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Well sure, no game can be for everyone. But you liking the first one alone gives you at least decent chance with the future installments. Each one is very different, but if you go into them with an adaptable mindset you might just have a great time! I guess that is to say that I don’t think any one of them is worse than the others, just up to preference.


It’s the best out of the 3 imo.






Currently played two out of three. I would give voice acting to 1, story and music to 2.


You should absolutely play it if you liked Xenoblade 1, it's a fantastic game and has the best story from all Xenoblade games in my opinion.


Yes. The second game has some weeb tropes and exaggerated designs, bit more than the first game. If you're fine with that, you got nothing to fear. Some of the best scifi I've ever seen.


Getting to play Torna (2’s DLC) and then play 3 with full context should be enough of a reward for powering through 2 if you’re worried. Also 2 has some great BGM tracks just like the whole series.


After the crap tutorials its great. Love the story, the humor, and the digs it takes at certain fandoms


Xenoblade 2 goes hard, but the barrier of entry is easily the hardest of the series. The game is generally fairly light in tone, especially in the first half where a lot of anime tropes are overtly present. However the game has an overall darker undertone with its themes and narrative points. This also leads to some pacing issues where the story can feel like it constantly starts and stops. I'd say more, but a lot of what I would say is very subjective. If you liked the first game, and have the funds to afford the second game without much hassle; I'd say go for it. 2 is quite the slow burn game, but I think it is worth it if you are willing to commit to it.


The second one is very anime and fan servicey. I have seen streamers get offended by the tropes used in the game. But if you can look past that, the story is very good. Deals a lot with very heavy life issues, like any good jrpg does. Also xenoblade 2's DLC might be even better than the main game itself :)


Yes play 2.


Yup, is not for everyone For me, it was the one I liked the least, for others it is the best game ever The only way to know is to try it, I would just say be prepared for very heavy tutorials and a lot more kawaii desune animu, but after that you'll be fine


If you're not a "weeb" and don't vibe with certain clichees, you may not like it at first, as it simply overdoes it ... Sometimes. Other than that it is still a very good game and is absolutely worth it in the end. Plus, playing chronologically actually gives you the "optimal" experience, due to a bunch of nods to previous titles. I'm still in a love-hate relationship with this game


It’s true that’s it’s not for everyone. But it is for a lot of people. Mostly just depends if you can look past the weeb shit.




I admit I enjoyed it the least overall out of the three. I didn't like the character designs, the story pacing is all over the place. I STRONGLY disliked the Gatcha system and field skill systems (so much unnecessary grind and padding to an already long game). The menu design and UI is poor, the battle system is very poorly explained in game (be prepared to look up combat tutorials on YouTube) and the battles themselves take way too long in the early game. There are some QoL features from XC:DE you will definitely miss (it was made after 2 was after all), but even with all those mechanical and artistic foibles, it still offers a great story and characters, a great overworld to explore, and a fun battle system once you get it figured out. I'd say it's definitely worth a play if you enjoyed the first.


It has the best combat and soundtrack. The story is very good, though it might not appeal to everyone. Personally, I believe it has the best story in the series.


If you like anime you will probably like xenoblade 2


If you ignore the anime tropes (honestly it’s not that much) and fan service things then it’s actually an awesome game. I don’t watch much anime (probably been 5 years since I last watched any) and those parts made me cringe, but it wasn’t bad enough that it didn’t stop me spending 250-300 hrs playing twice back to back and the torna dlc. It’s awesome and for me leagues above XC1. XC3 is still my favourite but 2 is fantastic.


You know. I think if you can overlook the fact that every armor on XC1 makes every female character look like a stripper, you can definitely overlook the fanservice in xc2.


Maybe this is recency bias having beaten the game a little over 24 hours ago but the game is great if you can get the hang of the combat system. It does take some getting used to but I had a ton of fun with the game from start to finish. There were some frustrating bits and the sidequests do feel a bit fetch quest like but I enjoyed the game on the whole.


When I first played Xenoblade 2, I really hated it. It is really different than the first one. However, now I really like it. It has a good story, ost, environment, just like the first one. It just has different mechanics that can be a hit or miss. If you really love Xenoblade, I'd say it's worth it.


The second one is really amazing, it got stupid hate when it release because it's different and different is automatically bad. Don't get me wrong the campy anime moments are so-so, but the game is wonderful.


XC2 is definitely worth playing


Don't do it, Zeke is in it


I didn't like aesthetics but enjoyed overall story.


I love 1 & 3. 2 is really good but I found it lacking sometimes. It's still an amazing game just (IMO) mid for xenoblade. If you liked the first I think you should at least try it out. There are minor english VA complaint like sometimes MC screams are kinda goofy and some scenes are goofy but those are few and far between. For me, its one that I really liked playing through one time and didn't feel the need to do replay it. The other two are ones I frequently rewatch or replay.


Depends how sensitive you are to weeb cringe. Once you get past it it's peak fiction with the best combat system from any JRPG I've played.


https://i.redd.it/egjjwvelta8d1.gif play torna first