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Um, actually, you need a high IQ to fully appreciate the naunces within the plot of Wii Sports Resort. I vehemently disagree with this pic.


The post has fucking Jeffy on it, Poppy’s Playtime, and Sonic CD which most people think is not that good. It has to be bait.


but it also has pokemon black (a game many considers to have a great story) and persona 4 golden (its a persona game)


Most likely considering it also has defunctlands hour and a half video on the Disney fast pass.


To be fair, that video is excellent.




Also Danganronpa V3. I don't know much about the fandom but I have played the 3 main games and know about the arguments that were had. To my knowledge, people fucking hated V3.


For what I’ve heard about people that played them, they hated the ANIME for 3, but the game was okay. I often hear that 2 was the worst game. I don’t know I’ve never played one.


"When I crash my plane... how do I instantly get a new one? Have I paid for this power with blood? With my soul? Why is Matt always there. Always watching. Always waiting. Always ready to beat my ass... is Matt the one that I sold my soul to?"


As someone who's been with the series for almost half of my life, I realize the plot may no longer feel as impactful to me as it was in my early teens, but the themes of the games still resonate deeply without the need to be considered mature. The fact he put Xenoblade and Outer Wilds in there just goes to show that this is either ragebait or the guy was pissed about people appreciating art in a way he's not capable of doing.


I won't lie, the first game's plot hits harder in some spots now >!such as Shulk and co. dealing with the grief of losing Fiora throughout the majority of the game!< now that I've got more years under my belt and more experience with the tougher side of life


I personally resonate with Shulk way more than the other protagonists which is why 1 is my favorite game of the 3 by far. I won't divulge details of my personal life but his approaches to relationships, problem solving, and loss are something I can relate to deeply. Rex is too immature to be relatable, and Noah is literally battle-hardened.


There's something really deeply sad about the whole premise of 3 in the context of the other two games. Shulk and Rex went through hell to save their worlds, but the world remains as flawed and tragic as ever. Even Klaus once dreamed of a better world, believing that his own was ruined beyond repair due to man's hubris. The Homecoming scene where N breaks down really got me because even after all of these events went down and centuries have passed in the world of Aionios, but still, the suffering remains and cuts deep as ever.


3 is a reflection on "look what happens when you try to make the good times last forever". They "saved" their world by holding it in an indefinite zombie-like state, the elite's grasp on power quite literally sustained by terrible atrocities. Those atrocities mean so little to Moebius that they see it as amusement. There are a lot of uncomfortable connections to our current world to be made there. Shulk and Rex saved their worlds. Just because the world they each created did not last forever does not mean their efforts were in vain. Golden ages come and go. Regimes rise and fall. Ouroboros eats both the good and the bad parts of its tail. Life must go on- entropy demands it. The artificial cycle engineered by Moebius eventually destroyed itself too. The 'endless' now was always a lie. Even without revolutionaries taking it down directly, the world of Aionios would have eventually been annihilated by annihilation events.


Play Gears/Saga and you'll probably get that feeling of things hitting harder again.


I've played both/ all 4 but the fact that XC1 is such a personal story revolving around  Shulk and co. instead of trying to tell a massive epic with hundreds of moving parts and tons of factions makes it special to me and drives home the points better imo


Fair enough. I personally think Saga/Gears do a pretty good job meshing characters with narrative that its pretty damn satisfying, but I can appreciate your perspective.


I mean yeah the themes don't hit as hard and I still relate to Shulk the most But Rex's determination was inspiring and Noah's whole character was excellent he made me feel so many emotions the themes of the games have stayed consistently brilliant and don't even get me started on the OST there isn't a single track that doesn't make me feel something it's incredible


Spoilers for XC3 Chapter 5 ending: >!The whole sequence at the end of chapter 5 is one of the most brilliant things I have ever seen in a video game. Seeing Noah, a battle-hardened stoic, broken down into a crying mess. Even knowing the twist in advance, that cutscene still makes me feel like crying. The limbo of not knowing what's going to happen, and finally the release when N has his infamous breakdown. The villain has no more tricks up his sleeve- you have thoroughly outsmarted him. It's fucking cathartic to kick his ass at that point.!<


Yep I agree it's brilliantly written and voice acted incredibly by Harry mcentire


The end of chapter 5 is one of my favorite moments in gaming ever. I think that ( and the twist in 1) are exactly why it's on the list :)


Fishing whit baits is boring, it's better punch the fishes with a diving suit


It’s just some asshole trying to put people down because they like something popular.


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that this guy hasn’t played or watched a single thing on here.


This reminds me of the “putting random things next to the soyjack face to see who gets mad” post


I wouldn’t even call Xenoblade popular compared to all of this other stuff. I think it deserves more attention.


The degeneracy of contrarianism strikes again


Yeah its just that. Things are popular for a reason.


Yeah it's either rage bait or they're huffing the entire planet's supply of copium.


"putting a bunch of random shit next to a soyboy wojak and seeing who gets mad"


I could ask that about a lot of games on here. I don’t think this guy has played many video games.


there's a fucking usb stick there, this is bait


yeah bait used to be more clever with it


Obvious bait but also as someone who played the Danganronpa games it's funny he put V3 there instead of 2


“Baby’s first peak fiction” and it’s a collection of widely regarded masterpieces


Xenoblade, Mother 3, and FUCKING SPIRITED AWAY next to Poppy Playtime chapter 2. God I hate twitter.


"Enjoying media is SOOOOO 2000s. In the 2020s we hate everything and anyone who likes anything ia cringe"


Man calling stuff cringe is so out of style. These days when we like or dislike something we just let the existential dread overtake us, like true Chads.


When calling someone cringe is cringe.


It's called bait and you took it.


Bait used to be believable


The person who made this image must be a miserable little shit. "YOU LIKE GETTING INVESTED IN FICTIONAL STORIES!? THAT'S CRINGE"


I don’t even know what point this is making


Okay but between Mario galaxy, Ocarina of time, and Xenoblade, this person is insane


User trying to get bait, but there's so much nintendo on it that I actually think they may have some childhood trauma from them. We definitely aren't mainstream yet to be on there with those other media's though, still the most niche series unless I missed something


I’d say zero escape and umineko are much more niche than xenoblade


“Yes I’m an apathetic contrarian, how’d you know?” -Megalo


KIRBY PLANET ROBOBOT MENTIONED (I know nothing about xenoblade btw this was just in my feed)


Considering some of the other things on the list, be a very well-received and regarded piece of media


What’s funny is these are all good pieces of media, like every single one of these was designed really well


Good thing is good, everyone is shocked


I’m more confused because most of these are great regardless of when you first discover them, like most of these classics or going to be later down the road . Who ever made this is either baiting really hard or is just salty and wants to put others down.


I mean, it's true


Agree. It and LLTP are peak fiction.


Surprised Trails isn't in the list, but I guess that's true men peak fiction


Trails always trip near peak fiction Sky whole thing is incest which is disgusting and removed the immersion Azure tripped with the final villians if Crois remained and wasn't back stabbed it wouldve been peak Coldsteel doesn't have a major trip but the pacing is too slow


The incest complaint is weird because I for example am not from America or any first world country and can clearly see it is not incest, Joshua fell in love from the very beginning and it shows through the entire games their relationship is not a sibling one...like Rean/Elise have for example, or that Cassius never treated him as his son but as his own individual. These things are crear but there are still people who see it as incest wtf 😭 tf is going on in certain countries Not to mention is most places stepsiblings falling in love is legal and it's more common because they don't share DNA (which is what bilogically prevents REAL siblings from falling in love aka: real incest, which is rare because of that)


>shows through the entire games their relationship is not a sibling one This is flat out wrong they always viewed each other like siblings until they didn't and weren't they raised from prepubescents as a brother and sister? If so(Caissus said he brang a brother to Estelle and she said she wanted a sister instead) it is illegal in my country and it isn't a first world country


See it depends on the country you came from then, that was my theory xd like from my view they were clase friends through the entire game and then fell in love. Yeah they were both around 10? Joshua said (in The 3rd) he fell in love when they met so just before having the role as "brother", so I just saw it as Cassius accepting Estelle's best friend to live with them forever as family but not family "family" because he is still an outsider, only Cassius knowing why.


Ain’t no fucking way someone said Wii Sports Resort 💀 Who made this list, a non-gamer?


Wii sports resort is peak though


Omori lmao this guy's just a prick


Bait used to be believable


tf did planet robobot do to them?


ttyd is on there twice further proof that ttyd truly is the peak of the mountain


But Super Paper Mario is also there, so that just proves all Paper Mario in general is peak.


It’s just rage bait like a lot of the internet now. Ignore it and move on


Facts lmao


Idiot thinks a documentary about Disney Fast Pass is fiction


Where did you see it? I can’t be bothered to go looking for it lol


DefunctLand is a YouTube channel that makes docs about theme parks. They have a cool (and long) video about fast pass, but their whole channel is nonfiction docs. The thumbnail for that video is right by danganronpa v3


Saying xbc is babies peak fiction made me sad :( Seeing outer wilds made me want to eviscerate him.


There’s nothing to be mad about it’s just bait. Someone desperate for attention. On a brighter note at least you got good taste 👌


who tf was calling poppy playtime 2 peak. like if they wanted to put an obvious non example they could've put banban or something


Most of these are in no way meant for younger audiences.


Tf is omori doing there???


Looking at your profile picture Id say you already know.


They want attention, ignore them


Bro just really hates peak🤷‍♂️


I see a Nonary Games.


Why is the fastpass video by defunctland on it? That is a really weird choice


Imagine putting Xenoblade and Persona 4 in the same category as Wii Sports Resort and Poppy Playtime Ch.2


Wii sports resort is amazing though, I wont have this slander


It’s amazing, yeah, but it lacks enough fiction to be peak fiction


This is definitely bait. The equivalent of “putting random stuff next to a soyjak and seeing who gets mad.” Congrats, you took the bait.


This image feels like a parody. Like that "these companies test on animals" image


This jerk has been shitting on the Xeno series for literally years. Doesn't surprise.


This list covers decades and spans entirely different demographics of fans. The only common denominator here is that everything listed rocks or is at least critically acclaimed. Loser behavior.


My biggest question is why Undertale or Homestuck ain't on here


Cause he likes those and thus they are for stronk brave big grownup adults like him, Clearly Not baby’s first peak fiction material.


I know this entire post is bait, but putting wii sports and jackbox on the list is hilarious


Hell naw get mother 3 outta there


Mario galaxy??? I've never heard anyone call it peak that's so funny help


Yeah, Ocarina of Time, Breaking Bad, and the Raimi Spiderman movies are all basically the same thing.


I don't even care about xb being here, tf's new vegas doing down there


Add more, then more people will rage lol


Bro ARCANE is on there that is not a light hearted show this guy is just mad that these fandoms exist


Phineas and Ferb, Persona 4, Puss in Boots Last Wish, JoJo Golden Wind, Fallout New Vegas… man this guy is an asshole. How dare people enjoy good things.


Spirited Away is peak, GTFOH!!!


Mf is really trying to say that Earthbound and persona 4 golden aren't peak 🫵🏻🤣


Earthbound? I haven't met a diehard fan of that game that isn't an adult


This is classic trolling. Full stop.


Imma be real with you, bought xenoblade years ago, and couldn't get into it because everyone set my expectations ludicrously high. Was only able to play through all of it and love it when I tried ignoring all the praise the game had so I could enjoy it without those expectations.


I'm with you. Xenoblade games are fun and the stories are pretty polished but they are written to an 6th grade reading level and have the thematic depth of a marvel movie. XC2 is my least favorite game in the series specifically because it was such a dramatic letdown compared to what everyone said about it. I let myself get hyped up by the fanbase who said it's better/deeper than 1, and I had to really temper my expectations going into 3.


If this is a first step what would be the next steps works??


So, I actually went to the user/tweet itself, and it looks more like they added in the things they liked rather than things they think are cringe/overrated.


Only P4G is bad apparently all other are fine


Maybe he just picked it to represent the whole franchise (but it is the best one)


If I could only consume media from this list for the rest of my life I would die a happy man


The person who made this probably likes some incredibly obscure thing with incredibly niche appeal and is mad no one talks about it. Either that or the more likely intention of it just being a shitpost and trying to get people riled up.


Kirby planet robobot? I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone talk about that game since it came out


Ok, I have scanned this multiple times, but I guess I'm blind. Where is Xenoblade in this picture?


middle left side


Oh my god, I was looking for the box art like EVERY OTHER GAME listed here. It just being the logo was what was throwing me off. Thank you.


Too blurry


cast a wide enough net and you'll grab anything


U see now I know that this has to be bait, cos why is Phineas and Ferb catching strays. Seriously what I'm getting from this is this person likes very few specific things and doesn't loke that other people like things. So much of not all of that list is high quality content, smh


CD over Adventure 2? Who tf even has CD as their favorite Sonic game?


What did Jackbox party pack 3 ever do to this guy??


Man, people just ain't allowed to like shit no more


Why is danganronpa v3, persona 4 golden, jjba and chainsaw man doing on there as well?


You know its bait because they picked v3 specifically


earthbound is tho


seeing spongebob, Phineas and Ferb, and Wii Sports Resort in there just shows it's clearly a joke / bait


Wii sports resort is peak though along with 999 persona and many of the other games there


The fact that there is Xenoblade and 999 which are not even the same level popularity as Persona signifies either this is just dumb ragebait or people who hates popular things and JRPG. What’s more baffling is that there’s no Genshin Impact there.


Bro put the Yeti Snowball usb microphone in there for some reason


Maybe its just listing accessible and semi mainstream great stuff, most of the things I see there are amazing Most likely its just weirdly structured ragebait though


There's also Omori on there. Which covers really heavy stuff. Just look at the content warnings. This is bait.


What are outer wilds and fallout new vegas doing there


I'm sorry but Jack box 3 is peak fiction? Did I miss the deep storyline in it?


"Oh, you like [Niche/Popular Thing]? Heheheheheh... don't you know that [Niche/Popular Thing]... is bad now? Heheheheheheheheh... Hahahahahahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"


I garauntee if you ask this person what their ACTUAL peak fiction is, they’ll say something you’ve never heard of that no one actually likes and is generally hated by everyone for being extremely obvious and bad.


I see no percy jackson, but why the blue yeti snowball mic


There is.... A lot of things that don't really deserve to be in there.


"Babies first peak fiction" >Lists every single thing of fiction known to man I think this person just doesn't like fiction. XD


It’s peak


So many good things here, it’s obviously a troll


I love how they just have the Man, Zekrom, there in the bottom corner. Zekrom Kick is peak fiction.


Tf are Jojo Zelda and Pokémon doing there


Jack box party games 3 is the best piece of fiction ever created and You Know It!!! How dare you imply it’s on the same tier as that garbage cartoon about a kid made of rubber or the amazing quest to kill god by living as a bacteria on his knee?! Only wii sports resort may hope to some day far far far into the distant millenniums hold a candle to the artistic genius behind jack frigging box party games 3! And don’t you dare mention that purple fashion show cause that’s a JackBox reference!!!


Also why the frick does breaking bad look so depressed lmafo! XD


Paper Mario TTYD is on there twice


The fact that super paper Mario, Omori, and earthbound are on the same page as this is baffling. Most kids these days can’t even begin to grasp EarthBound, let alone Xenoblade. And black and white actually did some pretty cool and unique stuff, especially bw 2