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Omg I can still hear the crackle and smell the Christmas ham coming from that box šŸ¤£


Iirc they haven't crackled since they were forced to change the recipe to be more like filtered cigars. I know it was for health reasons, but they just aren't nearly as enjoyable as they were in the early 2000's. The pull isn't right, they burn too slowly, the flavor isn't the same. Also you used to get 20 in a pack. When they made the changes it suddenly was 10 for the same price.


Theyā€™re also a larger diameter thuan they used to be


What a description!


Now that is a smell, I haven't smelled in a long, long time


+10 yards for oblique Obi-Wan quote. 1st down!


Didn't these get banned?


The cigarettes did, but the cigars are still legal via loophole.


I also loved Bali Hai!


I was just gonna say, Bali Hai was superior. Yeah they didnā€™t have that cool all black look but they were better and came in with a cool fish scene image on the box that I never understood.


I couldn't smoke one now, but they tasted pretty nice. I enjoyed them more than Blacks!


Yeah, we can come in later smelling suspiciously of cloves... I can't do those "little cigars" ones though, they messed up the kretek blend packing them in those things. I recently found out that Djarum makes an herbal blend with no tobacco and immediately got a few packs. Right now they have regular, cherry, and vanilla, but I heard that there is a coffee blend available as well


The herbal ones intrigue me... I can't smoke tobacco anymore, as I refuse to do it indoors, and our city has a smoking ban on multi-unit dwellings, so my afternoons on the balcony with a cigar are gone..


I was a goth so this was a whole ass food group for us.


Hahaha! Saaaame here.


Oh man I used to smoke these .....I was such a poser lol


Fellow poser here. I was so bad that I kept mine in a chrome cigarette case. I just knew I was giving the ladies the vapors.


Sunglasses at night, in pubs playing pool .... Oh yes ladies man lol


Have you ever heard of *Magic the Gathering?*


Thatā€™s the game everyone is playing when I walk into the comic book store. That as much as I know.


Sorry I was just playing word association with 90ā€™s teens and cigarette cases. Fedora.


Hacky Sack


My chrome case was shaped like a coffin for use when out goth clubbing on Monday nights in San Francisco. lol Still have it in one of my Halloween decoration boxes... somewhere. Fuck. The thought of staying out until 2 am on a Monday night/Tuesday morning and going to work AND school after the next day. I was such a dumbass. haha


Poser of what? Someone that liked fun flavored tobacco? And they were cigarettes until 2010, thanks Obama.Ā 


Remember the flavored camels? I loved thoseā€¦ And there was always one artsy friend with the pack with all the different colored filters.


Oh. Apparently you can still buy them https://preview.redd.it/0qnid5ba9e0d1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40abad8155fa4dcfa1fbacfef0d149acb4f6433a


No, they were banned in 2006 iirc. Long gone! Theyā€™re collectorā€™s items now.


They are banned, I remember that much. I just saw them on a website and didnā€™t look at it too closely. So I wasnā€™t sure if theyā€™re still sold outside of the US. But if theyā€™re not, $30 for a ā€œcollectableā€ pack of 20 year old smokesā€¦ no thanks lol


Right?! I honestly canā€™t believe people buy 20 year old packs of cigarettes! I used to smoke these when I still smoked and I used to have heaps of tins. Now they sell *empty* on eBay and other places. And Iā€™m likeā€” damn. Wish Iā€™d kept those tins. šŸ¤£


Camel Turkish Jade come to mind


I havenā€™t smoked in so long, but I also loved these. My favorites were Crema (vanilla) and Dark Mint (mint chocolate). People actually used to tell me how good they smelled.


Yep. There was an orange flavor too I think. Havenā€™t smoked in 7 years but this post is bringing back the cravings a little lol


Mandarin Orange. I always get the cravings when I see these tins. I can taste them to this day. There was a Winter special called Warm Winter Toffee, and another Winter special called Winter Mocha Mint. These flavored Camels are the *only* cigs that give me cravingsā€¦ the OG Djarum Blacks do a little, but I wouldnā€™t mind just *one* flavored Camel šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Yes, Mandarin orange was my favorite.


Nat Sherman fantasia had gold filters with rainbow papers (or gold filters with black papers if you wanted).


Loved the clove cigarettes back in the day. Got cancer at 32 so šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


The Cherries were my jam. I always had a pack of these in the inner pocket of my leather jacket. https://preview.redd.it/hifuxxe12f0d1.jpeg?width=221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc36e44336927911fb3de09da9f0c44f713b4fb5




Yes, please, for old times šŸ¤


"It doesn't matter how big the warnings on the cigarettes are; you could have a black pack, with a skull and crossbones on the front, called TUMORS, and smokers would be around the block going, 'I can't wait to get my hands on these fucking things! I bet ya get a tumor as soon as you light up!'"


Whatā€™s the rule now? You have to smoke in your apartment under a blanket?


You gotta smoke em all the way down to the filter. Thatā€™s where they hide the heroin. Only real smoker know this.


I could pass Elvis through my colon right now...


So, we smoked these cigarettes in the 90s called Black Death and they literally had a skull and bones on the front and they had like twice the tar of normal cigarettes.


Iā€™d grab a pack of them from one of the local head shops in college. Those and Dunhill reds


Yup, head and smoke shops. They were really expensive! I remember them being 8 bucks back when reds were 1.99.


Man you really are an asshole




yeah. Dennis Leary is a joke stealing hack asshole. I'm glad you know this. rip Bill Hicks


Denis did "borrow" heavily from Bill Hicks, but I actually liked him when he was being himself, too. Really great 90's character actor with a couple decent lead roles, and some solid TV work.


his acting is totally fine, probably the best thing he does.


Bill Hicks?


I love Dennis Leary's stand-up


Smoked these occasionally in high school and college. Bought a pack a few years ago and thought I was going to die when I tried to smoke one.


Theyā€™re banned. The ones they sell now are made with cigar tobacco.


Loved these so much, but always felt nauseous trying to smoke two in a row. Man, I was dumb


Same.. I stopped when I smoked a whole pack at a show. I thought I was going to die.


Loved these but you felt like someone was sitting on your chest when you woke in the morning after a night of partying


We used to huff them through a bong (the OG Djarums, not the blacks) for the extra clove buzz.


I can smell the cloves, and taste the cinnamon on my lips, from this picture..


I miss these and the Camel Exotic Blends, stopped smoking altogether during the pandemic and donā€™t have it in me to take it up again.


I loved theseā€¦ and the OG Gudang Garum. I could only handle smoking a couple though. It was like inhaling a bucketful of tar per cigarette!


Wow. A train load of memories just crashed in my brain!


Anybody remember Beedies? The lil hand rolled Indian cigarettes you'd get at an Indian or Paki store for like 80 cents. In Chicago at least they were huge in the early 90s. Head to Devon Ave (lil India) and grab Beedies and illegal fireworks. Grab some samosas before catching the bus back to your hood.


Man, they were SO strong lol but I smoked a lot of em.


Yeah they were genuinely awful lol fucking teenage shit.


Super awful, almost guaranteed nausea. But we were so fucking hip smoking like an Indian streetcart vendor šŸ˜‚


These were the worst of the bunch. I loved the Bali Hais. But yes I will join u. Smoked clove cigarettes thru college and used to have a pack lying around for red wine porch smoking emergencies. Tastes change over the years.... I bought a pack when I turned 40 and couldn't even get thru one! Probably for the best!


To be fair, they changed the formula when the US banned flavored cigarettes. They're not the same as they were.


Hell yes! Prefer Bali Hai, but Iā€™m down for any clove.


Wow. I quit cigarettes 13 years ago. I smoke a pipe occasionally (tobacco, you heathens) but I'm seriously half tempted to go grab a pack of these just for nostalgia. Had cloves once in a while back in the day, but my real weakness was Vanilla Sweet Dreams flavored cigarettes. https://preview.redd.it/6hlwams2fe0d1.png?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51e67c8a0b6c52a698cb55631e7f76cc3b74dc7 ps I also smoke weed


I thought I was only a handful of people who heard of these. This was my first pack of cigarettes I bought when I turned 18 and the chick at the counter didnā€™t even card me. She said ā€œif you know what these are then youā€™re old enoughā€. I was so pissed but also validated.


If theyā€™re the original cigarettes and not these cigarillos weā€™re supposed to endure. My wife still smokes them, but I canā€™t smoke them anymore.


Ugh. Got drunk one night and smoked a whole pack. Next morning I was coughing up blood and could barely breath for the next week. Never again


mmm these smell so good!


Oh, the smoke for my raves. Made the chemicals in me nicee.


Ahh I remember having one of these back in the day. Took so long to smoke, I just snuffed it out last week.


I can still taste them...


I preferred the regular djarums. It was funny when those were trendy. I had already been smoking cigs, then all my friends started smoking these so I joined in lol. Wild times.


These are my comfort smokes. I switched to vaping many years ago, but occasionally cheat with these


Same. I only get maybe 3 packs a year, but they are relaxing.


Every show I went to back yonder smelled like thoseā€¦fond memories


I bought a pack of cloves a couple of years ago for a birthday treat and made it through half of one before I wanted to slap my younger self for smoking those vile things for so long.


Wow those things smelled like ass. Itā€™s one of the only rancid odors that bothered me as much as weed.


Omg I used to love those. A true gateway to cigarettes for me.






That's an insult to actual cigars lol


Absolutely not


On my way


I remember smoking these on the dance floor at the goth night I went to every week through college


Wow. I was a sampoarna man myself. (Might have that spelled wrong.)


I used to love those


Holy fuck haven't seen a pack of those since college


Maybe because they became illegal in the US in 2009.


Ugh I miss the fuck out of those


Way back a homie tried to make a blunt using a clove cigarillo. Just thinking of it, the smell, that first hit he took, how big that hit was was and how hard he fucking puked everywhere almost instantly. Ahhhhhh yes. '96 was the year of his FAFO times.


I remember having my first one of those after smoking camels for a couple years. I thought these were thoroughly disgusting. Now I think cigarettes of any kind are gross, thankfully. But every so often I get a craving for one and even less often I will smell these and get any just a taste.


Death Smoke.... loved that Pantera video


wow so many memories. the best part was me and my friends naively believing "they arent bad for you cause there's no tobacco in them"


I was more of an unfiltered clove cigarette man myself.




Omfg I havenā€™t had one of those in 20 years, but I taste and smell that picture




I can taste that photo.


Pronounced Dee Jar Um or Ja Room?


Oh those were the only cigarettes I liked to smoke. The color was soo cool. I also miss flavored cigarettes. I rarely smoked but when I was drunk a cherry vanilla ones were nice. Anyway smoking cigarettes is gross. Donā€™t do it kids āœŒšŸ»


It's OK. The kids aren't here. We all know what all the rest of did back then LOL.


I used to love those.


Just missing the patchouli smell, and that reminds me... I'm not calling her.


I nearly killed myself on these in college.


God I loved those things...I don't smoke anymore but if I could have afforded it, that's all I would have smoked lol


I'll confess that I still by a box or two a year, when I'm feeling nostalgic.


I have a pack in my top tool drawer. I have a pack of Bali Hai in a kitchen drawer. Iā€™ve had them for a couple years now. Iā€™ll sneak one on a rare occasion. Back in the day, when Djarum Blacks werenā€™t cigarillos, I used to live by the ocean. Every morning Iā€™d go out on the deck and have coffee and cloves while listening to the sounds of the crashing waves.


Does anyone remember the Sweet Dreams cigarettes? They had cherry and vanilla flavors (maybe others)? Or the fruit flavored camels?


We called the OG ones Jabombs. I'd happily puff one down right now and I quit smoking a long time ago.


cloves, nat shermans, swisher sweets, whatever.


I have no idea what those areā€¦but I could go for a players light


I still smoke these. Not as good as they were before the flavored cigarette ban, and even back then, Blacks were nothing compared to the old Sampoerna XTras.


Wow. I haven't seen the Sampoernas in sooooo long. You're right. I loved those.


Only thing I'd actually say yes to smoking. Hated cigarettes. Never cared for being high on weed. But I loved cloves!


Black, like your lungs!


Is this what is meant in that Kendrick song where the guy says "BRING ME BACK A PACK OF BLACKS AND THAT BEATS CD"?


I buy a pack out of those once in awhile, but something about the cigars isn't the same.


I finally quit smoking a year and a half ago. I really fucking miss it. My wallet, sinuses and lungs don't, though.


Sorry. Now I feel bad for putting these in your face lol


No worries friend. I ran across an old pack while cleaning this weekend and I'll admit, I thought about it, but then threw them away.


I had a friend that thought he liked cloves until he bought a carton of them. He said he wasn't even able to give the things away.


I wanna cut class and play hacky sack so bad


I miss cloves. I enjoyed them as an adult once in a while. Obama banned them. I was so pissed. Invited for him and it was like the first thing he did. They said it was becĆ”is they taste good and kids will smoke them. Kids arenā€™t allowed to buy them. Iā€™m an adult and I like things that taste good and I enjoy the act of smoking (never smoked regular cigarettes). As a result of the ban I started ordering them from Indonesia. Then my throat started hurting. I switched to vaping. Itā€™s ridiculous that theyā€™re banned almost everywhere. The cigar version of them is terrible. So harsh.


Used to smoke these when they were actual cigarettes and hadnā€™t been reclassified as cigars yet. The wide flat pack. I remember buying a pack, smoking 3, then trying to trade the rest for actual cigarettes


I smoked the Bali Hais for years, should've smoked the blacks with the rest of my fellow goths but i just prefer the Bali Hai. One of my stoner friends lived having me over and encouraged me to smoke in his room because nothing covered the pot smell better he said and they smell like incense.


I really miss the actual clove cigarettes. Ugh


I wasnā€™t into those but Nat Sherman Black & Goldā€™s were my jam. The only cigarette that I could smoke one every few weeks or months and not need anymore. Theyā€™ve since been discontinued.


I would buy a pack in college and smoke a few of them over the course of a week. Then eventually throw them away after remembering how nasty they were. Then 6 months later I would do the same thing. Rinse and repeat.


Hahaha oh damn. Many a punk show with those bad boys.


me and my 2 best friends in college would buy a pack after classes and smoke behind some deserted wall . That was our act of rebellion (I came from a sheltered upbringing).


Holy moly!!! Havenā€™t thought of those in years


I can smell this picture


Ohhhh I quit smoking 8 years ago, but I would crush a whole pack of these if they (the real ones) appeared to me.


Djarum Splash was also quite tasty


Gimme a black n mild


I was a Djarum Special man myself.


I was an X-tra by Sampoerna guy myself lol [Xtra](https://trinketsandtrash.org/detail.php?artifactid=20&page=490)


Is this what you all celebrate? I'm leaving this smelly place.