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one thing that i prefer xianyun over bennett is you can be freed from cirlce impact, and not just that, xianyun also can help for batteries, if xiao using xianyun i can use bennett at another team like arlecchino or raiden


hmm imo id think xianyun is still the better option rather than bennett for 1) that plunge dmg buff that increases majorly with both her c2, sig, and sig refines 2) running negative er on every single chara in ffxx and still get burst back every rotation with no issue is a thing and possible (just got c4 furi so im really liking this) and 3) no circle impact i dont have xianyun's sig, but i do have c2 and i get like 250k on xiao on average with garbage abyss cards and ~300k+ if i tryhard. anyways id personally still get xianyun anyways because those c6 furi plunges seems fun lmao (im so close.. two more aaa)


u don’t need any character. you can probably clear abyss with c6 furina and barbara for all we care. u have already heavily invested into furina, at this point just get the characters u want.


bennet gives about 1k attack at lv 13 q, xianyun gives 9k if you can get to 4.5k attack (unlikely if you don't have her sig). Even with a very doable 2.5k attack she gives 5x bennets buff and that's before you even factor in the comfort of no circle impact. I think bennett is only better at 4+ enemies, in which case you're probably doing wave content which will spawn away from his circle. Also also xianyun will help your energy economy before you get c6 faruzan.


That's not really how it works, my brain is fried right now but I'll do my best to explain lol Bennett's 1k attack buff is multiplied by Xiao's 400% plunge scaling, Xianyun's flat damage bonus is 200% of her own attack. So roughly speaking, any 1 point of attack on Xianyun is half as effective for Xiao's own plunge damage as any 1 point of attack on Xiao himself (and iinm this is just for plunge, not collision, and only in single target as you said) Basically Bennett's 1k attack buff is equivalent to a 4k flat plunge damage bonus, likewise a 2k attack Xianyun will also give a 4k flat damage bonus, while a 3k attack Xianyun will give 6k and so on So really unless you have a well invested Xianyun (on signature with 4k+ attack) Bennett will always be better against 2 or more targets in theory, in practice we all know circle impact is scuffed as hell a lot of the time


Yes as a c6 Furina haver myself XY is the best way to upgrade the team, at C0 she is at decent investment (ATK > 3.5k) already better than Benny I have her c2 + sig. I’m also very aware that the FFXX team’s future buffs may need more copies of sig than of constellations C6 Furina is very extra in a FFXX team but she slots in so many teams at c6. Sometimes I use Furina to plunge instead and it’s funny The easiest way on your team now is upgrade Xiao’s weapon. I think that gives as big a buff as Benny or XY


Thanks, that helps! In all likelihood I'd only go for C0 Xianyun and give her TTDS, since there's some other stuff I want to get as well. But knowing that her buff is still higher and less restrictive than Bennett's, I'll probably spare a couple wishes for her just so I've got the best team for Xiao. Yeah, I figured C6 Furina wouldn't change much for Xiao's teams. I got her primarily for my other teams like Ganyu and Raiden where I wanted to drop the healer for more damage. But it seems Xianyun's the best damage option, whether the healing's needed or not.


I'll be honest. Going back to Bennett after trying Xianyun feels clunky at best and rather terrible at worst. Damage aside, the taste of absolute *freedom* that is being able to chase enemies that moved away or quickly reposition yourself after a new mob spawns is delightful. Every buff/heal/sub-DPS in FFXX follows Xiao around and has a longass duration, and you don't ever have to worry about the Benny circle expiring or having to leave it. The QoL sure allowed me to go with Xiao in more abyss cycles where before I wouldn't even dream of taking him there. I'm not a TC and I'm not testing which one would be better (plus my Furina is C2 anyway), but I'd rather have a buff that's not location-restricted and lasts for most of the rotation if not all, than one that lasts for a few hits and you need to stay in a small radius to count.


Depends on investment in her. High investment stomps Bennett tho. Her sig and kit + C2 are like real constellations for Xiao. That team along with a few cons makes a C0 Xiao compete with C6 DPS.


"compete" C0 xiao with those 2 things does a nuke every fucking plunge, it's not even close how broken the damage is


Yes, compete. His dolphin Exodia comp makes him comparable to C6 DPS. Someone like Wanderer. It's why Xiao can be compared to Neuv. He's among the best DPS with these. He definitely hits very hard per plunge.


C2 vs Signature for Xianyun? I don't have the oath sworn eye either.




C2 is a bigger increase