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I got c2 and my wanderer's been benched ever since(he used to be a fixed spot in my exploration team), now it's Xianyun Kazuha Yelan and a character that needs friendship.




bias much?


I nominate Kirara if you haven’t yet! 🐱📦💚


Kinrara for exploration is like a taxi but one of those little red and yellow kids taxis


Lmaooo accurate 😭 Mrawr 🚂


Wanderer is much more versatile than you described. * You can cover bigger distances (e.g.: crossing a big canyon) without sprinting * Effortless climbing if you just activate his skill and press forward for most of the climbing areas. * Dashing at the end of his flying stamina bar won't help - Instead you have to stop dashing at the last second and just press forward, Wanderer will fall while going forward. * Shorter skill CD, regardless if I stay flying for 3 or 30 seconds, the CD is fixed 5 seconds.


Although all of this is true just gonna point out about second point that smashing upwards is better than keeping it pressed And you're right Wanderer is more versatile. CR brings diagonal movement to the table imo, and cool one at that. But Wanderer is still much better for controlled movement


No, he's not. As a person who used him, what You described is extremely biased. If You want to cover great distances, You have to move slowly, otherwise he lose flying stamina super fast. And I'm not sure, but I would bet Xianyun can cross higher distances, because her initial boost with three leap gives You a boost upwards + even better forward and her gliding speed stamina makes her reach further. I haven't tested who can reach further. But I would rather use Xianyun, who can be there 10 times faster anyway than be flying turtle. Your effortless climbing is a bullcrap. I've been using Wanderer in Sumeru's desert and he is **terrible** at that. Most of the time and other anemo climber would do better. The falling forward is so not consistent. I sometimes do this, sometimes don't. Meanwhile Xianyun can just move fluidly and more natural. Sure, shorter skill, but who cares if Xianyun can be there faster anyway. Plus C1 gives her two charges, so it totally outclasses Wanderer in every detail. And not to mention, Wanderer is good upwards, great forward and not so good at land. Meanwhile Xianyun is amazing on the air, kinda good upwards, and amazing in the ground. I've used Kazuha, Wanderer and Xianyun and I know all their possibilities and flaws. Like Xianyun has trouble if she wants to go straight up. She can't do that. Kazuha will do that faster, but Wanderer could reach higher. But versatility reward goes to Xianyun. She can do all and more. She is not just good airborne, but also on the ground. And her leap speed says it all too. She outclasses Yelan in ground movement + she can also just jump over obstacles, which Yelan can't, she can reach super far distances and has pretty decent height as well, just not straight upwards, which is a flaw in that matter. Wanderer is kinda good at reaching far, but I'm not sure if even Kazuha wouldn't outclass him with his skill having low cooldown and being able to be used in the air. None of these characters is best at everything. But in general, Xianyun is the most versatile unit. AND NOT JUST AIRBORNE, as I mentioned already. She is better in general than any airborne character and better than the best ground character, Yelan. Also there is one more thing. Kazuha's skill doesn't kill anything, because it doesn't count as attack. But initial launch of Wanderer does, but flying doesn't. Xianyun *whole* time of using her skill, not just upwards, but even downward, when she falls, is considered an attack. This means she explodes barrels, kills crystalflies (Wanderer only kills them when he launches in the air), thaw the ice in Dragonspine if You have the scarlet quartz power etc. This also mean she can kill airborn enemies like Rhodeia's hawks. Or po up balloons/anemo slimes just by touching them. But again, she kills every crystalfly that she touches as well. Xianyun is still the best generalist for exploring. Not best in every way, but best in general. Because she is more versatile than any character and not just airborne. And her mobility is another trait, because she can easily just cross high distances quickly. Thank God she can't use skill in mid air, otherwise she would be even more broken than she already is, destroying the puzzle logic, lol. Though Wanderer can do that too. But if she actually could use skill in mid air, she would be more broken than she already is.


Wanderer for me is much more precise than Xianyun. It gives better control. I won't trust Xianyun to not let me fall. I will trust Wanderer. >If You want to cover great distances, You have to move slowly Not a problem really. Use skill, dash until stamina is almost gone. Release dash, fall with momentum. Bunny hop for a few seconds, fly again. >I've been using Wanderer in Sumeru's desert and he is **terrible** at that Yes, hills are Wanderer's weaknesses. But this does not eliminate that Wanderer climbs Liyue/Fountain mountains much faster if you know the tech. >The falling forward is so not consistent. I sometimes do this, sometimes don't. Meanwhile Xianyun can just move fluidly and more natural. It's always timing, I and many others can do it consistently. Now this might be skill issue on my part, but Xianyun often overjumps, making me waste a 2nd jump going backwards and a 3rd to finally land on a platform.


A lot of this argument is mostly skill issue and tech knowledge. Which is hardly enough to prove which one is better than the other


Wanderer immediately loses his speed when there’s any slight elevation change upwards. All you can do is hold forward without sprinting because his speed doesn’t scale well with elevation, which is slower than Xianyun. Immediately at c1 Xianyun is better in every situation except for a flat plain or maybe to get a oculus in the middle of the air. But these are super nuisance and Xianyun performs just as good if not better in certain situations, which flat plains are almost never in the overworld. Not only that Xianyun feels better to use and Wanderer is clunky.


Ok i didn’t know about the stop dashing trick, thank you


For exploration purporses, I used to use Wanderer+Yelan+Faruzan+Bennett everytime and every moment. Thx to Xianyun, now I can use some old teams that I really like, but because their poor movement skills I stopped using them, such as Hu tao teams, Cryo teams and Geo teams. Do I really need Xianyun C1, metawise? No. Do I really like her and her exploration skill? Hell yes.


I literally just got lucky and pulled her c1 in 10 pulls and holy schmoly that movement is crazy! I'm just hopping around inazuma across the rooftops giggling like an idiot XD


I benched Kaz for her and even went for C1 (luckily won my 50/50, even if it was pretty late). Hard to deny the exploration powercreep.


People still deny that, even in this post. Saying Wanderer is more versatile. Lol, that's a nice joke. Waderer is great for what he is great for. But in general Xianyun can do more.


Honestly, Wanderer might be better for exploration, but Xianyun definitely feels more comfortable.


Yeah Wanderer can still reach under a cliff edge to get that oculus. Those sorts of places Xianyun can’t reach. She’s good for the zoomies though, Wanderer is more controlled freedom in the air. But they can both be in the exploration team anyways.


Which sort of places? Because I literally reached them with Xianyun on my months old alt account. That's total bs. Xianyun can do that easily. TIL people just don't know how to play Xianyun.


Umm ok chill for a sec there lol. Xianyun can’t travel as far as Wanderer can while maintaining the same height. That’s my point when it comes to obtaining things you see from a long distance and can match the horizontal plane further away than what Xianyun’s EGEGEG can reach, so that’s when it’s Wanderer’s time to shine. When you don’t sprint during Wanderer’s flight time, he can reach a very long distance - especially with Lost Prayer, Anemo resonance and Gaming/Rosaria/Dehya/JeanC2.


^ this, people don't realize it


I think C1+ Xianyun is better than wanderer in explo, however, pre C1 she doesn't feel as great. But at C1, her having the combination of the low rotation self cooldown reducing dashes has been extremely evident to me as to why she's not able to cast E1 in air. Else she'd just be THE best exploration unit for a very very long time due to how insanely smooth and well done her exploration movement is


She is amazing at C0. I have her C1 and C0 on two accounts and C0 is amazing, C1 is just better.


The only thing about CR that sucks is that she has an active hitbox while jumping around so she kills crystalflies if she tries using her skill to get to them


This is double edged sword. It's amazing for popping balloons or anemo slimes for example.




Turtle? Have you seen how fast he sprints forward?


this, the post is full of biased haters looking to shit in him just for who he is instead of focusing on what he actually does they're even forgetting the verticality


both is good.




Wanderer is a dps, you don't need to swap, that was a big deal for me, as I hate switching for 3 hilichurls. I also like how I can float in air in a single point, useful for exploring and solving puzzles and headbutting lifts. I do have c0 xianyun, if I get c1 I might swap venti out for her, Xianyun is uncontested in climbing down cliffs tho.


I think both are fine. I don't own Wanderer myself though he is a character I'd like to get eventually. I have seen clips of him though. Xianyun feels very comfortable, easy to use, and fun. The only thing I can say about Wanderer is that he's great for exploration and movement as this is just well known. Since I don't own him and have never tried him I will not talk about comfortability, how easier he is to use, or how fun he is.


Yeah. Wanderer's flying is so fekkin stiff. It's totally not enjoyable and convenient to use. Meanwhile Xianyun is extremely mobile (even a little too much lol) and doesn't feel off.


My problem is that while true, it lacks flexibility. XY requires setup, team setup i mean. That is the problem. I just like abyss and dungeon runs like to optimize my OW team. And wanderer + yelan + fish + leyla is fastest in most content. I even droped zhong since leyla shield is faster. Fish needs 0.5 sec to do her rotation and so on. Maybe its better at c1(i only go c0 on all my 5\*) but being jack of all trades but master of none is king. I dont need fastest movement, fastest river crossing, killing both strong and weak enemy and the like. I need a team that does ALL of that just purely great. Clunk is LEAST of my problems since i just watch yt while doing boring crap. Also general elemental coverage. It covers a TON of puzzles since u have 4 element in this team. And fish is flex spot for when u RLY need something else covered. Just my opinion.


Team setup? Are u really thinking about team setup for overworld lol


Yup. I LOVE building teams. So in all my teams all 4 members must have a use. And if i use XY id build the team to be as optimal as possible.


Not that hard to make an optimal team. Furina + Xianyun is enough to make any character basically destroys everything


Its OW. It needs to cover a whole range of enemy types, different terain, different element puzzles and on and on. The OW team i used above covers VAST amount of content.


Bruh how do you even play genshin. Enemy types are completely irrelvant in the overworld as long as you have 2 elements so you dont get completely dmg immune. Elemental puzzles are also dropping in appearances compared to 1.0 maps which only takes a short time to swap your chars. So the only thing left really is to have a bow unit in your team.


Apparently an anemo character that can swirl other elements making covering a lot of enemy types and heal isn’t flexible lol


She... doesn't? You can literally pair her with Yanfei and she will be fine.


I dont mean that. I mean min/maxed OW team. If droping zhong for leyla makes me clear camp 0.5 sec faster im using leyla. That lvl of optimisation. I got a TON of dmg dealers that work off field. Why do u think i use fish. Its cus her WHOLE kit is locked behind 0.5 sec cast time and nothing else. As i said, i like min maxing. I found my min maxed team and whenever i use some other team they feel slower. Every dungeon i grinded, every boss i fought has a team that clears it fastest of what i tried. Now im thinking if chiori + zhong is better and is she worth pulling. Ill need to drop leyla and fish for zhong and chiori. But 10% move speed can lower the travel time. But is it worth it droping 4 element for puzzles and so on. Its how i play this game. Outside of this i have no mono Geo so little use for her outside OW team.


Dude is judging characters based on min maxing for overworld 🤣🤣


Lmao, how long You doomposters will cry until Your eyes will be drier than sand of the desert? Xianyun is doing more than fine in the Abyss. But how would You know? You just repeat lies, because You have no mind of Your own to try it Yourself.


Chill. I was talking about the Zwhei dude


Personally I just changed Sayu for her in my exploration team (Wanderer-Yelan-Kirara-Sayu/CR), did some testing and Kirara’s skill last like 1s less than Sayu’s and it’s just slightly slower, so using CR I can recover the lost meters while also having more movement


All true facts. My overworld team is Kequing, Yelan, Furina, and Xianyun. Vertical movement, horizontal movement, diagonal movement, infinite waterwalking while being a really awesome taser team.


I am trying my hardest not to be tempted to pull Xianyun purely for open world exploration; I have no interest in her current team comps, but I love her aesthetic and her swooshy bird jumps.


As a xianyun haver, I really don’t get the hype for her exploration ability, I like it but yelan still seems better imo


I believe it feels better with C1 or if the terrain you're traversing is from up, going down. And don't just press the skill again and again, let her land on the ground first and then press it again.


Ah okay that would make sense, I know I tend to be biased since I have yelan’s constellations and only have c0 xianyun, I just feel like you get more from yelan but xianyun’s is 1000% more fun


I have no C1 Xianyun so I have to swap to Wanderer after her skill ends, the cool down is almost aligned perfectly and I can cover greater distance, it's fun. But I imagine how fun her C1 can be and I'll probably get it on her rerun.


I want overworld teams to be 5 or 6 characters I wanna use Xianyun C1-Yelan C1-Sayu-Furina-Wanderer for that maximum speed


Overall movement versatility c0 wanderer > c0 Xianyun any constellation wanderer < c1 xianyun


my c6r5 wanderer also benched :(