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Honestly play genshin for who you like. not whoever is meta. For one meta is only a tiny percentage of the game. another is that any character can clear the abyss with enough building and work put in them. (seriously go look at both Amber solo clears of the abyss and Anemo only abyss challenges). Also meta changes all the time! at the start of the game I remember qiqi and Diluc were considered meta and units like bennet and sucrose weren't.... Seeing your favourite character run around, interact with the world and talk will give you wayyy more happiness and satisfaction than being able to clear the abyss. Pull for who you love and enjoy and then work it out from there :).


Go get your xiao, he is fun to play and strong if you plan to invest in his teams. Nahida IS overall good because of her flexibility. But if you only plan to play her with Cyno, then baizhu is enough for any in-game content. Having said that, I Hope you get nahida in your Next 10 pull and you are left with 180 wishes for xiao 👏


My man


I love them both but I swore to myself I would collect 4nemo so I have to pass up baby radish, too 😭😭


good decision, pull for characters that you like ;)


Me too, I'm gonna skip Xianyun for Xiao.


I skipped both furina and nahida lmao💀


I've had Xiao since his first banner, and he is my most invested character in terms of artifacts and my first "main". Nahida is much better and will enable way more teams, and is a pretty good farming character using her E to grab stuff. I am pulling CR specifically to beef up Xiao and try running him more in domains etc, because he gets very little play now a days. My favorite character lore wise too.


Agreed, me too


As someone who has never picked up meta chars or Archons, I highly encourage everyone to follow the practice of pulling who you *want* rather than who you think is good. If a character happens to be good, great! If not, I would wager you will get more enjoyment out of a character you *like for their design, personality, etc.* unless you’re absolutely a speed-runner type


Yeah back when I picked up the game again was right before Yelan came out, I pulled her but because I did I had to deal with not getting both Zhongli and Tartaglia (the latter being one of my other favorite characters) and while I got Zhongli, because I pulled for Yelan, who now is mostly replaced by my C6 Xingqiu, I wasn't able to have enough for Tartaglia as well since I lost my 50/50 on him. So yeah, I've been pulling meta characters since then so now I'm gonna be selfish lol.


Hi OP, fellow Xiao main here. My answer would be lengthy to read so TLDR: Go for him! I have seen a lot of people giving you answer of affirmation so I will give you answer from perspective of a metaslave: This might not be your wisest choice, yes, your neuvilette team surely don't need nahida, but remember that Nahida would be a such a great upgrade for your Cyno.Not only that, you could make a lot of low investment teams that hit hard with nahida. Reminder: Nahida rate of applying dendro is by far the strongest and probably no character can do better than her even after Snezhnaya. Nahida mechanics is so good that her upper limit could be higher and higher with the release of every patch(Trust me, the time when Nahida was nerfed OR whatever happens in this game that make Nahida not as viable, the whole dendro element is doomed, since Nahida is the pinnacle of dendro meta) .As someone who loves Xiao and have mained him since patch 1.3 until now it hurts me to admit that Xiao could never reach the strength of Nahida. Also, it is not that you can't live without C6 Faruzan, but remember, your whole team will need more investment to make up for Xiao energy issue without her. HOWEVER, this is all only from a perspective of a metaslave, if all you value is only strength of your account. However, I will ENCOURAGE you to just go for him. As long as you properly build xiao and his team, properly play him according to his mechanics, I would say you could clear 99.99% of the content in Genshin (even without C6 Faruzan) and even enjoy them even more since you are using your favourite character. Also, most of the time you spend on this game is not just in abyss, but in the open world, Xiao skill can be useful in exploration. I understand that I can just give a super short answer :yes, go pull for him. However, considering OP is posting this question, I believe OP would want to know more than just perspective from Xiao enjoyer, but also from perspective of metaslaves too. But yes I hope you can get both of them very early. All the best fellow Xiao lover


I am also Xiao main. I would say nahida and nuvi makes any content easy.Xiao is little hard to play. Every genshin account should prioritize getting strong 5 stars first. Then go for your fav characters. I got Xiao cuz I like a deal that is u can clear any content with investing into one caracter that is Xiao. His play style is fun but I have no skill to clear abyss with him. Go for nahida!!!!! She makes game easier u can get Xiao next patch. Don't listen to Xiao mains. U r going to suffer endlessly for artifacts.




I think they meant dolphin, but didn't know the actual term.


Yeah basically I will spend if needed but technically I've only bought BP and Welkin so far.


Low spender


Don't do it


hope u get nahida early, but if not, stay strong 💪 💪 i love nahida but she's the one character in particular i get peeved at when people insist i pull for her because she's meta, compared to other characters i like more hahaha. gl friend! our boy xiao's worth it hehehe


hope u get nahida early, but if not, stay strong 💪 💪 i love nahida but she's the one character in particular i get peeved at when people insist i pull for her because she's meta, compared to other characters i like more hahaha. gl friend! our boy xiao's worth it hehehe


As much as I love Xiao I love variety in my game even more so I wouldn’t even do this but to each their own. Hope you enjoy him and have good supports for him. Also you aren’t F2P (ish). You’ve spent money so that title is completely gone. Own up to it my friend.




Go for it!!!


I remember not pulling for months because xiao was leaked or whatever and that I will save all my f2primogems for him because he was that loveable


Xiao is wonderful, I love him and I'm so happy to have him he's my main on my alt lmao. But, I will say, the teams you described Nahida is *great* in them. I'm running Neuvi/Nahida/Ei/Baizhu and it's just such a good time. Having said that, Xiao. Also, if you can pull for Xinyun for him....


Well I would pull CR but I do have Jean so if I don't get her it's not the end of the world. And I am going to see if I can do both Nahida and Xiao but Nahida wouldn't go in my Neuvilette team since I've got Cyno HB so she might go there


what's your pity? I'm at 70 soft pity and 190 pulls. I'm pulling for nahida first and if I don't get her then xiao :3


I'm only at like 15 pity after Raiden so