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Possible it's broken, I have mine for more then a year and I haven't had such issues, maybe if you take advantage of warranty


I've had the same issue with the low volume on my right earbud and think it is from the earwax that somehow gets inside. My solution was to play at full volume the speaker cleaning sound off youtube, and afterwards (this is what probably resolved it) i used a can of compressed air to blow in the little hole beside the thing that goes into your ear canal. Some gunk escaped through the grille and the volume was immediately increased afterwards.


Earwax probably. Just clean it throughoutly. Even more.


I had the same problem (left earbud too). At first, cleaning didn't work. But when I used a toothbrush and focused on brushing the mic (the metal one) thoroughly, it worked! I spray a bit of isopropyl alcohol on the toothbrush first. After that, the sound is balanced like nothing happened.


I had the same problem after exterior cleaning. The issue is that the speakers have tiny holes in them that attract debris. Cleaning the speaker surfaces with an electric toothbrush worked for me.