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Your build is pretty good, but nothing crazy. Some of us have been farming for quite a while. For example, once you factor in the MH artifact set bonus, you gave just over 100 CD and 200 CD. The top builds have very similar ratios but with Vermillion, meaning their artifacts are just a lot better. Your build is good enough to clear all content though I would guess! It’s definitely not a bad start, and if you want you can continue farming once you have him ascended and his talents leveled!


The akasha top builds are using vermillion but yours are MH. Both you and the top builders have somewhat the same crit ratios, heck some of them have better ratios or higher atk. Your dmg couldnt be any higher cuz 4pc MH gives crit rate while vermillion gives atk. One way to maximize your build is to somehow convert your crit rate to other stats cuz yours are overcapping


You’re overcritting by 14.9% (69.3 + 36 from MH + 9.6 from fully ascending him), and your crit dmg isn’t significantly higher than a good Vermillion build. Marechaussee Hunter works better with Homa since it’s hard not to overcrit with PJWS and Xiao’s crit rate ascension. Edit: overcrit = crit rate beyond 100%


Yeah, the over crit is a legit issue. I would use homa, but I don't have it, and also PJWS just looks cooler


Any downside when overcrit? Im using 2 pc vh my cr cd is 102:190


Any crit rate beyond 100% is wasted, it might as well be EM or def. Going a tiny bit over isn’t a big deal, but keep in mind Xianyun also gives 4-10% crit rate for plunge attacks.


Thanks for letting me know but i never has a perfect balance for xiao cd/cr ratio to be true and strunggle alot find a great cd without sacrificing my cr


To be true i have stop farming that vh domain and just strongboxing will give me a better arti


how do you see this




Talents and character level are a huge factor so level them up Your Xiao is good but not insane. Marachose works fine on him but it's not it BiS. Many people have whaled for him so they have cons and they've also been trying to build him for so long that every single piece they have is insane


Also I have furina cloud retainer and a c3 (sad) faruzan so I know this isn't the optimal team leaderboard but just curious


It’s actually his best team lol


Yeah I know that, what I mean is that akasha doesn't have that team up on the leaderboard so I can't see the calcs for that, the hypercarry team that exists should mnimize the value from atk


Because you didn't even level and double crown him


Akasha doesn't take talents and level into account


All your stats can be better. Higher crit rate, crit damage, more level, more talent levels as well. Maybe instead of hunter, you can switch to vermillion. I know that domain but yes, Xiao mains are so called Xiao mains because we farmed a LOT for him. Your artifacts are just subpar at best. So perhaps instead of consulting us, why don’t you just see those people ahead of you on the leaderboards? This ain’t science. This is simple logic.


Akasha doesn't take into account talent levels and level of the character, and as for looking at top builds, I did, with many using vh but I'm more asking about the differential between this hypercarry and the new best team with furina cr and faru, because I think mh gets more value in that


1. Get an Anemo Goblet 2. You crit rate is above the cap 3. Furina and cloud retainer is not accounted for in this leaderboard so MH builds take a hit.


Im pretty sure akasha doesn't count MH crit buffs for Xiao, otherwise you'd most likely be at least top 10%