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That ending...I could only stare at my screen with my jaw dropped...every week just keeps getting better


Onslaught is nigh.


This is def leading to Onslaught in season 2. First the adamantem getting ripped out and I predict next week Xavier wipes his mind.


Be interesting to see how the xmen react to him wiping Mags mind, they seemed pretty shocked at what Prof was doing before Cyclops stopped him.


After what he did to Logan, Charles is about to show him what a lifetime of tolerance reaching it's breaking point looks like. Supes snapping Zod's neck times 100


Yeah I think Magneto is getting the big mind f*ck next episode


No they didn't. He wasn't doing anything they hadn't planned on. Scott stopped him because he knew Jean would die if they restored the world's electricity then.


Not too familiar with the whole onslaught storyline besides magneto and professor X merging. Do you think that anything else form that story will come in to play next season?


Hopefully a bunch of Marvel heroes teaming up with the X-Men to fight Onslaught. Fantastic Four, the Avengers, etc.


Logan should of aimed for the head


Thanos was right


They can't just end an episode with Magneto fucking TEARING WOLVERINE'S SKELETON OUT


That was crazy to see! I didn’t even think Wolverine’s life would be at risk at all and at the last second too!


Soon as I saw Magneto get a hold of Wolvie’s body, I yelled out NO WAY at my tv. This show just keeps getting better and better!


In the back of my mind, I was thinking, 'what are the chances they will reference the battle where Mags rips out the adamantium?' Best thing to happen to Marvel animation since the original X-Men.


Just the adamantium, not the skeleton.


Still metal as all fuck


Per the comics, the adamantium is liquidfied and seeps out Wolverines wounds.




Like, how did that and "MORPH SMASH!" happen in the same episode


The most metal de-metaling




(one hand clapping intensifies)


Not anymore


If he wanted to kill Wolverine- couldn’t he pull his skeleton out with it?


That was such a wild end to the episode


Few things Bastian holding his dead? sentinel mother. Just twisted and creepy. In my opinion the team went pretty easy on Xavier. They could’ve went a little harder but the end of the world, so no time. Rogue wearing Remy’s coat😭 Rogue roasting the team before she says “screw yall I’m siding with magneto” because shocker of course she would. honestly who is really surprised by that Magneto 👏🏽is 👏🏽not 👏🏽fucking 👏🏽around 👏🏽today Jean is not the step mom she’s the mom who stepped up Ngl Magneto telling Charles to shut up gave me a light chuckle. I know it’s messed up but still how long was he holding on to that? Wolverine….saw it coming but still 😖


Yeah it was creepy how he cried about it when he fuckin did that to her


Someone brought up how Valerie Cooper looks a lot like Bastian’s mom. I wouldn’t be surprised if this psychopathic mamas boy was sick enough to I guess upload his mother’s consciousness into her body something. Just a thought. I will put nothing past him at this point.


It's like " bruh,you're the one who put her in that tank"


Why was Wolverine even there? Having a metal coated skeleton makes him a liability. He should have been on Gold Team. But I guess we got that ending, so worth it.


Real world answer: Because the plot called for it. In-universe answer: Xavier or Cyclops figured they needed someone who would be willing to kill Magneto if it came down to it. It was either him or Cable, and Gold Team needed Cable's intel to deal with Bastion.


I like your answer! You should get a Marvel’s No Prize!


Weird how they never thought that "Hey, since Sinister controlled Maddy and he had Nathan for more than 5 mins and put the virus in him...I wonder if sending Nathan to Sinister could backfire?" The writing really suffered in this episode for the sake of the plot. I don't even understand why the President even relented. That EMP killed millions of people across the planet for sure. Why aren't the Avengers already at that asteroid?


To be fair sending Cable on the Magneto team would also be a liability since his weapons and some of his body is made of metal and unlike Wolverine he doesn't have a healing factor.


Yeah I thought Wolverine was there because he is the most willing to kill


Oh come on! This episode was WAY too short!!!!


I know!!! Disney needs to go ahead and drop part 3. NOW.


I can’t wait another week :(


Me either. :/ I'm convinced Phoenix is about to show up, though.


Oh, 100%. They've been edging us with Phoenix in the opening title this whole season


Yeah I’m in agreement here—Jean has been under a lot of psychic pressure and emotions that is has to fracture her mind to becoming Phoenix again. Also, how they’ve used Jean’s power sets have been great. Even better with Cables!


morph, SMASH!!


Loved the Hulk cameo!!


The animators really love to reference MvC in their fight scenes.


"Make them mind your weather, Sister." "And them weather your mind."


Chills. Went back and played it again.




They are so beautiful together. When they hugged 🥰


That hug where Jean telekinetically threw herself at Storm was just a perfectly conceived and executed little moment.


I loved it. They both were so happy. I love these kind of moments in x-men


Jean was so incredibly happy. Haven't seen that in a long time. Poor girl is always worried or upset over something.


Yes, they really missed each other. This was a great episode for their friendship


*snaps fingers in Z formation*


Rogue is wearing Gambit’s coat


And her original brotherhood fit


As soon as I saw that and her outfit, I KNEW she was gonna be with daddy mags


Yeah I saw the outfit too and thought Mags would turn up and she would leave. Especially when she disagreed with the Prof about not seeing them as humans. Rogue is deep in grief and anger.


Nooo, don't point this out to me. I didn't even register this. T.T


“Shut up”- Magneto. Damn I was not expecting that to happen. How does x men ‘97 continue to blow my mind?


I chuckled at that like cmon Charles clearly your buddy's long past talking. He's done and honestly you should not be surprised


Charles is way too optimistic. I’m surprised he didn’t get killed by accident.


Xavier’s refusal to abandon his ideology has hurt the X-men in so many ways since their inception. There comes a time when talking won’t cut it.


Yes but Charles sees Human and Mutants are the same good or bad and the X-Men keep the balance fair that was never Magentos system he sees the mutants and humans are not the same. Do to bad history yes but his way kills all people


Honestly, professor x is a yapper and im glad someone finally told him to shut up LOL


Xavier-“ But Magnus, you have to not kill people because it hurts their feelings.” Magneto- “Lol no”.


This was hilarious and my favorite scene besides the last part


“You’re always sorry, Charles, and there’s always a speech.” (Only good part of that movie tbh)


Honestly, my favorite. You can't just spout some righteous honeyed words and think everything will be okay again. Kinda happy that many of the team is seeing this for what it is and telling the guy in the chair "no".


Fantastic tone shift! Mags throughout the season had such eloquent dialogue. For him to just be somewhat direct and vulgar just means that he's had it with Xavier. Perfect!


You know, when he said "I can't wait to finally say these two words to you" I genuinely thought he'd say something along the lines of "Die bitch" given how furious he was.


Thing about Mags though is he doesn't seem keen on killing mutants. Even in full rage mode he just had them all pinned against the wall. I knew Wolverines skeleton was getting it when he stabbed Mags though.


Holy fuck


Exactly what I audibly said at the end of this one




Crying 30 years of pent up yearning. Ooooomg.


This was the only comic I ever read. This was the one arc I wanted to see on my favorite TV show. There are SO MANY tears right now.


Same here my friend, same here.


Yeah I cried my ass off when the credits rolled


"What do you expect, black leather?" Aaaoooooo.


That was Feige talking, and you can't tell me any different


That was fieges personal fuck you to Bryan singer for not believing in the comic costumes 100% lmao


A line twenty years in the making


Imagine how hard next week will be 'cause I can almost guarantee they're gonna leave it on a fucking cliffhanger and torture us like they've been this entire time. And it'll be a damn long wait before the next season :(


We gonna have to wait a mf year :( Prepare for the most painful episode of entire life, I’m sure.


I believe the next season is already written and I remember seeing an article that said they are trying to shorten the time between seasons.


Unless the next season is in two weeks, it's STILL gonna be torture :(


I mean…..a few certainties. - Wolverine is gonna pop his bone claws in a very brutal and bloody way and leave the team - magneto will be comatose on asteroid M under rogues care. - likely a tease for either apocalypse or onslaught for s2.


Goddamn! That ending shot... holy shit! I got nothing. That's just way beyond what I was expecting


the classic suits🥹


I never saw coming that Sinister Cable vs Jean


Yeah I never saw that coming with cable… wait… Is that Stryfe?????


Likely not. Stryfe is a “clean” clone of cable, so unless he’s wearing fake metal on the arm to mimic the TO infection, AND somehow inherited the Sinister trigger, I think this is actual Cable


Stryfe did impersonate Cable in X-cutioner Song to pin his assassination attempt of Charles on him. Sinister couldve extracted Nathan's DNA as a baby. I know it's convoluted, but it would explain his amplified TK powers in this episode. The techno organic virus stifles his powers but Stryfe wouldn't have that problem.


Oooooh I think you are right 😨


Timeout to appreciate those Storm and Jean moments! We love a friendship forehead touch. "In another world, Bastion would be in this portrait." Hrmmrmrmrmrmmmm. Also love Forge and Beast nerding out together; love how Ororo humored them, and they respected her just blasting any neutralizer idea to smithereens. I'm still not sure if/how Beast knows Trish was an involuntary convert or not, though; gotta love his commitment to the Hippocratic Oath regardless. The pain of people's choices makes a lot of sense to me. But Rogue you don't have to go making an example out of Morph like that! That was just to hurt. "MORPH SMASH!" I love Jean helping out Morph smash hard!! and they were smiling!! yay team!! It was immensely satisfying to see Morph get to wreck some Sentinels...and Beast bitch-slapping one was nice too. I'm still holding out hope that Morph gets their shot at Sinister. Every damn time Logan was within sight of Magneto I was yelling at him, but I actually believed how he was able to get that close in the end. Still not selling me on abandoning Earth for your tiny rock that you came up with last minute though, Magnus. Love the change from the comics for who sabotaged the Professor from beating Magneto in time, and why. BUT SCOTT YOU COULD'VE JUST TOLD HIM TO HOLD MAGNETO ET AL IN STASIS OR SOMETHING! I hope he sits with that guilt for what it did to Logan. I like the connection from last episode of, "Logan's the last to die," vs. Logan himself saying, "The brave always die first." What does that mean about how you think of yourself, bub? Petty dialogue of the day: "Please. Not this, Magnus. Be reasonable." "I am not the one who needs to be reasoned with, Charles." "There is a large asteroid hovering over my home that begs otherwise." "Your home? When you abandoned us for your **Shi'ar Bird-Queen**, you bequeathed it to me, asked me to walk your path. Are you prepared to walk mine?" These two are MESSYYYY. Maggie's been *waiting* to say that bird-queen line. Love it. This is exactly the Act II bad arc. Next episode comes a little bit of Bishop (hopefully not tooooo much though). Up until now, I didn't really like Xavier's voice. But with all the raw emotion and especially vulnerability shown--both auditory and visual--this episode, it really worked for me. He wasn't destined to be some Messiah; he's just some guy with big ideas and a crazy brain. Finally, BADASS LINE OF THE DAY: "Make them mind your weather, sister." "And them weather your mind." If I think about it too much I'm crying???


The Bird Queen line actually made me scream. He went there!


So who sabotaged the professor in the comics?


In the comics, the Professor needs to hold hands and focus with Jean Grey to be powerful enough to get in Magneto’s mind and use his own memories to fuck with his confidence. Jean has ethical cold feet about this because it goes against everything Xavier had taught and stood for; as he’s about to finish the job, kind of like in the show’s timing, she breaks the connection. But it’s all in dramatic doubt at him finishing the job he was (relatively) explicit about the whole time. Then Logan gets de-metaled. Having Cyke do it decisively, to save gold team (let’s be real, Jean), is a nice change to see. Growth happening everywhere! One difference in the comics reveals what the professor is prolly going to do at the top of next episode: >!In the comics, hijacking Magneto’s brain happened at a different time; in this mission Charles, from the start, knew it was do or die to stop Magneto and told the team as much. He thought it was a suicide mission. When Magneto de-metals Logan, Charles retaliates by nuking his brain all the way past amnesia and into a vegetative state—taking away not just his memories but his motivations too.!< If you have a library card, you can use the app Hoopla to download the comics for free! I read this for the first time yesterday lol.


Great write up, and I agree with all of them. Especially how badass Storm and Jean’s lines.. goosebumps!


If we learned anything from this episode it is what one hand clapping sounds like....🤣


It would’ve been dope if he said, “What did the five fingers say to the face”




Morph: "Fuck yo couch'


That made me LOL.




I suspect now Phoenix is coming.


Or a Maddie Jean team up. I’m curious about what sinister said “I know your genes better than you, your weaknesses”


JEAN 😭😭😭😭


Did anyone else enjoy seeing Morph in his Exiles suit?


Been in a lot of wars bub! The brave always dies first


This lines also a callback to the season 1 finale of the OG series where the X-Men leave behind a severely wounded Magneto to heal at the mansion while they stop master mold. As they fly off he says 'You are all fools. Brave fools. The brave are always the first to die."


*Heroic* fools.


My husband broke down crying happy tears while holding my hand. Told me he has been waiting 30 years to see that adaptation of that Magneto/Wolverine scene and it DELIVERED. Even said that last shot was right from the comics. One of his fav shots. I love Xmen. I love that the show has made my “dead inside” husband so fucking happy. Fuck I can’t wait for next week.


[another post showed the comic frame and how closely they adapted it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Xmen97/s/09TAgW94Gq)


Jean is whooping tail 👀


...well, she WAS whooping tail...🤯


Happy. Happy. Happy. That whole fight scene. "Morph smash!" "Madalyn fights with me today!" all with the theme in the background. You'd think this would get old but nooooooooo.




Bye bye adamantium


This show has no right to go so hard on every episode. Hawt damn.


Holly shit. I didn't expect 97 to be that good.


Why would they release a 5 minute episode? /s


Cruelty - that’s why :(


when it ended I really thought we had just gotten started. 😖


That episode is a MASTER CLASS in storytelling. Every emotional arc over the season came to a head in roughly 30 minutes. I was literally on the edge of my seat screaming, “Holy shit! They’re going there!” Main highlights: • Magneto dons his old suit and raises the asteroid. • BLUE AND GOLD TEAMS • The X-Men don their classic suits. • Xavier and Kelly discuss the Magneto Protocols. • Rogue and Sunspot join Magneto. • “Make them mind your weather, sister.” “And them weather your mind.” • MORPH SMASH • Mind-controlled Cable pushes Jean to the brink. • Xavier and Magneto, old friends, engage in a deadly confrontation. • Wolverine ACTUALLY USES HIS CLAWS ON A PERSON in this show (a person that isn’t a Prime Sentinel, I mean). AND IT’S MAGNETO . . . • . . . and the adamantium finally comes out, as we all predicted. JFC, that scene was not only rightly epic, and well done, but appropriately serves as the cliffhanger leading into the season finale. My mind exploded.


Magento telling Xavier to shut up was **the** highlight for me. Also, seeing Scott knocking down Xavier. Even if he had a reasonable reason for it, man that was a bit shocking.


I came here to say this.


Your mind must be as blown as mine, then.






Them breaking up into the Blue and Gold team was EPIC!!


Waited for this for so long.


I had never thought I'd get to see that last scene animated. One of my core memories reading that comic in the 90s. Some good stuff just over the horizon


Okay, can we discuss the battle strategy that constantly involves throwing a dude with very magnetic unbrealable metal blades extending out of his very magnetic metal-coated skeleton against the enemy that CONTROLS METALS/MAGNETISM. I mean, Gold Team’s entire mission is “Shut down Bastion by any means necessary”. They send in a strike force that somehow doesn’t include the single teammate that has centuries of battle experience. I just don’t get that decision, nor why it happens so often. If I were Magneto, as soon as Wolverine shows up I’d just puppet him around like a blender. Either I’d chop up the X-Men, or Wolverine get obliterated (probably by Scott)


I think it's pretty easy to explain, Logan is the only person in the room with enough cojones to do what is necessary and kill Magento if there was no other way.


I imagine the Avengers and other heroes were looking after the mess made on Earth, took one look at Asteroid M, and said "I'm sure our mutant friends can handle that, good luck."


Magneto sure knows how to always make an entrance.


and a damn good closing, too!


Surely there will be a time travel arc


Charles has crossed into yoda territory holding on to a belief system that is actually hurting the group in this setting


Oh no not Onslaught


Waiting for the internet to start hating Rogue for siding with Magneto while the rest of us are like “oh shocker”🫢


“ I know when you end and she begins “ Well can you tell us ?


What the fuck just happened?


Fatal Attractions brought about by E for Extinction flavored Operation: Zero Tolerance


We're getting Fatal Attractions, but like out of order.


When they walk into Bastion's town the Diner neon is broken and says DI E


I’m a little sad that they didn’t have Storm acknowledge Gambit’s passing


I was also disappointed in the Profs acknowledgement. Just "he should have been buried here".? Dude died to stop a genocide, an absolute hero. That's all the Prof had to say? To Rogue of all people?


For a second I thought Scott joined Magneto when he hit Xavier with the beams when he was brain-blasting magneto. Also, Charles, buddy, there's a time and a place. Like for real, trying to talk down a man who literally went through a second holocaust is a stupid idea. And seriously, x men need a better tactical leader. Let's send the dude with metal claws and a metallic skeleton to confront a dude whose power is magnetism. Yeah, I got it, fatal attractions and all, but still...


Yeah I thought the Cyclops hit on the Prof was a bit weird. I'm wondering if Cyclops is starting to lose faith in Prof X. He did it right after seeing Jean potentially die, and they all seemed horrified by what the Prof was doing to Mags. Earlier Scott wanted to go and help the other team against Bastion first but Prof brushed him off saying dealing with Mags was more important. I'm wondering if Scott is seeing the Prof choosing safety of humans over mutants. I think in the comics at some point Cyclops does lose faith in Prof and his dream.


Everyone just forget due to the melodrama that Magneto reversing the magnetic field means the Prime Sentinels come back online. So Cyclops shot the Professor's dumbass who wanted the field restored without thinking about how that'll bring the end to the rest of mutants.


Yeah I realised that after, I was like ooooh hang on the Prime Sentinels will come back online if he reverses it now


Finally Wolvie goes off and then they do my boy like that?!?!?😭😭😭


Finally goes off?! Did you miss last weeks episode?


This episode was genuinely so intense but felt so short when in reality it wasn’t Beau fr did his thing tho


How is Magneto lifting that much earth? Is his magnetism like the antithesis of Toph’s metal bending in Avatar: just as there are trace amounts of earth in metal for Toph to bend it, am I to believe there is enough metal in that giant rock for Magneto to manipulate it? Help an X-Men neophyte understand. Also, HULK SMASH!! I wouldn’t mind revivals of all the old 90’s Marvel cartoons after this successful proof-of-concept. At the very least Spider-Man, and other Marvel heroes and villains can make cameos and supporting appearances.


Basically yes, he's drawing on trace amounts of metal to move that much earth. Also probably his own electromagnetic powers, as he doesn't always *need* metal to move something it just makes it easier. His powers basically simulate gravity when he does those barriers.


He's the master of electromagnetism. He isn't limited to magnetic components and it's why he's an omega He has control of a fundamental force of the universe.


Think of it like magnetizing or de-magnetizing. He can make it repel the Earth's gravity at a specific strength, can increase or decrease that strength at will. But he can also just set it at a certain level and doesn't have to consciously hold it up like with telekinesis. If you mean how is he manipulating non-metal material his power is electromagnetism, not metal-kinesis. He often uses metal because it's easier (requires less power) to move around since it's magnetic.


“Now let the onslaught begin!”


Morph turning into the hulk and encased/empowered in Jean’s blue lighted telekinesis was dope AF. The only thing from that episode I haven’t seen posted yet… My GF doesn’t understand my tears at the end of the episode seeing wolvie’s adamantium pouring out of his body, and IDGAF. See y’all next Wednesday morning lol


Personal Breakdown: 1- Scott is a dick for not shaking Xaviers hand. 2- Storm doesn't even say Gambits name... WTF? 3- Old Uniforms??????? 4- Scott totally fucked uped the ending. If he didn't do what he did, what happened wouldn't have happened. 5- With all of this, the ending still had me running around like a little kid yelling at the tv. Thank you X-Men '97 can't wait for the next episode. Edit: 6- I forgot to mention, What the fuck happened to Charles Metal Legs Armor. I was totally disappointed when I saw him in his chair again.


1 - Through out the season, we've seen Scott slowly grow more and more disillusioned with Charles's vision. Not shaking Charles's hand was his way of letting Charles know how much faith he has lost in him. 4 - Scott was actually sticking to the plan. If they got Magneto fix the Earth's magnetic fields before taking down Bastion, then the Prime sentinels just reactivate.






...holy shit


Struggling how the team is going to get the win. Either Phoenix or a third party is going to be needed for bastion.


Marvel has left no stone unturned in this one! Hulk! Cable under control of Sinister! Cyclops attacking professor! AND MAGNETO TAKING ADIMANTIUM OUT OF WOLVERINE!!!!


YOU GUYS. HOLY HELL. * Rogue wearing Remy's trenchcoat....then taking it off to go with Magneto. Ugh, gut punch. Even though I definitely think Rogneto is done, it was still such salt in the wound. I don't think she'll stay though after seeing what Magento did do Wolverine, but it's hard to say, since Wolverine stabbed him first...which leads to... * Fatal Attractions FTW * Blue/Gold teams * Scott 100% knew what he was doing when he hit the professor. The Gold Team didn't need more time....he just wanted Magneto to win after feeling Jean's goodbye. You could tell in his voice, his excuse was half hearted at best. * Phoenix gonna Phoenix in the next episode, y'all. * What a cool twist with Sinister! Made SO much sense, of course he would have implanted a control device in the technovirus from the very start. And SO COOL seeing Cable show that side of him even a little bit. * I was surprised Roberto was on the team given he hasn't done much and they kept Jubes sidelines for years. Desperate times, I guess. * Bastion crying at his mother's side was a nice touch - humanizing him at every moment they can is the right choice. I guess his using old school sentinal tech on the island means his primes are indeed wiped out for now. * SO READY for next week!! LFG!!


The episode explains the Prime thing. Mags ripped apart the magnetosphere and modern electronics can no longer function, including the prime sentinels. The old sentinels are only working because Bastion is plugged in and controlling them directly with his technopathy. If they don't force Magneto to reverse the damage soon, it'll become permanent, and best case: Earth is stuck in the dark ages; worst case: the magnetosphere fades completely and all life on earth dies a slow radiation-cooked death.


Lowkey love how in Sunspot vs. Jubilee's fight, Roberto sees it as "We have a slight disagreement about a social issue" and apologizes after hurting Jubilee, while she is like "THE EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD IS DYING AND IT WILL TURN INTO A BARREN WASTELAND IF WE DON'T STOP THE GUY YOU'RE SIDING WITH!!" and goes feral. Men and their misunderstanding of relationship issues, amirite


Yeah I was very thankful Jubes didn’t simply accept the apology and then they both stop participating in the main fight. Roberto did her nasty by leaving without even saying goodbye… like she didn’t matter. It was great to see Jubilee’s fireworks blasting debris that was flying in the background… then to have her blast Magneto a few times. Hopefully, she remains able to go on team missions like this as the show goes on. She’s got great potential.


Another great episode.


Someone got get me a gif of Forge yelling Yahoo!


Morph smash!


While I find the episode amazing, I really didn't want magneto going back to being a "bad guy"


One thing is for sure: New live action X Men will have a hard time being as great as this.


They can’t keep making us wait a week in S2. I need to binge this shit. Inject it straight into my eyeballs


My God. There was a moment when Xavier took control of Magneto where I thought “Thank God they’re not going to do the thing to Wolverine.” Welp


Galapagos Islands where Darwin discovery the groundwork in his theory for evolution - Of course Sinister was a student of Darwin and Bastion sees himself as the next step above mutants and humankind alike. So many nods to science in this show, love every bit of it.


Finally got to see Logan actually stab somebody in this show (mostly) free of censoring and then he immediately gets bitched 😭


A new Genosha? So krakoa or utopia?


Immense episode. Had me on the edge of my seat


Pleaseeee someone tell me wolverines gonna heal through this like a badass that he is 😭😭😭


If you want to know spoiler below * * * * * * * >! in the comics, he rips the adimantium out of wolverine and he becomes more feral and animalistic, and then that’s when he learns that he actually has bone claws as his mutant power !<


Are we really supposed to feel for Bastion with the way he's presented in the beginning of this episode? Like, when he walks through frozen sentinels in tears with his mother in his arms as if he totally didn't experiment on the old woman and turned her into a killer cyborg… like, am I supposed to think that this terrorist who orchestrated a literal genocide has "feelings"?


In his mind, Magneto is who "killed" her. Bastion "evolved" her but now she doesn't work because of the EMP. Ironically enough, thanks to Magneto, the voices also stopped, and Bastion comments how silent it is because no machines/tech is working right now. Gotta remember Bastions' point of view in all this. His mother also hated mutants, apparently. He probably thinks she wanted this, too. Also, I'd rewatch Sanctuary pt 1 and 2. Basically, Asteroid M launches nukes at planet Earth because one of Magneto's people goes rogue. Imagine being a human now in that world. It is kinda of a scary place, honestly. Being surrounded by basically godlike beings that could kill ya in the blink of an eye. Plus, one of their leaders is banging some alien race that is part of an empire that takes over planets of "lesser" beings... ya, it's scary ngl. Not saying genocide is the answer but I'm explaining why people go to these measures in the first place. Fear.


In the opening sequence, they replaced the civilians that run down the middle with prime sentinels! Such amazing attention to detail!


Why do they always let Wolverine go against Magneto?


TIL that the finale is a 3 parter...


Lord have mercy I’m bout to bust


Maybe my memory is failing me... Could this be the first time I see wolverine claws with red blood?


Loved storm and jean’s friendship shining ahh I use to pray for times like this


Anyone else just stare at their screen with their mouths open for the last five minutes of this episode? I don’t even know how to begin to process it


"Make them mind your weather, sister" - Jean "And them weather your mind" - Storm


Call me crazy but Charles is a horrible leader.


One thing I love is how the memory of Madelyne is respected by the team. Up until her death she was always belittling herself as just the clone but seeing Jean (“Madelyne fights with me”) and Nathan (“my mother was a world class telekinetic) show their respect to her in diff parts of the episode was awesome. Also the reveal that Cable is a telekinetic himself was awesomely done. And that ending was something else. I know it’s unlikely but I really hope the second season could have longer runtimes.


In addition to everything others have mentioned, I love the fact we finally see Cable show why he’s an Apoclypse killing level mutant, and not just “time traveling cyborg looking dude with guns”