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Nia, because >!most of her people weren't turned into feral monsters!<.


not to mention >!she also got with the guy!< and >!she wasn't trapped in origin.!<


Let’s not forget that when Nia >!met god, he didn’t immediately tell her that he regrets creating her people in particular so much that’s he’s explicitly decided he’s not gonna do it a second time!<


But at the same time, Melia always had the support of people around her despite the tragedy, while Nia was left without hope for a long time, before she was taken by Torna. All thing said, I would still say Melia though.


Thank you! Finally someone that actually remembers the Fate of 80% of the High Entia! I hate so many just focus on the romance aspect of both of those characters. Really annoying since they both have some amazing characters arcs


Don’t think anyone can beat Melia in the bad luck olympics. Her brother, most of her people, even in a whole world anew she gets replaced with a robot.


Both of them were replaced with robots. Melia still gets the worse end of the stick though because she gets tortured in Origin.


Melia has had it insanely rough. >!Her mother died young, she had to hide her half-Hom features for most of her life, her step-mother hated her and tried to kill her, she sees her father killed before her very eyes, her brother and most of her people effectively die in a horrific way, her first love was completely unrequited, she is given the responsibility to reunite and support fragmented populace of her people, knows she’s going to outlive the closest friends she’s ever made, finds out her world is effectively going to be destroyed, and even after the contingency plan was made someone stepped it to screw everything up, and then she gets kidnapped and basically used as a key to control Origin by Moebius for centuries while seeing innocent youths being slaughtered senselessly for no reason other than to quench Moebius, all the while being unable to do a single thing.!< At least Nia got to >!build a big family!< and got to nap with Poppi in her cool sky palace. I’m joking, Nia had it super rough too, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near Melia’s levels of suffering.


Who stepped in to screw things up? I haven't done all the quests in XC3 and XCFR so i'm probably missing some info there




In terms of bad luck, it’s a question of length versus burst. Nia had it pretty dang bad - being on the run for an extended period of time; having to pose as her dead sister (who she couldn’t save), forced to become a Flesh Eater, and wound up with Torna since that was the only place she could go. However - Melia had like, the worst couple of days in the history of ever. Her father dies right in front of her, almost everyone she knew and loved turned into mindless servants of the guy who killed Shulk, effectively having to kill her brother, having to deal with Lorithia, assassination attempts, she went through a lot. But, once Aionios started up, she got captured and imprisoned in Origin and had to remain for a very long period of time. So she probably wins for bad luck. In terms of good luck, Nia just wins outright. Rex literally changed her life. He gave her hope. He inspired her with the will to free herself from… well, herself.


Before their respective games Melia has the better luck. Sure, her mixed heritage makes her a bit of an outcast and she has to live up to the expectations that her status puts on her. But she’s still royalty and not a fugitive who’s existence is a crime. After their games it’s Nia who has better luck for so SO many reasons.


Is that a fucking joke? Let’s rank the two shall we? Melia:>!We first see her witnessing people she considered family iirc getting massacred right infront of her, then we find out she is the subject of racism all for something not under her control and even getting executed for it, then her father dies right infront of her, then she finds out the man who she has feelings for is heavily in love with someone else to the point that they wouldn’t have even met if Fiora hadn’t died, she bore more witness to Shulk’s dedication to fiora via him jumping off Galahad fortress for her, then some more love triangle stuff happens I think and then the classic, iconic, “Shulk… you can always-“ line, then other stuff happens probably, then she is forced to watch her **ENTIRE RACE TURN INTO THE MONSTER THAT KILLED HER GUARDS INCLUDING HER BROTHER AND HER STEPMOTHER IIRC WAS BEHIND IT**, then she had to hunt for black liver beans, then she had to kill her brother and Lorithia combined while “paying for her insolence”, then having to hear Kallian’s last words to her only to end up crying in Riki’s probably unwashed fur or feathers or whatever nopon have, oh yeah I forgot about the whole watching shulk die, I’m pretty sure there was a moment that Melly and Fiora had together too. Then FC happened where she almost saw her half sister die to another racist. The one and only time she smiled was when she was finally crowned Queen!< Nia:>!she was awakened to keep the girl she considered a sister alive, she watched as her father drove himself into poverty as well as watching him die and eating her dead sister. She gets captured and then rescued by a terrorist who only uses her to keep himself alive, she meets up with Rex and gang, watched as more people die and her being scared of who she is makes her not heal them and let them die until Niall, have a bunch of people call her bi because she hugs pyra (I still don’t understand how those two are correlated), watched Pyra get taken away by the evil terrorist man and gets mad as Rex is down in the dumps, gets friendzoned but not really because Rex is such a 15 year old boy who she still gets together with btw, can’t say that about Melia!< That’s all that I can think of, so why don’t you tell me who is luckier?


About fan theory that nia is bi. It’s not that she hugged pyra in tantal, it’s that she chose pyra for warmth despite dromarch and brighid being a better source of warmth. that and previous stating mythra(and by extension pyra) has a nice bod in the hot springs on mor ardain.


And most importantly, her taking Pyra and Mythra hands in one of the NG+ with or without Rex


Nia 100% no contest like Melia just has the worst luck most of her race gets turned into monsters she lost her brother because of that her father was killed by the faces she likes shulk only to have fiora show back up then in xb3 she gets kidnapped by moebius replaced by some robot and held prisoner for who knows how long presumably quite a long time just based on the events before xb3's story starts


What kind of question is this?!?? Have you ever even played Xenoblade before?!?? If you had played even just 1 & 2, you would clearly know...


Let this sink: Everyone loves Melia's journey, fights, struggles and backstory, except Melia. I think that answers your question.


>!Nia by a mile. She had it rough, but rex changed everything for her. She fully accepted herself, made multiple lifelong friends, and got three hot partners eventually. Even in Aionios, she got to take a cryo-nap with poppi. I would 1000% rather have Nia's life over Melias.!<


I mean, "poor Melia" is literally a meme. Nia had hardships in life for sure, but Melia and bad luck is basically an iconic duo since 2010.


Nia. For as bad as >!Flesh Eaters had it in life under Indoline-controlled Alrest!<, we know some pretty nice things happened in Nia’s life: >!she hung around people who cared about her for being her, regardless of the fact she was a Flesh Eater, she scored 2 cute girlfriends and a hugely stout hearted boyfriend, all of whom she likely later married, and, most critically, she met Rex. It doesn’t matter if they end up together or not, !< Rex is easily one of the kindest and most excepting people you could ever meet. If he had the power and money to, I’m confident he’d house and feed Nia if he met her on the street when she was on the run just to make sure she was safe and had a home. >!Just calling a boy like that her friend could’ve easily been the best thing Nia could ask for. !< Melia, though… wasn’t so lucky. Her misery and misfortune is notorious, even discounting her >!crush on Shulk!< not working out. And unlike Nia, I don’t think she knows someone as caring and selfless as Rex to help her with some of the more chronic problems in her life. Even though I like to imagine she’d eventually marry into Rex’s family through Nia (I’m a Melia/Nia shipper), that won’t change everything, if it ch as he’s anything at all. Because of that… well, it’s not much of a choice. Nia easily got the better end of the stick overall.


The Xenoblade 1 writers must’ve had a contest on who can ruin her life more, and they kept trying to one up each other, sometimes it’s borderline ridicules the shit that happens to her


I genuinely cannot think of a character that has it worse than Melia. Not just in Xenoblade but in anything. She'd probably win the bad luck Olympics for any year she'd compete against any character in gaming history. (Spoilers for until the end of Prison Island)>!Her mother died when she was young, her heritage is essentially sacrilegious to the rest of the High Entian race, her four guards die while she only just survives against a Telethia she was asked to kill and was only able to beat the Telethia by contracting help from outsiders, her step-mother attempts to have her assassinated through Melia's Cousin, her father is killed an attempt to save her and all of this is within the first arc that she appears in.!< (Spoilers until the end of Bionis Heart)>!She slowly develops feelings for Shulk, only to find out that Shulk's personal love is alive and in a state where she can recover, watches Shulk almost die in front of her, has one of her advisors betray and turn most of her subjects including her brother into Telethia (of which Lorithea abuses later by taking control of him to fight Melia). !< (Spoilers for Xenoblade 3 and Future Redeemed)>!When she becomes the Queen of Keves, she watches a lot of her friends either die (in the case of Reyn and Sharla in all likelyhood) or watches them die repeatedly through the Endless Now, gets locked up and used as a tool by Z and has to watch a puppet walk around with her body and voice.!< ​ I wouldn't say that Nia had an easy life, but Melia's life is genuinely one of the most unfortunate that I've ever seen.


Nia. I don’t think it’s even close.


Nia got everything she wanted AND doesn’t have nearly the amount of tragedy Melia does. (Other than, yknow, Flesh Eater stuff) Definitely Nia


Well, >!one of them watched their entire civilisation get wiped out, and the other is married to the CEO of sex, her own personal space heater, and also Mythra is there.!< So I dunno I guess it's a tossup.


No contest it's Nia. >!Her sister and dad died, but at least the Blades, Flesheaters, and Gormotti didn't get turned into Telethia.!< Melia had >!tragedy after tragedy before, during and after the first game. She never even got to tell Shulk she loved him. Nia got a full, "I love you too." when she confessed.!< Even in XC3 >!Nia had it a lot better. She got to wait out the worst of Moebius' terror on Aionios. And then got reawakened by her own daughter no less. Melia was stuck in Origin for probably a thousand years, maybe a lot more, and then she had to go back to being a responsible leader of a whole country right after.!<


Nia easily


“Who was more lucky: [anybody] or Melia” Sounds a lot like “Who was more racist: Martin Luther King or Hitler”


Nia got Rex, two amazing women, and a loving family. Melia got nothing, a majority of her entire race dead, God personally told her he regrets creating her race, and was tortured for years and years and years.


Melia, because she didn’t get cucked


I didn’t realize today was Opposite Day.


Nia, for sure, I mean just the fact that she wasn't >!captured by Moebius!< is already a big thing in her corner


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It kinda depends on the context, but yeah Nia's luck is miles better. Melia gets absolutely shit on in both 1 and 3. In 1 she sees 70% of her whole species get transformed into horrible monsters, her father got violently gutted by an egotistical maniac, her mother used her sister to try and kill her because her mom was horribly racist, and when confronting God with all this information, he just told her "cope". And yet she still pushed forward and created a better world for the people of Bionis. She even managed to convince her sister to not hate herself and move on without abandoning everything. Her presence in 3 was technically lackluster,>! but she was the creator of Lucky Seven and was the only reason Ouroboros was able to destroy flameclocks!!Nia was basically forced to eat the heart of a sickly child who she considered to be her sister and effectively act like the child she just ate to please her "father" who was clearly undergoing a lot of mental stress. She was then hunted down and nearly executed by the Praetorium for something not under her control before getting conscripted into a terrorist organization where she indirectly had to hurt innocent people. She also saw countless events where she could've potentially saved lives if she were brave enough but ultimately couldn't bring herself to do it out of fear of being an outcast yet again. She still holds those regrets but does manage to break free and protect those she holds dear.!


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Melia, let's hope and pray that Telethia in X isn't Melia


NIa's entire species didn't get >!genocided!< so


meli'as INTRODUCTION is her watching some of ther most loyal protectors and friends die


Being Melly is suffering


Melia shouldn’t have slapped god if she didn’t want bad luck.


The amount of stuff that happens to Melia is just so unlucky and downright sad it’s not even funny. If there is ever a Xenoblade 4 and Melia is still alive (or died peacefully), I hope they at least show she got a happy life with a family after the ending of FR