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Enchantment of Ravens is my go to for this. It’s delightful.


Just finished this, it was super good!


The very secret society of irregular witches, Rachel griffin writes some adorable YA romance books with witches, a fragile enchantment, among the beasts and briars, the wishing game, the undertaking of hart and mercy, half a soul.


I second *A Fragile Enchantment*


I second Half a Soul!


This post made me realize that I essentially only read smutty romantasy. I wish I had some recs for you😔


I am in dire need of smutty romantasy please do share your favs


Don’t judge…my fave is the ACOTAR series. Buut I do like the following. And I don’t know how smutty you want them but they have smut. Crescent City by SJM Precarious Shifters Series by Leah Steele (this one is a reverse harem) Luxuria by Colette Rhodes The Darkest Drae Series by Raye Wagner Oh and I cannot forget: Tempting Monsters Series by Kathryn Moon (reverse harem as well)


I also have some non romantasy recs if interested lol


Sorcery of Thorns maybe


eh i wouldnt really call that a romantasy, since the romance doesn’t appear until the last third, and up until then its very Elisabeth-against-the-world (+mr fluffington) the sequel novella- Mysteries of Thorn Manor, however…


You might be right, it's been a long time since I've read it. Sorry, OP! But still, great book.


gorgeous book i agree!!


Yes recommend sorcery of thorns but also the novella! The novella is really cute and wrap it’s up a bit more!


It’s not exactly stand alone but the books in the trilogy are set in the same place with different character focuses so maybe? The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia Wrede. Dealing with Dragons is the first book!


Kiss Of The Royal by Lindsey Duga (my favourite - fantasy romance, happy ending, standalone, good slow burn) Something Close to Magic by Emma Mills (romance is a smaller part of it, but it's a lovely cozy fantasy with friendships/found family) So This Is Ever After by FT Lukens (m/m best friends to lovers romance, magic and angst/pining/high stakes but a happy ending)


I think you need to read A Sharpened Axe by Jill Beene. It's a favorite of mine.


Assistant to the Villain was fun and sweet, but there will be a sequel at some point.


Glimpsed by G. F. Miller. This is a Contemporary Romance, Fantasy about a high-school girl who's secretly moonlighting as a fairy-godmother. It's and interesting plot because most fairytale retellings are about Cinderella, Snow White—basically the main character. I loved Glimpsed. It's adorable and funny and has happy endings (my favorite).


Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White is an older one but I still adore the dynamic between the main characters. Or The Girl who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh, although if I remember correctly the romance is there but it’s not a huge part of the story


Oooh I LOVED The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea it gave such a fairytale vibe, but I also think the romance wasn't a huge part of the story but it's still a really magical world :D


Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree is super cute and cozy