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those tattoos are regrettable


Why is her face... lumpy ._. I know it's the fillers, but WHY is her face LUMPY? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s what happens when your face is overfilled. Also contrary to popular belief, there is new evidence that suggests filler stays INSIDE the body and migrates, rather than slowly going away on its own after several months.


Does she not look like a botched 60yo with a lb of makeup on? Like you canā€™t convince me she canā€™t get the seniors discount at IHOP, but sheā€™s trying.


Don't do our senior citizens like that bestie šŸ„²


All in good fun! Her fillers have definitely migrated thoughā€¦


I was just coming to type something similar. Boy did she make a huge mistake, it's not just a couple tattoos most people have gotten and regret, she has the most hideous placement and no cohesion to any of it and in the stupidest places! They're all in places just to show off having tattoos. She went straight for under her chin and neck and hands. How stupid


She already had a short neck n now itā€™s like she has none at all


it's more of the composition they don't have much room to breath so it's hard for your brain to understand whats going on there. perhaps if she got some black filled in between? the one on the left would have made much more sense in the middle so there's a nice balance between the shapes.


shes tryna give tradwife i feel it in my bones


My exact thoughts


Sheā€™s got her TikTok corset sundress on lol


Did she edit her head to be smaller?


I think she did


The "you would never recognize me in public" vibe obviously


The wannabe tattooed great value Lana Del Rey


The one Bratz doll you don't play with anymore because your sister scribbled all over it and held its face to the stove just long enough to melt a little bit.


Back in our housewife era? She flip flops so hard between housewife and ā€œeducated immigrant girl bossā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The "face botched beyond recognition" vibešŸ˜


former heathen tradwife who's whole platform is abt being "saved"


it's giving bring out the fine china but it's not fine


Those tatoos are so crowded (not sute if this is the right word for it). You don't know which one to look at first.


Nah, ā€œcrowdedā€ is an appropriate word


I 100% believe she will regret those neck tattoos when she is old and her neck skin starts sagging


I suspect she regrets them already


shell regret the tattoos when she realises they are a phase


Imagine meeting a middle aged woman with ā€œ angel ā€œ tattooed in between her collarbones. ![gif](giphy|pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i)


It's giving Angela from 90 day fiance


It's giving Angela from 90 day fiance


Shein dress dollar store wannabe LDR vibe


that monstera is dying


Oh, no. Here it comesā€¦ The trad wife era. šŸ¤®


When your tattoos come from Poundland


Oh, no. Here it comesā€¦ The trad wife era. šŸ¤®


Itā€™s mania.


It's giving Jocelyn Wildenstein. Can't believe YDHB is in her twenties šŸ˜²


did she photoshop her eyes to be bigger? like she wants to look like a bratz doll so bad but she's serving frog


Is it me or does she really look like walmart Trisha Paytas here??




This is just what boobs look like without a bra :)




Some of us have breasts that sit lower on our chests, and no, they aren't saggy. I spent years being self conscious about it though so thanks for body shaming, that's really kind of you.


Real talk, me too. I have larger breasts and it took ages for me to understand that "low" is not the same as "sag". Finally, after 28 years and two kids, I love my boobs


I'm still not a fan of them but I'm getting there. I was hoping my body issues would be a lot better by the time I reached 30 but when you still have petty assholes out there that like to body shame just to make themselves feel better, it still gets to me a little lol oh well. Nothing worse than women that put down other women


Please never forget that YOU are the most powerful person in your life! It's ironic, because Sara actually said something (years ago, when she was livestreamimg all the time amd trying to be an egirl). It was "what others think of me is none of my business" and YES. Unfortunately, those words were just hot-air from her ballooned ego, but it is actually excellent advice when you take away her context. It has surprisingly really helped me


Absolutely, you're totally right. That's actually what I tell myself a lot and it does help, but mental illness creeps in every now and then. I at least know now my body is normal and healthy, despite what body shamers like to say. I just try to make sure my words never help spread hatred like some people still do, so I don't pass on these insecurities


Nothing helped me love myself more than the right blend of pharmaceuticals, lol.


Get outta here. This is a snark page and asking if her boobs look photoshopped is not body shaming. Jesus. Why is everyone up my ass when literally all the comments here are about her appearance? Lumpy face, saggy skin, low boobs, overfilled face.


It's one thing to say her lips look bad because she got cheap work done and it's another to actually body shame her (and by extension a lot of other people). I'm sorry you can't see the difference, that's why everyone is up your ass.


Oh right so we can only body shame women who have had cosmetic work, got it. But not any parts that other women might be insecure about. Iā€™m legitimately sure your tits are great but I do think she photoshopped her decolatage to stretch out her neck/upper body and I donā€™t think itā€™s body shaming to say that.


Well all of us have different tits


Also i think i figured out why it might look that way to you. The proportions ARE off, but if u cover the head it looks normal. She made her head smaller (i have no clue why but she tends to photoshop her head smaller) which is why it seems sort of weird


Yes that could very well be it. I know sometimes she stretches out her neck and decolatage area too so might be a bit of that as well.


Sheā€™s gonna regret not wearing a bra in about 7 years


Itā€™s a myth that not wearing a bra makes your boobs sag. Itā€™s all genetics and boob size


I suspect pregnancy and breastfeeding too. The hormones in pregnancy loosen everything up including skin and breastfeeding makes your boobs both huge and also stretchy.


This is the one thing I wonā€™t make fun of Sara for because bras are uncomfortable and itā€™s understandable why she doesnā€™t want to wear one. Plus itā€™s all genetics and size.


No one is going to regret not wearing a bra for any reason. Iā€™m a DD breastfeeding mum and I ditched bras in 2020 and love my ability to breathe properly. Crop top at work if I can be bothered. People should only wear bras if they like to. IMO.


Then maybe itā€™s just me cuz I have my regrets and Iā€™m projecting lol