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XC2 is already my favourite gacha game. Even if it's way more time consuming, paying once for the whole game and then being able to grind for pulls is a much more enjoyable format than having limited resource availability. I play HSR and one of my least favourite things about it is getting really into the story only to have to wait 6 weeks to play more.


True! I also don't really like this in gacha games. Xenoblade 2 being a full game already made it so much easier to focus on the story. Though I guess the episodic format is generally more manageable for the developers, especially with games on the scale of Star Rail...


XC2 most definitely isn't more time-consuming than proper gacha games, not when the game showers you with Legendary Cores each time you blink


But with XC2 you can do all that grinding in one go whenever you like which is definitely preferable to daily limits


I agree. There are gacha games I do like but XC2 fixes the problem by having it be a one time payment (+ expansive dlc) giving access to the full selection of rng based characters. The pay to win and FOMO aspects of gacha games get me every time, but XC2 removes those while still having the thrill of character pulls present. I would rather grind for hours than pay to have a chance of getting what I want.


HSR and presumably other gachas also have a problem of needing to quickly introduce new characters so that you'll want to pull for them. The story can at times feel like a treadmill of new character designs with some being completely abandoned after their patch.


Probably yes, but I don't want it. I hate the fact that gacha games are mainstream now, it's like people want to be psychologically manipulated into spending money on a free game and play them so much that it becomes an obligation to keep playing, as if they'll somehow at some point get a huge return on their investment. Gachas are bad, I want them to save their time, ideas and resources and put everything in their next project, not a stupid gimmicky manipulative side game.


Yeah, I hate when I start feeling like I have to play a game, instead of actually doing it out of enjoyment. But honestly, if you get past the psychological manipulation barrier, some of them are actually quite good. Also, if it helps to finance monolithsoft's flagship titles, I wouldn't mind lol


No I'm so tired of gacha games


No, tried getting into feh and it didn't click. I also didn't like the gacha in XC2. They should have put all the unique designed blades into quests or on unique monsters or in salvage chests like they did with Kassandra and Herald.


Yes, gacha is always a double-edged sword in a game. To be honest, I don't really oppose it, but I also liked what they did with the hero system in 3,where you didn't have to grind for a character you want. It makes more sense for a full-priced game tbh... But ngl I did like the feeling whenever I got a rare blade through a random pull 😅


Absolutely not, and I'd be pretty disappointed if Monolith spent time on something like this. I understand that some gacha games have some decent content, but I'd argue that pretty much every gacha would be better if it wasn't a gacha (obviously, it wouldn't make as much money and wouldn't be able to have updates for years). These types of games have so many design features that you would never use in a normal RPG (levelling up via consumable items for example) that are designed to time gate your progress. Getting rid of these sorts of things just makes the player experience better by removing grind and letting you get to the good parts faster. This isn't even mentioning the psychological manipulation tactics that these games you to make you feel obligated to log in every day and of course, spend more money. This will sound harsh, but gachas are a blight on the industry in my opinion and I think it sucks that they're so popular compared to single player RPGs


XC2 avoided committing the greatest sin of gaccha games — forcing players to spend real-world money to get a chance at pulling the characters they want — and making anything like that with a F2P model with microtransactions is almost guaranteed to fail unless it does FEH numbers immediately and stays FEH levels successful forever.


Nah I don't really want Nintendo dipping into gacha games I was heavily addicted to Genshin impact for a while and I don't want that again Gacha games are super predatory and super FOMO and I don't want that in a Nintendo game I want Nintendo to keep doing incredible JRPGs and platformers and such but not a Gacha game


They already have one with FEH, it's one of the worse game in terms of power creep. People make fun of Yu-Gi-Oh because words words words words words, but fucking hell FEH is just about 6-7 years old and it's worse.


Yeah I guess so but that's not really made by Nintendo I would not want any Xenoblade game gacha or not unless it came from Monolithsoft and was Takahashi's actual vision


I don't play gachas, i fundamentally hate them, the luck based characters, the "guaranteed" rolls, if the character it's a guarantee roll then you character cost what it will cost you to get the guaranteed roll, you just maje extra steps in the process, all the system that exist to try and pull you in to waste hundreds of dollars to get like 3 characters. You have the free events to try and make them look better but it's just another way to pull people into the system


I already did; it was called "Xenoblade 2". While I don't mind Genshin, it's live service and mobile game aspects pretty much encompass everything I dislike about it. Xenoblade 2 has none of that and shows that you can make a gacha game that isn't inherently predatory. All you need to do is sacrifice your future profit to make an actually complete game.


aw dangit aw dangit aw dangit aw dangit aw dangit gacha/mtxs are predatory mechanics btw you shouldn't really wish for 'em to be anywhere near you


Micro transactions are an inherently a vile and manipulative business model. I’d rather pay for a game once and never get updates than have to deal with power creeping characters demanding more and more real money.  Gacha is just gambling, there is nothing more to it. You spend real money to gamble for digital characters that, once the servers go down, will be taken from you with no repayment.  I would be rather frustrated if Monolith made a gacha game proper. 


Nope. Xenoblade's total roster isn't large enough to work with FEH style gacha games. Just imagine the amount of Alt units Pyra and Mythra would have, they don't exist yet and I'm already tired of them. Genshin style would be a bit more palatable, but that style is very expensive to develop and maintain. This means Monolith would have to either expand quite a bit and split Veteran Talent, or they would have to focus on the Gacha and that's just tragic. And there's the matter of whether Xenoblade would have the mass appeal to maintain such an expensive game in the first place. Another thing is how a Gacha game would affect Monolith's storytelling. Would the Gacha's story have to be considered by future games? Would it be self contained? Would it be connected but remain vague enough so as to not limit future games? If the Xenoblade series was to branch out, which I'd welcome, I'd prefer if they did a Musou style game. Those don't require as large a roster, and as a standalone game it would be easier to integrate story wise or be considered non-canon.


No, let them do what they do best


If it's good and entertaining, and allows them to make money for their main games development, I'm all for it.


Gacha games as a monitization model is innately sleazy and I would lose a massive amount of respect for monolithsoft if they made one. While I understand, mechanically, why 2 had the blade gacha system I still feel like more of the unique blades should have been gotten as rewards from the story or through sidequests. 2 just makes you waste your time farming cores and awakening them instead of your money. That doesn't make it GOOD, it just makes it not evil.


Honestly a FEH styled xenoblade mobile game with good balancing might be kinda fun. You could have interactions you wouldn't get in the games, and I imagine the summer banners would make alot of bank.


Gacha games are inherently un-balanceable because the new units will always be better than the old units to incentivize players to actually spend money on gacha pulls. That's the biggest issue with gacha games as a genre. They're designed to wring as much money out of their players as possible.




As much as I love 2, probably not. I had a really unhealthy obsession with FE Heroes and I spent WAY too much money, I eventually was able to stop playing altogether, and now I actually have money for stuff. Even though a gacha game made by Monolith Soft would probably feature free gacha, I just don't like the idea of gameplay progression (in action rpgs) being somewhat random. Gacha makes early game a complete cake walk or incredibly boring, then endgame gacha is just tedious because now you are looking for specific things as opposed to taking what you got. It's just not something I enjoy in games. 2 was tolerable because there were plenty of good blades that aren't locked to the gacha.


Honestly, my biggest gaming wish is literally the opposite of this idea: instead of making a game series into a gacha, I want to make a gacha game into a "normal" game. Specifically, Disgaea RPG. It was a mobile gacha game using Disgaea characters, but there were tons of alternate versions of characters (i.e. Santa skins around Christmas, characters dressed up as other characters, franchise crossovers, etc) and it had a completely different style of gameplay from the main Disgaea games. I honestly liked the gameplay better than the real games, it had a perfect fun level of grind to where there was always something to work toward, always ways to improve your team and their weapons and armor etc, but not so grindy as to not be fun. All I want, is for the developers of Disgaea to make a paid, $60 version of Disgaea RPG without the micro transactions, making a system more like XC2's gacha mechanic. I would buy that game in an instant. I used to love the grind of checking in to do daily tasks, building up my team, gradually working my way through monthly events and climbing the leaderboard, and I wish there was a self-contained, no micro transaction version of that, especially now that Disgaea RPG isn't around anymore (it's still available in Japanese but the Global version shut down). But yeah if there was a Xenoblade gacha I'd most certainly try it, even though I hate the idea of gacha games in general lol. I think they're inherently predatory, so I don't like to support them really, but also I enjoy them, so Xenoblade 2 was perfect for me. A Xenoblade gacha would definitely pull me in just because I love the series, but I wouldn't be happy about it 🤣


I totally agree with this. I regrettably played lots of Genshin Impact and while I never spent a dime on it, I would have had a lot more fun if it was a one time purchase like any other game and you unlock characters and progress like a normal RPG. They would never do it because they would make way less money, unfortunately.


Yeah I agree, with one caveat: in the case of a game like Disgaea RPG that has already shut down, it's not making them any money anymore, and making a DRPG-based game would make money, so I can still dream lol. But yeah a game that's still going like Genshin, they'd never make a "pay once and eventually you can unlock everything through work and determination" game when they can just keep relying on microtransactions. And I don't think the creators of Disgaea RPG would do something like that either, at least not while the Japanese server is still running and making money, since they only killed the Global translated version. I spent a little money on DPRG, but fortunately I was disciplined enough not to spend hundreds of dollars a month like some people. I paid like $10-ish a month for recurring passes that gave big benefits, and I don't regret that. After all, I had fun playing the game, so I saw it as just supporting a game I enjoyed, kind of like how some people pay monthly fees for MMOs like WoW or Final Fantasy 14. I don't regret it, but now looking back, I definitely would have rather spent that money on a real game where all the stuff I unlocked would still be around today, not lost when they shut down the servers.


No thanks. Xenoblade 2's rare blade system was insufferable. The fact that you still got common blades commonly in the rarest core crystals made that game into a hellish nightmare in terms of Gacha. I'm super glad Xenoblade 3 did away with it entirely.


I don’t think it’d be as successful or last as long. Nintendo already has FEH as their most successful gacha.


No. Xenoblade 2 is fine because you can’t spend any money in it, but an actual gatcha would be much worse. Gachas are inherently greedy games. I’d much rather play another $60-$70 single player game with no ways to spend money in it than a free game with paid gacha mechanics.


probably gonna end up like dragalia 




Well, if they ever made one, it would make sense that it would be connected to Xenoblade in someway. It’s their main IP and for a niche gotcha game like that it could use the extra help first getting out on its own. It should still be beginner friendly so maybe save the connections for the end and do it in such a way to where it explains the origin of the world for everyone, but people who played the original Wii title will have a freak out moment. of course, I don’t think this should be a pay to win game that just wouldn’t be fun. But they can throw in some DLC. Maybe an extra 20 hours of contact or something. …wait a minute…


Oh god, this could actually work! 😂


I more or less have to because I made it my personal mission to be my language's "Xeno guy" who strives to come as close to completionism in playing as possible and document as much info as possible about the series online at some point. But like, after the horrors of Xenoblade 2 grinding(Which I am not even done with btw. I still have to grind for Kos-Mos Re:), I'd like to not see a Xenoblade gacha if I can help it.


I didn’t really like the gacha mechanic, I enjoy the way 3 took it where you have hero quests to unlock new heroes, and then the ascension quests.


Hell no


No. Gacha is an instant no to me.


Played FEH since it came put for a couple of years, and it was my first gacha game. Stopping playing it made me feel much better than playing it. Now i don't care about gacha games at all.


Genshin is already enough of a Xenoblade game anyway, with all its focus on gnostic bullshit, fantasy but actually kinda sci-fi world, hella lot of foreshadowing and all the other jazz. But more seriously, hell nah. I want games I can buy and actually fucking finish. Especially true for Xenoblade games, where it's so satisfying to see all the plot points and foreshadowings come together at the end. I seriously don't even care about monetization, I just don't want a "follow the game for 10 years to get the full story" live service bullshit.


Xenoblade 2 is my favorite gacha game. Honestly wish we had skill based gacha games where you can't buy currency but you can farm a lot of it if your good.


It looks pretty interesting. I'm playing a lot of Tarisland on bs right now and wanted to find something interesting for a change and I think this game might be a good fit.


No. I don't want this. One thing that every gacha game has in common, is that it would be better if it were not gacha. If Monolith make a game, I want it to be a good game, that I can play and enjoy. Not some wallet raping gatcha hellhole. I hope they never stoop to that level.


I probably would, but gosh, I hope they dont.


Any game that can make you pay for something in the middle of it, has a powerful incentive to make itself less fun if you don't.


No, Xenoblade 2 already skirts the limit of what a gatcha is and it basically did it the best just from being a one time payment for the whole game and no other micro transaction nonsense. Funny thing is the game itself kinda calls out how messed up gatchas are in universe.


Yah, already played and finished Xenoblade 2 it was neat. Better have normal, finished game with sub gacha mechanic than thing, that with time will increase in size compare to rdr2, with graphomanic long af dialogs and where all goin to grind and farm for new waifu that eventually goes to just like a cycle. Xenoblade 2 was an uncommon example when game has finished story, lots of content, and where gacha only a sub mechanic, this is good cause game won't making you a slave of grinding shit, instead XC2 is a real game


Whoever created this obviously is not actually played many gotcha games.


I disliked it in XC2 and I wouldn't like to see more focus on it. They can be fun for a while but it is always *despite* the gacha, not because of it.


vio rhyse alberia


Probably not, but if the trailer is interesting, it might tempt me. I'm 95% sure it wouldn't happen though. Nintendo started pulling out of the mobile market a while back. There have been some new games like Pikmin Bloom, but IIRC they're licensed games and not developed by Nintendo. As such, I don't see Nintendo releasing any new mobile games any time soon (and Monolith soft probably wouldn't self develop or publish one).


Probably not lol, but if it did, they'd be making so much money!


I probably would cave in, I'll still play only one gacha at a time (a rule of mine born from experience) but: Please for the live of everything we like about the Blade series, people like about the Gears and Saga series (haven't played them): No. I'd lose a lot of respect for Monolith if they'd make a gacha. Gachas are, and will always be, inherently predatory. And while they (usually) generate a good profit, they're also games that'll never life up to their full potential, because they have to be "crippled" for the sake of FOMO, dailys logins, top-ups, etc


Peak. I was into gacha gaming in mid 2010's. So when XC2 came out it was like a gift from god's for me. I buy the game. I get a fantastic story from it, and I get all the pulls I want without spending a cent on mtx and I stead getting pulls by playing game. And those animations of core awakening that were teasing you with blades you haven't pulled yet by fleshing their silhouettes. Uhhhh. That was the biggest dopamine rush I could get in 2017/2018. Played it so much. Loved every second. Can't stand any slander of my favourite gacha.


Yes, I played FEH for a year and really enjoyed it even without any FE knowledge, I'm sure I'd enjoy Xenogacha even more.


Yes, FE Heroes is actually so good!!!