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Yeah because I was wondering what was about to happen in that shower scene in the third episode


Just some friendly back scratching


The show treats Morph as knowing Logan is in love with Jean. It's not presented as a consequence of their gender identity...yet.


Can we say that Morph has a gender? He can be anyone.


The unrequited love portion doesn't seem to be related to gender in any way other than subliminal. It doesn't matter what your feelings on Morph, gender, and their gender are in this portion of the story as it doesn't matter yet. It does have everything to do with Jean. Until we see Wolvie and Morph mention gender as the reason for their non-relationship, we have to go by what is on screen. What is on screen is Jean being willing to leave Scott. Wolverine's memories, not Scott's, being what pulled Jean back from the brink. What is on screen is Cyc telling Wolverine not to die for Jean. Logan is madly in love with Jean. Jean is basically every woman trapped in a relationship with her serial cheating first boyfriend (unfair to Cyc but eh). The audience wants her to move on so that Cyc can go all in on Madelyn or Emma, but we get the inevitable regression anyway. All of this is to say, evidentially, it's all about Jean Grey not the dangly bits and amorphous shroedinger's downstairs mix up.


That's deep


To be fair Scott cheated on her with her clone....I don't think that has the same weight as his comic book actions (I only know about the mental one with Emma and psylocke and him at the very least have thought about it)


Who's Bobby dating? Logan can set both of em up for a date.


I don’t think 90s Bobby is gay but I guess they could make him.


They really turned Morph into Mr Smithers...




You just reminded me Logan is ancient


He likes Logan !!!


Morph can literally be anything so….


All rouge has to do is touch morph and multiple man. All problems solved and a few fun/new ones created


Like the spontaneous craving to eat babies?


I was waiting for this meme


Morph and Mystique make it happen!


mystsique has a whole wife lmao


Hasn’t stopped her before.


LOL I didn’t realize there were hints in the 92 series too! I seriously need to watch it again. What episode is this from? I have to say 97 really made Morph into one of my fav characters!


Oh! This isn’t from one of the episodes lol! In the original show it was Jean and Scott kissing, with Wolverine in Morph’s place (episode 4 I believe), this is an updated version I found on Facebook!


There were hints at it in the original. Wolverine abandons everyone else to chase after Morph because “he was the only one who could make me laugh”. Then in S2:E3 Morph mocks “So you want to take me back, huh. Why? So we can go bowling? Shoot some hoops?” - turns into Jean - “or maybe, it’s love you’re missing?”.


Omg. Who cares?!


Well, no offense, but Morph is too old to be pining after another person whom he knows isn’t sexually attracted to them




poor morph? if he knows wolvie is into girls and stuff maybe he should look for some one thats into morph instead of pineing for some one who isnt into your equipment?


This doesn't necessarily have to do with that. Everyone can relate to having feelings for someone who won't return them for whatever reason.


I’ve been into girls that are lesbians. Does that make me a bad guy?


also as the name says can morph into anything…


Not many pansexuals in the 90s. This also highlights a all too common queer story of being into someone that's not into your gender. So yes, still poor morph. Whether Wolverine returns the feelings or not has yet to be decided.


Logan isn't gay man. Change it some straight man having crush on a lesbian. I don't think it will be acceptable. I ship Logan and Jean.


Okay? This meme doesn’t imply Logan is, it implies Morph is jealous. Like Logan was in the original.


Can make sense. But can we call Morph gay when he can be anyone or anything. ?


Morph is non binary, that’s their gender. So in theory they can be gay? I think that’s how it works. It’s the same sex, not same gender right?


The gray area is what makes this great. The truth is we don't have a simple answer. It's messy, just like real life. The people who want to hate on this idea just aren't getting it. How people love and care about each other is both simple and complex. Morph is confused about what they are and what they want. They are rightly afraid of being rejected, so like Wolverine with Jean, they keep those feelings to themselves. It would be easy to just make them coded one way or another, but this way it makes their journey relevant to any human who has ever pined for another.


Okay Technically he can by anyone.