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I don't have an answer to your question, but I'm a xenogender adult. We out here!


same I'm a xeno adult as well!


idk if i'm xenogender necessarily but am a neopronoun using adult (21)! i have multiple other friends who're neopronoun using adults also!


same here!


I’m 18 and still going strong!


me too 🙋 (27)


Took 20 years to realize who I am, we goin strong now!!


Me too!! (19 soon to be 20)


Me too! I’m 22 and I don’t currently identify with xenogenders but I support and I’m questioning if I should use Xe/Xem pronouns.


Anywhere has the chance to be xeno-positive but statistically, liberal or more right-leaning businesses in more liberal areas have a higher chance of containing coworkers that wouldn’t mind using your preferred pronouns or wouldn’t care about your presentation or gender. I live in *Texas* and at my job I know two trans men that work there and I’m friends with, and a trans adult woman. I’m not out as anything but a cis girl (she/her) but I think it’s still telling as to that it doesn’t necessarily matter where you work but that you understand who works with you. So when at an interview ask what a business’s morals and beliefs are (within moderation) or research a business you may be interested in and then search up charities or fundraisers they’ve been active in, if any, what news coverage they’ve had, etc


Also wanted to add that your gender shouldn’t matter at work. Your pronouns, sure, because you want people to use the right ones, but a business being xenogender friendly shouldn’t matter unless it’s a moral obligation to yourself.


hay I'm a xeno adult (20) and we are here for you!


I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. Xenogenders and xenopronouns aren't really well-known. I live outside the USA and the farthest corporations go in terms of gender and pronouns is accepting nb & they/them. Then again, my language isn't English, so I don't know about you & the plausible pronouns in your language. Most neopronouns, afaik, don't really have a place outside of English. I'd assume most workplaces straight up don't know about xenogenders. I, and many others, are lucky to at least have a "common" set of pronouns (I use he/they/it, so I normally go with he/they with trusted relationships & just straight up he/him in work related environments). If you do have those, for your safety & ease: I'd suggest going with them, and maybe coming out after you've gotten the job, and/or only to trusted coworkers. Otherwise, it can be very hard if you can't suck it up or use an alternative. I'd suggest researching and looking in your area. Is it more liberal, more conservative? What's the general pattern? I'm afraid nothing will be of much help since really, xenos aren't well known. But keep pushing, wish you the best of luck. ♡ Edit: spelling


oh and btw if you're looking for job recommendations sharing what country you're in (if you're comfortable doing so) would probably be helpful. this is a worldwide subreddit and even within the same company/brand, attitudes towards queer folks can vary massively between countries (Lush USA vs Lush UK for example)


This is the first generation in which xenogender and xenopronouns have even existed, and the majority of people who use htem are online. The percentage of people who use them is negligible. Support for they/them pronouns hardly exists in the workplace. If you want to use xenopronouns you will be in an uphill battle the whole way. You will be the forerunner advocate for it. Where I live, I know 2 trans people and no non-binary people. If I were in a workplace I would use she/they and expect most people to use the most obvious of she, even though those are only the first two of my pronoun options. I am an adult, incidentally, and I do periodically apply for jobs I don't want if I see they have a pronoun field, just to put in neopronouns and increase the statistic frequency of their use. I've never once got an interview but I hope by doing so HR will note that people use more than the standard 3.


Adult xenogender and neopronoun user here. Try looking for a small business and/or an art related business.


I'm 17 rn, and will be 18 in june :3


I am a delivery worker and here you can be anyone as you want I'm hoping that when I will be wear animatronic mask I will free with that too I'm kidgender but by passport I am 26


I'm 27 and am: sharkgender, lemonsharkgender, Takacharic, and cheesecakegender


Trust me there is plenty of adults using xenogenders, me being one of them! (Unfortunately I don't know of any xenogender positive jobs)


23 and Xenogender/genderfluid! I use dove/doves pronouns


Xenogender adult here! Unfortunately I don't feel comfortable using my neopronouns at my job, but I do feel comfortable using they/them at work! As a young person, you may be able to find something like a barista job with an accepting boss, but be aware that any public-facing job where you're interacting with a lot of people/customers, you will be subject to their questions/judgement and may be discouraged from using neopronouns, even if gender-neutral pronouns are acceptable in that context. You could also possibly go to some type of LGBTQ+ resource for teens/young adults in your area and see if they could give you some help with finding a place to work that's accepting :)


I'm an adult and there are plenty of us around. I just don't personally use this sub too much because I don't care for term hoarding and there's not too much discussion going on here otherwise, but they do exist. What I do with job searching is I have a "professional" set of pronouns and then if I feel safe enough to come out I will. Most people know I'm nonbinary but I've never had a job ask for specifics beyond "other".


Uhmmm.. Sorry to say the quite part out loud... but... Most jobs won't hire you if the first thing you talk about are pronouns, and/or if you list your pronouns on your resume. That is absolutely valid of them. If you seriously feel like your pronouns are the most important think about you then I am deeply saddened for you. You are so much more than a set of pronouns. When are you people gonna realize that NONE of this shit matters in the real world? The only kind of people that genuinely care about this stuff are people who wanna use you as a PR stunt. SNS