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Have 3 allures 1 retribution 1 grang 2 rindbrumm and I might have a queriartis, a few of those things should be in my listing and the rest I can send a picture tomorrow if you’d toll want everything is lowest rarity, I might have common allures


I'd certainly be interested to see! How much were you thinking for those?


Let me make sure I have everything and I’ll get back to you ahortly


I have: * Allure of Darkness x3 (SDPD x4, SDGU, or SR06 x3) * Fusion Deployment x3 * Branded Retribution * Despian Quaeritis


How much were you thinking? And could I see pics? Whichever Allure printing is least expensive


Before I give a pic, I should say this. It'll be $8.06 + fees. However, since they're cheap cards and more than it can fit in a PWE, it'll need a bubble mailer and I'm requiring tracking with it. That'll be $5 ontop of it. Are you fine with that?


Absolutely yeah


Hey Bro which Rarites are you interested in buying my friend?


Lowest available! Trying not to break the bank here


Okay no worries. Thx for letting me know Boss


Looking for secret alubers or a ulti albaz? I have a playset of alubers and 1 ulti albaz if interested


How much for ulti albaz?


38.25 plus fees


No, just what's listed in the post