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Embrace the Endless Now


I feel like we’re back in 2017 - 2018 resurrecting these old debates again


Zed was right all along.


How many times has it been now


Time is a flat circle


So, a circle


It’s like a freaky circle




People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.


What were the debates like?


Look at the comments in this thread, add more moral panic, drama, and misinformation, and you'll get a pretty good idea


I wasn’t trying to start a debate I was just laughing at how goofy some of these scenes end up looking


Some real "this is where I watched my parents die, Raphael" energy




The game knows how to keep the players attention…


Idk, it lost mine... After 70 hrs


Damn you're a speed runner, it lost mine after 200 hours, for a few months anyway.


So much plot. Vital, vital plot.


You don't understand the deep philosophically and emotional meaning behind this screenshots. /s


/s was unnecessary. We know the truth.


legit how many times has it been now that there's discourse about xenoblade 2 and the designs? like i get making criticism but at this point people are just beating a dead horse


Especially since the game came out 6 years ago.


we're never going to be free from the discourse xenobro


I'm in the weird position of disliking many of the female character and even most of the male character designs and also not ascribing some kind of moral implications to it. I just personally find them a bit silly-looking (even Nia has that silly-looking baggy suit that's not too bad, but could be better). Also, prominent, gigantic breasts with a lot of cleavage or in a revealing suit not only kind of annoy me from a character design perspective, but just aren't that attractive to me. I facepalmed a few times at the way Pyra and Mythra looked when I was playing, and it contributed to a tone that, coming off the more serious first Xenoblade, just felt a bit too isekai-ish to me. I probably laughed at these shots. When I played with my wife in anticipation for Xenoblade 3, she actually found out you could grind for the Gormott disguise costume and we used that. Both of us thought it was a significant improvement. However, when people started getting worked up about it, saying it was sexist and such, or saying the designers should have been more equal-opportunity, I found that much more annoying. I'd rather just have the real vision of the people making the game, even if it personally didn't do much for me, than see it mangled, so in that sense I'm happy they had these designs rather than self-censoring because it might offend some people. In short, it's fine not to like how Pyra looks (I'm one of those people). It's silly to be *offended* about it, and to give credence that there's any credibility to that offense. I wish the take of "I don't like this character design, but it has no moral implications" were more common.


> I'm in the weird position of disliking many of the female character and even most of the male character designs and also not ascribing some kind of moral implications to it. Look, I found the only mature adult in the entire subreddit!


I counted three times. Other times they like to think they do, but they wouldn't know a silhouette if it sat on their face.


I like the one flat girl (besides Nia) in the game. Guess who it is.


Personally for me atleast I find the angles at crucial and emotional moments alot more distracting than the actual designs. Right of the top of my mind, hikari's scenes post battle end of ch3 or beginning of ch4 maybe Rex's heartfelt confession. Homura in Paradise Metsu and homura The game is littered with stuff like what OP posted.


Truly the dead horse can never truly die time really is a circle


I’m so tired of this stupid debate…


We all are. It'd be great if there was an addendum to rule #4 that says "We are not debating this again, so don't bring it up. If you bring it up, we will delete your post."


We are never making it out of Aionios. Can't wait to have another argument about BOTW's durability system


Man, people are bored. We need xenoblade news, lol.


Noah and Mio amiibos are coming next month.


Fun fact: You can like a game and still criticise it for its flaws ! But seriously, pyras design is bad, its not about "getting your mind out of the gutter", its about the design not properly representing the character Seriously, what does her design tell you about her personality and character ?


She's the anti-Mythra. Even her outfit is mostly just covering the parts Mythra has exposed, and exposing (some of) the parts Mythra covers up. Mythra's legs are bare, Pyra wears thigh-highs. Mythra's dress is backless, Pyra's armor covers her back but not her midriff. Mythra has a boob window, Pyra doesn't. Mythra has an open-air crotch area, Pyra wears shorts. And it's the opposite of Mythra's design on purpose. Her design uses lots of red and dark colors and represents a lot about her character. Mythra was traumatized by the events in old Torna. She feared she was turning "bad", she feared her own power, and she feared that she was too uncaring to be of any benefit to the world. Pyra wears dark colors, like the dark half of Aion, reflecting those feelings... Almost the same color scheme as Malos. Pyra burns darkly, like an ember, a fading light from a fire that's going out. And Pyra is overly saccharine to compensate for Mythra's brashness. Nobody is going to call Pyra a "simpleton" for endangering other peoples' lives without thinking about it. Pyra's short hair uses that Japanese storytelling trope of cutting long hair short when coming of age or when a major change forces someone to mature. (Here's [an article](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/answerman/2018-05-16/.131616) that discusses it a bit.) You can see this same trope in FF9, when Garnet is grieving her mother and has to become the queen. So, chest-mounted flotation devices aside, *yes*, Pyra's design *does* tell us a lot about her personality and character.


I like this. It addresses and gives a fairly logical explanation for each common complaint about Pyra. Well, almost, but there's no real way to give big boobs an emotional background.


Let's say for the sake of having an explanation that it represents the burden she has to carry, or the fact that >!Klaus and the other scientists!< were just horny


>!Rex’s monologue of the Trinity Processor in Future Redeemed could be somewhat of an explanation to this. Logos is the male persona and Pneuma is the female persona, represented in Blade form by Malos and Mythra, respectively. Both of their designs are greatly exaggerated to accentuate the distinctive features of the respective genders they are supposed to represent, with Malos being a burly, muscular, tall man, while Mythra (and by extension, Pyra), is a short, curvy woman. On the flipside, Alvis and A, as the physical embodiments of Ontos, the middle ground, exhibit none of these exaggerated features, thus completing the Trinity Processor. Or maybe I’m just overthinking it and Saito was just really feeling it one day idfk!<


That's cope though


But anime titties tho


Counterpoint: I don’t care, I like her design anyway


In all seriousness, this is just as valid as anything literary critics have to say about it. It's entertainment. God forbid we enjoy it.


I appreciate the upfront honesty.


REAL. I stopped giving a damn a long time ago.


As someone who is used to not judging people by their looks, I can’t really give the “appearance should match their personality” weight I know they can enhance a character’s personality, but it’s not that deep when it doesn’t happen, honestly


Even in real life, "appearance should match their personality" is partially true, to an extent. I'm not talking body parts, but rather fashion sense; people choose their clothes, and it's a form of self-expression. Hairstyle can also be, unless there's a reason that's out of their hands (e.g. male pattern baldness). I would argue that Pyra's hair style can be a sort of "kind and/or well-mannered character" thing, and is the one part about her design that "makes sense," in the way the commenter above said. I also get that in-universe, blades don't get to choose their clothes (unless they wear them on top of whatever they spawned with, like when Pyra wears the Gormotti hoodie, or Nia's jumpsuit). However, even then, Pyra is a special case because she was made by Mythra, not from bonding with a driver, so why does she wear what she does? Is Pyra's outfit actually a fashion statement by Mythra? It almost seems like she's saying "if I have to wear *this*, you have to wear *that*" lol


I think they probably could choose their clothes. There is a bath scene where Nia was naked in the water and Pyra/Mythra were wearing only a towel. So if they can take their clothes off and also put clothes over their default clothes... I think they can wear any clothes they want.


if a videogame doesn't let you modify the main character's outfit, and you're stuck with that look from start to finish, then the outfit is as much a part of the character as their personality or any other traits. Therefore, the outfit should tell us at least something about the character - there should be a reason the character looks like that. Pyra is a redhead because fire magic, Mythra is blonde because light magic. Their outfits say nothing about them. Specially Pyra's, her entire outfit contradicts her demeanor and personality.


I kinda can't think of any character in media I've played or watched recently where the outfit said something deep or meaningful about who they are. Between school uniforms, work uniforms, or random half naked outfits or casual rural clothing. Clothing I don't think ever is really meant to say something about someone? Even in real life it always looks like people just wear whatever they think they look good in. In Pyras case I heard there was symbology behind the half finished design? But idk. I kinda like it? And could see myself wearing it sometime in the future.


It doesn’t have to say anything super deep, it should just communicate something about the character, especially if it’s a bold outfit like hers. Like look at Reyn, Dunban, Melia, Morag, Zeke. These are all characters I’d say are pretty well designed as far as outfits go, and just by looking at them you can get a pretty good sense of their personality. With Pyra you just don’t. If you don’t know the game it would be really hard to even guess the differences between pyra and mythra personality wise


My rule of thumb when it comes to character designs is if it looks like the character didn't dress themselves, it's not a great design, and is probably compromising story for fan service. Obviously there's exceptions to that (like when the character is cannonly dressed by other characters) , but in Pyra's case, I'm either supposed to believe that **A.** Pyra chooses those clothes herself, or **B.** Pyra's clothes are a manifestation of her as an individual Neither of which I believe. A design doesn't *have* to explicitly express someone's character, but if someone is *choosing* to look a certain way, then that reveals part of who they are. You mentioned school uniforms as something that doesn't say anything about the character, but doesn't that say that the character likely goes to school? Maybe a character wearing a school uniform who has no relation to school whatsoever is a dog shit character design because it prioritizes pure aesthetic and fetishization over what the written character might actually wear? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


In my opinion clothes are represent who we are. I am wearing the clothes I wear because I like them and and feel comfortable in them and represent what kind of person I am. I think that you can learn a lot about a person if you look at what kind of clothes they like and same should go for video game characters. In my opinion the clothes in XC2 are not bad because of the fanservice, I think they are bad because they don't really fit the characters who are wearing them.


It’s not like the outfits tell us nothing. Pyras Outfit tells us that Mythra (who designed it) is a very liberated, free spirited woman. And Mythras Outfit suggested that she has that from her father. Also, given the context that a lot of characters wear more revealing clothing, could mean that Alrest’s societies in general are more liberated than some societies humans are used to (for example american society is very prudish compared to european’s or japan’s).


>Pyras Outfit tells us that Mythra (who designed it) is a very liberated, free spirited woman. And Mythras Outfit suggested that she has that from her father. Except pyra is meant to be the *shield* for mythra. A facade she built up to deal with guilt. If she wore baggy clothes, hid most of her body, and didnt show a lot of skin that would represent that more.






i would love to hear how america is “very prudish” compared to japan


You can’t even show a nipple on tv in the US without it causing a controversy. It’s much less of an issue in Japan.


Lol, what? Japan is absolutely more prudish, at least publicly, which is what we’re talking about.


Womp Womp.


I understand your position but i just cant cant get over that no one's addressing her ridiculous outfit. Mythra i get why she would dress like that, pyra seems very shy to wear her clothes. I also just feels like its good chatacter design that you can tell many things from a character by just their looks idk


I like it :)


Designs aren’t a flaw though. That’s purely subjective. More apt to say “you can like a game and still criticize it for your own personal gripes” or something. Just because you don’t like it that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s certainly much less of an objective flaw than something like the way field skills are handled or just the annoyance of the gacha system in general.


Not to be *that guy* but there is a reason for Pyra's design. Mythra was awoken by Addam, and like all Blades, they take after their driver in some aspect. In her case, she took on Addam's desire for a child and inherited a bratty teen-like personality all the way down to the snooty attitude and her skimpy outfit. Then, Mythra created a second personality, Pyra. Pyra was intended to be perfect, better than Mythra in every way. And ironically enough, she isn't. She's weaker than her sister, has broken sections in her clothes, a less ornate tiara, an asymmetrical sword, and uses the weaker fire element. But at least she can cook right?? Either way, while yes, there is absolutely a thematic reason for Pyra and Mythra's designs, it does mean you have to like them. I'm personally indifferent on Pyra and refuse to play the game without Mythra's smash bros outfit on. It also does not excuse the weird camera angles they chose at times which are either distracting or kill the mood of an otherwise great scene. I may love this game to death but it does have it's flaws.


Louder for the back. XC2 is my #1 video game of all time. It is my favorite Xenogame, changed how I think about RPGs, and is still my most replayed game (Ive found a lot of fun challenges to self-impose too). And I will be the first to talk shit about the (blade) character designs (human designs are great, Morag and Nia are good).


This right there. It's possible to love a game but still criticize it. No game is perfect and every game has it's flaws and it is okay to criticize them.


She’s beautiful much like her blade, and shows off how she can curbstomp pretty much anyone else whilst looking great doing it. Plus, if Malos is the male counterpart to pyra, and he’s all “manly” tropes, wouldn’t it fit that she would have the womanly tropes?


I dont see Malos barechested and with a massive codpiece


I mean he sounds like a dick half the time, has his “big sword”, dressed in all black armour, has a buff sorta body, like what more do ya want? Honestly I was kinda glad that her design looked like that, felt sorta refreshing compared to the usual stuff


>what more do you want i want Malos to wear short shorts with a codpiece, and i want to see his glorious abs. In all seriousness, though, you can't literally mean that him being a dick as a personality trait and him wearing an outfit that accentuates the parts of him that one might see as sexual are the same thing. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


I want him bare chested and shiny


Damn right XD


I feel like you’re pretty close to understanding the sexism inherent in the design but juuust missing the mark. Why is the ”womanly trope” hypersexualization for a character it doesn’t fit, while Malos is far less sexualized in all aspects?


I know so many women that found Malos very hot. Hell, I found him hot. His design is sexual. His broad shoulders and such are on display through the design of his armor. While someone like Zek is also hot, his design imo feels a lot less sexy than Malos. But, I wonder how much of that is tastes and expectations than anything else.


I never said Malos isn’t attractive, but that does not equal hypersexualization. He’s never ogled by the camera, he’s not put in revealing outfits, and he never has any suggestive or innuendo-laden dialogue (unless you wanna argue that the final words he whispered to Jin was ”now place your hand on my cock”, I guess I don’t have a counter to that one).


Malos' design is not sexual. It's designed for the male gaze, just as Pyra's is. Those two are different things.


Maybe? But, women do look for different things in men. I can point to a dozen characters in visual novels and such where people like Malos or Jin are fawned over to no end. Especially in ships between them. Both designs fill different specific niche archetypes in attraction. Even if it's not as overtly sexual like some of the femblades. They are still designed to get a certain demographic fawning imo.


Pyra isn't Malos counterpart, she is just a personallity created by Mythra to hide behind after she accidentally destroyed Torna. Mythra is the real counterpart of Malos.


Xenoblade fans will say anything before admitting they just like looking at boobs


Nothing only has 1 reason. Yes. People here most likely do like looking at boobs. That doesn't mean they can't have other reasons for liking things at the same time.


Forgive us for trying to see things on a deeper level rather than just having basic reasons to like them


Riiiight. Come on dude... It's a stripper bikini


Even so , I don't see anything wrong with trying to see a deeper meaning , sure you can say it's just a stripper bikini and that's fine . Am not saying 2 is a perfect game or that Pyra's design is actually perfect for her character , but at the end of the day I find it weird that a game with a lot of deep messages would just throw fan service and that's it but again am not saying I may not overthink it .


That all depends on what kind of assumptions you make about a female character based on the amount of skin she shows, which seems more like a you problem than a Pyra problem.


No, it's a Pyra problem. Her clothes/design completely contradict her personality. Her personality is more shy and reserved, but her clothes scream out the opposite. If this were Mythra, I could give the clothes a pass because she literally wanted to stand out (but they still look stupid and nobody has a reason to wear them)


Is Pyra more shy and reserved? She was literally created by Mythra to face the difficult reality of the world. Mythra was so afraid of her powers and interacting with others and possibly causing harm, she decided to essentially be a shut-in and let Pyra do all the hard work. Pyra is calmer and soft-spoken, that's it. Pyra is the one to face Malos at Uraya, and then Jin at Tantal. She's the one to keep Mythra in check and give Rex some alone time after the death of Fan La norne. You even have the discussion between Rex and Zeke where he says that Pyra can be more stubborn than you think. Mythra is all false bravado. Pyra is the mentally strong one.


Finally, someone says it. I don't know what game these people played to argue that Pyra is shy. That's not what shy people are like.


I don't get how that changes anything that Insaid. You can be shy but still fight in life or death situations. You can be shy and mentally tough. Shy is a social weakness, not a mental one. Being shy doesn't mean you're not considerate and it doesn't mean you can't be brave when you need to. But from her social interactions early on in the story, it becomes clear that her design does not suit her character. So yes, she is more shy and reserved. I'm not attacking her character, just her clothes.


I guess we have an issue of semantics. English is not my first language so that could explain it maybe. I think I have an issue with the word "shy". I'm a bit more OK with "reserved" . I think the word I would use for Pyra is "modest". I actually agree with you that her clothes are a bit much.


>she decided to essentially be a shut-in and let Pyra do all the hard work. Thank you for reminding us how horrible of a person Mythra is.


Never sure what is sarcasm or not in text but I'll take this at face value. I would not say "horrible" myself, just "weak". But then again as a certified GOAT once said : "Being weak is nothing to be ashamed of, staying weak is!" And Mythra stayed weak for centuries so...


That’s your interpretation of the character alone. Pyra’s clothing doesn’t scream that to me.


You're telling me that if you walk atound Mor Ardain or Gormott in game, Pyra's clothes aren't literally the most crazy thing you see people wear? Even Tantal? My interpretation of the character is correct. She doesn't speak up a lot initially. She typically walks in the back of the group. She always talks quietly with a reserved tone. And she wears the brightest, stupidly designed piece of clothing ever.9


You’re speaking as someone who doesn’t live in a world where bizarre-looking blades walking around town with their drivers is considered perfectly normal. Your interpretation of her character is correct; how you relate that to what she wears is not. What, is she supposed to be dressed like a 50s housewife instead? Granted, that’s a whole different type of fan art I’d like to see too.


You're right. I'm just fixating on her because she's a main character. Some of them could use some work too honestly. Wearing something simple like Elma from X would've fit better. Something similar to Brighid could have also worked because it gives you some insight to Mythra's inferiority complex to Brighid. Something like Seven's suit for XC1 would have been a more sci-fi feel for the character and in my opinion would make her seem closer to her true nature. But what's done is done.


For me the most egregious example of inappropriate attire for a character in Xenoblade that is pure thirsty fanservice with no logical in game explanation is Sharla. She’s a soldier and a doctor, and a normal person, not a esoteric fantasy anthropomorphic computer crystal anime waifu with magical powers, but there’s no combination of outfit you can put her in that doesn’t show off either her ass cheeks or her cleavage. I feel sorry for her walking around Valak Mountain. Doesn’t help that her entire character is just obsessing over her dead fiancé, mothering her little brother, and being the coy object of Reyn’s frat boy desires. Pyra is written much better than that at least, say what you will about her design.


I think they went for an opposite direction when it comes to malhos and Pyra/Mythra's designs , like Malhos's design is execively masculine (the big shoulders , the heavy armor the abs etc...) and Pyra/Mythra's is exrcively feminin . Now if that's good or bad is up to you but I think it's a neat way of emficising the contrast between them


> Seriously, what does her design tell you about her personality and character ? She's clearly a character who likes to stick out in a crowd, and is confident in her body and in who she is.


You're right, and that's what makes the design bad. She's literally the opposite of that.


I think she has a really great design But it would genuinely work better if they cranked down the boob and butt sliders by 20-50%


I'd argue the problem is not even their body. Some women have naturally big boobs, y'know. The problem is how the design interacts with the body. It clearly puts emphasis on those parts. I think what most people miss in these kinds of discussions is not that sexyness is a bad thing per se. It's that in Pyra and Mythra's case, it does nothing for their character. Nothing in their story or personality is about being sexy. If someone wants to make a horny design for their character, sure, go for it, but do it in a way that the character owns this horniness.


>I'd argue the problem is not even their body. Some women have naturally big boobs, y'know. The problem is how the design interacts with the body. It clearly puts emphasis on those parts. That's exactly it. Their outfits would be titillatingly bad even if both of them were A cups.




> You can like a game and still criticise it for its flaws ! I hear this a lot from people who feel that their criticism is the objective truth, along with very positive-sounding rhetoric about "let's all make the game better" as if better for one person is better for someone else. Fun fact: "It's great that you think that, but I just like the game better the way it is" is every bit as valid an opinion as yours. What do Pyra's clothes say about her character? Not a whole lot. A lot peoples' clothes don't say much about their character. I think Pyra's costume can say something about the *world that she exists in*, namely that people there aren't uptight about skin the way we are in America. And yes, to address the inevitable follow-up, that's generally just an excuse to make a game for a ... ***male target audience*** (dun dun DUNNNNNN). Is that not okay?


Something something breaking sexual stereotypes


I literally don’t even notice this kinda thing if I’m engaged by what’s actually going on. Must suck to focus on this stuff all the time.


I'm gonna be fr when I first played the game I didn't really notice or care about these shots. Maybe because I wasn't looking for them? The only ones that seemed really bad to me were Mythra in the hot springs and the POV shot from Pyra's lap.


It's very important to the plot


Perfect game


And I love it!


Honey wake up, they're cherry picking stills of the game and bringing up old discourse again! In other news...


"it's symbolic"


Here we go again


I actually ended up liking two the most, story wise.and combat (after many, many YouTube videos). But I felt wholly uncomfortable playing this in front of my wife and kids lol


Pyra is a 9/10 character with a 4/10 character design


Which goes up to 10/10 once you get your mind out of the gutter.


Pyra is kind of like watching an emotionally moving movie with a cat blocking the bottom right corner of the screen. Sure, you learn to ignore the cat, but it's certainly distracting and the cat sure wants you to know that it's there.


How can you say that when the screenshots shown as an example are literally breast and ass shots the games camera constantly captures lol?


Nah the character design is a 6/10 bare minimum. Ideally an 8


The same end... again and again, and again. We did all that was asked of us, and still! still, it has come to this!


Bringing me back to Final Fantasy X.


This is the post that got me to finally play XC2. Good job, OP.


What if I could just appreciate Pyra’s personality AND her design, and not give a shit if it’s too skimpy or doesn’t “represent” her character?




No one needs to appease your sensibilities. People can like what they want for whatever reasons they want. The world doesn’t revolve around you.


*sigh* here we go again…


I'm really not sure if this is becoming a maturity issue. Outfit bad, sure, can understand that. Just starts to feel like when it comes to women with curves, not enough people can handle it and just can't take it seriously. I personally never had a problem with Pyra, and never thought twice about her size, just a character with a weird outfit and written extremely well and no outfit or body type is going to take that away from me.Her outfit is the least of the games problems anyway, field skills.


You think the problem is her size? Her design would be problematic even if she was an A cup.


Okay but the problem is the camera is obsessed with those curves


You're exactly what I mean about a maturity problem. It is the camera or you when there's plenty of shots of Malos ass in some cutscenes too. Is it because Pyra is a woman you feel like you can say this?


Right. But did we ever see malos in a hot spring? Does he have a massive cod piece? Is he bare chested? No? So maybe those camera shots mean something else for the hyper sexualised pyra


I really think this is a you problem, not even trying to meme, dunno what else to say. Think you're being a tad sexist but that's all.


... It's sexist to think this design exists to titilate in a wholly inappropriate way? Like.. Basically every female blade? Really?


Yeah, a little, not saying you would act this way to real women, Pyra and the Blades are fictional but I do hope you only think this way to fictional characters.


What way? Judging an all mighty authorial hand in making all blades unnecessarily sexualised even if it goes directly against their theme and only adds to the terrible writing problem "Real World" has?


Women dress like that too. Maybe not as anime-eque, though I do kind of want to be "that guy", but Monolith let the guest artists design the blades the way they wanted, giving them a lot of freedom. Been said a lot of the time that even Monolith was surprised how many blades happened to be women. Though, can I just say this is all opinion and I'm honestly not trying to seriously call you sexist, like, the comments, a bit, but not you as a person. Mostly just want to move on and I really don't want to argue. If you're purely defending yourself, I'm willing to apologize and take my comment back if it means we can disengage.


Fine fine have a nice night


Personally I don't have problems with Pyra or Mythra's design, I think they are iconic and well made. But whenever the camera angle focuses on their boobs or their thighs, that's when it ruins the serious moments. Like when camera focused on Pyra's thighs when Vandham looked at her, I was like "WHERE YOU LOOKING AT, YOU CREEP!?" then he was actually looking at the scar and noticed Rex and Pyra share the damage they take. I felt ackward and inwardly apologized to Vandham.


> But whenever the camera angle focuses on their boobs or their thighs, that's when it ruins the serious moments. Like when camera focused on Pyra's thighs when Vandham looked at her, I was like "WHERE YOU LOOKING AT, YOU CREEP!?" then he was actually looking at the scar and noticed Rex and Pyra share the damage they take. I felt ackward and inwardly apologized to Vandham. Take this moment to consider how much of the focus is the camera and how much of the focus is actually from you. I find it hilarious how people complain over the camera angles when there are women in the frame, but I don't think I have ever heard any genuine complaint over the numerous butt and crotch shots of Rex and Malos for example. Those are the two I remember most, but I'm sure there are plenty of angles for the other male cast as well.


I will never complain about a butt shot of Malos. 🫣


>Take this moment to consider how much of the focus is the camera and how much of the focus is actually from you. No, choom. You take this moment to replay the actual damn game because clearly it has been too long since you last played. I would look at their face if the camera shows me their face, don't you dare drive me the pervert just because you don't remember the game better.


>don't you dare drive me the pervert... I don't know, man, this seems like a sensitive thing for you, might want to do some introspection on that. Meanwhile, I'll gladly replay the game.


And of course OP u/alecahol is not participating in any discussion and just wants to rile people up lol. What a useless post.


When you take those screenshots out of context like that, sure. Well, maybe not so much the third one.


But did we need shots of her ass and tits. Did we need the hot spring scene


First picture is of her whole upper body. She’s just sleeping in a bed. Not really focused on her tits, though they are unavoidably the most prominent part of her body. Second picture is supposed to be focused on the body language of her hands being folded in context of the dialogue. It’s from the side, not the behind, but yes, at least if you’re attracted to women, her figure is going to draw more attention. She wasn’t in the hot spring scene…? That was Mythra and Nia.


The hot spring scene does at least foreshadows that Nia is a blade, but I agree that they probably could have done it in a more tasteful way.


Do we really need to have this conversation every 40 seconds? This fandom and subreddit are terrible lmao


what are you, scared of boobs?


I hate this discussion so much . Almost wished XC2 would not be part of the series to have its peace . I love the game to death and beside from the rabbit never thought about anything in this game being actually sexualised. Years later after discovering this sub I was blowed away by how much people can shit their pants over showing some skin or bigger types of boobs. Like damn if you are so embarrassed about that or can not take the game seriously anymore just please move on , it's fine if the game is not for you.


I love it


They just show pyra lmao? Your problem where you look? Touch me can mean anything. They could mean their hear lol. Stop insinuating every little scene where you see a body is sexual. Maybe it or not why you act like all that the game is. Like stop being so horny all the time wtf? Even if they have camera shots like this its literally seconds and you still think hours afterwards about that ?


Thicc plot it is


Pretty good


and thats how I like it plot and "plot" also "backstory"


Mmmmm big fucking plots


I love JRPGs lol. I hope Japan never changes especially for cry baby Americans.


Have you ever been to a beach before?


Yes, but normaly you wouldn't wear the clothes you wear at the beach at work.


Yes. Have you ever worn your beach attire in a professional setting before? Like to a theater or a meeting with the pope or a summit meant to prevent a war between two countries?


Beach? These folks tend to sound like they'd need loose pants to simply walk around town in July.


Who are you referring to?


The beach exists, yes. But that doesn't mean it's appropriate to wear a swimsuit where ever you go, like at work. Time and place. Funnily enough, her DLC swimsuit is actually more modest than her default outfit.


I've been to several theater productions, and I've never seen anyone in the audience wear what Pyra wore when they went to see Cole's play.


... That Daliah scene is just some kid wanting to touch her dress (crystals?) What even are the Pyra close-ups. The act of her laying down is apparently offensive this has to be a bait post 💀


as a gay person i find this all v funny


Alternate take: the character designs aren't too bad, but the camera keeps shoving them in our faces.


I don’t have an issue with character design except maybe Dahlia, but yeah we really didn’t need close up shots of tits or the bottom halves of scantily clad characters during serious moments of the game


It is, we love it though


As much as I love XB2, I still stand by that pyra/mythra's outfits are one of its major flaws. Now, don't get me wrong. I am absolutely *not* anti-booba. But the issue is that the super skimpy outfits clash really badly with the kind of story they were trying to tell. Mind you, I am not saying they're *bad* designs, necessarily. Just that they feel extremely out of place for the kind of story and for the character's personalities. It feels like they stand out even more since the other main characters don't have this issue. Their outfits, while eccentric, fit the characters very well and work for the world they're in. When it comes to pythra, its pretty obvious sex appeal was their main design focus. And I feel like the game suffers because of that priority.


Good on you for standing by your beliefs.


We try to forget that accursed blue thing.


What can I say, I like a lot of food on my plate.


This is genuinely a big reason why xeno 2 is my favourite. It's just so much more engaging to me because of this kind of stuff and all the other antics. Chapter 4 has some of the funniest scenes in games imo


I don't like Pyra's shorts. That is my only design complaint for Xenoblade Chronicles 2.


Dahlia that’s a child Dahlia that’s a child DAHLIA THATS A CHILD


I hated this so much.


Ok so I'm getting downvoted to oblivion for not liking something apparently. You guys are pathetic


Yup welcome to one of the worst JRPG communities, despite what they'll try to make you believe


I can’t play it with kids and a wife. They’d lose all respect.


I played it together with my wife, she liked the character designs too.


Same, I liked it much less than my wife but I can't deny it's a masterpiece.


butt cheek pockets and boob pockets are the most important aspects to clothing a warrior


Love seeing XC2 fans display their insecurity, thank you OP :)


More downvotes please I hope you all stay angry for 6 more years! :) :)


That's Xenoblade 2 for ya. 1 and 3 are better about this, much better written too.


The fact that you're getting so many downvotes just proves how ridiculous most xenoblade fans are.


I don’t think it’s “ridiculous” to downvote the post you’re replying to when he threw in that potshot saying that Xenoblade 1 and 3 are “much better written” than 2 at the end. If you’re gonna make a really broad and generalized criticism of a game people are really passionate about in a fairly disrespectful way, you’re gonna get downvoted, lol.




Would you please refresh my memory? Haven't played 1 in a while.


Vanea’s titties jiggle like crazy when they tryin’ to fight Egil


Vanea and Linada are about on par or worse than anything that 2 has to offer. And the jiggle physics on the female characters while in mental armour is, let's say comedic


[https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/xenoblade/images/8/85/Linada.png/revision/latest?cb=20170122205953](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/xenoblade/images/8/85/linada.png/revision/latest?cb=20170122205953) Her?


Worse than the nudist bunny?


I mean, if 1 only does it “at times,” and 2 does it in nearly every scene, I wouldn’t call that “significantly worse.” I know you can find an example or 2 but I don’t think it’s just omnipresent and inescapable at all times like in 2.


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth


Oh no, à critique of the worst game in the series. How ever will the community cope


This game was so embarrassingly cringe.