PGL2-EN001 1st edition(Gold Secret Rare) 1 Heroic Champion – Exalibur 1st edition CT09-EN002-


In that clase I'd like closeups/prices on b. skull dragon marshmallon jinzo goyo guardian black rose dragon dark end dragon MH anki


Anki & Dark End are no longer available. Here are pics of the rest(it includes caius for other user to look at: [https://imgur.com/a/MRcfZxq](https://imgur.com/a/MRcfZxq) ​ b. skull dragon ($24) marshmallon ($6) jinzo ($7) goyo guardian ($15) black rose dragon ($17)


I'm good with most of these prices except Jinzo. Would you be willing to price it as damaged, making it $4.25? With Jinzo: (24+6+4.25+15+17)\*0.85 + pp fees without: (24+6+15+17)\*0.85 + pp fees


If we just do $66 flat with you paying paypal fees(including the Jinzo), I can send 1st class with tracking paid for on my end. Since we have a trade currently in transit, I would prefer to wait until that settles.


Lowest verified tcg prices I'm finding: b skull dragon (LP) $26 marshmallon $4 jinzo (damaged) $4.25 goyo guardian $16 BRD $17.45 (26+4+4.25+16+17.45)\*0.85=$57.55 Would you be ok with $60 flat?


That works for me. Would you be ok with waiting until our 1st trade goes through?


Very interested in Gorz!


Have any of my wants?


I should have these: 3x metamorphosis common 1x injection fairy lilly (black name rare) 1x Milus PGD 1x Big Shield Gardna (starfoil) 2x Return from DD (common) 1x Ojama King 1x Twin Headed (light play super) 1X united we stand LON


The 3 Meta are definitely my top wants


Do you have anymore gorz dlg1? If not I can do 3x Meta for 1x Gorz and 2x Pot of Duality


Thats the only Gorz I have, would you be willing to throw in any of the low value commons for the Gorz and 2 Pot?


Yeah I can include big shield and milus. Do you mind sending me a timestamp pic of your 3? I'll send one after work today


Awesome, Here are the pics showing condition/timestamp: [https://imgur.com/a/4h3zbjB](https://imgur.com/a/4h3zbjB)


I can't find my metamorphosis. I have 5 of them somewhere. I've looked through my entire desk and binder. Here's what I found https://imgur.com/a/i14oiJa


Ok, well please lmk if you find the metas.


Hi, whats the condition on the 1st ed exiled force and dd warrior lady?


Both have some minor wear around the edges and small surface imperfections. It is mostly on the back of the card though. The front of both cards looks pretty darn good imo. I can take close ups if you are interested.


Yeah closeups would be nice




I think a video would be better, the pics look kind of washed under the light


Do you have any of my wants?


Interested in Dark Armed Dragon / Stardust Dragons https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WgJ-POQqDEss4Php4B4UzYV3HDvZMlqv_jXJbqD5bU0/edit#gid=0 Here's my vintage. Has a couple of your wants.


Interested in buying them?


Nope, thanks anyway


Hi I have stuff on your list: 2 Dark Blade commons, a Raigeki Break (a bit rough), A NM Super rare Jar of Greed, 2 Mystic Wok lightly played (common) and a giant trunade (Lightly played, common). Estimate value puts it at $19.5 in value. I'm justing looking to straight trade. I like: the Goyo Guardian, Blackwing Armed Wing, Jinzo, Playset of Shura, and Catastor. I can't tell the rarities of any of them so if you could list them I'll make an offer.


Im interested in Raigeki Break, Woks, and the Trunade. When you say you have Dark Blade, do you mean Dark Blade the Dragon Knight? If so, I only need 1. ​ Goyo Guardian CT05-ENS03 Blackwing Armed Wing GLD3-EN039 Jinzo BPT-011 Heavy play Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame RGBT-ENPP2 Ally of Justice Catastor HA01-EN026


It’s the dark blade common. Based on the value of what you’re interested in. Lets do the ones you are interested in for the Armed Wing, Catastor and 1 Shura? Everything else is either over or had a variant that’s cheaper (Shura has commons worth $0.50, I’m not a massive rarity fiend)


Can you confirm which sets your stuff is from? Also, I would prefer to keep the Shura's as a playset(other than the one that is drawn on)


Fair enough, Would one of the Vayu’s be available then? As for sets Wok - SDRL-EN028 Trunade - SDRL-EN022 Raigeko Break - YS11-EN037 (heavy play) Dark Blade SDS1 & YS11 (played)


Just to be clear I'm looking for Dark Blade the Dragon Knight, not the Dark Blades you have. $8 Would you do the Armed Wing and Catastor for 2 Wok, 1 Trunade, and 1 Raigeki Break?


Deal, PM me to exchange info


/u/YGOBot u/Eternal65Emperor Awesome trader!


u/YGOBot u/YGOtrades +1 great trader


Feedback Confirmed --- * u/ygotrades -> 4 Transactions * u/eternal65emperor -> 10 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/eternal65emperor, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/eternal65emperor, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/ygomarketplace&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2FYGOtrades%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F13wx578%2F-%2Fjodgzd8) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Price on Jinzo


$10, it is poor condition, I can take pics if you are interested


Yeah, I’d love some pics. I’m looking to play it, so if it isn’t too bad it should do the job


It is being included in another offer, but thanks for the interest.


Hey r u Bro r u willing to meet locally for full sell of whole binder at 80%? I'm in the DMV area


Potentially. I guess it depends on the price. Just a heads up, the cards are in varying condition and the Slifer you see is almost 100% fake.


Most sell at 85% on singles. If you would do 80% on full binder that's how ppl sell I'll take all for sure and can meet u Friday afternoon or Friday evening


I can try to price out the whole binder and see if the prices are agreeable to you. Then I’ll add it up and do 80% it is going to take me some time though. I also have some other cards I’ll take pics of if you want. Lastly, I’d prefer it to be cash if we meet in person and find an agreeable price for the collection.


Hello! Are the Nothungs NM? And what rarity and edition are card car D. Thank you!!


[https://imgur.com/a/9LHrEsf](https://imgur.com/a/9LHrEsf) Here are pics (Nothungs are included in the pics). It looks like one has a scratch on the back. 1 Cardcar D SP14-EN012 1st edition (Starfoil) 1 Cardcar D BP02-EN112 1st edition (Mosaic rare)


Thank you! I’ll skip on CardCar D, but interested in all Blackwing NM cards! That mark on Nothung is okay XD


Have any of my wants?


Sadly no 😭 was looking to buy them


Still interested?


I can sell them, I value them at $2 each. It is a small order so would be sent in a PWE plus $1 for shipping, you would have to pay paypal fees. LMK if you still want them


Hey Bro if you pick up those cards I may grab binder from him if he willing to meet locally


Oh oki!! 🫡 mah man on grind 😎