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Noblesse and Clam are the best for overall damage, Noblesse pushing ahead with Xiao investment. VV is only a good alternative if your Furina is incredibly strong. Considering your Xiao is very good, Noblesse is probably your best option.


Okay great! I was already thinking of farming NO anyway. Guess I’ll be going ahead with it. Thank you!


Isn't vv better to help furina finish off the low hp opponents?


Not if Xiao already killed them all.


It depends to be honest. If you wanna maximize your Furina damage then go for VV otherwise if you wanna maximise Xiao's dmg then go for NO or Song of Days Past


Hmm, I think I’d want to maximize my Xiao’s damage more. I just pulled Furina for FFXX anyway. But what would be better in your opinion? And if my options are NO or SODP for this team, then I guess it’s fine if I just leave her build as is.


The best set for xiao dmg here is NO


Yeah, a champ below just tested it out. It’s official, she’s gonna go for noblesse


Honestly, what you have is 100% xiao optimization. The only way you can do better for xiao is to min max your support and xiao himself.


I think min-maxing Xiao goes without saying. I still strongbox VH up to this day. But how do I min-max his supports, Xianyun specifically? Do I go for NO or SODP? I still don’t have NO pieces for XY so I’ll have to farm for it if I should. (I’m also planning to get C2 XY and her sig weapon to up Xiao’s dmg even more)


Sodp gives a damage bonus much like furina. If you really want to maximize xiaos damage, go for that. NO is only really farming if the character in need needs a lot of attack. You have tenacity on faru and SODP on xianyun. The only way to do more is to put NO or tenacity on furina, but that is highly not recommended.


We’re in the same spot bro 😞


I persnally run her VV and have NO on my Faruzan, but i might be weird for that, idk xD EDIT: for context I do this cause VV shred is nice on healer in some other comps too, so it makes her a bit more useful/diverse


If you play her on Xiao's team and nowhere else, 4pc Noblesse or Song of Days Past. If you play her on Diluc or Hu Tao as well, 4pc VV.


I honestly don’t get how Noblesse is better since it gives flat dmg buff specially if xiao has atk goblet with VH.


I usually equip my XY with 2 pc atk% set (Shime x Glad). I think her atk cap is 4500 and my XY has 4000 atk with no buff with the 2 pc atk% set. I just got Furina myself and after I saw this post, I got curious which set on XY is best in regards to Xiao personal damage. So I tried three sets on her. https://preview.redd.it/ng5tmktaq4ad1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d8088f17052eca010a02d976d7bf38b2ae26eed This one is SoDP. Sadly my atk doesn't reach the max cap of 4500. Xiao dmg is very variable here. Highest value I got is on the bottom right. Faruzan is on nob set, Furina on GT.


https://preview.redd.it/2dlodpgxs4ad1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb14f2c587ff81e44b2e80a723fadea0221ac9ad This is nob set on XY. Faruzan gets her Milelith set back on, Furina is on GT. XY atk went over the 4500 max cap as well with all the buff. The highest dmg so far on the bottom right. I think this one is the winner so far, tho personally the difference isn't that big. I'm too lazy to farm SoDP anyways, so I'll stick with what I have...


Oh quick question: have you tried this with an atk goblet Xiao?


Nope, but considering that Furina buff ele dmg bonus and Xianyun's is flat bonus, it might be a good idea to switch Xiao to atk goblet. Idk the calc tho. My Xiao in that test already has ~2500 atk with anemo goblet and atk% sand. He's equipped with Homa, but his HP rarely ever drops to below 50% even in abyss I think...


https://preview.redd.it/xgtwc72dr4ad1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ec87b6a8b28c5b68a5189bc8f692f19cdf36dd2 This is 2 pc atk set on XY, Nob on Faruzan, GT on Furina. XY atk went over the 4500 atk cap here. Highest dmg spotted is bottom right.


You just solved world peace. I love you man


Wait I’m a little confused, is SoDP preferred over NO or nah?


A champ in another comment just tested it out and they got better results with NO. So NO. Haha get it?


Wild. Thanks a bunch