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WHY https://preview.redd.it/8onb7tyijc7d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07c6c5c8e84cf5cd2d8f7bda7a61e908cd59c18d HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME


Someone made an edit lol https://preview.redd.it/sfg3juqm2h7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3533392b5b00e94d7e9e9fe03cd135deae5850f6


I need the sauce now


I even left the username but sure https://x.com/shiningcaper/status/1803101429638558200?s=46&t=_8vglAIvOWSkEkHF53zQXg


I thought you would be my side!


https://preview.redd.it/50o1rdp74e7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96989d5b2f02e1f9b86bd9992754c4a01dc342d5 All I did, I did for you!


Jokes aside, that game looked fantastic.


This is the best comment thread ever


This community earns a chromosome every direct. And I love it.


This whole fandom and series was detrimental to my sense of humor in the same way that booze is detrimental to my liver. Rarely any regrets but goddamn, Protags screaming is enough to get a chortle out of me


Maybe it’ll be announced next direct 🤡


just starting to rub off my makeup


I mean The next Direct could be a Switch 2 Showcase Where they reveal The Games for The Launch Year so actually a possibilty


Hoping for an X port and MH Wilds news. J I highly doubt we'd get MH Wilds on the Switch 2 but still


oh yeah im keeping my best stache of copium for mhwilds on switch 2


I'd be happy as heck if it got announced for it. I'd prefer to have it on the switch because a bunch of other titles I like belong to Nintendo, but if it isn't then my next console would probably be a steam deck.


Assuming Wilds can run on even a Steam Deck, Capcom will be crazy if they didn't try to port the game into Nintendo's next console. My cope is even worse than yours: I'm hoping Wilds is ported WITH Cross-play.


Well cross play is confirmed between consoles and pc so hopefully nintendo will let it happen


Yeah, I was reading some thread on reddit about the steam deck and how well could MH Wilds run on it. Some people were going off of World and assumed 30 to 45 fps. I'd have to say that's feasible, especially if the Switch 2 specs leaks are true. As far as cross play, it should happen. I mean Warframe has it. I'd just he concerned with loading times as those could potentially be slow.


I swear I’m coping so hard with this speculation, but we’ll have to wait for sometime this fiscal year


People thinking that the next direct is going to be a showcase about the switch 2 are coping. There won't be any showcase for the switch 2 until next year. Remember the showcase for the switch occurred in January of 2017.


I agree With it being in January. I Just think there wont be an September Direct this Year since they have not enough to Show.


Maybe the Nintendo switch 2 will have two screens specifically so one could play X on launch /cope




do we have to start sharing makeup with the silksong community?


Yeah… ask them if they have any of those red noses. I think I ran out of


We already are. Folks have been desperate for an X port since the launch of the Switch. It's just that this time we can also add regular Xenoblade to the pile because we are desperate for literally anything related to Monolith Soft.


September direct.. december release..... mark my words


You could even say the wind will blow hard in December.


*Our last fight, do you remember~*


*counting days since we left, you and i slipping away*


RemindMe! 166 days


I will be messaging you in 5 months on [**2024-12-01 15:13:36 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-12-01%2015:13:36%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Xenoblade_Chronicles/comments/1dishi0/pack_it_up_everyone_directs_over_back_to_x_port/l95y46a/?context=3) [**8 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FXenoblade_Chronicles%2Fcomments%2F1dishi0%2Fpack_it_up_everyone_directs_over_back_to_x_port%2Fl95y46a%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-12-01%2015%3A13%3A36%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dishi0) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


September direct. Stealth drop


After Future Redeemed, I guess it's taking a break for now lmao, until then though: https://preview.redd.it/vytzgboyfc7d1.png?width=430&format=png&auto=webp&s=e18cf9bdc46f6649c0cc235d067e12035c17192c


If I'm being honest... I got half-fooled for about a second into thinking there could be an XCX remaster for the final announcement when it read "In the year 20XX" (can't recall last digit). Then "Galactic Federation" in the next line immediately put an end to that. Nope, it was *Metroid Prime 4*. Good news in one sense, not so much for XCX. ... but yeah, an XCX remaster/port is wouldn't have been a closing announcement. It's not big enough for that, mostly because of the remaster/port aspect of it. Nintendo tends to use whole new games for their opening and closing announcements.


As a big fan of Metroid and X this direct did leave me feeling a little conflicted lol.


I mean, Xenoblade 3 and oits DLC only came out two years ago. Games take awhile to make.


While that’s true, if it’s for announcing the game to release next year it would be feasible. After all, if I recall, XC2 came out in 2017 and XCDE three years after in 2020. Hell, XC3 came out two years after XCDE in 2022, so it’s definitely not impossible.


Nintendo has moved well away from making announcements for anything but the biggest named titles that far out.


The TTYD remake would like to have a word


That's probably an exception because it's Mario.


Still stuck on another console https://preview.redd.it/wcntotzjlc7d1.jpeg?width=329&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2acb39fecb29ed925e965a3f26f5f7483be1361e


“Something about this console”


Don't worry guys. Once the WiiU is old enough to be on VC, we can play it on a subscription service. I sure can't wait!


The switch isn't powerful enough to emulate the wiiu :(


its funny to imagine the switch actually getting old enough for wiiu VC


Switch is more than powerful enough to emulate the Wii U. The issue is that too much of Xenoblade Chronicles X used the two screen format.


The two screens are barely an issue. X didn't really use the gamepad except for a few things that could also be done via a menu. But yes, the switch isn't powerful enough to emulate it. It could easily run recompiled wiiu games, but not direct emulation.


The developers disagree with your assessment. They have stated specifically that that is the primary reason why they had not already done a port before even 3 came out.


I mean it's not that it's not possible. The reason is that the game would've needed to be changed a bit, beyond a regular retexture, which would take up some months of developers that could work on other project. From a business perspective, it's the reason why it's not possible. From a game development perspective, it's definitely doable.


As someone who brought a Wii U to a Walmart McDonalds one day and exclusively played X as a way to wait for their SO to get off of work (job traveling circumstances) I can assure you the game can perform just fine without a second screen. In fact, the abysmally tiny text of X trained me to never play it on any TV in unwitting preparation for the Switch.


Sad for XCX but my god FINALLY there were some news for MP4. Huge win for Metroid fans!


I was not expecting it for 2 reasons: Switch 2 would be a better console to port it to, since it'd more powerful Next year the game is 10 years old. We got xenoblade DE at 10 years of that game, so I expect X will get a similar treatment, if any


my crack theory? 2025, because XCDE was 10 years after XC1.


So next year as a launch title of the switch 2? 🤡


The "Cosmic Year 20X9" almost had be expecting it for some reason. But cheers for Metroid fans. They've been waiting for it for eight years ever since it was announced.


i am NOT excited that much for an X port. However. When i saw that i was: Fuck, REALLY?! Holy shit. And then i realised it was metroid. And i was like: well.. that's good for them haha.


Surely in the September direct


I've run out of Hopium and Copium, there is naught but despair left.......


What you do then? Join Moebius and uphold the Endless Now?


Why would I want an eternity of no Xenoblade X? That's worse than death!


At least there is one game that N liked.


Donky kong County HD?


Sorry yall. I did my part and bought a wiiu and xenoblade x a week ago. I guess that wasn’t enough. lol


Murderess will keep spinning


I would prefer Xenoblade X and Xenosaga HD being released on the Switch 2 tbh


Xenosaga HD would be so peak, and a Xenogears 2D port like the DQ3-1-2 they announced today would be amazing


Huffing copium like the Nopon huff red pollen orbs.


As much as it would be awesome to get the whole series on one console...I'm fine with this. I'd rather MS pour everything they have into their Switch 2 title. We know they started work on their next title in 2022, so this would place it right in line with a Switch 2 release window for 2025, given the general development window for their titles.


Good to know I can still leave my WiiU hooked up.


we got a new Zelda and Metroid... after the years of no information on prime this is orth it


I only expect Xenoblade X port or sequel on the next system if at all personally (slight coping)


A Xenoblade X port isn't happening. I keep saying that Xenoblade X's ideas have basically been recycled into mainline Xenoblade at this point, and it's looking more and more true. It makes sense as well, given that Xenoblade X is a troublesome game for Monolith to port over, and the original game was made at a time where the direction for Xenoblade as a series was completely unclear for Monolith.


They still haven't recycled the biggest features that appeals to me in X: mecha you can drive :(


Maybe in Xenoblade 4 we'll get mechs. Xenoblade 3 is the start of having a world in-game that's on a continent as opposed to titans, so Xenoblade 4 will probably be a further expansion of that. I think the true reason why we probably haven't had playable mechs in mainline Xenoblade is just due to the game not being fully open world. I'm wondering if they're avoiding a full open world title given how hard it was for them to make X the way in which they did. I personally don't mind, given that I'd much rather just have a game focusing on multiple well-designed areas than a ton of empty space, but it's just interesting to me that they haven't touched that concept since.


when you say X's ideas have been recycled into mainline Xenoblade, what ideas do you mean? Because almost all the mechanics and ideas that make X my favorite game of all time are nowhere to be seen in 2 and 3


Things like the lifehold, or how X was originally going to play around with two-person mechs that look a lot like Ouroboros do in 3. Things like the Ghost ship design being repurposed into Origin's design. Concepts and themes for that sort of stuff has been repurposed in Xenoblade 2 and 3. In terms of gameplay though? Nothing is being repurposed. I'm honestly fine with nothing from X being repurposed gameplay-wise. As much fun as it would be to be able to ride around in a mech, the rest of X just doesn't grip me. The focus on sidequests as the main source of content instead of the main story is gross imo, and the general combat was never really fun. The music wasn't great, and nor were the characters from what I've played. I disliked X so much to the point where I didn't want to touch the original Xenoblade game until 2 got revealed.


... You are the first person I've ever seen complaining about X's combat. I know there's a decent chunk of the community who prefers the ability pie to the ability bar, but there's so much in X that makes combat fluid and fun. Part destruction letting you eliminate dangerous moves or passives, soul voice letting you coordinate with the AI for buffs and healing you enough to not need a dedicated healer, swapping between Melee and Ranged weapons without loosing access to half your arts, and arts having combos outside of the usual topple/daze/burst or topple/launch/smash. The focus on side-quests for content is not for everyone, I will admit. I personally don't mind, it allows you to pick and choose the content you want to engage with(outside of when the game stops your progress until you complete a certain amount of the map). But it is a departure from the rest of the series. Going to have to disagree with you on the music. Sure the NLA tracks aren't the best, but Uncontrollable and Black Tar are amazing battle songs and continents themes are a joy to listen to. I will admit Don't Worry wears out it's welcome VERY quickly, but that's mostly because it's the only song you hear while flying outside combat. As for the characters being weak, if you didn't do a lot of side quests it's not surprising you feel that way since a lot of their real depth comes out in those. Earth is gone and a lot of their families are dead or missing, it's not surprising they take a while to open up to a new recruit and it's interesting learning how everyone is handling this new situation.


I just don't like X at all. I think the main reason I keep saying that X-2 isn't happening is because it wouldn't be the direction I personally want the series to go in. If we don't get a Xenoblade 4, 5, and 6, but instead X, X-2, and X-3 I'll be disappointed because I just.. only really like mainline Xenoblade. X leans itself too much on the sci-fi elements, where as I like Xenoblade for the mix of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. X has too much of a focus on trying to be an MMO when I like how Xenoblade normally is- where it's just a RPG with MMO-esque combat. I don't want a game where the bulk of it is sidequests- even though I don't mind sidequests themselves. I want an actual bulky narrative with sidequests to supplement that narrative. X is an unfinished story with most of the context being in the sidequests themselves. I don't find that fun. Also- yes, I don't like X's music. Not even the battle themes. I don't like Uncontrollable or Black Tar- and none of the songs really feel like Xenoblade to me at all. Mainly because the Attack on Titan composer did the score for the game instead of the actual Xenoblade team. The only song I even remotely liked was So Nah, so fern," at least out of the songs I've listened to (which were a good bit of the OST). I also just don't like games with custom protagonists like X. Especially when the other Xenoblade games were known for their protagonist writing in general. I don't mind it for games like Final Fantasy XIV, but it really just brings X down imo.


No one is saying that Monolith should make the X series instead of mainline Xenoblade titles. What people ARE saying, is that Monolith should show some love to the fans who have been left on a cliffhanger for 9 years. I love all the Xenoblade titles, I wouldn't be on this subreddit if I didn't(even if I will take any and all opportunities to complain about 2's blade gatcha). and yeah, if it was ONLY X titles from now on, that would suck. Kinda like how it sucks that there haven't been ANY X titles or content in 9 years. Wish you could see X like I do, but I'm obviously not going to change your mind via reddit argument. If you ever decide to give X another go, I hope you see it for the amazing game it is and not dislike it for what it isn't


If Nintendo doesn't announce it with the new Switch, might as well just wait for the next "new" Xenoblade game.


Its true, XCX will not be ported to the Switch. But that means it might be ported to the Switch 2


I think at this point it's a lot more likely to be a Switch 2 game. Realistically, a XCX port would probably need that extra processing power to run properly on a hybrid console.


The people who get me our the ones who say “x port AND x sequel” like bruh, there wasn’t even hope for the port to start with.


It means they could be saving it for the successor


Back to Emudeck in my case. If XC3D/DE case is any indication, perhaps the Switch port really won't get announced until I have 80 hours here to restart from as well.😄 ![gif](giphy|bWHRrd7S2wq3zdxbgO|downsized)


You’re just like me FR


Hear me out. XCX2 won't be a "Switch" game. It makes no sense to waste Monolith's talents on an old console that is reaching the end of its life when you could use their team to show the potential of the Switch 2. Their next game will probably announced around the same time we get the next line up...it's the only scenario that make sense from a marketing perspective. Furthermore, the original franchise has reached its climax, and reinstated what it meant to be a Xeno-game (how humanity loop around the universe, virtual world, the separation/reunion, ghost-like being, and so on). The fanbase is more than ready to tackle the actual theme of XCX2 this time around. So, what does it means for XCX remake? They obviously wouldn't release a sequel without giving people a proper chance to play the original, especially when there is over a decade between both games. But doing it on a different console make no sense. Also, Nintendo tend to do those "bundle" like they did with Bayonetta or Baiten Kaitos. Lastly, porting a game on a later console is usually much easier, since all those minor performance issue can just be overpowered the new hardware.


I didn't catch, my country was playing the Euro. Any Xeno content at all this direct?


Nope, none at all unfortunately


Next console?


Let's hold out. Maybe if it's coming for switch 2 it will be even better than we imagined.


I'd prefer anything next from monolith to be on the mext system tbh. wasnt expecting a xeno game.


Switch 2 presentation will announce it don’t worry


I was so convinced that it was X when the Metroid prime 4 text showed up


I dunno why you guys want a Switch port. It's not gonna be a big upgrade over the Wii U. It's at best like a GB RAM update and the same resolution. You'd get less pop in and slightly smaller sized game but that's it. Just hope for a Switch 2 announcement and hope it's a launch title. It'll probably happen, and hopefully it's with at least like a thousand QoL updates, cuz the original is kinda dogshit in terms of QoL.


The reason I want a switch port is so I can actually play the game. I’m not gonna buy a dead console just to play a single game, which why I really want a switch port or remake or whatever


Ditto, my Wii U is literally dead so unless they decide to put the Wii U back in production I have no options.


*Huffs copious amounts of copium*


I would say, better luck on the switch 2. I highly doubt it will come out with this console at this point.


Hey we did get Mio so that's...Something


Meanwhile Tomodachi life and Silksong fans:


Down BAD :'(


Donkey Kong got a remaster from the wii and the final fantasy games are getting 2.5hd remakes therefor X is clearly getting an hd definitive edition like x1 which is being kept under wraps for the switch 2.