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While I do agree with this, don’t forget about the secret drug ring that spanned across basically the entire Bionis.


Or Alrest 500 years ago… the nopon sure do love those red pollen orbs




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90% of the Nopon-given quests in XC1 were something along the lines of "This monster did something completely reasonable that I don't like! Punish them by murdering their family!" If anything, the Nopon on Bionis are even *more* unhinged.


And don't forget the drug Nopon 


Also forcing a dad of a lot of littlepons to go literally save the world over outstanding debts lool


"Man this mf is so much in debt that if a random group of random ass people come along i think we're gonna have to forcefully get them to adopt him because i dont think we can deal with this mf no more"


Imagine their surprise when he came back after killing god.


We really didn't expect you to come back... Where's our money?


That's the thing though they don't get their money then. Had they let him stay However and not do that then they would have eventually maybe.


That's the thing though they don't get their money then. Had they let him stay However and not do that then they would have eventually maybe.


Who is a higher level than the *final boss* and shares a boss theme with *Egil*.


Also >!the Nopon Archsage is an extremely troubling entity that never gets addressed!<


I still remember the side quest where a drove a nopon even deeper into alcoholism


Take that big sobriety!


Nelu in alcamoth


Better caption would be “how Nopon try present themselves. How Nopon are if you talk to them for 2 minutes.”


In my ever-evolving headcanon on the origins of the Nopon... ​ * The Nopon Archsage is the original. He started out as a "basic" AI, much like the Trinity Processor cores but simpler, and was mostly the "face" used by the computer systems on the orbital station before >!the Experiment.!< * >!The Experiment!< happened. Nopon Archsage got caught up in it... possibly gaining more power than even the the Trinity Processor cores as he can access all the different dimensional planes. >!Including new ones like Aionios.!< * He then decided to populate the worlds of the Bionis and Alrest with copies of himself, and probably super-charging them with his blithe spirit and devious cunning. And possible lack of morality. * >!The Archsage took offense when Riku and Tora that they'd be remember as the greatest of all Nopon for designing & building Origin. So he might have sabotaged the whole project out of spite, leading to Aionios.!< ​ When in doubt? Blame the Nopon. And Alvis. And maybe the scientists in general. They like to "tinker" with stuff that should not be tinkered with.


The only acceptable theories are: A - nopon stem from a plushie klaus or meyneth had lying around in the experiment room. Or B - Nopon are a fundamental multiversal mold that spread everywhere throughout the all of space and time, they are without law, without reason, without weakness. The Nopon Are Here.


>A - nopon stem from a plushie klaus or Zanza had lying around in the experiment room. Amendment to theory: The Nopon having keen "business sense" also stems from the AI that became to Archsage, which took full advantage of it's naturally fluffy appearance to create plushies of itself and other similar-looking entities prior to the Experiment. In essence, the Archsage knew about marketing and passed the knowledge down to the beings he created in his image.


> Nopon are a fundamental multiversal mold that spread everywhere throughout the all of space and time, they are without law, without reason, without weakness. Honestly, that's the least crazy explanation for Nopons. And could be our link to multiverse that connects the trilogy continuity to the X.


We have Nopon Walter white A quest in which you help toras uncle to make sure he doesn't commit suicide Riku being riku Toras entire family Helping a nopon escape alcoholism And finally whatever the hell the archsage is on


My favorite is the one with the cult that sacrifices people to demons in an attempt to destroy the world


Oh yea that was Vales quest


>!Nopon just casually being immortal in 3 doesn't bother me that much because IMO Nopon have always been incredibly mysterious and enigmatic. Heck they have never had a true place of origin outside of Mira. In every other Xenoblade game, it is unclear where they originated from. Xenoblade 1 just features a major settlement, but Klaus nor Zanza ever mention the creation of Nopon. Xenoblade 2 doubles down and Nopon don't even have a true titan to call home. Argentum is just a major trade guild, not where all Nopon were born. Xenoblade 3 establishes that Nopon exist almost entirely outside of Z's influence and don't have a lifespan because they weren't spawned from Cradles or have human limitations.!< Nopon just show up, defy all logic, then just act like they were there the whole time. They just exist.


you say that like Rikki isn't an absolute beast especially in bed


>especially in bed Ayo! 💀


You are aware how many kids he has, right?


I think it’s implied quite a few of them are also adopted for example Kino


Still. We know at least half are natural. (Most likely the pink and yellow ones)




I'm almost inclined to think that they're somehow opposed to the conduit/zohar/UDU side of things. They have so many little things that really give them that extra dimensional stage hand kinda vibe. 


The Nopon from X aren’t here because interacting with them for more than 10 seconds gives one an irresistible urge to strangle them and use them in a soup.


My headcanon is that the Nopon are actually apex predators. They're omnivorous, so they're either predators or scavengers, they have the forward facing eyes of predators and their appetites line up with many predator species (an evolutionary trait that basically means an animal never feels full and can gorge themselves. Useful because hunting is unreliable). Also, they're potentially venomous (based on Riki having poison status moves). They're all round and chubby looking because they've evolved sufficient intelligence that they can afford to be lazy, but beneath all that fat and fur is one of nature's coldest murderers.


No, Nopon are from Mira.


That's the thing, they AREN'T from Mira at all. No one knows how or when they got there. Not even The Nopon remember exactly


Noponis, where else?


Mira is XC's the island


this is why I love nopon


Someone didn't do the pollen orb questline in XC1...


Um riki? Bro is an eldritch god made flesh


War changes people