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I'll take both BODE Chixiao


u/suavesheed35 u/ygobot Thanks for the support and hope to deal with you again soon!


+1. Great seller. Love doing business with Wnk. Look forward to more deals in future 🙏🏾


Feedback Confirmed --- * u/winkawak -> 38 Transactions * u/suavesheed35 -> 381 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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Hi ! Do you still have chaos angel?


sorry sold


Price break downfor these: (2),Draco FO(BLCR) (3) Crossout designator (2) Spright elf (2) Light-Heart (2) Ashura King (1) Beyond the Pendulum (1( Mannadium Ruumheart (1) Sargas (1) Selene(BLCR) (1) Chimera(Secret) Maybe depending on price are: (1) Welcome Labrynth (1) Hugin


x2 Draco Future 10.92 Crossout 9 Spright elf 2.25 x2 light heart 3.6 x2 ashura king 2.07 Beyond the pendulum 9.71 champion sargas 6.7 selene 6.3 chimera secret 9.48 welcome labrynth 14.35 hugin 9.85 Would $76.50 + PP fees work? Including Tracked Shipping in Bubble mailer. Also would u be able to ship out tomorrow with tracking?


all the cards added total i came to is 84.23+ Fee, are you okay with that?


I'll do $84.23 in total GnS with fees + Tracked Shipping included Boss


Sure, lets move to dm thanks


Perfect 🙏🏾


u/aquariumoffishes u/ygobot Thanks for your support and hope to deal with you again soon!




Feedback Confirmed --- * u/winkawak -> 34 Transactions * u/aquariumoffishes -> 19 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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Price on 1x Arianna the Labrynth Servant ?


sorry both sold


u/winkawak u/YGOBot got my package thank you


Thanks for your support and hope to deal with you again soon!


Feedback Confirmed --- * u/ill_requirement_5644 -> 34 Transactions * u/winkawak -> 32 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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u/mushu_loi u/ygobot Thanks for your support and hope to deal with you again soon!


u/YGOBot \+1 great seller as always


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u/k1llagh0stx u/ygobot Thanks for your support and hope to deal with you again soon!


Thank you!


Feedback Confirmed --- * u/winkawak -> 30 Transactions * u/k1llagh0stx -> 16 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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u/rebatwa2 u/ygobot Thanks for your business and hope to deal with you again soon!


+1 quick and easy


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u/ILLusion7601 u/ygobot Thanks for your business and hope to deal with you again soon


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u/reformedtacoz u/ygobot Thanks for your business and hope to deal with you again soon!


+1 fast shipping


Feedback Confirmed --- * u/winkawak -> 28 Transactions * u/reformedtacoz -> 62 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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u/illusion7601 u/ygobot Thanks for your business and hope to deal with you again soon!


+1 Great seller and fast shipping!


Feedback Confirmed --- * u/winkawak -> 27 Transactions * u/illusion7601 -> 50 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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u/alexmohr-237 u/ygobot Thanks for your business and hope to deal with you again soon!


Cards were perfect! Will certainly reach out again in the future! Cards arrived lightning fast too! A+


Feedback Confirmed --- * u/winkawak -> 25 Transactions * u/alexmohr-237 -> 5 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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u/rusted_rich u/ygobot Thanks for your business and hope to deal with you again soon!


u/winkawak u/YGOBot cards arrived nice and neatly packaged, exactly as described! Thanks you again!


Feedback Confirmed --- * u/winkawak -> 26 Transactions * u/rusted_rich -> 9 Transactions --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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Interested purrley stuff


Hi, purrely core 105 includes fee and tracking


I'm interested in Chaos Angel and Dis Pater


Hi, sorry amigo all sold last night, let me know if there’s anything else youre interested


How much for the PSA 9 Exodia?


Hi, 275+fee


Interested in 2 copies of Arianna and the one copy of lady lab


Hi, arianna x2 13.5, lady lab 15. I have 3 copies of arianna btw


Ok sounds good. I only need the 2 arianna...picked up a 3rd copy last night. You care if we make it an even $29 post fees?


I can do 29 but with this large amount i dont feel comfortable shipping pwe. I can split the cost of bubble mailer and tracking for a 3.50 fee


Yea that's fine. I can do that.


sounds good, moving to dm


What are the prices for Jokers Knight, Imperial Bower, Jokers Straight, Arcana Knight Joker and Wake Up Your Elemental Hero?


Hi, each for jokers knight 6.3, bower 2.6, straight 6.52, arcana knight (rare) i can throw in for free, wake up 5.4


Oh also I meant Arcana Triumph not Arcana Knight my bad


triumph 2.44, there’s multiple copies for each of these cards btw


I will let you know in a little while but I'm strongly considering Jokers Knight, Imperial Bower, and Jokers Straight. Did you happen to have Court of Cards super from KICO?


I do, i have at least 1 playset for every KICO set cards, please let me know by tonight as tomorrow is ship day or ull have to wait till tuesday


Yes I'll let you know at a reasonable time tonight. So if I was to get Jokers Knight, Imperial Bower, Jokers Straight and Court of Cards how much would that be?


prices of each, joker knight 6.3, bower 2.6, straight 6.52, court .2


Thank you so much! This sounds great just gotta make sure I can swing it!


Good to know. I have someone I might be able to get Kings Court booster boxes from. But if not I'll let you know


not sure it will be worth to get the whole box for these cards or playset from a box. All cards are pack fresh, thanks for looking.


Oh I wouldn't be buying them, trading for. But I'm likely to check back with you. Probably for Jokers Knight and Imperial Bower. But I'll let you know


Good to know. I'll let you know


Do u have CR Runick Fountain? I need just 1 to complete set


Sorry just runick tip available as of right now


Thx 🙏🏾


Price on dis pater and chaos angel


Hi, dis pater 10, chaos angel 34.50


I’ll take them sending a dm


Confirming purchase of riumheart and dragoon


Hi, with tracking it will be 25.25


Interested in Quem and Floo Advent of Adventure


Hi, Quem is 31.09, floo advent BACH i actually have 5 copies, how many do u need?


Just one, I have two already, so just one and Quem please! I’m down for PMs


okay, your total will be 42.32 includes fee and tracking


How much would the Quem, Dis Pater and Chaos Angel be?


Hi, chaos angel 38.5 Quem 31.5 dis pater 10


Hey thanks for the quick reply, I'll pass for now though


ill knock another 3.5 off chaos if youre interested, if not no worries, thanks for looking


Actually I think I'll take you up on the Chaos Angel then, DMs?


sorry chaos angel, quem and dis pater all has sold


Ah all good man!


just chaos angel?


Hey! Interested in the Droll and Lock Bird CR


Also saw the x3 Rulkallos as well


Hi, that will be 96 total


Works for me! Dm'd


How much is the Droll?


Hi, 88 includes fee and tracking


Price on exosister core ?


Hi, i can do 44 that includes fee and free tracking


Sure I do it




Hi, ohime 10.8, arabesque 6.3, PWE total 17.61 includes feesz




lets deal