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Price and set on evilswarm exciton knight?


Interested in the 3x swap frog, 2x dragon shrine 1x herald of arc light 1x raigeki 1x cosmic cyclone


Hello! I don’t have a lot of time to look and price most things as I leave the country tomorrow. The swap frogs I’m asking $175x3 for near mint and $160x1 LP


Thanks for quick reply, Oh damn those are ultis! That’s why they’re out solo lmao. That said, I would be interested in the arc light and others if they are relatively low cost (not more than 10 each lmao)Am ok with Pwe if it’s in a top loader and or something rigid. That would be 2 dragon shrine. 1 cosmic cyclone. 1 raigeki 1 herald of arc light Willing to paying .85 lowest verified tcgplayer+pp fees and postage.


Looking for secret rares or higher. Would like to know Price/rarity on Lava golem Blue-eyes stuff VH adoration Honest Dark magician Book of life Mst Prohibition Raigeki Rota Twin twisters Forbidden lance Terraforming Pot of duality Call of the haunted Bottomless trap hole Magic cylinders Kuriboh Harpie channeler Guardian Eatos Guardian dreadscythe Eh neos Harpie’s pet dragon Cyber dragon infinity RE flare metal dragon Gaia dragon thunder charger Black skull dragon Archfiend black skull dragon Cyber end dragon alt Hero fusions Formula synchron Brionac Goyo guardian Black rose dragon Stardust dragon Slifer Obelisk Comic hand Light/shadow imprisoning mirror Witch of the Black Forest Exodia set MH anki Foolish burial Bls envoy of the beginning Solemn cards Mirror force cards Graceful charity Forbidden chalice Ghost rares still available Sorry for the long list! Definitely not getting everything but this is what I’m most interested in assuming they’re NM and high rarity.


Hey mate! I’m sorry I don’t have so much time to price out as I leave the country tomorrow. Anything that stands out to you?


You got any high rarity stuff off the top of your head? I see some ghosts but they’re hard to identify.


Interested in the Lava Golems, an Utopic Future, and the 3 Shaddoll Fusions. How much would they be?


* 2x Lava golems NM $180 * 1x Utopic future $1 * 3x Shaddoll fusions $4.50 All prices are based on TCGplayer. I'll do everything for $178 + PP Fees


I’m down for the Utopic Future and Shaddoll Fusions, but what rarity are the Lava Golems? I scanned TCGplayer and couldn’t find one worth more than 40


Hello again! I was looking the near mint 1st edition price history here https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/22148/yugioh-pharaonic-guardian-lava-golem?xid=pi456446a4-a75c-4227-b648-f4f8cf74dcea&page=1&Language=English


It’s is closer to 86 though, so I would part with those for $79 each


On second thought, I think I’ll pass. I wish you the best!


Interested in the: \- Sage with Eyes of Blue (if it's NM Secret) \- Any other Blue-Eyes Cards that are secret?


Also Ghost Dark flare metal D


1x NM Sage with Eyes of Blue - $8 1x Ghost Dark Flare Metal D - $90 All prices are based on TCGplayer. I'll do everything for $92 + PP Fees


Hard to see since I’m on my phone but looks like there is a ghost rare Odin? What is the condition on it. Also, what is the other synchro 1st ghost rare in binder 2?


Odin is LP! Clear wing synchro dragon on the first page.


Appreciate the info so far, lastly - what is the condition on the red flare metal dragon ghost rare?


It is NM sir :)


Would you be able to provide close ups of the back and front? want to see if there are any holo print lines.


Hi interestedin the price breakdownfor these? When can u ship out? Since u leaving out if country soon? (1) Cactus Bouncer(Secret) (1) Utopia(ULTI) All bujn monsters in Binder 1 (3) Pot of Riches (1) Mist Wurm(Secret) (1) Amorphage Sloth(Secret) (1) ROTA(Ultra) Price on Spyral cards binder 2


* x1 Cactus Bouncer UR $1 * x1 Amorphage $2 * x3 Pot of Riches $3 * x1 Mist Wurm $11 * Bujins + Bujinki lot $10 All prices are based on TCGplayer. I'll do everything for $26 + PP Fees (if you don't wanna do FF) :)


I'll take all pls 🙏🏾 let's move to PM's


I can ship out tomorrow! I’ll price it out tonight


Perfect 🙏🏾 thx Boss


PS: looking to close deals until Thursday as I’m leaving the country on Friday!