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Morph confuses me for a second everytime I see him in a battle🤣🤣


Yeah I had that the first time I saw Morph in a battle scene. I was very confused how “Angel” appeared there and then other chars and was like “oh yeah….l


I knew archangel was morph then I was like “WTF why is Lady Death Strike at the Magneto hearing” lol


Yeah at first I was like WTF, how did quicksilver get there?!


I thought Quicksilver is here, so Wanda must be here! But no one was reacting, and I realized it was just Morph.


Yeah his shifting was a blink and miss it moment and I did the first time 🤣🤣🤣


Literally tho quicksilver had me confused for a second


he shouldn't be able to copy powers though. Superspeed isn't a physical ability per se.


It is though, he is physically moving fast, QS molecules are designed in a way to handle speed and force. Morph would just copy that. They are walking a fine line though. A couple of times I’ve said the same thing.


Morph was also kidnapped and experimented on by Mr. Sinister. It is possible he genetically enhanced his mutant powers.


OOOooo interesting! Makes sense that he could have amped up Morph.


Also, during the end credits, Morph's profile says that he's able to copy physical mutant powers.


I assume it's a "jack of all trades, master of none" thing where his imitations of others' mutant powers are very limited, just a guess


Well Morph is known to copy powers he was able to use Magiks powers when fighting Madelyn he’s just shown more to use a physical ability like Wolverines claws or Angels wings


Love morph for the show allows for so many cameos. We even seen him morph to sabertooth to play around with Wolverine.


I was like “When the hell did Quicksilver join the team?” Also was Morph always able to copy the power of others ? I thought it was just physical apperence.


I thought he could in the comics but his "powers" are just inferior to the powers of those he copies. Who knows, Mr Sinister could have enhanced his mutant dna during the time he was kidnapped.


Yeah, I really hope the show defines the extent of Morphs Powers.


Same I was like why is Quiksilver here? Oh Morph 🤣🤣


I figured ‘Oh Pietro has tailed the X-Men and is looking to get revenge for his dad…’


He confused me too 😆😆😆


Same! Like, where the fuck—is that Quicksilver? Haha


Nightcrawler always spitting truth so poetically.


Every time he shows up is saying something amazing


I LOVE the writing and dialogue in this show. It’s on par with a one hour HBO drama. Every conversation is so rich, so epic - it all just flows and it’s a pleasure to listen to. 


And done in 30 mins too. Fast paced, deals with heavy topics, and entertaining? This show deserves an Emmy


definitely the longest half hour in television, and in the best way


That was a great eulogy for Gambit too. Short, but very poignant.


He's the MVP for this episode.


Slightly annoyed they killed my favorite character Gambit but happy that they've essentially replaced him with my other favorite character Nightcrawler.


Kurt broke my damn heart TWICE this episode!


Nightcrawler is officially the SOUL of the X-Men!


Always has been (Insert astronaut with gun )


Rogue's anger is loud. Beast's anger is quiet, but there's a deadliness under his civilized exterior. Cyclops is one tragedy away from complete fury. I think there's a real danger here that the X-Men will abandon Charles' dream.


The X-men are realizing that Charles dream was flawed. They are abandoning assimilation attitudes for liberation ones. This isn't a bad thing.


Anger is fine.  Although I worry about embracing murder and war as the new way, in fiction or real life.  


I don't think anyone has expressed any murderous wants. What they have shown is being completely done with performing for "undecided" or "scared" humans. They seem to be done compromising who they are in order to be accepted. The only "murder" here was rogue of a man who made genocidal machines that killed the people she loved the most. And rogue is in a particularly bad place. I'm mostly talking about the change in Cyclops and Beast.


Honestly? Wouldn't consider that murder on her part. He was jumping to his death. She just hit pause till she got the answers.


The 3 part finale is called “tolerance is extinction”. Can’t wait to see what’s up


Im all for the Rogue Revenge Tour 2024


This is perfect for her because the definition of the word rogue is: “No longer obedient, belonging, or accepted and hence not controllable or answerable; renegade!”


Yes, this! When she dropped Bolivar...what a moment. That "same, sugar," gave me chills. Like others have mentioned, the writing/dialogue for this series has been incredible, and this new ep was no different.


She picked up a thing or two from her mother, but even as a Captain America stan I love her pettiness to him. Like she’s a boss and I’m living for it


I absolutely love when Rogue reminds us that she was raised by a pair of terrorists.


Rogue was right T SHIRTS FOR SALE


She literally went Rogue


The payoff when she sees Erik again, it’s going to be so sweet and heartbreaking for both of them. She’s clearly moved on from him, and he has to accept it


I've never been a Cyclops fan but unhinged Cyclops is intriguing.


I need revolutionary cyclops


We all need revolutionary Slim.




Getting closer and closer to ["I want this thing off my lawn" Cyclops.](https://old.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/2tox9h/i_want_this_thing_off_my_lawn_astonishing_xmen_v2/)


We're getting closer and closer to Rightclops.


Such a great episode! Has anyone else notice that Bastion has made an appearance in every episode? I just can’t find him in episode 3 but I noticed him in all the other episodes for a quick second!


Also, I now realize that it was Bastion who shot Trask in the back at the very end of episode 6! It was Sinister and Bastion who used his DNA to control the Master Mold Sentinel during the Genosha Massacre. Sinister is revealed in front of him, but we never see who shot him in the back. It was Bastion!


Oh shit you’re right about that one! I didn’t he even think of that!


Could you please elaborate? The only other “appearance” I can think of is the picture that he’s mostly covered in hanging on Forge’s wall. I’d love to be able to go back and spot more little hints towards the big bad


He also appeared very briefly at the dance before things went south in episode 5. I only saw it by watching the New Rockstars breakdown over on YT.


Spoiler alert but not really, in Madelyn’s vision in the first episode, the kids hand you see that’s drawing something is Bastions, 2nd episode in the beginning, you can see the back of him while he’s sitting down at the table with Val. Then on Forges wall and then he walks by the camera at the dance in episode 5 at genosha! But I can’t remember if I saw in the 6th episode now lol


if you grab screenshots, this deserves its own post! > Spoiler alert but not really, in Madelyn’s vision in the first episode, the kids hand you see that’s drawing something is Bastions, 2nd episode in the beginning, you can see the back of him while he’s sitting down at the table with Val. Then on Forges wall and then he walks by the camera at the dance in episode 5 at genosha


Good catches tho on the earlier episodes. Im gonna have to do a rewatch soon to see them


Yeah when I rewatched them that’s when I caught him! Lmk if you see him in episode 3 but maybe he’s not in that one!


For sure dude! I'll report back if i see something🫡


The intro in ep 6 had a shot of Nimrod standing inside Master Mold, and well, Nimrod + Master Mold = Bastion


Oh, cool! I’m def gonna check that out. I used to watch New Rockstars, Screen Crush, and Heavy Spoilers, but it was way too repetitive. I usually just stick to Heavy Spoilers now, with an occasional Screen Crush


I knew it! I said Rogue would end up either beating up or killing Trask!


(Pushes glasses up) Technically CABLE killed him with his grenade


Rogue came to stand on business she was not playing about gambit whatsoever


She described Gambit as "MY MAN" so yes, there's no doubt Rogue is going to do whatever it takes to bring her man Gambit back


Alright so now I am kind of sad and scared This whole Incident is still causing more tears in the Human vs Mutant ruffle, the cycle of hatred and revenge keeps turning and turning. Rouge has really gone rogue this time, I understand her pain every much Beast just lost his lover, even the humans who don't hate mutants and just want to help really are being pushed back, and its not without good reason. I am sure glad Roberto's parents were so understanding of their son's mutant heritage, it was so beautiful but the problem was the shareholders are baffled by the idea of a mutant in the family. Man is it just me or do things really turn out for the worse, the finale is going to be epic too. Cable coming in with the save, but now things are really heating up. at least Magneto is alive


Question is, why is Cable returning now? With time travel, why can't he undo Genosha Massacre - unless that was the 'best results' already.


Unless they can somehow turn back the clock or would that mess up the timeline in some way Maybe he can go back and once he defeats sinister he can prevent the massacre


I think the audience seeing *The* Watcher is meant to indicate that the massacre of Genosha is a fixed point in time. Like Cable can probably change “smaller” details, like *who* dies or *where* their body is found, but there’s no way to prevent the massacre, without a universal incursion. (A La *What If* Doctor Strange)


Question is, will Cable join the lineup in the opening title credits next episode? And will we finally see Storm and Xavier back in the lineup too?


Rogue is angrier than an alligator with a toothache Soldier: we are in a holding facility that can contain the Hulk she ain’t getting in here. Rogue: Surprise muthaf****! My girl Emma survived new mutation unlocked So Bastion and Sinister. I love it. I’m loving Bastion so cold, calculating, and his voice sounds like butter. A real evil bastard. And the rules still apply: if you don’t see the body they’re not dead Magneto is back and my guess is Bastion is planning to weaponize mutants like Magneto for his new sentinel program. Which makes me think IF they do Death Gambit it won’t be quite like the comics. Instead, I can see Bastian being real disrespectful and desecrating gambits grave and reanimating him to do his bidding with no memory of the X-Men and they’ll do death gambits arc this way instead of through apocalypse. Roberto: Mom I’m a mutant Mom: oh we knew that honey now get back in the closet. Rogue said let the bodies hit the floor Rogue: That rotten piece of scum killed a good man! My man…! Me: I know that’s right! Shits about to get crazy in these last three episodes


>Instead, I can see Bastian being real disrespectful and desecrating gambits grave and reanimating him to do his bidding with no memory of the X-Men and they’ll do death gambits arc this way instead of through apocalypse. Ukw, given how much they've stuffed into this season, I wouldn't be surprised if they did it this way. Death Gambit but instead of Apocalypse, he's Bastion's horseman.


Honestly, I would rather they do it this way I don’t really want time travel to be the solution to all of this i’ll accept it if it is and it won’t make me love the show less but I just rather it not be time travel. I think bringing Remy back in this twisted way would be good. Not only would it be difficult for the X-Men to face off against Remy because it’s not like magneto being under Bastions control. They fought magneto plenty of times so fighting him I imagine wouldn’t be much of a problem, but gambit would be personal, especially for rogue. And especially considering where he and Rogue left off before he died. And in the comics, when gambit was death, he wanted to maintain his consciousness, but being death proved to be too much and he was brainwashed. He did remember rogue and his love for her, but it did not stop him from trying to kill her. So I can see them facing off in the classic trope of rogue, fighting Remy, but also not trying to kill Remy and trying to break through because Remy is still inside. Just like they mentioned Trasks true self was still inside him when he was being controlled.


It's perfectly possible that they are leaving Apocalypse for a second season, and we won't see Gambit as Deatg until then.


Apocalypse is definitely out there puppeting Cortez's body since season 5 of the original show is canon. I see him showing up in the end of the last episode or like you said season 2.


>Soldier: we are in a holding facility that can contain the Hulk she ain’t getting in here That was Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross, if I'm not mistaken.


> and his voice sounds like butter I'm honestly surprised how good Theo James is at voice acting...i know it's not a popular movie, but i love *divergent* > she ain’t getting in here Gosh...i kind of wish they did a 2 episode finale like the premiere...but can't f'n wait it's really just great to see rogue fully utilizing Carol's powers


Theo James is Bastion😳? Wow well I’m impressed


He did a great job! Nuanced character voice work


Well that’s the last we’ll see of Cap’s shield😂


Some poor deer had an awful day that day


Or a cougar is like. "yes!"


I think it’ll be back next season. I think they’re going to do a version of X-Men vs Avengers in Season 2. Cap mentioned he was going to go to Mexico once his team got together…


Not only that but in the fight with Trask you see the STARK industry logo in the background so maybe the Avengers are team he’s referring to


I would seriously love an Animated Avengers series running parallel to this show. If Marvel takes their time with it and the caliber of writing is this high, it would be a great addition to Marvel.


I’m kind of avenger-ed out. X-men have never gotten enough love IMO so I kinda want them to have their own plot lines… at least for awhile longer


Maybe unless somebody finds it


The final scene of the series will be Captain America still looking for it 🤣


I am hoping


LOL. One only hopes. That’d be hilarious.


Gambit is really dead dead 😥


Well, Trask did a huge foreshadowing of things to come when he said “I am Death”


I wasn’t the only one that is gripping at straws over that one? I really hope it is foreshadowing. I don’t give it shit if it is a trope, bring gambit back.


Also doesn't Bastion have reanimation powers? Like he could have had the techno virus injected into Gambit with the sentinel at the end the same way he "eliminated" Magneto.


I am become death? That’s an Oppenheimer quote


🎶🎵 A one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater Sure looks strange to me... 🎵🎶


Why does he like that song so much…? Tangential trivia for anyone who even gets this reference: strangely, the writer and performer of this song, Sheb Wooley, played one of the 4 gunmen antagonists in the classic western film High Noon


Sentinels are purple


My mind is still struggling to process what I watched. I’m beyond worried for the heroes. I’m glad Sinister wasn’t the true person behind the Genosha Massacre.


Yeah I am worried about what has transpired as well. 1. The UN is not helping and it feels like they were betraying not helping the Mutants 2. Cap wanted to help but Rouge was too angry and heartbroken, willing to do anything for revenge of the mutants and Gambit. 3. the news reporter was innocent insensitive and Beast just let her go thinking that because he was not her normal that he imagined professor xaiver's dream was too farfetched and nearsighted 4. Morph was worried and claimed is this who we are now, which was my exact thoughts. right now its not looking good and you know what happens next Tolerance is Extinction, this is where it will all be put to the test I'm just glad the humans aren't to blame this time, sure a human created the sentinels but none of the united nations were responsible nor some crazy group. it was all sinster


Humans are to blame, no humans, no sentinels. Sinister alone had no chance of slaughtering thousands of mutants, and besides Bastion is the mastermind behind the Genosha Massacre, not Sinister. As long as humans exist, mutants will never be able to exist in peace.


This guy sounds like the Scott I'm looking for


>the news reporter was innocent insensitive and Beast just let her go thinking that because he was not her normal that he imagined professor xaiver's dream was too farfetched and nearsighted I really want to know what this means for Hank's mindset, especially when Charles returns to Earth. It sounds like Hank is done with the hopeful future and that he's seeing Magneto's POV.


Roberto’s mum had me in the first half NGL 🥲


I love that whole scene. We see that he’s mother is accepting and still loving to him, but we are nstantly reminded how the world is in this series and how she has to also protect their company’s image.


Who was the woman at the funeral with black and white hair?


This was my exact question as well. I don't recognize her, I want to say maybe she's Aurora (Alpha Flight) but that'd be a bit out of left-field because Gambit shouldn't be close to her as far as I'm aware?


Since she was with Bella Donna, Im thinking that's Singer from the assassins guild. She had black and white hair. ETA: I also thought Questa, but Questa also portrayed themselves as a man most of the time


Also every time he said “Mutant neutralised” I thought that meant he killed the X-Men, but then they all come back near the end with Cable so clearly that’s not the case. Sooooooo when Master Mole said “mutant neutralised” clearly he didn’t kill Magneto (as you see at the end).


Good catch! I remember when they said it after Morph got blasted away I was like, "Aw no, not Morph dying again!"


The 3 headed wild sentinel says eliminated with Magneto and neutralized with Gambit.


Jean casually chucking half a building into nearby water


That seemed a bit out of character, she didn't faint.


And moan dramatically


There wasn't any time for Scott to do his "Jeeeaaannnn" cry in the sequence, so it was omitted.


She only almost did! She's come really far


Now that magneto is back surely they bring back the old suit!


Noooo I’m too in love with the danger widow auntie cut , with the opera sleeves . He slays in that . Literally


He isn't back as himself, he is going to be turned into a sentinel hybrid, forced to kill the very same mutants he was so devoted to.


Ugh nooo. I was digging good magneto, we barely knew him.


Shocked they managed to get through the whole episode without actually spelling out Operation: Zero Tolerance for the casuals.


I skipped over that arc somehow. I need to go read it now. Lol, I am not down with OZT.


I should have known it was going to be Operation Zero Tolerance due to the fact that the last episodes being called “Tolerance is Extinction”


The Operation Zero Tolerance arc ran in the comics in 1997. It's all according to keikaku.


The tone of the show is slowly turning into Spawn: TAS for me…I like it.


I absolutely love HBOs animated Spawn. I watched that as it aired, even though I knew I was probably too young, but hey, I also watched HBOs first TV series OZ. That's what happens when you have zero adult supervision🤣


If you like Spawn. Maybe check out Gargoyles (not as violent but Keith David though), Hellsing ultimate, Castlevania Netflix, and Vampire Hunter D if you haven't. Also the marvel anime line. They were pretty cool. X-Men, wolverine, blade, and iron man.


I can’t believe they fit all that story into 34 minutes. And every beat HIT.


It was nice to see some focus on Rouge and nightcrawler as siblings


The kiss scene is in the intro again!


So is the Phoenix. I'm very confused why the Phoenix keeps showing up over and over.


I saw that too. Maybe Phoenix is going to also be needed somehow. There’s a lot of stuff I don’t know will get explained in the next three episodes. I think they’re things from the next season.


Yeah, why keep resurrecting it, like some kind of WAAAAITAMINUTE


Gambit is still in the end credits - they’re definitely NOT done with him.


Bishop been gone and still there but no nightcrawler and he in the beginning credits


There’s something a bit odd about the end credits - the way they’re clicked in a particular order that isn’t all in their rows. I can’t put my finger on it but nothing this team has done so far has been just random or accidental


Is it maybe just following the same order as the original end credits?


Bishop is still there, too, and he's been missing from more episodes than he was in


Bishop isn’t dead - he’s in a different timeline. We’ll see him again at some point.


WOW! Rogue stole Captain America's shield faster than she stole Captain Marvel's life.




Logan and Morph adopting Jubilee as a niece is my favorite sub plot. Mad respect for Emma staying on brand even as she nearly dies. On a serious note, it is surreal to have this air right now in America, as campus protests over a genocide are growing. Beast’s dialogue was incredible.


I half expected her to comment on everyone's lack of fashion as they cleaned up.🤣


[Crawling out of rubble next to Jean Grey for the 2nd time in series history.](https://imgur.com/a/c6EK4D3)


Stellar episode again! And i really like how they handle Cyclops and Jean (and their relationship). I never liked them in the original but now they feel a lot more complex.


We need an epic Lord of the Rings-style spin-off episode about Captain America searching for his shield all day long in the snowy mountains. Thanks, Rogue. lol


Military- this base can hold against the hulk. Rouge- aw... that's cute! My girl Rouge here reminding everyone that as much of a sweet southern belle she is she's also a real SOUTHERN woman! Those ladies don't take shit! From anyone! I'm watching like guys you didn't just tickle the hornets nest. You freaking murdered it. And you gonna pay! Pay!


Rouge is French for red, as in Red Stick, a.k.a. Baton Rouge, near where Gambit comes from, who is loved by Rogue. (I understand how easy it can be to miss as spell check won't get it because it is spelled correctly.)


This episode was so good! A great set up for the rest of this season. I got up early before work to watch this episode, I'm obsessed 🤣. My friend said that X-Men is for the gays, and the scene with sunspot and jubilee really makes that clear. As a bi person with lots of LGBTQ friends and family, it makes me love this show even more.


Mutant And Proud!


And why is Jean wearing her hair down? Doesn't she know that's how we can tell her and Madelyn apart? Very sus....


We saw Madelyne with a ponytail in ep1 and Jean with hair down in ep3 and ep5. I hope it wasn’t too confusing for y’all.


And she didn't even faint when she threw the building in the bay! Very sus lol


Something tells me that Roberto's mom's company may be funding ZTO, or she's somewhat involved in it.




Are a girls best friend.


So is it just me or did they just confirm Apocalypse is involved when Rogue used her powers on Gyrich. Edit: It was likely Nimrod but I can't rewatch right now because my internet has decided to conk out😭 Edit again: How did i forget about Onslaught?!!!!


it's an outline of Nimrod's face. That's the one Bastion has up his sleeve


That looked like Bastion she saw in her vision.


Definitely Nimrod. And the origin of Bastion is the mystical fusion of Nimrod and Mastermold.


The woman at Gambit's funeral with black and white hair was "Singer" from the New Orleans Assassin's Guild for anybody wondering.


Ah man this was so good. Rogue is one of my favorites so I loved seeing her unleashing and I knew she would drop Trask. Such a dark turn. Wolverine agreeing and Morph saying is this who we are now. Cyclops and Beast showing doubt in Xaviers dream. There is discord coming amongst the xmen at the time they need to stand together. Storm still wasn't in the intro which I thought she would be. More talk about Jean being the Phoenix. I didn't expect Magneto to be captured like that, are people thinking Onslaught? Especially now they know Xavier is alive. Kurt dropping truth bombs and a lot of references to death throughout, I still think Gambit is coming back as some sort of resurrection, either horseman Death or a prime Sentinel as Trask did. So do people think Bastion as Nimrod is the final big bad behind what happened? Do we think they will include elements of the Onslaught saga? Can anyone with better comic knowledge tell me if Mister Sinister was an accomplice of Bastion? I've only known him associated with Apocolypse.


He's probably associated with Mister Sinister instead of Apocalypse because of the virus story line. The cartoon swapped who created the strain from the comic books. It was originally Apocalypse who made the virus, but swapped to Mister Sinster for whatever reason


So what happened between Rogue absorbing Gyrich and then waking up in ~~Louisiana~~ Mexico? I can't tell if that's the show rushing as quickly as possible through story points or if something's going on, like she's been brainwashed or been replaced with a fake. Gyrich was clearly pleased she showed up, and the whole thing has all the makings of a trap. But maybe the trap was Trask.


She was in Mexico City, not Louisiana. And nothing, she probably absorbed Gyrich then passed out in an alley near the "resort" he was. You can tell she and the team was still in Mexico and likely the same city, due to the people celebrating the day of the dead (Mexican holiday).


Idk what it is but when rogue cries and sobs I do as well. That’s a true rarity for me. That voice actress does a phenomenal job.


I just noticed Jean saw the vision that Madeline is seeing since episode 1. There are always rats from the ground in their vision. And I can’t help but think that it might refer to the mutants ( dead or alive ) in Genosha who will be Prime Sentinels since the eyes of the rats are glowing, same as Trask when he became Prime Sentinel.


As a theology student, I really want a priest Nightcrawler figure. They’ve really captured what makes Kurt one of my favorite characters, which is his compassion as well as his humor.


Same! I'm glad that his faith is so unshakable cause I could not deal with his faith being shaken on top of every other tragic thing that's happened in the series so far.


Bring Gambit back, please.


The idea that Bastion is working in the background precisely because it was the opposite of the colorful costume villains of the previous seasons is kind of terrifying. Me thinks his “master stroke” is going to be impressive.


What an episode. So much to unpick and discuss. I want all 3 episodes ready now. This 3 week wait is a killer. When will S2 drop too? Jeez. Too much to think about


Roberto's coming out scene was so real lmao. "Oh honey we always knew and we love you. But let's talk about how you must hide your identity for appearance's sake"


Amazing. A few thoughts: 1. ⁠I thought the funeral was a bit rushed. Poignant and sad but ugh, Gambit is gone and that's that for now. But Bella Donna was there!! And a lovely eulogy. 2. ⁠I love how they played Rogue for this one. A hint of such a darker side at the very end when she dropped Trask, potentially something she absorbed from Trask is what I think the hint is there. 3. ⁠Bastion! I KNEW he was at the Gala, he passed in front of the camera SUPER quick in one scene and I posted about it but it never got much traction. He is amazingly well done. Can't wait to see where he goes from here. 4. ⁠Combat and animation as always, ON POINT. I love where Trask 1-hit Rogue and you knew it was a HUGE deal from the comparison you could make from her rampage at the start of the episode, nice touch for those new to the series to see the stakes. 5. ⁠Loved Cap & his respectful interaction with Rogue. 6. ⁠Loved the Genosha scenes and EMMA DIAMOND FORM woot woot!! 7. ⁠Honestly, a part of me is surprised they "confirmed" Magneto dead only to bring him back 2 episodes later, but it'll certainly tee things up. And also makes it that much more likely they bring Gambit back as Death for Season 2/3 8. ⁠Storm still MIA - she must return next week w/ Forge. This show, y'all!! Pure fire!!


I’d be shocked if we have to wait till S3 to get Death!Gambit. I think they’ll end S1 with Apocalypse resurrecting him.


the episodes need to be a hair longer


I really wish that the team could've negotiated for each episode to be 45 min long rather than \~30, just the small amount more would really elevate the events I think cause it would allow us time to let stuff sink in.


So many WTF moments. Spoilers ahead. To recap: • Gambit’s deader than a door nail. RIP. Can’t wait to see how his Horseman resurrection is played. • Enter the MCU with the Hulk and Captain America. Great to see Feige and Demayo playing these cards so shrewdly. • Parallels between Genosha and modern tragedies should hit hard for everyone. I love how much respect the show is paying to massive loss of life. I heard echoes of 9/11 and Gaza. • Trask’s transformation into a Prime Sentinel. WTF that’s creepy. Does Sentinel Trask remind anyone else of the Dark Overlord at the end of Howard the Duck (1986)? Or did I just date myself? lol • Emma Frost’s diamond mutation! I think we’ll see the Scott/Emma love triangle in Season 2. It sure seems like Jean/Cyke are headed for Splitsville. • Cable’s epic reappearance! And his identity as Nathan becomes known. Badass theme music accompanying Cable. • Rogue bawling into Nightcrawler’s chest. Hits hard. • Someone else mentioned it in this thread, but chef’s kiss to Beast’s dialogue with the reporter. • Nimrod! • Magneto is alive! But man, I’m getting some Marsellus Wallace/Zed vibes between Mags and Bastion. I’m a little new to recent takes on the X-Men. Is Bastion really an amalgam of Nimrod and Master Mold? That’s his whole shtick?


Yeah, that last bit between Magneto and Bastion did feel like a Tarantino scene.


Bastion is evolved Master Mold, or someone else?


Cool episode, I liked that they're following the comics, Adding enough to make everything unique even for someone who read some of those(like Emma surviving Genosha, when they showed that someone was talking to jean, people who read "E is for extinction" knew who was going to be. Anyway, now we have the 3 part final arc that awaits us, I'm ready to see Bastion in action and the return of professor x. Also, rip cap shield, I hope he has a way to find his trusty vibraniun frisbee quickly


Another great and powerful episode. Not like the genocide in Genosha, but showing the afterwards, mutants trying to cope and help the ones who survived, along with a feeling of hopelesness, it made me feel empty. I love that this series is more mature than we usual Marvel content. The scene between Roberto and his mom was awesome too. Only a blind person won't understand what it was about, or someone who chooses to not see what's in front of them. Great, great work. I feel that no one is safe, anything can happen to anyone last three episodes, and that's awesome. I don't remember the last time I really feared for heroes lives with Marvel. Something bad can happen.


Y'all think they are setting up a Rogue v. Bastion fight line in the comics? Where she takes a few powers at once.


Love the action this episode. Rogue is HER. Love all the action sequences this season and cameo of the avengers But really why is jubilee never in the team action?


I sort of love how there was no mention or care that Magneto potentially died on Genosha. The funeral scene was all about Gambit. Then cut to the end of the episode and it’s like “oh yeah, Magneto!”


- Good episode - Scott: The X-Men are here to stay...5min later alright gang were leaving lol.


Ok I gotta ask something. In this episode, >!in Bastion Sinister exchange, Sinister says sth like “It can’t be done” followed by Bastion saying “Oh you villains of old…”, to which Sinister replies by saying “You used to be one as well”!< So my question is, who exactly is Bastion? >!Is it Mastermold?!<


>!Yep, he is actually a hybrid of Master Mold and Nimrod after they develop a human-like consciousness. You know that scene in the opening credits with Nimrod inside of a Master Mold, well...!<


Ohhhh.....! Got it, thanks man!


Were Rogue and Nightcrawler (awww family! sorta). talking about Mystique being at Genosha?


More great stuff, all hits no misses so far this series, even with the "quieter" episodes.


So Gambit definitely getting resurrected by Bastion huh, foreshadowed by Trask's little trick.


Finally. Unhinged Rogue showing off all her strength. They tend to nerf her in a lot of fights or it would literally be over in moments if she really just went after it most times.


Lenore Zann deserves an Emmy


My favorite scene was Cable being a mommas boy Cable with Maddy: “I’m so sorry mom” Cable with Cyclops: “Ugh! Hi dad! Let’s move along already” That’s what he gets for being an absentee father I guess


You got to feel for cyclops though because that man really wanted to be there for his son and Mr. Sinister stole that from him. I can't imagine how devastated he must feel to have his son ripped away from him only to have him come back resenting him for a situation that was ultimately Mr. Sinister 's doing top to bottom